Regular expression to validate time - regex

I have tried many combination of
to validate a period of time(ie: 0:33 or 12:33).
Therefore, for the most part the above expression works, but I also need to
1) validate ":33" and
2) invalidate "00:33a"
I have googled around and try to combine \s* but it still does not satisfy both conditions.
Any help is appreciated.

If you want to match only valid times (e.g. 23:59, but not 25:03 etc), you could try the following regular expression:

I believe you just need to specify the beginning ^ and end $ string signifiers
That way 00:33a will invalidate

Looking at your question more closely and expanding on Gijs's answer, this may be what you're after...
Allows for ':mm', 'h:mm' or 'hh:mm'.
I'm not sure how universal the (?: non-capturing group is - I'm accustomed to it from .Net.


regex to find domain without those instances being part of subdomain.domain

I'm new to regex. I need to find instances of in an .SQL file in Notepad++ without those instances being part of
From this answer, I've tried using ^((?!subdomain))\.example\.com$, but this does not work.
I tested this in Notepad++ and # but it doesn't work.
Help appreciated.
with g,m,i switches will work for you.
If the matching should be done somewhere in the middle of the string you can use negative look behind to check that there is no dot before:
Without access to example text, it's a bit hard to guess what you really need, but the regular expression
will find where it is preceded by nothing or by whitespace, and followed by a word boundary. (You could still get a false match on because the period is a word boundary. Provide better examples in your question if you want better answers.)
If you specifically want to use a lookaround, the neative lookahead you used (as the name implies) specifies what the regex should not match at this point. So (?!subdomain\.)example trivially matches always, because example is not subdomain. -- the negative lookahead can't not be true.
You might be better served by a lookbehind:
Here's a solution that takes into account the protocols/prefixes,

Why /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+#[a-zA-Z0-9]\.(com)|(edu)|(org)$/i does not work as expected

I have this regex for email validation (assume only,, are valid)
But and abc#xyz.eduorg are both valid as to the regex above. Can anyone explain why that is?
My approach:
there should be at least one character or number before #
then there comes #
there should be at least one character or number after # and before .
the string should end with either edu, com, or org.
Try this
and it should become clear - you need to group those alternatives, otherwise you can match any string that has 'edu' in it, or any string that ends with org. To put it another way, your version matches any of these patterns
It's worth pointing out that the original poster is using this as a regex learning exercise. This would be a terrible regex for actual production use! It's a thorny problem - see Using a regular expression to validate an email address for a lot more depth.
Your grouping parentheses are incorrect:
Can also just use one case as you're using the i modifier:
N.B. you were also missing a + from the second set, I assume this was just a typo...
What you have written is the equivalent of matching something that:
Begins with [a-zA-Z0-9]+#[a-zA-Z0-9].com
contains edu
or ends with org
What you were looking for was:
Your regex looks ok.
I guess you are looking using a find function in stead of a match function
Without specifying what you use it is a bit difficult, but in Python you would write
import re
pattern = re.compile ('^[a-zA-Z0-9]+#[a-zA-Z0-9]\.(com)|(edu)|(org)$')
re.match('') # fails, use this to validate an input'') # matches, finds the edu
Try to use it:
U forget about + modificator if u want to catch any combinations of (com|edu|org)
Upd: as i see second [a-zA-Z0-9] u missed + too

regex for several domains

I am using a regular expression to determine when to fire a tracking tag or not.
If a visitor to one of the sites is on one of these three domains the tag should fire:
I actually have a regular expression that works. But I'm not confident and wanted to bounce it off the folk on this board.
This is what I have. Is there a simpler, more elegant or more robust regex to use for matching the 3 domains?
Following some answers, this regex should exlude other domains e.g. or similar.
I'm not sure whether should match, without the www. prefix - from your list it seems that no, but from your regex it seems it will be matched.
In either case I guess you can simplify it a bit:
Note the use of (?:) instead of just (): this means positive look-ahead assertion without capturing. Its a best practice not to capture when you don't need to - saving time and memory.
It must be at starting position with or not www.. So:
If it maches, then do something.
Regex live here.
Hope it helps.

Regular Expression to find multiple instances of %%{ANYTHING}%%

I'm in need of a regular expression which can pull out anything which is wrapped in '%%'- so this regular expression would match only the following:
I've tried lots of different methods, and am sure there is a way to achieve this- but i'm struggeling as of yet. I mainly end up getting it where it will match everything from the first %% to the last %% in the string- which is not what i want. i think i need something like forward lookups, but struggling to implement
You need a non-greedy match, using the ? modifier:
See it working online: rubular
This can also be done be restricting what is allowed between the %s.
This is more widely supported than non-greedy matching, however
note that this won't match %%A%B%%. Although, if necessary, this can be done with some modifications:
Or equivalently

REGEX - Allow Numbers and . - /

I need a regular expression to allow just numeric and (.-/)
It should allow something like that:
The pattern you're looking for, that matches only those strings with numbers, ., -, and /:
If you have a specific language you're looking to implement this I may be able to help you.
You're looking for ^[\d./-]+$
to be sure it's in right order and require every part
edit: Forgot to add the / sry
does this. What regex flavor are you using? Perhaps it needs to be adjusted for it.
How about something like
Does it matter how many - and . and / you get? Does the order matter?
You can use this item
To view its performance, refer to the following link
This should do the work
If your sequence to be matched isn't at the start of the string, you can skip the ^. Similarly, $ is required to match sequence at the end of string.