My example below suggests that implicit conversions from non-template types to template types won't work as seamlessly as those only involving non-template types. Is there a way to make them work nonetheless?
struct point;
template<unsigned d> struct vec {
vec() { }
// ...
template<> struct vec<2> {
vec() { }
vec(const point& p) { /* ... */ } // Conversion constructor
// ...
struct point {
operator vec<2>() { return vec<2>(/* ... */); } // Conversion operator
template<unsigned d> vec<d> foo(vec<d> a, vec<d> b) {
return vec<d>(/* ... */);
template<unsigned d1, unsigned d2>
vec<d1 + d2> bar(vec<d1> a, vec<d2> b) {
return vec<d1 + d2>(/* ... */);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
point p1, p2;
vec<2> v2;
vec<3> v3;
foo(v2, p1);
foo(p2, v2);
foo(p1, p2);
bar(v3, p1);
Is there a way to let this code auto-convert from point to vec<2>?
I know I can overload foo and bar to allow for point arguments, delegating to the vec implementation using an explicit conversion. But doing this for all parameter combinations will become tedious, particularly for functions with many such parameters. So I'm not interested in solutions where I have to duplicate code for every parameter combination of every function.
It appears that neither the conversion constructor nor the cast operator are sufficient to achieve this. At least my gcc 4.7.1 reports no matching function call, although it does name the desired function in a notice, stating that ‘point’ is not derived from ‘vec<d>’.
There is no direct way to get the conversion from point to vec<2>, because at the time when the function call foo(v1,p1) is processed, a function foo that expects a vec<2> as second argument does not exist yet. It's just a function template, and in order for this to be instantiated to a foo(const vec<2> &,const vec<2> &), a function call with these exact argument types would have to be given.
In order for the code to work, the compiler would have to guess both how to instantiate the template parameters, and what type the point argument to convert to. This is too much in the general case (although in your particular code it appears simple, because there is no other possible way to interpret the intent of the programmer).
In terms of solving this, the only thing I can think of is to create highly templated conversion functions:
template <typename T>
struct make_vec
{ };
template <unsigned d>
struct make_vec<vec<d>>
static constexpr unsigned dim = d;
using type = vec<dim>;
static const type &from(const type &v)
{ return v; }
template <>
struct make_vec<point>
static constexpr unsigned dim = 2;
using type = vec<dim>;
static type from(const point &p)
{ return type(p); }
template <typename T>
typename make_vec<typename std::decay<T>::type>::type make_vec_from(T&& arg)
{ return make_vec<typename std::decay<T>::type>::from(std::forward<T>(arg)); }
And then implement the foo and bar functions as general templates (accepting all kinds of types, not only vec<d>, using make_vec defined above to convert the given types to the right kind of vec<d>):
namespace detail {
/* Your original implementation of foo. */
template<unsigned d> vec<d> foo(vec<d>, vec<d>) {
return vec<d>(/* ... */);
/* Templated version of foo that calls the conversion functions (which do
nothing if the argument is already a vec<d>), and then calls the
foo() function defined above. */
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
typename make_vec<typename std::decay<T>::type>::type foo(T&& arg, Ts&&... args)
{ return detail::foo(make_vec_from(arg),make_vec_from(args)...); }
In the case of bar you also need a way to calculate the return type, which is vec<d1+d2+d3...>. For this, a sum calculator is required, also templated:
template <typename... Ts>
struct dsum {
static constexpr unsigned value = 0;
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
struct dsum<T,Ts...> {
static constexpr unsigned value = make_vec<typename std::decay<T>::type>::dim + dsum<Ts...>::value;
Then, the return type of bar() is vec<dsum<T,Ts...>::value>.
A fully working example is here:$11
Not exactly simple, but might be worth it if you really have extremely many different combinations of arguments.
I have a class template Function that takes a unsigned integer as a template argument, for the number of inputs. This template overloads operator() so the Function can be evaluated for a set of given inputs.
Usually, one of the prototypes for this member would be operator()(double, ...). However, if the template argument is 0, then that prototype wouldn't work, as it requires at least one argument.
template <unsigned Arity>
struct Function {
void operator () (double, ...);
Normally, I'd just write a template specialization, but there would be a lot of redundant code since there are a lot of other member functions. Again, normally, I'd make a base class containing the redundant code for the main class definition and the specialization to inherit from.
struct FunctionBase {
// Common code
Function operator + (Function const &) const; // ?
template <unsigned Arity>
struct Function : FunctionBase { /* etc */ };
Unfortunately, I'm unsure how to go about doing this, since for example operator+ is meant to return a Function. But how can it do this if Function is only defined later on? Function inherits from the base class, and by this design operator+ is in the base class...
