I am learning C++. cout is an instance of std::ostream class.
How can I print a formatted string with it?
I can still use printf, but I want to learn a proper C++ method which can take advantage of all C++ benefits. I think this should be possible with std::ostream, but I can't find the proper way.
In C++20 you can use std::format for safe printf-like formatting:
std::cout << std::format("The answer is {}.\n", 42);
In addition to that the {fmt} library, std::format is based on, provides the print function that combines formatting and output:
fmt::print("The answer is {}.\n", 42);
Disclaimer: I'm the author of {fmt} and C++20 std::format.
The only thing you can do with std::ostream directly is the well known <<-syntax:
int i = 0;
std::cout << "this is a number: " << i;
And there are various IO manipulators that can be used to influence the formatting, number of digits, etc. of integers, floating point numbers etc.
However, that is not the same as the formatted strings of printf. C++11 does not include any facility that allows you to use string formatting in the same way as it is used with printf (except printf itself, which you can of course use in C++ if you want).
In terms of libraries that provide printf-style functionality, there is boost::format, which enables code such as this (copied from the synopsis):
std::cout << boost::format("writing %1%, x=%2% : %3%-th try") % "toto" % 40.23 % 50;
Also note that there is a proposal for inclusion of printf-style formatting in a future version of the Standard. If this gets accepted, syntax such as the below may become available:
std::cout << std::putf("this is a number: %d\n",i);
This is an idiom I have gotten used to. Hopefully it helps:
// Hacky but idiomatic printf style syntax with c++ <<
#include <cstdlib> // for sprintf
char buf[1024]; sprintf(buf, "%d score and %d years ago", 4, 7);
cout << string(buf) <<endl;
I suggest using ostringstream instead of ostream
see following example :
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "CppUnitTest.h"
std::string format(const std::string& format, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
size_t len = std::vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format.c_str(), args);
std::vector<char> vec(len + 1);
va_start(args, format);
std::vsnprintf(&vec[0], len + 1, format.c_str(), args);
return &vec[0];
example usage:
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << format("%s => %d", "Version", Version) << std::endl;
Logger::WriteMessage(ss.str().c_str()); // write to unit test output
std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl; // write to standard output
To implement printf one could use c++11 template parameters:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
inline std::ostream & mprintf(std::ostream & ostr, const char * fstr) throw()
return ostr << fstr;
template<typename T, typename... Args>
std::ostream & mprintf(std::ostream & ostr,
const char * fstr, const T & x) throw()
size_t i=0;
char c = fstr[0];
while (c != '%')
if(c == 0) return ostr; // string is finished
ostr << c;
c = fstr[++i];
c = fstr[++i];
ostr << x;
if(c==0) return ostr; //
// print the rest of the stirng
ostr << &fstr[++i];
return ostr;
template<typename T, typename... Args>
std::ostream & mprintf(std::ostream & ostr,
const char * fstr, const T & x, Args... args) throw()
size_t i=0;
char c = fstr[0];
while (c != '%')
if(c == 0) return ostr; // string is finished
ostr << c;
c = fstr[++i];
c = fstr[++i];
ostr << x;
if(c==0) return ostr; // string is finished
return mprintf(ostr, &fstr[++i], args...);
int main()
int c = 50*6;
double a = 34./67.;
std::string q = "Hello!";
// put only two arguments
// the symbol after % does not matter at all
mprintf(std::cout, "%f + %f = %a \n", c, a);
// print string object: for real printf one should write q.c_str()
mprintf(std::cout, "message: \"%s\". \n", q);
// the last argument will be ignored
mprintf(std::cout, "%z + %f\n", (long)a, 12, 544 );
300 + 2 = %a
message: "Hello!".
2 + 12
This a very simple code and it can be improved.
1) The advantage is that it uses << to print objects to the stream, so you can put arbitrary arguments that can be output via <<.
2) It ignores the type of the argument in the formatted string: after % can stand arbitrary symbol even a space. The output stream decides how to print the corresponding object. It also compatible with printf.
3) A disadvantage is that it can not print the percent symbol '%', one need to slightly improve the code.
4) It can not print formatted numbers, like %4.5f
5) If the number of arguments is less than predicted by formatted string, then the function just print the rest of the string.
6) If the number of arguments is greater than predicted by formatted string, then the remained arguments are ignored
One can improve the code to make 2)-6) to fully mimic the printf behaviour.
However, if you follow the rules of printf, then only 3) and 4) need essentially to be fixed.
