Installing SSL Cert on an EC2 Server without any dedicated ip address - web-services

I have an EC2 server which houses the api currently setup to accept connections from several iPads. I do not wish for network sniffers to see the JSON requests that are being exchanged between the servers and the devices. The idea is to have a secure protocol in place so that communication will be secured.
I have been told purchasing a SSL certificate is the way forward. The Amazon server instance I have running has an address in this format:
this is where my web root is with all the appropriate web service files. My webservice urls look something similar to this:
so on so forth. There is no hosting plan whatsoever (in the case that information is necessary).
I have been recommended to buy an SSL Cert from and have thought about getting the up to 5 multiple domains SSL certificate package.
Question: 1
What things do I need to be made aware of in order to make sure nothing fails?
I have recently read that I may need to associate an elastic IP address to my instance, otherwise the IP of my instance will change on reboots? And if that is the case, that means that the SSL certificate that was used for this: domain would no longer work since the ip address would have changed upon reboot and therefor me losing my secure domain?
Question: 2
If my thoughts in question 1 stands true, then my question would then be what is the most user friendly way or lets say, the way for beginners to create a dedicated url for my server instance (so that 1) the domain name doesnt randomly change upon server reboot (not sure when i would reboot anyway) and 2) does this mean I can have easier webservice urls that one can remember? such as.... instead of the long ec2 ugly url?!
Any easy to follow tutorials would be very helpful. I have looked at a few articles that spoke about elastic ip address, SSL certificates, and other articles about renaming ec2 url, but I'm in a position where I dont actually know which one applies to me. lol
Hope someone can help. thanks

What you want to do is to get an elastic IP address. This lets you bind your instance to a particular IP address when you start it up. You can then register a hostname in DNS (Amazon don't help you with this part) and state that that hostname has the IP address that is the elastic IP address that you have registered.
The final piece is to get a server certificate (strictly, a keypair where the public part is the server certificate) that has the hostname in the CN field of its Distinguished Name, and to install that server keypair on the instance. (This is another part that Amazon don't help you with, and is in fact the same process as if you were hosting the hardware yourself.) Like that, the client
looks up the hostname and gets the elastic IP address,
connects and gets the server certificate, and
checks the server certificate and sees that the hostname it is for is the hostname that they expected. (There's a few other checks as well, such as whether the certificate was signed by a trusted certificate authority and whether the certificate is within its validity period.)
That allows the client to trust that who they have securely connected to is who they expected to securely connect to, which is a key part of establishing trust.
What you do not do is use the AWS machine names (internal or external) in the certificate you apply for. Those change and you really do not want to trust other people's VMs.

Donal's answer is the way to go. You need to explicitly register a domain and generate the SSL certificate containing the CN as that domain. Elastic IP addresses definitely are your friends in this issue. You will need them.
I added another answer in order to give another point of view: if you ever want to scale your backend solution, going that way will be more difficult. If you ever thought about adding more servers to host your web service, you should definitely set up an Elastic Load Balancer, add your instances to it, and point the domain you just registered to your Elastic Load Balancer. Then, you can purchase the SSL certificate and install it directly on your ELB, configuring SSL termination on the ELB. You will also configure the ELB so that connections arriving at port 443 will map to port 80 (or whatever port) on your servers. Don't worry, this is plain easy to set up.
Whenever you want to add more servers to your web service, it will just be a matter of setting up another EC2 instance (this process can - and should - be automated) and adding it to the ELB.
With this setup, you get rid of the need for Elastic IP addresses. All the connections go through the ELB.


all requests from my machine on ec2 have the same static ip's

My machine is configured in ubuntu. It has a python flask service. I use a domain that I bought with a certificate that I generated at aws.
I am concerned about the security of my service and wanted to use a tool called flask ip ban. However the IP I receive from users both on the console and in the code using '' request.remote_addr '' are specific ip's of the same domain that starts with 172.31. *. *
Even if I use proxies the ip of my pc is always and this is neither my ip nor my proxies.
I tried to use the ip ban flask but I ended up banning literally all users, because those few ip's that seem to bring my clients, without me knowing how, were banned
I would like to know how to do to show the real ip's. Could it be because my service is micro? Or because am I using Load balancer with my certificate? I couldn't get any relationship with flask or python
You are behind a load balancer which mean the IP address you are seeing is the one from your load balancer. As Mark advise above you can use the x-forwarded-for header but what I wanted to add is that you have a wonderful blog post that explain it all.

