Debug DLL with release EXE - c++

Is it possible to execute debug mode DLL with release mode EXE?
I am trying this scenario but EXE does not load the debug DLL and throws error "This application has failed to start...".
I know this is not good scenario to do but Due to certain requirements I have to make this work.

It can work if your dll interface has no dependencies on classes that may look different in debug and release.
e.g. std::string and std::vector in MSVC are not compatible in debug and release. (Fences ...)
So for example
std::string GetName();
will not work.
In additional new and delete should not be shifted because debug/release use different runtimes. But anyway you should always delete in the same context(dll/exe) as new.

Yes, this can work.
Your "application has failed to start" issue is most likely you copied a debug build of the DLL (built on your machine with Visual Studio), to a machine that did not have the DEBUG CRT installed. Usually copying over MSVCRTD(version).dll to the same directory as your program files solves this problem. I have a previous answer that covers some of this here.
Best bet is to always have all your binaries linked to the same dynamic MSVCRT DLL so they all share the same runtime.
Another easy workaround is to compile your DEBUG DLL to use the same flavor of the MSVCRT DLL (or statically link to the CRT). Somewhere in the VS project propery pages (code generation I think) is the dropdown for choosing the CRT. There's nothing wrong with linking the retail MSVCRT into a debug DLL - or statically linking.
The things to watch out for are when you have a different flavor of the debug C runtime linked to the different binaries. If you have the release MSVCRT dll linked for the EXE, but the debug MSCVRTD DLL for the DLL, that can cause problems in a few circumstances. This is because handles and memory blocks are tracked by two different instances of the CRT.
If you allocate memory in the EXE, but free in in the DLL. And vice versa.
File handles opened with fopen() in the EXE, but used or closed in the EXE (and vice versa).
For any of the header files for the DLL's interface, having any sort of inline functions or methods implemented in the header file is an easy way to cause #1 or #2 to happen.
Sharing STL objects (std::string, std::list, std::vector) is a definite no-no for mixed CRT usage.


Effect of Changing Runtime Library Option on Runtime Linkage

In Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 (v14.0) I have a solution that contains 3 projects.
Two of those projects are DLLs, and the other one is the executable.
The executable loads the DLLs at runtime and calls their functions and they exchange parameters; using Window's LoadLibrary, and GetProcAddress APIs.
In Release mode, when I set Runtime Library of my projects to Multi-threaded DLL everything works fine. This is Multi-threaded Debug DLL for Debug mode.
If I change to Multi-threaded for Release or Multi-threaded Debug for Debug I start getting Debug Assertion errors or Memory Access Violation errors and other kind of errors. (When I change it, I change it for all the projects in the solution.)
I need to use Multi-threaded option so that the executable won't need C++ runtime library on the target machine. How can I solve this issue?
It was because using /MT separates runtimes of entities (i.e. DLLs and executable), with each having their own runtime, hence their own heap, trying to allocate memory in one and freeing it in the other will end up in error. Because other modules were oblivious to the memory allocated.
On the other hand, with /MD all modules share the same runtime and as the runtime is aware of the memory allocated in one, it will be able to free it in the other. Because one instance of runtime manages the whole memory.
Thanks to dxiv comment.

Programs works when /MT in settings but fails when /MD

I have a DLL and 3 Applications which uses this DLL. (These application do not run simultaneously)
Out of 3 Applications, 2 work perfectly but 1 application doesn't get response from one DLL function after some time (at 7th function call, to be specific).
Also, The code works properly if I use debug version of Application OR my DLL. It stops in Release version only.
After spending 2 sleepless nights, I figured out that If I change project property of DLL from /MD to to /MT, this application works properly.
I have no clue why this thing is happening. Can anyone please explain this for the sake of a sleep deprived programmer!
I would be releasing this DLL in market and I can not say whether user application will be built is /MT or /MTD or whatever... Is there any way to make sure that it will work with any application.
In Windows speak, the EXE and DLL files are modules.
Each modules compiled dynamically (/MD) share one heap.
So in the dynamic modules, if one module calls malloc (or new)
and another module does the free (or delete) on the object all is good.
Each module compiled to link in the C runtime statically gets its own heap.
If one static module allocates an object and a different static or dynamic
module tries to free the object, the program will crash because the allocate
and free are against different heaps.
Allocating and freeing memory across module boundaries
/MD links the runtime as dynamic, if the computer you have a runtime properly installed, then compiling as /MT would work, since the runtime will be included in the binary.
That may also explain while it works when you compile it as Debug mode, in debug mode, a debug version of the runtime is statically linked into the binary.
Look here for some discussion about the topic.
Another problem may be that the modules that the dll were compiled with different options, as stated in this msdn article:
All modules passed to a given invocation of the linker must have been
compiled with the same run-time library compiler option (/MD, /MT,