I wrote independently but came up with answer similar to user3283405
My solution uses vasprintf() to acheive formatting, and uses operator overloading of << of std::ostream to free the memory in right place.
std::cout << putf(const char *format, ...); //Same format as C printf(3)
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <cstdarg>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
struct putf_r{
char *s;
putf_r putf(const char *fmt, ...){
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
putf_r a;
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-nonliteral"
vasprintf(&a.s, fmt, ap);
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
return a;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, putf_r a){
return os;
int main(){
std::cout << putf("%3d\n", 23) << putf("%a\n", 256.);
Note that compiler doesn't check format inside putf(), so compiler flag -Wformat-nonliteral will not warn for suspicious code in putf() and you need to care uncontrolled format string problem by yourself.
Detailed info can be found on GitHub
Field Width
Setting field width is very simple. For each variable, simply precede it with "setw(n)". Like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
const int max = 12;
const int width = 6;
for(int row = 1; row <= max; row++) {
for(int col = 1; col <= max; col++) {
cout << setw(width) << row * col;
cout << endl;
return 0;
Notice how "setw(n)" controls the field width, so each number is
printed inside a field that stays the same width regardless of the
width of the number itself.
-- From "Programming/C++ tutorial" by P. Lutus.
Sample output:
2017-12-20T16:24:47,604144+01:00 Hello, World!
Code (with put_printf usage demonstrated in put_timestamp):
#include <assert.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
class put_printf {
static constexpr size_t failed = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); // for any explicit error handling
size_t stream_size; // excluding '\0'; on error set to 0 or to "failed"
char buf_stack[2048+1]; // MAY be any size that fits on the stack (even 0), SHOULD be (just) large enough for most uses (including '\0')
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf_heap; // only used if the output doesn't fit in buf_stack
explicit put_printf(const char *format, ...)
#if __GNUC__
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3))) // most compelling reason for not using a variadic template; parameter 1 is implied "this"
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
const int res = vsnprintf(buf_stack, sizeof(buf_stack), format, args);
if (res < 0) { // easily provoked, e.g., with "%02147483646i\n", i.e., more than INT_MAX-1 significant characters (only observed, no guarantee seen)
stream_size = failed;
} else if (res < sizeof(buf_stack)) { // preferred path
stream_size = res;
} else { // not artificially constrained
try {
const size_t buf_size = static_cast<size_t>(res) + 1; // avoids relying on "res < INT_MAX" (only observed, no guarantee seen)
buf_heap.reset(new char[buf_size]); // observed to work even beyond INT_MAX=2^32-1 bytes
va_start(args, format);
if (vsnprintf(buf_heap.get(), buf_size, format, args) == res) stream_size = res;
else stream_size = failed; // can't happen
} catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { // insufficient free heap space (or an environment-specific constraint?)
stream_size = failed;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const put_printf& self) {
if (self.stream_size == failed) {
// (placeholder for any explicit error handling)
return os;
} else {
// using write() rather than operator<<() to avoid a separate scan for '\0' or unintentional truncation at any internal '\0' character
return os.write((self.buf_heap ? self.buf_heap.get() : self.buf_stack), self.stream_size);
class put_timestamp {
const bool basic = false;
const bool local = true;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const put_timestamp& self) {
const auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
const std::time_t now_time_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(now);
struct tm tm; if ((self.local ? localtime_r(&now_time_t, &tm) : gmtime_r(&now_time_t, &tm)) == nullptr) return os; // TODO: explicit error handling?
static_assert(4 <= sizeof(int), "");
const int microseconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(now.time_since_epoch() % std::chrono::seconds(1)).count();
assert(0 <= microseconds && microseconds < 1000000); // TODO: (how) do we know?
// TODO: doesn't "point" in "decimal_point()" imply "dot"/"full stop"/"period", unlike an obviously neutral term like "mark"/"separator"/"sign"?
const char decimal_sign = std::use_facet<std::numpunct<char>>(os.getloc()).decimal_point() == '.' ? '.' : ','; // full stop accepted, comma preferred
// TODO: all well and good for a locale-specific decimal sign, but couldn't the locale also upset microseconds formatting by grouping digits?
os << std::put_time(&tm, self.basic ? "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S" : "%FT%T") << put_printf("%c%06i", decimal_sign, microseconds);
if (! self.local) return os << "Z";
const int tz_minutes = std::abs(static_cast<int>(tm.tm_gmtoff)) / 60;
return os << put_printf(self.basic ? "%c%02i%02i" : "%c%02i:%02i", 0 <= tm.tm_gmtoff ? '+' : '-', tz_minutes / 60, tz_minutes % 60);
int main() {
// testing decimal sign
std::cout << put_timestamp() << " Hello, World!\n";
#if 0
typedef put_printf pf; // just to demo local abbreviation
std::cout << "1: " << pf("%02147483646i\n" , 1 ) << std::endl; // res < 0
std::cout << "2: " << pf("%02147483643i%i\n", 1, 100) << std::endl; // res < 0
std::cout << "3: " << pf("%02147483643i%i\n", 1, 10) << std::endl; // works
std::cout << "4: " << pf("%02147483646i" , 1 ) << std::endl; // works
return 0;
Comments about put_printf:
// Reasons for the name "put_printf" (and not "putf" after all):
// - put_printf is self-documenting, while using the naming pattern also seen in std::put_time;
// - it is not clear whether the proposed std::putf would support exactly the same format syntax;
// - it has a niche purpose, so a longer name is not an objection, and for frequent local uses
// it is easy enough to declare an even shorter "typedef put_printf pf;" or so.
