How to create an image slideshow in an xe:Dialog? - slideshow

I am trying to create a slideshow in an xe:dialog
within the dialog I have repeat populated from a notesdocumentcollection containing one image for each document. and two buttons. Next and Previous
When the user in the dialog click "Next" the next image in my collection should be displayed and when I click previous the previous image in my collection should be displayed.
As these images can be very big I do not want to preload them, the actual image should be retrieved at the time when the user click the "Next" button.
How can I do this?
the problem I have is that I do not know how to navigate to the next image. there is probably a very simple solution. I have tried using different techniques like setRowIndex and setIndex etc.
I first thought I could set the repeats repeat limit to "1" and then navigate to next by incrementing the index but could not get that to work.
So what I thought about then was to set the repeat limit to 1000 and hide all images using css but then all images would be preloaded.

Instead of document collection, you can store document id's in a vector and put it into viewscope. You also put a current index in the viewScope. Next/previous will change index variable and since xe:dialog supports partial refresh, it will be easy and convenient.


WinUI3 : Incrementally add contents to ListView On scroll

I am working on WinUI 3 desktop application in C++. I was trying to achieve an experience where when we scroll ListView, we will incrementally add rows to the end of the listviews dropdown during runtime.
For example, I might have 100,000 results to fit in a list view, I only want to show a limited number of contents in the list view, then as the user scrolls I'll add more contents to the list view.
I was not able to get any scroll-based events in ListView directly, so I extracted the ScrollViewer from the list view and handled the ViewChanged event. This event was fired when the scroll happened. But I was not able to get how many rows were scrolled or currently which row is been scrolled.
I want to get how many rows are scrolled so that I can insert enough rows to the end of the ListViews Item Source. It would be of great help if you could help me with this.
Thank You

How to pass data values between pages

I'm getting and showing data from database. I was created button which one redirects to another page and fill form data. Button redirects to another this application page and sets items (names, values). If I set static value - it's works. But how I can pass data from columns (MAX_PHOTOS, MAX_PHOTO_SIZE) using Page Designer?
When creating a link, you have options.
You type in the Page number, and then below that you set items. You can just click the buttons next to the lines and it shows you the items on the target page and the items on the source page, you select those and thats that.
If you are writting them in yourself, then you can do &P1_ITEM. Dont forget the . at the end. This also works for other uses where you need to reference page items. But know that those values must be submitted in order for them to be used.

Init no data inside scrollview and add later nothing display

I create list of items with empty at the first place. And then i add later by pressing record audio at the bottom of screen. Once I press again it will put into the array. Any idea ?
Here is an example project
What the application does is that It will record your sound and save and display towards users.
The array is named as audioFiles. You can start from that.
The function that add array is named audioRecorderDidFinishRecording.
Thank in advance

Formula help on IF ELSE on Smartsheet

I want to have a condition where IF Delivered column checkbox is checked, then that whole row will be deleted. Is that feasible?
How can I start with it?
Formulas can't change the condition of an item (like a row), only the value in a cell. So, in other words, you can't delete a row with a formula.
You "could" do this with an external script using the Smartsheet API, but you'll want to take situations that #Ken White mentioned in the comments into account. Your script should make sure that there is a way for users to recover the deleted row if the box is checked by mistake.
There are a couple of ways this might be possible. If you set up a default filter on a sheet to always load rows where complete box is unchecked, then, if you checked off a task or two and reloaded the sheet those tasks would not be visible the next time it loads.
To do this:
Create a new filter.
Title it and check the Share Filter checkbox
Set the criteria to the checkbox is unchecked
Then click okay
Save the sheet to save the shared filter.
Click on SHARE
Scroll down and click edit next to the default view
Set the filter to new filter you saved
Check off some boxes and save the sheet.
Reload the sheet and the completed items will not be visible.

How to do dynamic paging in Grid.MVC

I have using grid.mvc control in my project. I want to use dynamic paging in grid.mvc control.
I have combobox having entries 10,25,50. when I change comboBox value. Grid should display data accordingly. ( E.g. when I select 25, grid will show 25 rows). by deafult grid is showing 10 rows at a time.
Also it should adjust while filtering records.
I tried but didn't found any suitable solution.
This in theory should be pretty easy though I haven't done it myself.
You can link that dropdown (in the view) to an action result (in the controller) that changes a value you pass to the ViewBag (in controller ViewBag.WhateverName = dropdown's value).
Then re-render the same view and in the place when you end your grid, end it with
Basically .WithPaging(10) would give you pages with 10 rows, WithPaging(20) 20 rows per page, etc. So by changing that value with the dropdown and registering that action in the controller to reassign the value, you should be able to achieve this functionality.
I will keep editing and maybe add controller code later if I have time, just wanted to get something up to help you out. Good luck!