C++ Linking release built library with my debug build

I've downloaded a 3rd party library, and built the .lib file in 'release' mode.
After adding the lib to my project, if i run my project in release mode, it's fine. But if i run my project in debug mode, i get an error:
_iterator_debug_level value '0' doesn't match value '2;
I could rebuild the library in debug mode, but I don't think I'll need to be debugging the library itself? And I've downloaded prebuilt 3rd party libraries before which only come with a release build (i assume?) that link fine whether my project is in debug or release. I'm wondering how that is done.
If you want to distribute a release library that others can use in either release or debug mode, you need to do two things:
Build a DLL, so that you get your own copy of the C runtime library
Not share CRT resources, such as the heap, across the library boundary. The biggest thing for C code is that dynamically allocated memory has to be deallocated on the same side of the boundary. For C++ code, you can use the std namespace inside your DLL, but not pass those objects across the boundary.
That's what the pre-built third-party libraries have most likely done. You can do the same thing with your library only if the external interface doesn't share CRT objects. Or you can build separate release and debug versions as static libraries.
Looks like your debug binary and the library you downloaded use incompatible iterator debug modes. Iterator debugging is usually controlled by macros. Depending on macro values the sizes of interators and many other objects can change. You are lucky that your program emitted useful error message instead of simply crushing.
Check the library documentation and make sure that your project uses the same iterator debug mode. You may also try recompiling the library in release mode. If that doesn't help, you would have to recompile the library in debug mode, even if you don't intend to debug the library itself.

Using debug/release versions DLL in C++

I am writing an C++ application that could be compiled under Linux (gcc 4.3) and Windows (MS VS08 Express).
My application uses third-party libraries,
On Linux , they are compiled as shared libraries, while
on Windows, there are two versions "Debug" and "Release".
I know that debug version provides extra support for debugging ( just like using -ggdb option in linux gcc, right? )
But I found that if my application is in debug version , the libraries must also be in debug version, otherwise the application will crash.
Why is there such a limit? It seems that there are no such limits in the linux world
Thank you very much!
The Debug configuration of your
program is compiled with full symbolic
debug information and no optimization.
Optimization complicates debugging,
because the relationship between
source code and generated instructions
is more complex.
The Release configuration of your
program contains no symbolic debug
information and is fully optimized.
Debug information can be generated in
PDB Files (C++) depending on the
compiler options used. Creating PDB
files can be very useful if you later
need to debug your release version.
Debug vs Release
It is also possible to debug your release build with the compiler flags.
Debugging Release Builds
Heap Layout - Guard Bytes to prevent overwriting
Compilation - Removing Assert/Debug Info
Pointer Support - Buffers around pointers to prevent seg faults
Optimization - Inline Functions
Common Problems When Creating Release Builds
To elaborate on Martin Tornwall. The various libraries linked when in Debug or Release
LIBCPMT.LIB, Multithreaded, static link, /MT, _MT
LIBCPMTD.LIB, Multithreaded, static link, /MTd, _DEBUG, _MT
CRT Libraries
Most likely, the Release and Debug versions are linked against different versions of the C++ Runtime library. Usually, a Debug build links against the "Multithreaded Debug DLL" runtime, whereas a Release build will generally link against "Multithreaded DLL". Loading DLLs whose runtime libraries are mismatched with that of the application will often lead to mysterious crashes.
You could try verifying that all your DLLs build against the same runtime library as your application, regardless of which configuration (Debug or Release) is active. Whether or not this is desirable is another question entirely.
The ability to choose which runtime library to link with enables the application developer to select the best feature set given her application's requirements. For example, a single-threaded application might incur performance penalties as a result of unnecessary thread synchronization if it is linked with a runtime library that is designed with thread safety in mind. Likewise, the consequences of linking a multi-threaded application against a single-threaded runtime could potentially be disastrous.
While I never intentionally link libraries that were built with different compiler settings, there isn't much point in doing so, I only know of the STL classes in the Dinkumware implementation (the one MSFT uses) to cause this problem.
They support a feature called 'iterator debugging' which is turned on by default in the Debug configuration. This adds members to the classes to aid the diagnostic code. Making them larger. This goes bad when you create the object in a chunk of code that was compiled with one setting and pass it to code that was compiled with the opposite setting. You can turn this off by setting the _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING macro to 0. Which is rather a major loss, the feature is excellent to diagnose mistakes in the way you use STL classes.
Passing objects or pointers between different libraries is always a problem if you don't carefully control the compile settings. Mixing and matching the CRT version and flavor gets you in trouble when you do so. This normally generates a warning from the linker, not sure what you did to not see it. There won't be one if the code lives in a DLL.