// Evaluation of delegating to vsnprintf() with intermediate buffer:
// (+) identical result without implementation and/or maintenance issues,
// (?) succeeds or fails as a whole, no output of successful prefix before point of failure
// (-) (total output size limited to INT_MAX-1)
// (-) overhead (TODO: optimal buf_stack size considering cache and VM page locality?)
// Error handling (an STL design problem?):
// - std::cout.setstate(std::ios_base::failbit) discards further std::cout output (stdout still works),
// so, to be aware of an error in business logic yet keep on trucking in diagnostics,
// should there be separate classes, or a possibility to plug in an error handler, or what?
// - should the basic or default error handling print a diagnostic message? throw an exception?
// TODO: could a function "int ostream_printf(std::ostream& os, const char *format, ...)"
// first try to write directly into os.rdbuf() before using buf_stack and buf_heap,
// and would that significantly improve performance or not?
When I need both the typesafety of cout and the quick and easy formatting of simple variables of printf(), I mix the two like this. This is an ugly fix, but it gets things done for me when I need to output things like "02/07/2014 10:05am" together with some more complex entities:
#include <stdio>
#include <stdarg>
#include <stdlib>
#include <iostream>
#pragma hdrstop
using namespace std;
char* print(char* fmt, ...)
static char buffer[80] = "";
va_list argptr;
vsprintf(buffer, fmt, argptr);
return buffer;
#pragma argsused
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
cout << print("\n%06d\n%6d\n%6d\n%010.3f",1,12,123,123.456);
return 0;
I want to convert a hex string to a 32 bit signed integer in C++.
So, for example, I have the hex string "fffefffe". The binary representation of this is 11111111111111101111111111111110. The signed integer representation of this is: -65538.
How do I do this conversion in C++? This also needs to work for non-negative numbers. For example, the hex string "0000000A", which is 00000000000000000000000000001010 in binary, and 10 in decimal.
use std::stringstream
unsigned int x;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::hex << "fffefffe";
ss >> x;
the following example produces -65538 as its result:
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
unsigned int x;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::hex << "fffefffe";
ss >> x;
// output it as a signed type
std::cout << static_cast<int>(x) << std::endl;
In the new C++11 standard, there are a few new utility functions which you can make use of! specifically, there is a family of "string to number" functions (http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/basic_string/stol and http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/basic_string/stoul). These are essentially thin wrappers around C's string to number conversion functions, but know how to deal with a std::string
So, the simplest answer for newer code would probably look like this:
std::string s = "0xfffefffe";
unsigned int x = std::stoul(s, nullptr, 16);
NOTE: Below is my original answer, which as the edit says is not a complete answer. For a functional solution, stick the code above the line :-).
It appears that since lexical_cast<> is defined to have stream conversion semantics. Sadly, streams don't understand the "0x" notation. So both the boost::lexical_cast and my hand rolled one don't deal well with hex strings. The above solution which manually sets the input stream to hex will handle it just fine.
Boost has some stuff to do this as well, which has some nice error checking capabilities as well. You can use it like this:
try {
unsigned int x = lexical_cast<int>("0x0badc0de");
} catch(bad_lexical_cast &) {
// whatever you want to do...
If you don't feel like using boost, here's a light version of lexical cast which does no error checking:
template<typename T2, typename T1>
inline T2 lexical_cast(const T1 &in) {
T2 out;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << in;
ss >> out;
return out;
which you can use like this:
// though this needs the 0x prefix so it knows it is hex
unsigned int x = lexical_cast<unsigned int>("0xdeadbeef");
For a method that works with both C and C++, you might want to consider using the standard library function strtol().
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string s = "abcd";
char * p;
long n = strtol( s.c_str(), & p, 16 );
if ( * p != 0 ) { //my bad edit was here
cout << "not a number" << endl;
else {
cout << n << endl;
Andy Buchanan, as far as sticking to C++ goes, I liked yours, but I have a few mods:
template <typename ElemT>
struct HexTo {
ElemT value;
operator ElemT() const {return value;}
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, HexTo& out) {
in >> std::hex >> out.value;
return in;
Used like
uint32_t value = boost::lexical_cast<HexTo<uint32_t> >("0x2a");
That way you don't need one impl per int type.
