how works createQueryBuilder and leftJoin? - doctrine-orm

I dont get how to make it work.
I have:
a table partner with fields id and name
a table partner_address with two fields: id_partner and id_address
a table address with fields id and external key id_town which references town(id)
a table town with fields id, a name, and postal_code
I want to select all partners that are in towns with specific postal_code
This query works:
SELECT p.nom, v.nom
FROM partner p
JOIN partner_address pa
JOIN address a
ON pa.id_address =
JOIN town t
WHERE t.postal_code='13480';
Now I want to "translate" it into Doctrine 2 full syntax, following the documentation.
So I've made a custom repository:
In this repository, I'm trying to create the corresponding function:
namespace HQF\Bundle\PizzasBundle\Repository;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
class PartenaireRepository extends EntityRepository
* Get all active partners from a given postal code.
public function findAllActiveByCp($cp)
return $this->createQueryBuilder('p')
->where('p.dateVFin IS NULL')
->addOrderBy('p.cp', 'DESC')
->setParameter('cp', $cp);
Nota: the query in the code is not the right one but this code works in another custom repository I've made, so I'm trying to start from this code.
I'm trying something like this but it doesn't work:
public function findAllActiveByCp($cp)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('p');
return $qb
->leftJoin('partner_address pa ON')
->leftJoin('address a ON pa.id_address =')
->leftJoin('town t ON')
->where('p.dateVFin IS NULL')
->addOrderBy('t.cp', 'DESC')
->setParameter('cp', $cp);
I get this error:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder::leftJoin(),
called in
on line 18 and defined in
line 767

You have to join only properties, that the selected entity have.
In first parameter of join() or leftJoin() or xxxJoin() you pass the attribute name related to selected object, and in the second - alias for joined entity.
Try similar to this:
$q = $this->em()->createQueryBuilder();
$q->select(['item', 'itemContact'])
->from('ModuleAdmin\Entity\CustomerEntity', 'item')
->leftJoin('item.contacts', 'itemContact')
->andWhere($q->expr()->like('', ':customerNameStart'));
Of course, the CustomerEntity contains OneToMany relation in field contacts.
Remember, that in select statement you have to select the root entity (in my example CustomerEntity aliased as item).
Edit by Olivier Pons to add how I found out the solution, and to mark this answer as valid, because it put me on the right track, thank you Adam!
In the file PartenaireRepository.php I've used the createQueryBuilder('p') properly. Here's how to make two joins in a row, using createQueryBuilder():
class PartenaireRepository extends EntityRepository
* Retrieval of all partners given for a given postal code.
public function findAllActiveByCp($cp)
return $this->createQueryBuilder('p')
->leftJoin('p.adresses', 'a')
->leftJoin('a.ville', 'v')
->setParameter('cp', $cp);
... blabla

I believe for what you're doing, you will need to provide four arguments to the leftJoin method.
->leftJoin('partner_address', 'pa', 'ON', 'pa.id_partner =')
So your query builder chain should look like this
public function findAllActiveByCp($cp)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('p');
return $qb
->leftJoin('partner_address', 'pa', 'ON', 'pa.id_partner =')
->leftJoin('address', 'a', 'ON', 'pa.id_address =')
->leftJoin('town', 't', 'ON', 'a.id_ville =')
->where('p.dateVFin IS NULL')
->addOrderBy('t.cp', 'DESC')
->setParameter('cp', $cp)