It could return an instance of the base class, but then we need a way to convert that instance to an instance of Function, and I know of no way to do this without copying the first instance's data, which is very expensive in terms of performance.
How can I accomplish this?
The question is quite difficult to answer for it's far from being clear.
Below two possibile alternatives that try to address your issues:
If you want to go ahead with Arity template parameter, you can use sfinae'd operators to deal with Arity equal to 0:
template<int Arity>
struct Function {
template<int N = Arity>
std::enable_if_t<N == 0> operator()() {
std::cout << "arity == 0" << std::endl;
template<int N = Arity>
std::enable_if_t<N != 0> operator()(double, ...) {
std::cout << "arity != 0" << std::endl;
int main() {
Function<0> f1;
Function<2> f2;
f2(0., 42);
This way you no longer need to introduce a base class and all the related problems don't apply anymore.
If you mind changing approach instead, you can switch to the following pattern for your function object:
struct Function;
template<typename R, typename... A>
struct Function<R(A...)> {
R operator()(A... args) {
// ...
// ...
You can use it as it follows:
Function<void(int, char)> f;
If you want to have a fixed double as you first parameter for operator(), you can do this:
template<typename R, typename... A>
struct Function<R(double, A...)> {
R operator()(double d, A... args) {
// ...
// ...
And use it as it follows:
Function<void(double, int, char)> f1;
Function<void(double)> f1;
This will help at least dealing easily with empty parameter packs (note that sizeof...(A) will return you the number of submitted parameters in any case).
It follows a minimal, working example implementation:
struct Function;
template<typename R, typename... A>
struct Function<R(A...)> {
R operator()(A... args) {
int _[] = { 0, (std::cout << args << std::endl, 0)... };
template<typename... O>
Function<R(A..., O...)> operator+(Function<R(O...)>) {
return {};
// ...
int main() {
Function<void(int)> f1;
Function<void(double)> f2;
(f1+f2)(3, .3);
I've written this code to check if a class type have begin function.
struct foo //a simple type to check
int begin(){ return 0;}
struct Fallback
int begin(){ return 0;}
template<typename T>
struct HasfuncBegin : T,Fallback
typedef char one;
typedef int two;
template<typename X>
static one check(int (X::*)() = &HasfuncBegin<T>::begin);
template<typename X>
static two check(...);
enum :bool {yes = sizeof(check<T>())==1, no= !yes};
int main()
std::cout<< HasfuncBegin<foo>::yes;
return 0;
Which produces error :
error: call of overloaded 'check()' is ambiguous
enum {yes = sizeof(check<T>())==1, no= !yes};
C:\XXX\main.cpp:24:16: note: candidate: static HasfuncBegin<T>::one HasfuncBegin<T>::check(int (X::*)()) [with X = foo; T = foo; HasfuncBegin<T>::one = char]
static one check(int (X::*)() = &HasfuncBegin<T>::begin);
C:\XXX\main.cpp:26:16: note: candidate: static HasfuncBegin<T>::two HasfuncBegin<T>::check(...) [with X = foo; T = foo; HasfuncBegin<T>::two = int]
static two check(...);
Can anyone please explain why call is ambiguous (even though first check function with signature one check(int (X::*)() = &HasfuncBegin<T>::begin); has default argument to be used) and also how to make my code work?
So here is final working code :
struct foo
int begin(){ return 0;}
struct Fallback
int begin(){ return 0;}
template<typename T, T ptr> struct dummy{};
template<typename T>
struct HasfuncBegin : T,Fallback
typedef char one;
typedef int two;
template<typename X>
static one check(dummy<int (X::*)(),&HasfuncBegin<X>::begin>*);
// even this won't work, so replace above statement with below commented one
// static one check(dummy<decltype(&HasfuncBegin<X>::begin),&HasfuncBegin<X>::begin>*);
template<typename X>
static two check(...);
enum {yes = sizeof(check<T>(0))==1, no= !yes};
The reason for the ambiguity is that both (templated) overloads of check() are valid matches for check<T>(). You may think one is more valid than the other but the rules of the language is that they are both equally valid.
A variable argument function (...) is a match for zero or more arguments (i.e. check<T>()). A function with a single argument that has a default value can match check<T>().
Hence the message about ambiguity.
You haven't actually described what you are trying to achieve with this code (particularly the initialisation of the enum), but are somehow expecting we will work out what you are trying to do. The obvious way to get it to compile would be to remove one of the overloads.
But, unless you describe what you are really trying to achieve, nobody can advise you. Reading sites like this does not grant people mindreading powers.
