iCloud data transfer to other cloud - icloud

I have no other choice but to adopt iCloud right now. In the near future i would like to build my own cloud service. Is there any problem if the app transfers all the data from iCloud to my own cloud?
Only the data related to my app of course.
After user's permission.
Is Apple positive about this?

If you mean, would Apple approve an app for the store that was going to transfer the user's iCloud data to some other online service, as usual all we can do is try and gauge the odds.
None of Apple's guidelines even hint that apps may not use non-iCloud services.
Neither do they hint that there's any issue with moving data from one service to another, even if one of them is iCloud.
Apple does not look kindly on apps that transfer user data to online storage without the user's knowledge. Assuming you make it clear to users what you're doing, this is probably not an issue, but users should have the chance to opt out of your service.
Based on information available right now, what you suggest is probably OK so long as your app makes clear what's happening. It's unwise to try and predict Apple's app-approval actions too closely. They might change their policies tomorrow, or they might decide to reject your app for reasons that had not previously been stated. At the moment though, switching services like that seems likely to be accepted.


Google Cloud Platform: Mining cryptocurrencies

I received an email indicating that my Google Cloud Project have been suspended because I was supposedly mining cryptocurrencies.
My project is a tool like a Calculator and that issue surely isn't possible.
What could be happen?
In order to create a function I hired a programmer on UpWork and give him access to the GCP.
Well, it seems this developer has abused our trust and did something wrong.
What can I do?
Now the project is suspended and any section I try to go in the form "Appeal" appears.
I appealed but I have to wait Google to reply.
How can I check if my project have been used for these bad usages?
I want to cut services the developer could be used or so.
Unfortunately, you must wait for Google’s reply.
AS a recommendation you could review this information to determine if it is intended, Cryptocurrency mining is often an indication of the use of fraudulent accounts and payment instruments, and requires verification in order to mine cryptocurrency in the Cloud Security Help Center.
If you believe your project has been compromised, I recommend that you secure all your instances, which may require uninstalling and then reinstalling your project, you could follow the steps.
To better protect your organization from misconfiguration and access the best of Google's threat detection, you may consider enabling Security Command Center (SCC) for your organization. To learn more about SCC visit.

Several Problems with Google SDK Speech-to-text (Transcription) details

I've encountered several fairly serious problems in my efforts to develop a speech-to-text application. Some of them (I hope) may just be my lack of experience/common-sense/in-depth-reading/etc. Here's the list:
Long (>60 sec) transcriptions -- Forces me to use a GS bucket to first upload the soundfile to the bucket. Trouble is:
a. I have to run the "gcloud auth login" on each machine I need to run on. I have well over 50 machines. This appears to be a purely manual operation, as you have to copy a long URL to your browser, hit enter, click on the right account, accept the permissions, then hand-copy and paste the key presented back into the gcloud prompt, and hit enter there. While it does appear to be presistent to some degree, it is subject to one interesting constraint: only 51 machines (maybe 50, I got tired trying to count) are allowed. And the earliest logged-in machine is un-loggedin to make room for the new login. This was very odious. All this hassle is purely for using the buckets. A shorter transcription will not use GS, and complete without complaint. Really!!!! Is there no better way? Do we have to use gcloud auth login? Manually???? The number of servers we can use with GoogleStorage????
Another google storage issue: transcription requires the bucket to be "public". We are pretty worried about security, and the privacy of our customers, whose recordings will be in the uploaded bucket, even if only there briefly.
The transcription app offers transcriptions in multiple languages, but the "phone_call" model is fixed to en_US, and seems to ignore the language setting. If I change the request to es_US, and supply a spanish recording, it behaves the same. (But everything works OK in the 'command_and_search' model). This seems to be in evolution, any idea when/if they will carry the multi-language features over to the phone_call model?
If anyone can help, Oh Wise Ones, please impart of thy wisdom!

Does SNS retain my data?