Search in parent relationship with the database driver

Let's say you have this relationship: users x cats. Each user can have many cats (a "one-to-many" relationship):
class Cat extends Model
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
Both models (users and cats) have a name field.
Let's say we want to get all cats with bob in their names, using Laravel's Scout.
The standard solution is to add this to the Cat.php model:
// Cat.php
use Searchable;
* Get the indexable data array for the model.
* #return array
public function toSearchableArray()
return [
'name' => $this->name,
And we search with Cat::search('bob')->get().
The problem
The above solution works well, but what if we want to search in the relationship's fields?
What if you want to get cats owned by people with bob in their names?
If you add this to the "Cat" model:
// Cat.php
use Searchable;
* Get the indexable data array for the model.
* #return array
public function toSearchableArray()
return [
'name' => $this->name,
'' => '', // no need to return `$this->user->name` as the database engine only uses the array keys
It won't work. You will get this exception when running Cat::search('bob')->get():
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '' in 'where clause'
SQL: select `cats`.* from `cats` where (`cats`.`name` like %bob% or `users`.`name` like %bob%)
Clearly, the SQL is missing the users table. But how to add it? Doing a Cat::join(...)->search('bob') will throw an exception, same for Cat::search(...)->join(...).
The question is: How to search in the parent attributes? And by "parent" I mean the "belongsTo" model.
The query method allows for modifing the search query. Use it to inject a join clause:
Cat::search('bob')->query(function ($builder) {
$builder->select('cats.*')->join('users', 'cats.user_id', '=', '');
This generates the proper query:
SELECT `cats`.*
FROM `cats`
INNER JOIN `users` on `cats`.`genre_id` = `users`.`id`
WHERE (`cats`.`name` LIKE '%bob%' or `users`.`name` LIKE '%bob%')
ORDER BY `id` desc
EDIT: Automatically adds the JOIN clause to all searches:
If you want to search with just Cat::search('bob')->get(), without having to write ->join(...) on every call:
// Cat.php
* Overrides the "search" method to inject a `join` to the relationships.
use Searchable {
Searchable::search as parentSearch;
* Perform a search against the model's indexed data.
* #param string $query
* #param \Closure $callback
* #return \Laravel\Scout\Builder
public static function search($query = '', $callback = null)
return static::parentSearch($query, $callback)->query(function ($builder) {
$builder->select('cats.*')->join('users', 'cats.user_id', '=', '');

Doctrine how to check if record exists when adding item

I have a table of states/regions which has 2 fields: state and country, where the country is a reference to the country object in table of countries:
* #ORM\Entity
* #ORM\Table(name="LocationStates")
class LocationState
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\Column(type="integer")
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
protected $state_id;
public function getStateID()
return $this->state_id;
public function setStateID($state_id)
$this->state_id = $state_id;
* Many States have one Country
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="LocationCountry")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="country",referencedColumnName="country_id",onDelete="SET NULL")
protected $country;
public function getCountry()
return $this->country;
public function setCountry($country)
$this->country = $country;
I have a single page and controller where a user adds a new state or edits the existing state.
There are the following conditions for the States:
Countries are selected from a given set of countries (part of the site engine), a state/region cannot be saved without a selected country
There are 2 fields for the state/region: select box populated on selecting a country with known states (e.g. USA, Australia, UK) - not all countries have states, so there is also a text box to enter a region for a country without states
When a state is saved, the controller should check if a state with the same name AND country already exists - if yes, then it's an error, you can't have same state names with the same country
If a new state is saved, I check if this state new or existing and if new, then I check if another state exists with the same name and country ID:
!is_object(LocationState::getByID($state_id)) && !empty(LocationState::getByState($state, $country_id))
So far so good, that works. But problems start when I edit and save an existing state and can't figure out what the logic should be.
If I do this:
is_object(LocationState::getByID($state_id)) && LocationState::getByID($state_id)->getState() != $state && !empty(LocationState::getByState($state, $country_id))
it checks if it's an existing state, if yes then it checks I changed its name, then it checks if another one with the same name and country ID exists - and this is not working, I can't get the logic right. It only works if the country doesn't change. But if I edit the state, I may want to change its country too. But the above code saves the state with the same name and same country ID as the already existing one.
Here's the getByState() which is part of class LocationState:
public static function getByState($state, $country = null)
$em = \ORM::entityManager();
if (is_null($country)) {
return $em->getRepository(get_class())->findOneBy(array('state' => $state));
else {
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
return $qb->select('c')
->from('LocationState', 'c')
->leftJoin('', 'j', 'WITH', 'j.country_id =')
->andWhere('j.country_id = ?1')->setParameter(1, $country)
->andWhere('c.state = ?2')->setParameter(2, $state)
Will really appreciate your help with the last bit of logic to save edited state to make sure it doesn't exist yet.