The call is ambiguous because overload selection is based on conversion sequences from the call arguments to the function parameters. The rules are a bit complex to fully explain here, but consider these two examples:
void ex1(int) {} //v1
void ex1(...) {} //v2
void ex2(int = 1) {} //v1
void ex2(...) {} //v2
int main() {
The ex1(1) call is well-formed. There is a single argument which has a better implicit conversion sequence to v1 than v2 (exact match vs. ellipsis conversion).
The ex2() call is ill-formed. There are no arguments with which to compare conversion sequences and both overloads can be called with no arguments. This is analogous to your code.
It looks like you're stuck with C++03, so here's a possible solution using this answer:
template<typename T>
struct HasfuncBegin {
typedef char yes[1];
typedef char no [2];
template <typename U, U> struct type_check;
template <typename _1> static yes &chk(type_check<int (T::*)(), &_1::begin > *);
template <typename > static no &chk(...);
static bool const value = sizeof(chk<T>(0)) == sizeof(yes);
Live Demo
I am trying to write a template class which may or may not define a particular member function depending on its template parameter type. Further the return type of this member function depends on the return type of of a member of the template paramter (if defined).
Below is a minimal example of my code
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
template <typename T>
struct has_foo_int {
template <typename U>
static decltype(std::declval<U>().foo(0), void(), std::true_type()) test(int);
template <typename>
static std::false_type test(...);
typedef decltype(test<T>(0)) test_type;
enum { value = test_type::value };
template <typename T, bool HasFooInt>
struct foo_int_return_type;
template<typename T>
struct foo_int_return_type<T,false> {};
template<typename T>
struct foo_int_return_type<T,true> {
using type = decltype(std::declval<T>().foo(0));
template<typename T>
struct mystruct
T val;
//auto someMethod(int i) -> decltype(std::declval<T>().foo(0)) // error: request for member ‘foo’ in ‘std::declval<double>()’, which is of non-class type ‘double’
//auto someMethod(int i) -> typename foo_int_return_type<T,has_foo_int<T>::value>::type // error: no type named ‘type’ in ‘struct foo_int_return_type<double, false>’
template<typename R=typename foo_int_return_type<T,has_foo_int<T>::value>::type> R someMethod(int i) // error: no type named ‘type’ in ‘struct foo_int_return_type<double, false>’
struct with_foo_int {
int foo(int i){
return i+1;
using namespace std;
int main(void)
mystruct<with_foo_int> ms1;
cout << ms1.someMethod(41) << endl;
mystruct<double> ms2;
return 0;
What I would like to happen is that the code compiles fine and outputs 42 for ms1.someFunc(41). I would also expect that if one accidentally tried to call someFunc on ms2 that it would fail to compile.
Unfortunately each of the alternatives I have tried has failed. The first and second, I think I understand why they wouldn't work.
I read here that SFINAE only works for template functions so I tried giving a dummy template parameter to work out the return type but this too fails in the same way.
I'm clearly not understanding something here, what am I missing? Is it possible to achieve what I'm trying to do?
P.s. I'm using g++ 4.7.3
P.p.s I have also tried std::enable_if but get much the same results as with my foo_int_return_type struct.
Here is a short, tidy and documented way of doing what you are attempting,
with some possible bugs addressed thereafter.
#include <type_traits>
Template `has_mf_foo_accepts_int_returns_int<T>`
has a static boolean public member `value` that == true
if and only if `T` is a class type that has a public
member function or member function overload
`int T::foo(ArgType) [const]` where `ArgType`
is a type to which `int` is implicitly convertible.
template <typename T>
struct has_mf_foo_accepts_int_returns_int {
/* SFINAE success:
We know now here `int *` is convertible to
"pointer to return-type of T::foo(0)"
template<typename A>
static constexpr bool test(
decltype(std::declval<A>().foo(0)) *prt) {
/* Yes, but is the return-type of `T::foo(0)`
actually *the same* as `int`?...
return std::is_same<int *,decltype(prt)>::value;
// SFINAE failure :(
template <typename A>
static constexpr bool test(...) {
return false;
/* SFINAE probe.
Can we convert `(int *)nullptr to
"pointer to the return type of T::foo(0)"?
static const bool value = test<T>(static_cast<int *>(nullptr));
template<typename T>
struct mystruct
using has_good_foo = has_mf_foo_accepts_int_returns_int<T>;
T val;
`template<typename R> R someMethod(R)` will be this if and only
if `R` == `int` and `has_good_foo` == true.
template<typename R = int>
typename std::enable_if<
(has_good_foo::value && std::is_same<R,int>::value),R
someMethod(R i) {
`template<typename R> R someMethod(R)` will be this if and only
if `R` != `int` or `has_good_foo` != true.
template<typename R = int>
typename std::enable_if<
!(has_good_foo::value && std::is_same<R,int>::value),R
someMethod(R i) {
static_assert(has_good_foo::value && std::is_same<R,int>::value,
"mystruct<T> does not implement someMethod(R)");
return i;
// Testing...