Working example with strtoul will be:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string s = "fffefffe";
char * p;
long n = strtoul( s.c_str(), & p, 16 );
if ( * p != 0 ) {
cout << "not a number" << endl;
} else {
cout << n << endl;
strtol converts string to long. On my computer numeric_limits<long>::max() gives 0x7fffffff. Obviously that 0xfffefffe is greater than 0x7fffffff. So strtol returns MAX_LONG instead of wanted value. strtoul converts string to unsigned long that's why no overflow in this case.
Ok, strtol is considering input string not as 32-bit signed integer before convertation. Funny sample with strtol:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string s = "-0x10002";
char * p;
long n = strtol( s.c_str(), & p, 16 );
if ( * p != 0 ) {
cout << "not a number" << endl;
} else {
cout << n << endl;
The code above prints -65538 in console.
Here's a simple and working method I found elsewhere:
string hexString = "7FF";
int hexNumber;
sscanf(hexString.c_str(), "%x", &hexNumber);
Please note that you might prefer using unsigned long integer/long integer, to receive the value.
Another note, the c_str() function just converts the std::string to const char* .
So if you have a const char* ready, just go ahead with using that variable name directly, as shown below [I am also showing the usage of the unsigned long variable for a larger hex number. Do not confuse it with the case of having const char* instead of string]:
const char *hexString = "7FFEA5"; //Just to show the conversion of a bigger hex number
unsigned long hexNumber; //In case your hex number is going to be sufficiently big.
sscanf(hexString, "%x", &hexNumber);
This works just perfectly fine (provided you use appropriate data types per your need).
I had the same problem today, here's how I solved it so I could keep lexical_cast<>
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef signed int int32;
class uint32_from_hex // For use with boost::lexical_cast
uint32 value;
operator uint32() const { return value; }
friend std::istream& operator>>( std::istream& in, uint32_from_hex& outValue )
in >> std::hex >> outValue.value;
class int32_from_hex // For use with boost::lexical_cast
uint32 value;
operator int32() const { return static_cast<int32>( value ); }
friend std::istream& operator>>( std::istream& in, int32_from_hex& outValue )
in >> std::hex >> outvalue.value;
uint32 material0 = lexical_cast<uint32_from_hex>( "0x4ad" );
uint32 material1 = lexical_cast<uint32_from_hex>( "4ad" );
uint32 material2 = lexical_cast<uint32>( "1197" );
int32 materialX = lexical_cast<int32_from_hex>( "0xfffefffe" );
int32 materialY = lexical_cast<int32_from_hex>( "fffefffe" );
// etc...
(Found this page when I was looking for a less sucky way :-)
just use stoi/stol/stoll
for example:
std::cout << std::stol("fffefffe", nullptr, 16) << std::endl;
output: 4294901758
This worked for me:
string string_test = "80123456";
unsigned long x;
signed long val;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::hex << string_test;
ss >> x;
// ss >> val; // if I try this val = 0
val = (signed long)x; // However, if I cast the unsigned result I get val = 0x80123456
Try this. This solution is a bit risky. There are no checks. The string must only have hex values and the string length must match the return type size. But no need for extra headers.
char hextob(char ch)
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return ch - '0';
if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') return ch - 'A' + 10;
if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') return ch - 'a' + 10;
return 0;
template<typename T>
T hextot(char* hex)
T value = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T)*2; ++i)
value |= hextob(hex[i]) << (8*sizeof(T)-4*(i+1));
return value;
int main()
char str[4] = {'f','f','f','f'};
std::cout << hextot<int16_t>(str) << "\n";
Note: the length of the string must be divisible by 2
For those looking to convert number base for unsigned numbers, it is pretty trivial to do yourself in both C/C++ with minimal dependency (only operator not provided by the language itself is pow() function).
In mathematical terms, a positive ordinal number d in base b with n number of digits can be converted to base 10 using:
Example: Converting base 16 number 00f looks like:
= 0*16^2 + 0*16^1 + 16*16^0 = 15
C/C++ Example:
#include <math.h>
unsigned int to_base10(char *d_str, int len, int base)
if (len < 1) {
return 0;
char d = d_str[0];
// chars 0-9 = 48-57, chars a-f = 97-102
int val = (d > 57) ? d - ('a' - 10) : d - '0';
int result = val * pow(base, (len - 1));
d_str++; // increment pointer
return result + to_base10(d_str, len - 1, base);
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
char n[] = "00f"; // base 16 number of len = 3
printf("%d\n", to_base10(n, 3, 16));
I want to convert a hex string to a 32 bit signed integer in C++.