I am evaluating push notification services and cannot use services on the cloud as laws prohibit customer identification data being stored off-premise.
Is there any chance data will be stored off-premise if I use AWS-SNS API (not the console) to send push notifications to end user devices via code hosted on-premise(using AWS SDK)? In other words, will SNS retain my data or will it forget it right after it send the notification?
What have I tried so far?
Combed through the documentation as much as I could, but couldn't find anything to be 100% sure.
Would appreciate any pointers on this. TIA.
I would pose this question directly to AWS as it pertains to a legal requirement. I would clarify if the laws you need to comply with are in relation to data at rest or in transit, or both. Additionally if there are any circumstances where it would be ok for one or both of the aforementioned if there was certain security aspects that have been met.
Knowing no real detail about your use case I will say that AWS has a Region specifically for use by the US Government. If your solution is for the US Government then you should be making use of this Region as it ticks off a lot of compliance forms for you well in advance.
You can open a support ticket in the AWS console.
Again if there is a legal requirement for your data I thoroughly recommend that you ask AWS directly so that you may reference their answer in writing in the future.
Even if they didn't store it, how can you prove that to auditors?
Besides, what is the difference between storing something in memory (which they obviously have to do) and storing something on disk? One is volatile and the other isn't I guess. But from a compliance point of view, an admin on the box can get both, so who cares if the hardware with your data on it is a stick of RAM or a disk plugged into a SATA port?

Should app allow user to switch iCloud on or off?

The Apple documentations says:
When a user launches your iCloud-enabled app for the first time,
invite them to use iCloud.
Never prompt the user again about
whether they want to use iCloud vs. local storage.
What if the user does not pick iCloud the first time, but decides to use it later?
What if after using iCloud for a few days, the user decides to switch back to local storage?
What if a user runs out of iCloud storage space, but does not want to pay for additional space?
Should an app be designed to allow users to toggle between local and iCloud storage? If yes, what's the best way to deal with this?
Yes, you definitely need to be able to migrate a user between the two storage methods, for the reasons you include above plus more - what if the user signs out of iCloud? And what if that is followed by another iCloud user signing in? You need to handle this stuff and be able to move things when you can and even when you can't do that, save stuff in the right place and where the user expects.
How you handle it will depend on what types of iCloud storage you are using. For the key value store, you should also be caching that stuff locally (it's not an NSUserDefaults substitute).
For document and Core Data, you can sometimes migrate persistent stores back into local stores, and you can sometimes move documents out of iCloud to local storage. I'd recommend reading both the Document Programming on iOS guide and the iCloud guide to get at least a base idea of how to handle this.
One thing that can be tough is detecting some of these changes - the APIs are a bit underbaked in this regard. One technique that is used by some are 'sentinel files' that you place in ubiquity - if they're missing, you know that the iCloud universe as you knew it has changed.
Take a look at how Apple's apps handle this, like iWork. There's an iCloud switch in their settings bundle.

Google gears a good solution for online/offline wiki?

we need an online offline wiki type app that is basically a number of pages with documentation in, but that also would need to link to a number of files .. words docs/ pdfs/ ppts etc that are on a synched mapped drive on the users laptop..
could anyone suggest whether or not google gears would be a reasonable solution to this, i have just had a brief peruse on the gears documentation.. and its seems pretty cool/useful.
as in make a web wiki and gears it up.
the app would also need some way of holding the links to the actual files (docs/pdfs etc) but that should impact the gearsiness of it i imagine)
sorry its late in the day so the question may not actually make any sense..
Given that Google is publicly committed to supporting HTML 5 and it's very extensive offline application capabilities, I would personally choose that direction over Gears.
Neither Gears nor HTML 5 is going to give you any ability to read content off of the computer. Web browsers are intentionally sand-boxed to prevent that kind of activity.
Check out the remarkable capabilities of HTML 5, and then see how extensive support for it already is.
Gears is for allowing web pages to store local content and applications on a client computer for offline mode, not for allowing the web browser to peek out on the user's computer.
Gears is also deprecated in favor of HTML5 local storage and other developments.