Difference between Ember.CollectionView and Ember.ContainerView - ember.js

I've gone through the source code comments and the emberjs api but I don't really feel as though I've gotten a very clear idea at the differences between the two types of Ember.View. If anyone could delineate the situations where one might use Ember.ContainerView as opposed to Ember.CollectionView, and vice versa, I would be very grateful. Thanks!

CollectionView = the same child view over and over
This useful when you want to have a view object for every element in an array. For example, if have a list of posts and want to show a PostSummary view for each of them. A typical ember application will get this done by using the handlebars {{each}} helper, which has been implemented using CollectionView.
ContainerView = different child views
Ember.ContainerView when you need to manage an arbitrary list of child views programmatically. CollectionView extends ContainerView. As an alternative you can use handlebars helpers to insert child templates using conditionals around {{view}} helpers instead.


How to create a link-to drop-down in Ember.js

I have an application where we'd like to use a <select> element to control which object is loaded in a detail route.
If this were a normal <ul>, like if I were using bootstrap's drop-down, using the #link-to helper would be perfect here, because I could use the active class to always automatically select the item that is loaded in the child route.
With a select element it's a little different. I'll probably need to write a view, I'm okay with that, but it occurs to me that parents aren't supposed to know about their children in ember, so how does a parent view get access to know which child view is currently selected?
Even a link to how the link-to helper is implemented could be helpful here.
If I'm interpreting this correctly, you're looking to change the URL when the <select> option changes.
With a combination of transitionToRoute, observes, and currentPath you can achieve this using the built in Ember.Select view class.
Here's a JSbin that might help:
parents aren't supposed to know about their children in ember
Where does this come from?
I'm not 100% sure of what you want to accomplish, but you probably want to use one of this: Ember.ArrayController or Ember.CollectionView.
With either of those you can have control over children objects.

How to prevent views from being destroyed in Ember.js

Quick note:
I don't believe this is a duplicate of Ember.js: Prevent destroying of views. Other related questions that I've found are out-of-date.
In case this becomes out-of-date later, I am using Ember 1.7.0 with Handlebars 1.3.0.
Context for the question:
As the title states, I am wondering how to transition between views without destroying them. Using queryParams does not solve my issue.
I am creating a calculator with the following nested views:
>>Calculator View
>>Report View (hasMany relationship to Calculator)
--School Partial (I am using queryParams here)
I am able to navigate between the Report views just fine without destroying my School partial, since I am using queryParams and using a displaySchoolPartial boolean to show/hide the partial. Example below:
Report template (stripped to only show the essential part):
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="calculator/report">
{{#link-to "calculator.report" (query-parameters displaySchoolPartial="true")}}
{{render "_school"}}
School template (also stripped down):
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="_school">
{{#with controllers.calculatorReport}}
<div {{bind-attr class=":schoolPartialWrapper displaySchoolPartial::hide-element"}}>
This works as expected. Navigating between different Report views and School partials, as stated before, does not destroy the view.
The problem:
My problem comes when navigating to the Calculator view, the Report view is destroyed, which then destroys my School view. I do not want to also use queryParams to replace my Report views.
The reason I need to make sure the views aren't destroyed is because I have a select box with 3,000 schools in my School partial. It takes too long to re-render this. It would be a much better UX to simply show/hide the Report views.
Don't fight with Ember. You will lose.
Views are instantiated and rendered when needed and torn down when done.
Why do you have a 3000-element dropdown, anyway?
If you really, really want to do this, what I would suggest is putting a {{render}} on your application page, and hide it. The view will be created and rendered when the app comes up and persist as long as the app is alive. Then, in the didInsertElement of your view, do a cloneNode of that hidden element and insert it into the view's DOM somewhere. You may have to muck around getting event handlers wired up correctly.
My suggestion is not using "render" but using "partial", so you only need to drop in the template that you want. Have a control variable that set show/hide via css class. And control that variable using you controllers.
Using "partial" will allow you to have school template independent from report, thereby removing report will not affect school.
Just make sure you define the outlet and partial correctly.
Hope it helps!