So, for example, I have the hex string "fffefffe". The binary representation of this is 11111111111111101111111111111110. The signed integer representation of this is: -65538.
How do I do this conversion in C++? This also needs to work for non-negative numbers. For example, the hex string "0000000A", which is 00000000000000000000000000001010 in binary, and 10 in decimal.
use std::stringstream
unsigned int x;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::hex << "fffefffe";
ss >> x;
the following example produces -65538 as its result:
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
unsigned int x;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::hex << "fffefffe";
ss >> x;
// output it as a signed type
std::cout << static_cast<int>(x) << std::endl;
In the new C++11 standard, there are a few new utility functions which you can make use of! specifically, there is a family of "string to number" functions (http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/basic_string/stol and http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/basic_string/stoul). These are essentially thin wrappers around C's string to number conversion functions, but know how to deal with a std::string
So, the simplest answer for newer code would probably look like this:
std::string s = "0xfffefffe";
unsigned int x = std::stoul(s, nullptr, 16);
NOTE: Below is my original answer, which as the edit says is not a complete answer. For a functional solution, stick the code above the line :-).
It appears that since lexical_cast<> is defined to have stream conversion semantics. Sadly, streams don't understand the "0x" notation. So both the boost::lexical_cast and my hand rolled one don't deal well with hex strings. The above solution which manually sets the input stream to hex will handle it just fine.
Boost has some stuff to do this as well, which has some nice error checking capabilities as well. You can use it like this:
try {
unsigned int x = lexical_cast<int>("0x0badc0de");
} catch(bad_lexical_cast &) {
// whatever you want to do...
If you don't feel like using boost, here's a light version of lexical cast which does no error checking:
template<typename T2, typename T1>
inline T2 lexical_cast(const T1 &in) {
T2 out;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << in;
ss >> out;
return out;
which you can use like this:
// though this needs the 0x prefix so it knows it is hex
unsigned int x = lexical_cast<unsigned int>("0xdeadbeef");
For a method that works with both C and C++, you might want to consider using the standard library function strtol().
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string s = "abcd";
char * p;
long n = strtol( s.c_str(), & p, 16 );
if ( * p != 0 ) { //my bad edit was here
cout << "not a number" << endl;
else {
cout << n << endl;
Andy Buchanan, as far as sticking to C++ goes, I liked yours, but I have a few mods:
template <typename ElemT>
struct HexTo {
ElemT value;
operator ElemT() const {return value;}
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, HexTo& out) {
in >> std::hex >> out.value;
return in;
Used like
uint32_t value = boost::lexical_cast<HexTo<uint32_t> >("0x2a");
That way you don't need one impl per int type.
Working example with strtoul will be:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string s = "fffefffe";
char * p;
long n = strtoul( s.c_str(), & p, 16 );
if ( * p != 0 ) {
cout << "not a number" << endl;
} else {
cout << n << endl;
strtol converts string to long. On my computer numeric_limits<long>::max() gives 0x7fffffff. Obviously that 0xfffefffe is greater than 0x7fffffff. So strtol returns MAX_LONG instead of wanted value. strtoul converts string to unsigned long that's why no overflow in this case.
Ok, strtol is considering input string not as 32-bit signed integer before convertation. Funny sample with strtol:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string s = "-0x10002";
char * p;
long n = strtol( s.c_str(), & p, 16 );
if ( * p != 0 ) {
cout << "not a number" << endl;
} else {
cout << n << endl;
The code above prints -65538 in console.
Here's a simple and working method I found elsewhere:
string hexString = "7FF";
int hexNumber;
sscanf(hexString.c_str(), "%x", &hexNumber);
Please note that you might prefer using unsigned long integer/long integer, to receive the value.
Another note, the c_str() function just converts the std::string to const char* .
So if you have a const char* ready, just go ahead with using that variable name directly, as shown below [I am also showing the usage of the unsigned long variable for a larger hex number. Do not confuse it with the case of having const char* instead of string]:
const char *hexString = "7FFEA5"; //Just to show the conversion of a bigger hex number
unsigned long hexNumber; //In case your hex number is going to be sufficiently big.
sscanf(hexString, "%x", &hexNumber);
This works just perfectly fine (provided you use appropriate data types per your need).
I had the same problem today, here's how I solved it so I could keep lexical_cast<>
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef signed int int32;
class uint32_from_hex // For use with boost::lexical_cast
uint32 value;
operator uint32() const { return value; }
friend std::istream& operator>>( std::istream& in, uint32_from_hex& outValue )
in >> std::hex >> outValue.value;
class int32_from_hex // For use with boost::lexical_cast
uint32 value;
operator int32() const { return static_cast<int32>( value ); }
friend std::istream& operator>>( std::istream& in, int32_from_hex& outValue )
in >> std::hex >> outvalue.value;
uint32 material0 = lexical_cast<uint32_from_hex>( "0x4ad" );
uint32 material1 = lexical_cast<uint32_from_hex>( "4ad" );
uint32 material2 = lexical_cast<uint32>( "1197" );
int32 materialX = lexical_cast<int32_from_hex>( "0xfffefffe" );
int32 materialY = lexical_cast<int32_from_hex>( "fffefffe" );
// etc...
