GLUT_ICON not working on top left window - c++

am trying to add an icon application that uses freeglut, according to the doc here it seems is enough to have an icon resource GLUT_ICON.
Although it worked, it only appears on the icon of the console window and the executable in windows explorer, but the main window remains with the default windows icon (as shown in the image). I tried building without the console window mode, but I get same behavior, is this the way it suppose to work or am getting a wrong behavior?

This might help clear things for others running into the same problem:
Basically, in the "file.rc"resource-file (right click view code) that appears after adding an ico resouce, where you should have
MAINICON ICON "compiler_assets\\icon-name.ico" //set main icon to "file"
You should add another line
GLUT_ICON ICON DISCARDABLE "compiler_assets\\icon-name.ico"
Which is basically setting GLUT_ICON to a specific .ico file

Finally fixed this problem. Whether this issues come from the VStudio2012 environment or not is uncertain.
But generating the resource id like this; GLUT_ICON creates a non-defined behavior. The exe is unable to identify this tag as a valid one, therefore no icon can be indexed and found.
By just changing to lower case the string, all problems get fixed.
I did this process manually and the fix seems to be consistent between PC's.


How to add an icon to a console application

This seems like a thing that should be quite simple to do, but for some reason I have problems even to google anything on the subject...
How do you add an icon to a console application in Visual Studio. Now, I know how this works with Win32 desktop applications - you have the resource file, and the icon with the lowest ID is simply used as the app's icon. But if I add a new resource file to a console application and even mess around with the icon editor - nothing happens. The target executable still has the same default icon. Is there some kind of difference between a console application and a desktop one regarding resources? Or do I need to also do set something else apart from just adding the resource file with an icon?
It should work the same as with normal WinAPI application. In my case the problem was probably caused by windows icons caching. You can verify this is the case by moving the executable to another directory.

Qt setWindowTitle on Mac does not change icon in dock

The problem appears when I try to build a single binary on Mac. It is working fine when building my application as a bundle. Then it just takes the icon defined in the info.plist.
Another thing is that I want to avoid displaying my application icon in the dock at all? Any way to do that?
I need a solution for one of the issues, either show a custom icon in dock, or don't show any icon.
Have somebody had the same issue and maybe found a workaround or solution?

Change my executable icon

I am new to changing default icons on c++ console applications. But recently, I have been wanting to know how it is accomplished. I managed to save an .ico file and when I build my application in Release mode I open it and I see the new image show up when my window is running and then a tiny icon showing up in the top left hand of the screen, and seeing that made me very happy.
But I wanted to know how can I change the image of my executable file so that it is consistent with my program?
From this...
To this...
Can anyone help me figure out what the steps are to change the default executable icon to the one I want? Many thanks in advanced!
Add a new file to the existing projekt and select as file type
"Symbol (ico)" in the "Resource" category.
Draw it, save it, compile again, finished.
Windows will automatically display the icon with the lowest ID (if any).
If there is only one icon, it can be only that one...
edit: You should make different sizes (16x16, 32x32, 64x64 etc.).

Changing program icon dynamically

In C++, is there anyway to let the user chose the icon of the app? For example, Winamp lets you select which icon you wish to use from a list of icons in it's preferences. How is it done?
There is the icon that you see in explorer. This is a resource in your executable. You could change that, but I wouldn't advise you too. Virus scanners can get nervous if executables are modified, and in Windows Vista you will not even be allowed to write in the Program Files folder.
But the icon that is displayed on the task bar or in the system tray can be changed. This is actually the icon of your application window and it can be set by sending a WM_SETICON message.
And there are shortcuts. They can be changed too, and in a shortcut you can specify which icon should be used.
I found a discussion on changing icons that has information about the first two options.
For Visual Studio 2010 in an MFC dialog based app
A. In the resource view, rightclick Icon folder and add icon. Give it an ID like IDI_MYICON. Leave it as is or draw something nice.
B. Go to OnInitDialog. Add the following two lines of code:
HICON hMyIcon = LoadIcon( AfxGetInstanceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_MYICON) );
SetIcon( hMyIcon, FALSE ); // FALSE == use as small icon
You can read about these functions in the help to understand what is happening.
This sets the icon as icon for the sysmenu (topleft) and in the taskbar. This is however not automatically reflected in all situations. E.g. for a systray icon you need to explicitly specify the icon again in the call to Shell_NotifyIcon().

c++ icon in tray

i used qt to make an application in the tray. on my pc its a good project and i see the icon in the traybar, but when i release it to give it to sombody else they dont see the icon, its just an invissible square that can be used but it dont show the icon. but on my pc it shows the icon. :S i know it sounds weird but does anybody know how to solve it? or how to set the traybar icon in the resource file?
Well, I assume that you forgot to provide the icon together with the executable. But in any case, it would be better to embed the icon as resource in the executable.
Have a look at the Qt resource documentation. Basically, you just need to create a resource file, add the icon and then change the filename to something like this ":/favicon.ico". By adding the ":/" in front of the filename, Qt knows to load this from the embedded resources.