#include <iostream>
struct with_foo_int
int foo(int i) {
return i + 1;
using namespace std;
int main(void)
mystruct<with_foo_int> ms1;
cout << ms1.someMethod(41) << endl;
mystruct<double> ms2;
cout << ms2.someMethod(41) << endl; // static_assert failure
return 0;
This solution faithfully reproduces a couple of possible loopholes in your
own attempt as posted:-
1) It looks as if you may believe that evaluating std::declval<U>().foo(0) is
a SFINAE way of determining whether U::foo exists and takes a single argument
of type int. It doesn't. It is merely a SFINAE way of determining whether
U::foo(ArgType) exists where ArgType is anything to which 0 is
implicitly convertible. Thus ArgType could be any pointer-or-arithmetic
type, not just int.
2) You may not have considered that std::declval<U>().foo(0) will be satisfied
if either or both of U::foo(ArgType) U::foo(ArgType) const exists. You
may well care whether you call a const or a non-const member function on
U, and you would certainly care which of two member function you call. If
with_foo_int were defined as:
struct with_foo_int
int foo(int i) const {
return i + 1;
int foo(int i) {
return i + 2;
then the solution given would call the non-const overload and
ms1.someMethod(41) would == 43.
2) Is easily dealt with. If you wish to ensure that you can only call
T::foo(ArgType) const then add a const qualifier to mystruct::someMethod.
If you don't care or wish only to call T::foo(ArgType) then leave things
as they are.
1) is a little harder to solve, because you must craft a SNIFAE probe for
T::foo that is satisfied only if it has the right signature, and that
signature will either be const qualified or not. Let's assume you want
int T::foo(int) const. In that case, replace template
has_mf_foo_accepts_int_returns_int with:
/* Template `has_mf_foo_arg_int_returns_int<T>
has a static boolean public member `value` that == true
if and only if `T` is a class type that has an un-overloaded
a public member `int T::foo(int) const`.
template< typename T>
struct has_mf_foo_arg_int_returns_int
/* SFINAE foo-has-correct-sig :) */
template<typename A>
static std::true_type test(int (A::*)(int) const) {
return std::true_type();
/* SFINAE foo-exists :) */
template <typename A>
static decltype(test(&A::foo))
test(decltype(&A::foo),void *) {
/* foo exists. What about sig? */
typedef decltype(test(&A::foo)) return_type;
return return_type();
/* SFINAE game over :( */
template<typename A>
static std::false_type test(...) {
return std::false_type();
/* This will be either `std::true_type` or `std::false_type` */
typedef decltype(test<T>(0,0)) type;
static const bool value = type::value; /* Which is it? */
and in template mystruct replace:
using has_good_foo = has_mf_foo_accepts_int_returns_int<T>;
using has_good_foo = has_mf_foo_arg_int_returns_int<T>;
(Template has_mf_foo_arg_int_returns_int is adapted
from my other answer and
you can read how it works there.)
What you gain in SFINAE-precision from the latter approach comes at
a price. The approach requires you to attempt to take the address of T::foo,
to see if it exists. But C++ will not give you the address of an overloaded
member function, so this approach will fail if T::foo is overloaded.
The code here will compile (or appropriately static_assert) with
GCC >= 4.7.2 clang >= 3.2.
I am trying to build a statically bound delegate class, where the member function is bound at compile time, thereby aiding optimisation.
I have the following code which works exactly how I want it to:
#include <iostream>
namespace thr {
template<typename T, T func>
struct delegate;
template<typename R,
typename C,
typename... A,
R (C::* mem_fun)(A...)>
struct delegate<R(C::*)(A...), mem_fun>
delegate(C* obj_)
: _obj(obj_)
R operator()(A... a)
return (_obj->*mem_fun)(a...);
C* _obj;
} // namespace thr
struct foo
double bar(int i, int j)
return (double)i / (double)j;
int main()
foo f;
typedef thr::delegate<decltype(&foo::bar), &foo::bar> cb;
cb c(&f);
std::cout << c(4, 3);
return 0;
However, the usage is not very elegant:
thr::delegate<decltype(&foo::bar), &foo::bar>
I would like to use a function template which deduces the template parameters and returns a delegate instance; something along the lines of (this code does not compile):
template<typename C, typename T, T func>
thr::delegate<T, func> bind(T func, C* obj)
return thr::delegate<decltype(func), func>(obj);
This would allow for more elegant syntax:
auto cb = bind(&foo::bar, &f);
Is it possible to deduce a non-type parameter in a function template?