How to get associations in Doctrine entity?

I hope it's possible in Doctrine2. I know Propel does that automatically. What I want to do is this:
I have two tables:
workflow (id, name)
inbox (id, workflow_id, name)
And two entities:
Workflow and Inbox
In my Inbox entity I, of course, have this (to relate two tables):
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Workflow")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(nullable=false)
protected $workflow;
Everything works great. However, I want to be able to get inboxes from the Workflow entity that are associated with that workflow. I can't find how to do it.
Propel does that very simple, you would just do something like this:
$workflow = WorkflowQuery::create()
$inboxes = $workflow->getInboxs()
//Propel just addes 's' to methods that return associations
How, similar this can be done in Doctrine2? Something like this:
$workflow = $this->getRepository('MyBundle:Workflow')->findById(1);
$inboxes = $workflow->getInboxes();
So, is there a way to do this? Thank you.
Change in controller:
$workflow = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('MyBundle:Workflow')->find(1);
$inboxes = $workflow->getInboxes();
Don't forget that you need
// Workflow entity
public function __construct()
// make `use` statement for this, not long
$this->inboxes = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection() ;
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Inbox", mappedBy="workflow", cascade={"persist"})
protected $inboxes ;
public function getInboxes() { return $this->inboxes ; }
// setInboxes(), addInbox(), removeInbox() here

Doctrine 2 query builder vs entity persist performance

Summary: which is quicker: updating / flushing a list of entities, or running a query builder update on each?
We have the following situation in Doctrine ORM (version 2.3).
We have a table that looks like this
and we would like to use this table to sort a report of a fictional farm. The problem is that the user wishes to have a customer ordering of the animals (e.g. Koala, Elephant, Wolf, Cow). Now there exist possibilities using CONCAT, or CASE to add a weight to the DQL (example 0002wolf, 0001elephant). In my experience this is either tricky to build and when I got it working the result set was an array and not a collection.
So, to solve this we added a "weight" field to each record and, before running the select, we assign each one with a weight:
$animals = $em->getRepository('AcmeDemoBundle:Animal')->findAll();
foreach ($animals as $animal) {
if ($animal->getName() == 'koala') {
} else if ($animal->getName() == 'elephant') {
// etc
$query = $em->createQuery(
'SELECT c FROM AcmeDemoBundle:Animal c ORDER BY c.weight'
This works perfectly. To avoid race conditions we added this inside a transaction block:
// code from above
This is a lot more robust as it handles multiple users generating the same report. Alternatively the entities can be weighted like this:
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
$q = $qb->update('AcmeDemoBundle:Animal', 'c')
->set('c.weight', $qb->expr()->literal(1))
->where(' = ?1')
->setParameter(1, 'koala')
$p = $q->execute();
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
$q = $qb->update('AcmeDemoBundle:Animal', 'c')
->set('c.weight', $qb->expr()->literal(2))
->where(' = ?1')
->setParameter(1, 'elephant')
$p = $q->execute();
// etc
$query = $em->createQuery(
'SELECT c FROM AcmeDemoBundle:Animal c ORDER BY c.weight'
1) which of the two examples would have better performance?
2) Is there a third or better way to do this bearing in mind we need a collection as a result?
Please remember that this is just an example - sorting the result set in memory is not an option, it must be done on the database level - the real statement is a 10 table join with 5 orderbys.
Initially you could make use of a Doctrine implementation named Logging (\Doctrine\DBAL\LoggingProfiler). I know that it is not the better answer, but at least you can implement it in order to get best result for each example that you have.
namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Logging;
class Profiler implements SQLLogger
public $start = null;
public function __construct()
* {#inheritdoc}
public function startQuery($sql, array $params = null, array $types = null)
$this->start = microtime(true);
* {#inheritdoc}
public function stopQuery()
echo "execution time: " . microtime(true) - $this->start;
In you main Doctrine configuration you can enable as:
$logger = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\Profiler;