(Found this page when I was looking for a less sucky way :-)
just use stoi/stol/stoll
for example:
std::cout << std::stol("fffefffe", nullptr, 16) << std::endl;
output: 4294901758
This worked for me:
string string_test = "80123456";
unsigned long x;
signed long val;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::hex << string_test;
ss >> x;
// ss >> val; // if I try this val = 0
val = (signed long)x; // However, if I cast the unsigned result I get val = 0x80123456
Try this. This solution is a bit risky. There are no checks. The string must only have hex values and the string length must match the return type size. But no need for extra headers.
char hextob(char ch)
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return ch - '0';
if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') return ch - 'A' + 10;
if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') return ch - 'a' + 10;
return 0;
template<typename T>
T hextot(char* hex)
T value = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T)*2; ++i)
value |= hextob(hex[i]) << (8*sizeof(T)-4*(i+1));
return value;
int main()
char str[4] = {'f','f','f','f'};
std::cout << hextot<int16_t>(str) << "\n";
Note: the length of the string must be divisible by 2
For those looking to convert number base for unsigned numbers, it is pretty trivial to do yourself in both C/C++ with minimal dependency (only operator not provided by the language itself is pow() function).
In mathematical terms, a positive ordinal number d in base b with n number of digits can be converted to base 10 using:
Example: Converting base 16 number 00f looks like:
= 0*16^2 + 0*16^1 + 16*16^0 = 15
C/C++ Example:
#include <math.h>
unsigned int to_base10(char *d_str, int len, int base)
if (len < 1) {
return 0;
char d = d_str[0];
// chars 0-9 = 48-57, chars a-f = 97-102
int val = (d > 57) ? d - ('a' - 10) : d - '0';
int result = val * pow(base, (len - 1));
d_str++; // increment pointer
return result + to_base10(d_str, len - 1, base);
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
char n[] = "00f"; // base 16 number of len = 3
printf("%d\n", to_base10(n, 3, 16));
I implement a search of a substring in strings and i would like to make this search "accent-nutral" or it might be called rough - if i start search "aba" in "rábano" i am supposed to succeed.
in Find substring in string using locale there is a working answer:
#include <locale>
#include <string>
#include <boost/locale.hpp>
std::string NormalizeString(const std::string & input)
std::locale loc = boost::locale::generator()("");
const boost::locale::collator<char>& collator = std::use_facet<boost::locale::collator<char> >(loc);
std::string result = collator.transform(boost::locale::collator_base::primary, input);
return result;
The only issue with this solution - transform adds several bytes to the end of string. in my case it is "\x1\x1\x1\x1\x0\x0\x0". Four bytes with 1 and several zero-bytes.
Of course it is easy to erase these bytes but i would not like to rely on such subtle implementation details. (The code is supposed to be cross-platform)
Is there a more reliable way?
As #R. Martinho Fernandes said it looks impossible to implement such a search with boost.
I found the solution in chrome sources. it uses ICU.
// This class is for speeding up multiple StringSearchIgnoringCaseAndAccents()
// with the same |find_this| argument. |find_this| is passed as the constructor
// argument, and precomputation for searching is done only at that timing.
class CStringSearchIgnoringCaseAndAccents
explicit CStringSearchIgnoringCaseAndAccents(std::u16string find_this);
// Returns true if |in_this| contains |find_this|. If |match_index| or
// |match_length| are non-NULL, they are assigned the start position and total
// length of the match.
bool SearchIn(const std::u16string& in_this, size_t* match_index = nullptr, size_t* match_length = nullptr);
std::u16string _find_this;
UStringSearch* _search_handle;
CStringSearchIgnoringCaseAndAccents::CStringSearchIgnoringCaseAndAccents(std::u16string find_this) :
// usearch_open requires a valid string argument to be searched, even if we
// want to set it by usearch_setText afterwards. So, supplying a dummy text.
const std::u16string& dummy = _find_this;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
_search_handle = usearch_open((const UChar*)_find_this.data(), _find_this.size(),
(const UChar*)dummy.data(), dummy.size(), uloc_getDefault(), NULL, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
UCollator* collator = usearch_getCollator(_search_handle);
ucol_setStrength(collator, UCOL_PRIMARY);
if (_search_handle) usearch_close(_search_handle);
bool CStringSearchIgnoringCaseAndAccents::SearchIn(const std::u16string& in_this, size_t* match_index, size_t* match_length)
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
usearch_setText(_search_handle, (const UChar*) in_this.data(), in_this.size(), &status);
// Default to basic substring search if usearch fails. According to
// http://icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/usearch_8h.html, usearch_open will fail
// if either |find_this| or |in_this| are empty. In either case basic
// substring search will give the correct return value.