Resolve URL to AWS Server

I have a domain that I own. I will say is I added as a Type A record on GoDaddy with a value of
The IP address is a elastic IP on a Windows AWS server.
I can ping the IP address but I can't ping the URL. Do I need to do something with the IP address on the AWS Windows server to be able to ping the URL?
This is pretty much one of my first web based projects so any help would be appreciated!
Ping is not a reliable test method in AWS because most security groups do not permit inbound ICMP protocol, which is used by Ping. So, if you really want to test connectivity, do it on a port that you actually need your application to support, such as HTTP (80) or trying an SSH/RDP connection.
Another common use for a Ping is to resolve the domain name to an IP address, since it displays the result on-screen. This can be a good way to check that your Amazon Route 53 configuration is correct. (Same as a dnslookup.)
I was jumping the gun a bit and the new NameServers I was using had not replicated completely yet. After replication completed everything was able to be pinged successfully.

Multiple server applications, one public IP on Amazon EC2

I have a single Windows Amazon EC2 instance and one public IP. The instance is running multiple web server EXEs which all sit on port 80. I want to have different domain names which I want to point to each server. On my old dedicated server I achieved this simply by having different public IPs, but with Amazon EC2 I want to keep to just one public IP.
I am not using IIS, Apache, etc. otherwise life would be a lot simpler (I would simply bind hostnames accordingly). The web server executables perform unusual "utility" tasks as part of a range of other websites, but still need to be hosted on port 80. There is no configuration other than address to bind to and port #.
I have setup several private IPs and bound each server application to those private IPs. Is it possible to leverage some of the Amazon networking products to direct the traffic to the correct private IP? e.g. I have tried setting up a private-DNS using Amazon Route53, and internally at least this seems to point to the correct servers - but not (perhaps logically) when I try to access the site externally.
In absence of any other solutions I decided to solve this using the blunt hammer approach and use a reverse proxy. Downside is my servers now only see the user IPs as which was less than ideal, but better than nothing at all.
For my reverse proxy I used Redbird (uses node.js) but Nginx may also be an option. Both are free / open source.

how do i add DNS record for a web service running on 8080 port on AWS

I have a web service running on aws under the following URL http://""/webapi and the instance is associated with an Elastic IP Now i want to add a DNS record so that i can access this easily like htttp://
what i have done so far is, i have added an A record called to in the Godaddy DNS console but still i cant access
Can you please guide me what i have to do where i can access the web service easily as
You can't do this. DNS maps names to IP addresses but not ports.
If you are going to access HTTP at an address it has to be:
Bound to the default port (80) if you don't want to specify the port.
Specified in the URL if it is a different port.
If you are trying to do this for an "easier" address you'll have to use port 80. If that is used by something else you are stuck with nominating a specific port.
You could consider assigning another ip address and setting up an address like to point to it. That way you could use by binding the API to that address rather than which you are presumably using for something else.

How to reference another EC2 instance, which may be restarted or even have another instance started?

Consider an server, which is not publicly available and which does not have an elastic IP address. I cannot assign it an Elastic IP address as I don't have any more addresses to assign (used all 5 already on publicly-available servers).
The publicly-available servers need to access a service on However, if I restart that server then it may receive a different address and I'll have to update 20 websites across 5 webservers with the new address. Is there any way to refer to the server which will persist even if I restart that server, considering that I have no more Elastic IP addresses to assign to it?
Is there any way to refer to
Key word "refer to" -- indeed, there is... a DNS CNAME.
Whether your DNS is in Route 53 or elsewhere, a CNAME record refers a system asking for a particular host by name, to a different host -- also by name.
Let's say, for example, that the service this system provides is the generation of reports. In the "" domain...
reports IN CNAME
Any machine looking up "" from the DNS will be referred to the hostname which will of course resolve to the machine's IP address.
If the machine's IP address (and therefore, in AWS, its hostname) changes because the instance was terminated or failed or replaced, you only have to update the information in one place -- the DNS. The systems that need to access this system would be configured with "" instead of the other hostname, so they wouldn't have to be maintained individually.
If you are using Route 53, it's also possible to configure Route 53 to actually give out a different answer using failover routing with health checks and divert requests elsewhere when the instance isn't working properly.
Amazon will not give you any difficulty at all if you simply request more Elastic IPs. It's right here: Request to Increase Elastic IP Address Limit
It turns out the the best way to refer to other instances in AWS is to use Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). In VPC each machine gets a static internal IP address, which persists for the lifetime of the instance. In fact in VPC one can configure full networking!