Different rendering techniques in emberjs handlebars template

I've been reading a lot on emberjs lately but something isn't really clear to me: I have a feeling that there are different ways of rendering a template. Can someone explain the differences between these:
I'm using pre4, so if some of these keywords are obsolete, please notify.
You can search the Ember.JS source for all of these by searching for: Ember.Handlebars.registerHelper('?'. For example, to find the part where template is defined, search for: Ember.Handlebars.registerHelper('template'
Is similar to the {{partial}}, but looks for templates that you define in the Ember.TEMPLATES hash. From the source code we can see an example: Ember.TEMPLATES["my_cool_template"] = Ember.Handlebars.compile('<b>{{user}}</b>'); and then we can render it that way.
I heard a whisper that {{template}} is #deprecated, but I can't find where I found that information at the moment. However, it's worth mentioning that I've never found myself using this one. Instead I prefer {{partial}}.
Edit: It appears as though it isn't #deprecated as of
3df5ddfd4f. My mistake!
This is different to the {{render}} approach in that the controller and view are inherited from the context that called it. For example, if you're in the UserRoute, and you load in a partial in your user template, then the UserView and UserController will both be passed to your partial, so they can access exactly the same information as its current parent.
Partial names, when defined, start with an underscore. For instance, a Profile partial will have the data-template-name of: data-template-name="_profile" but is inserted into your view as {{partial "profile"}}.
You'll probably find yourself using this one a lot. It's predominantly used in cases where the outlet changes frequently, based on user interactions. By transitioning to (this.transitionTo/{{#linkTo}}) another page, Ember inserts the view into the {{outlet}} and attaches the relevant controller and view.
As an example, if you're transitioning into /#/pets then, by default, Ember will load the PetsView into the {{outlet}}, and attach the PetsController, all of this after initialising the PetsRoute to take instructions before initialising the view and finding the controller.
This is a mixture of an {{outlet}} and a {{partial}}. It's used for static pages that don't switch out for other pages (as an outlet does), but it doesn't inherit the controller and view (as a partial does).
It's better with an example. Let's say you've got a navigation. Usually you'll only have one navigation, and it won't change for another one, but you want the navigation to have its own controller and view, and not to be inherited from the context (probably ApplicationRoute). Therefore when you insert the navigation ({{render "navigation"}}), Ember will attach App.NavigationController and App.NavigationView.
template: Consults a global hash and inserts the view when it finds it (possibly soon to be #deprecated);
partial: Used to split up complicated views, and inherits the controller/view from the parent (if you're in the UserController, then the partial will also have access to this, and its associated view).
outlet: Most widely used, and allows you to quickly switch out pages for other pages. Relevant controller/view attached.
render: Similar to an outlet, but is used for pages that are persistent across the entire application. Assumes the relevant controller/view, and doesn't inherit them.
Did I explain them well?
Just to clarify:
Partial: Inherited controller, inherited view, non-switchable;
Outlet: Relevant controller, relevant view, switchable;
Render: Relevant controller, relevant view, non-switchable;
The guide also provides some useful information here! Below is a quick summary:
I wanted to post another answer here that really helped me to clarify when to use the various template techniques -
Using a route is when you need a full-blown route. A 'route' has a unique URL and consists of generated or user defined classes of the following type -
Route (Ember.Route)
Controller (Ember.Controller || Ember.ArrayController || Ember.ObjectController)
View (Ember.View)
Template (Handlebars template)
Use the {{render}} helper when you need a view but still need to provide some functionality with a controller. {{render}} does not have a unique URL and consists of the following -
Controller (Ember.Controller || Ember.ArrayController || Ember.ObjectController)
View (Ember.View)
Template (Handlebars template)
Use the {{component}} helper when you are building a commonly re-used template which exists independent of the context it is rendered within. An decent example may be if you were building a retail website and wanted to have a product view agnostic of where it is rendered. {{component}} does not have a unique URL nor a controller but instead has a component class and consists of the following -
Component (Ember.Component)
Template (Handlebars template)
Use the {{partial}} helper when you are simply re-using some mark-up. {{partial}} does not have a unique URL nor any special backing like a component and consists of the following -
Template (Handlebars template)

EmberJs - How to update the Handlebars template content after the view load?

Is there any way in Ember to update the Handlebars template content and re-render the dependent views dynamically?
I tried by using Ember.TEMPLATES and Ember.Handlebars.compile method, but it didn't worked and the JSFiddle is available here, so any suggestions?
I don't know why you're attempting to do this, but if it's just for testing sake, here is a working fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/VTP4n/2/.
Ember caches the template inside the view as a computed property, so I'm overriding it and calling rerender on the view. I wouldn't even consider using this in production though.
Up until recently, it was as easy as overriding the template and then calling view.notifyPropertyChange('template'), but with the new container stuff, it's a lot more complex to do it cleanly.
Capture anything you want the user to manipulate in the template as a property of the view/controller and create a binding for it either as computed property or attach an observer to it. This way you can create a view dynamically and append it anywhere you want in your document.

Ember.js - Diff between ArrayController and CollectionView

Both ArrayController and CollectionView have same functionality to render 'content' array using template, except that collection view have 'append..' methods to append in to anywhere in DOM. Am I right? Is there any other diff? Which one will be more useful?
An ArrayController is just an extension of Ember.ArrayProxy. It provides an interface to working with an array set as its contents. It handles dispatching array mutation notifications to any observers. It does not handle anything to do with the DOM, and is completely isolated from events or the view layer.
A CollectionView is a view (which means it manipulates the DOM and handles events) which takes an ArrayController (or anything that meets the expectations of an Ember.Array) and reflects its contents as Ember.Views. It listens to the mutation events put out by the ArrayController, and updates itself to match. It works by specifically listening to arrayDidChange messages. Without those messages coming from its content, it wouldn't know to create or destroy its views.
When you use the {{#each YourApp.yourArrayController}} helper, you're actually instantiating an Ember.CollectionView, that takes the controller as its content.
ArrayController is a Controller. CollectionView is a View. That's a pretty fundamental conceptual difference. In theory, ArrayController requires a View to render an array using a template. That's why the View has the append methods and the Controller does not.