if (!U_SUCCESS(status)) {
size_t index = in_this.find(_find_this);
if (index == std::u16string::npos) {
return false;
else {
if (match_index)
*match_index = index;
if (match_length)
*match_length = _find_this.size();
return true;
int32_t index = usearch_first(_search_handle, &status);
if (!U_SUCCESS(status) || index == USEARCH_DONE) return false;
if (match_index)
*match_index = static_cast<size_t>(index);
if (match_length)
*match_length = static_cast<size_t>(usearch_getMatchedLength(_search_handle));
return true;
CStringSearchIgnoringCaseAndAccents searcher(a_utf16_string_what.c_str()));
Even though this is an old question, I decided to post my solution, because it might help someone (or someone can tell me if I am wrong). I used the boost text conversion methods. First I applied the normalization form decomposition (NFD), which gave me separated chars. Then I just filtered those that had the code below 255. Then a simple lower case conversion. It worked for your problem (and for mine), but I am not sure if it applies on every case. Here's the solution:
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <locale>
#include <boost/locale.hpp>
static std::locale loc = boost::locale::generator()("en_US.UTF-8");
std::string NormalizeString(const std::string & input)
std::string s_norm = boost::locale::normalize(input, boost::locale::norm_nfd, loc);
std::string s;
std::copy_if(s_norm.begin(), s_norm.end(), std::back_inserter(s), [](unsigned int ch){return ch<256;} );
return boost::locale::to_lower(s, loc);
void find_norm(const std::string& input, const std::string& query) {
if (NormalizeString(input).find(NormalizeString(query)) != std::string::npos)
std::cout << query << " found in " << input << std::endl;
std::cout << query << " not found in " << input << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
find_norm("rábano", "aba");
find_norm("rábano", "aaa");
In c++, Is it possible to write to some kind of buffer with printf (or similar) and then later in the program either write the buffer to the screen or discard it depending on the outcome.
I want to do this because I have a recursive function and only want the see the things printed throughout the recursion if the result is of interest.
The class std::ostringstream is what you are looking for.
In C++, formatted IO is done (preferably) through the <iostream> library. This is the famous cout << variable << endl.
cout outputs directly to the standard output. If you want to buffer instead, you can redirect your output to a std::ostringstream instance that you can later redirect to the standard out:
#include <iostream>
ostringstream buf;
buf << myVar1 << "MyStr" << endl;
[...] // some time later
cout << buf.str();
If you prefer the printf way of doing things, you can use sprintf (though I won't recommend it). It's a bit more complex because you need to know the size of the buffer in advance.
char myBuf[10000]; // up to you do to the proper bound checking
sprintf(myBuf, "format %d", myvar);
[...] // you may want to use strcat and such for more complex operations
Certainly. You can leverage the power of vsnprintf for that purpose. I'd suggest some sort of class wrapping an std::string or std::vector<char> (essentially the same in C++11):
#include <cstdargs>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
class Formatter
std::string buf;
void add(char const * fmt, ...)
std::va_list ap, aq;
va_start(ap, fmt);
va_copy(aq, ap);
int ret1 = std::vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, ap);
// check ret1 != -1
std::size_t cur = buf.size();
buf.resize(cur + ret1 + 1);
int ret2 = std::vsnprintf(&buf[cur], ret1 + 1, fmt, aq);
// check ret2 != -1
buf.resize(cur + ret1);
std::string const & str() const { return buf; }
Now you can say:
Formatter f;
f.add("Hello, %s", "world");
f.add("%i%i%i", 1, 2, 3);
std::cout << f.str() << std::endl;
If you're very concerned about performance, you can try and preallocate some space for the print operation and maintain a separate "end" position, in the hope that you'll never have to run the vnsprintf call more than once.
What is about using a string ?
Or a string array. Or a collection ?
Gathering all data u need and printing if needed ?
You could use sprintf function which does the same thing as printf into char buffer. But you shall not. These old C-style functions are obsolete in C++, you shall use streams instead. Looks like std::stringstream fit you needs.
For a recursing function, the best way would be to delay getting the result, not printing it, so instead of this:
int fact( int n )
printf("%d", n);
if( n!=1 )
return n * fact(n - 1);
else return 1;
fact( 5 );
you might use this:
int fact( int n )
if( n!=1 )
return n * fact(n - 1);
else return 1;
int result = fact( 5 );
printf("%d", result);
Basically, print it only when it's ready. If for some reasons you can't do it directly, save the result into some kind of a buffer variable, and access it after the function ends.