Returning C++ objects from Windows DLL

Due to how Microsoft implements the heap in their non-DLL versions of the runtime, returning a C++ object from a DLL can cause problems:
// dll.h
DLL_EXPORT std::string somefunc();
// app.c - not part of DLL but in the main executable
void doit()
std::string str(somefunc());
The above code runs fine provided both the DLL and the EXE are built with the Multi-threaded DLL runtime library.
But if the DLL and EXE are built without the DLL runtime library (either the single or multi-threaded versions), the code above fails (with a debug runtime, the code aborts immediately due to the assertion _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData) failing; with a non-debug runtime the heap gets corrupted and the program eventually fails elsewhere).
Two questions:
Is there a way to solve this other then requiring that all code use the DLL runtime?
For people who distribute their libraries to third parties, how do you handle this? Do you not use C++ objects in your API? Do you require users of your library to use the DLL runtime? Something else?
Is there a way to solve this other then requiring that all code use the DLL runtime?
Not that I know of.
For people who distribute their libraries to third parties, how do you handle this? Do you not use C++ objects in your API? Do you require users of your library to use the DLL runtime? Something else?
In the past I distributed an SDK w/ dlls but it was COM based. With COM all the marshalling of parameters and IPC is done for you automatically. Users can also integrate in with any language that way.
Your code has two potential problems: you addressed the first one - CRT runtime. You have another problem here: the std::string could change among VC++ versions. In fact, it did change in the past.
The safe way to deal with is to export only C basic types. And exports both create and release functions from the DLL. Instead of export a std::string, export a pointer.
__declspec(export) void* createObject()
std::string* p = __impl_createObject();
return (void*)p;
__declspec(export) void releasePSTRING(void* pObj)
delete ((std::string*)(pObj));
There is a way to deal with this, but it's somewhat non-trivial. Like most of the rest of the library, std::string doesn't allocate memory directly with new -- instead, it uses an allocator (std::allocator<char>, by default).
You can provide your own allocator that uses your own heap allocation routines that are common to the DLL and the executable, such as by using HeapAlloc to obtain memory, and suballocate blocks from there.
If you have a DLL that you want to distribute and you don't want to bind your callers to a specific version to the C-Runtime, do any of the following:
I. Link the DLL to the static version of the C-Runtime library. From the Visual Studio Project Properties page, select the tab for Configuration Properties-> C/C++ -> Code Generation. These an option for selecting the "Runtime library". Select "Multithread" or "Multithreaded Debug" instead of the DLL versions. (Command line equilvalent is /MT or /MTd)
There are a couple of different drawbacks to this approach:
a. If Microsoft ever releases a security patch of the CRT, your shipped components may be vulnerable until your recompile and redist your binary.
b. Heap pointers allocated by "malloc" or "new" in the DLL can not be "free"d or "delete"d by the EXE or other binary. You'll crash otherwise. The same holds true for FILE handles created by fopen. You can't call fopen in teh DLL and expect the EXE to be able to fclose on it. Again, crash if you do. You will need to build the interface to your DLL to be resilient to all of these issues. For starters, a function that returns an instance to std::string is likely going to be an issue. Provide functions exported by your DLL to handle the releasing of resources as needed.
Other options:
II. Ship with no c-runtime depedency. This is a bit harder. You first have to remove all calls to the CRT out of your code, provide some stub functions to get the DLL to link, and specify "no default libraries" linking option. Can be done.
III. C++ classes can be exported cleanly from a DLL by using COM interface pointers. You'll still need to address the issues in 1a above, but ATL classes are a great way to get the overhead of COM out of the way.
The simple fact here is, Microsofts implementation aside, C++ is NOT an ABI. You cannot export C++ objects, on any platform, from a dynamic module, and expect them to work with a different compiler or language.
Exporting c++ classes from Dlls is a largely pointless excercise - because of the name mangling, and lack of support in c++ for dynamically loaded classes - the dlls have to be loaded statically - so you loose the biggest benefit of splitting a project into dlls - the ability to only load functionality as needed.