Is what I'm trying to achieve even possible?
Would std::function help? Your example looks quite close.
I think the compiler supplied STL does pretty horrible things to make it work smoothly. You may want to have a look at as an example before giving up.
Edit: I went out and tried what you try to accomplish. My conclusion is a compile error:
The return type of the bind (delegate) must name the pointer to member because it is your own requirement.
bind should accept the name of the pointer to member to be elegant (i.e. your requirement)
Compiler requires you to not shadow the template parameter with a function parameter or use the name in both parameters and return type.
Therefore one of your requirements must go.
Edit 2: I took the liberty of changing your delegate so bind works as you wish. bind might not be your priority though.
#include <iostream>
namespace thr {
template<typename C,typename R,typename... A>
struct delegate
C* _obj;
delegate(C* obj_,R(C::*f)(A...))
: _obj(obj_),_f(f)
R operator()(A... a)
return (_obj->*_f)(a...);
} // namespace thr
template<class C,typename R,typename... A> thr::delegate<C,R,A...> bind(R(C::*f)(A...),C* obj){
return thr::delegate<C,R,A...>(obj,f);
struct foo
double bar(int i, int j)
return (double)i / (double)j;
int main()
foo f;
auto c = bind(&foo::bar, &f);
std::cout << c(4, 6);
return 0;
It is possible to deduce other entities than types in a function signature, but function parameters themselves cannot then be used as template parameters.
template <size_t I> struct Integral { static size_t const value = I; };
You can have:
template <size_t N>
Integral<N> foo(char const (&)[N]);
But you cannot have:
Integral<N> bar(size_t N);
In the former case, N as the size of the array is part of the type of the argument, in the latter case, N is the argument itself. It can be noticed that in the former case, N appeared in the template parameters list of the type signature.
Therefore, if indeed what you want is possible, the member pointer value would have to appear as part of the template parameter list of the function signature.
There may be a saving grace using constexpr, which can turn a regular value into a constant fit for template parameters:
constexpr size_t fib(size_t N) { return N <= 1 ? 1 : fib(N-1) + fib(N-2); }
Integral<fib(4)> works;
But I am not savvy enough to go down that road...
I do however have a simple question: why do you think this will speed things up ? Compilers are very good at constant propagation and inlining, to the point of being able to inline calls to virtual functions when they can assess the dynamic type of variables at compilation. Are you sure it's worth sweating over this ?
I am not sure if title makes sense.
let me explain what I want to do:
I have template constructor, the argument generally must be reference, but can be value in certain cases.
Ultimately, I would like to have something like:
matrix_adapter(typename adaptable<T,A>::type);
where adaptable<T,A>::type can either be value or reference defending on type of A.
I am not able to do so (template instantiation does not happen), and unsure why.
Right now, my solution is to enable/disable constructor using Sfinae:
matrix_adapter(A a, typename adaptable<T,A>::pass_by_value = 0)
however, that requires two constructors which are essentially the same.
Is it possible to do it using one generic constructor?
more code:
template<typename T>
struct adaptable<T, boost::detail::multi_array::const_sub_array<T, 2, const T*> >
typedef void* pass_by_value;
typedef boost::detail::multi_array::const_sub_array<T, 2, const T*> type;
static size_t size1(const type &A) { return A.shape()[0]; }
static size_t size2(const type &A) { return A.shape()[1]; }
static const T* data(const type &A) { return A.origin(); }
template<typename T, class L = ublas::column_major>
struct matrix_adapter
: ublas::matrix<T, L, ublas::array_adaptor<T> >
typedef ublas::array_adaptor<T> array_type;
typedef ublas::matrix<T, L, array_type> base;
matrix_adapter(size_t size1, size_t size2, T *data)
: base(size1, size2, array_type(size1*size2, pointer()))
template<class A>
matrix_adapter(A a, typename adaptable<T,A>::pass_by_value = 0)
: base(adaptable<T,A>::size1(a),
template<class A>
matrix_adapter(A &a)
: base(adaptable<T,A>::size1(a),
Your constructor is itself a template, but with a signature of matrix_adapter(typename adaptable<T,A>::type) the compiler cannot deduce the type of A from the call.
By using SFINAE you enable the compiler to deduce A from the first constructor argument, and then the second argument prevents one or other from being considered in the overload set.
I don't believe it is possible to eliminate either constructor.