I would like to generate consecutive C++ strings like e.g. in cameras: IMG001, IMG002 etc. being able to indicate the prefix and the string length.
I have found a solution where I can generate random strings from concrete character set: link
But I cannot find the thing I want to achieve.
A possible solution:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
std::string make_string(const std::string& a_prefix,
size_t a_suffix,
size_t a_max_length)
std::ostringstream result;
result << a_prefix <<
std::setfill('0') <<
std::setw(a_max_length - a_prefix.length()) <<
return result.str();
int main()
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++)
std::cout << make_string("IMG", i, 6) << "\n";
return 0;
See online demo at http://ideone.com/HZWmtI.
Something like this would work
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
std::string GetNextNumber( int &lastNum )
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "IMG";
ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << lastNum++;
return ss.str();
int main()
int x = 1;
std::string s = GetNextNumber( x );
s = GetNextNumber( x );
return 0;
You can call GetNextNumber repeatedly with an int reference to generate new image numbers. You can always use sprintf but it won't be the c++ way :)
const int max_size = 7 + 1; // maximum size of the name plus one
char buf[max_size];
for (int i = 0 ; i < 1000; ++i) {
sprintf(buf, "IMG%.04d", i);
printf("The next name is %s\n", buf);
char * seq_gen(char * prefix) {
static int counter;
char * result;
sprintf(result, "%s%03d", prefix, counter++);
return result;
This would print your prefix with 3 digit padding string. If you want a lengthy string, all you have to do is provide the prefix as much as needed and change the %03d in the above code to whatever length of digit padding you want.
Well, the idea is rather simple. Just store the current number and increment it each time new string is generated. You can implement it to model an iterator to reduce the fluff in using it (you can then use standard algorithms with it). Using Boost.Iterator (it should work with any string type, too):
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
// can't come up with a better name
template <typename StringT, typename OrdT>
struct ordinal_id_generator : boost::iterator_facade<
ordinal_id_generator<StringT, OrdT>, StringT,
boost::forward_traversal_tag, StringT
> {
const StringT& prefix = StringT(),
typename StringT::size_type suffix_length = 5, OrdT initial = 0
) : prefix(prefix), suffix_length(suffix_length), ordinal(initial)
StringT prefix;
typename StringT::size_type suffix_length;
OrdT ordinal;
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
void increment() {
bool equal(const ordinal_id_generator& other) const {
return (
ordinal == other.ordinal
&& prefix == other.prefix
&& suffix_length == other.suffix_length
StringT dereference() const {
std::basic_ostringstream<typename StringT::value_type> ss;
ss << prefix << std::setfill('0')
<< std::setw(suffix_length) << ordinal;
return ss.str();
And example code:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
typedef ordinal_id_generator<std::string, unsigned> generator;
int main() {
std::ostream_iterator<std::string> out(std::cout, "\n");
std::copy_n(generator("IMG"), 5, out);
// can even behave as a range
std::copy(generator("foo", 1, 2), generator("foo", 1, 4), out);
return 0;
Take a look at the standard library's string streams. Have an integer that you increment, and insert into the string stream after every increment. To control the string length, there's the concept of fill characters, and the width() member function.
You have many ways of doing that.
The generic one would be to, like the link that you showed, have an array of possible characters. Then after each iteration, you start from right-most character, increment it (that is, change it to the next one in the possible characters list) and if it overflowed, set it to the first one (index 0) and go the one on the left. This is exactly like incrementing a number in base, say 62.
In your specific example, you are better off with creating the string from another string and a number.
If you like *printf, you can write a string with "IMG%04d" and have the parameter go from 0 to whatever.
If you like stringstream, you can similarly do so.
What exactly do you mean by consecutive strings ?
Since you've mentioned that you're using C++ strings, try using the .string::append method.
string str, str2;
Lookup http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/append/ for more overloaded calls of the append function.
it's pseudo code. you'll understand what i mean :D
int counter = 0, retval;
char filename[MAX_PATH];
sprintf(filename, "IMG00%d", counter++);
if(retval = CreateFile(...))
//ok, return
You have to keep a counter that is increased everytime you get a new name. This counter has to be saved when your application is ends, and loaded when you application starts.
Could be something like this:
class NameGenerator
: m_counter(0)
// Code to load the counter from a file
// Code to save the counter to a file
std::string get_next_name()
// Combine your preferred prefix with your counter
// Increase the counter
// Return the string
int m_counter;
NameGenerator my_name_generator;
Then use it like this:
std::string my_name = my_name_generator.get_next_name();