EF4: Get the linked column names from NavigationProperty of an EDMX

I am generating POCOs (lets say they are subclasses of MyEntityObject) by using a T4 template from an EDMX file.
I have 3 entities, e.g.:
MyTable1 (PrimaryKey: MyTable1ID)
MyTable2 (PrimaryKey: MyTable2ID)
MyTable3 (PrimaryKey: MyTable3ID)
These entities have the following relations:
MyTable1.MyTable1ID <=>
MyTable2.MyTable1ID (MyTable1ID is the
foreign key to MyTable1)
MyTable2.MyTable2ID <=>
MyTable3.MyTable2ID (MyTable2ID is the
foreign key to MyTable2)
Or in another view:
MyTable1 <= MyTable2 <= MyTable3
I want to extract all foreign key relations
NavigationProperty[] foreignKeys = entity.NavigationProperties.Where(np => np.DeclaringType == entity && ((AssociationType)np.RelationshipType).IsForeignKey).ToArray();
forewach (NavigationProperty foreignKey in foreignKeys)
// generate code....
My Question: How can I extract the column names that are linked between two entities?
Something like this:
void GetLinkedColumns(MyEntityObject table1, MyEntityObject table2, out string fkColumnTable1, out string fkColumnTable2)
// do the job
In the example
string myTable1Column;
string myTable2Column;
GetLinkedColumns(myTable1, myTable2, out myTable1Column, out myTable2Column);
the result should be
myTable1Column = "MyTable1ID";
myTable2Column = "MyTable2ID";
The first answer works if your foreign key columns are exposed as properties in your conceptual model. Also, the GetSourceSchemaTypes() method is only available in some of the text templates included with EF, so it is helpful to know what this method does.
If you want to always know the column names, you will need to load the AssociationType from the storage model as follows:
// Obtain a reference to the navigation property you are interested in
var navProp = GetNavigationProperty();
// Load the metadata workspace
MetadataWorkspace metadataWorkspace = null;
bool allMetadataLoaded =loader.TryLoadAllMetadata(inputFile, out metadataWorkspace);
// Get the association type from the storage model
var association = metadataWorkspace
.Single(a => a.Name == navProp.RelationshipType.Name)
// Then look at the referential constraints
var toColumns = String.Join(",",
association.ReferentialConstraints.SelectMany(rc => rc.ToProperties));
var fromColumns = String.Join(",",
association.ReferentialConstraints.SelectMany(rc => rc.FromProperties));
In this case, loader is a MetadataLoader defined in EF.Utility.CS.ttinclude and inputFile is a standard string variable specifying the name of the .edmx file. These should already be declared in your text template.
Not sure exactly whether you want to generate code using the columns or not, but this may partly help to answer your question (How can I extract the column names that are linked between two entities?) ...
NavigationProperty[] foreignKeys = entity.NavigationProperties
.Where(np => np.DeclaringType == entity &&
foreach (NavigationProperty foreignKey in foreignKeys)
foreach(var rc in GetSourceSchemaTypes<AssociationType>()
.Single(x => x.Name == foreignKey.RelationshipType.Name)
foreach(var tp in rc.ToProperties)
foreach(var fp in rc.FromProperties)
This code works fine on my Visual Studio 2012
<## template language="C#" debug="true" hostspecific="true"#>
<## include file="EF.Utility.CS.ttinclude"#>
string inputFile = #"DomainModel.edmx";
MetadataLoader loader = new MetadataLoader(this);
EdmItemCollection ItemCollection = loader.CreateEdmItemCollection(inputFile);
foreach (EntityType entity in ItemCollection.GetItems<EntityType>().OrderBy(e => e.Name))
foreach (NavigationProperty navProperty in entity.NavigationProperties)
AssociationType association = ItemCollection.GetItems<AssociationType>().Single(a => a.Name == navProperty.RelationshipType.Name);
string fromEntity = association.ReferentialConstraints[0].FromRole.Name;
string fromEntityField = association.ReferentialConstraints[0].FromProperties[0].Name;
string toEntity = association.ReferentialConstraints[0].ToRole.Name;
string toEntityField = association.ReferentialConstraints[0].ToProperties[0].Name;