DirectX11 Execution Warning #355 - c++

When I run my DirectX11 project, I get spammed in my output window every time the ID3D10Device::DrawIndexed is called with this warning
D3D11: WARNING: ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawIndexed: Input vertex slot 0
has stride 48 which is less than the minimum stride logically expected
from the current Input Layout (56 bytes). This is OK, as hardware is
perfectly capable of reading overlapping data. However the developer
probably did not intend to make use of this behavior. [ EXECUTION
This is how I'm currently calling the function
pImmediateContext->DrawIndexed( this->vertexBuffer.indices.size() * 3,
0, 0 );
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong that is causing this warning. If someone could shed some light on the issue I would appreciate it.

The error is telling you that your input layout has a different total byte size than the stride you have set when setting the vertex buffer.
To fix the problem you need to ensure that that the input layer set via IASetInputLayout() has the same stride as the one set when you call IASetVertexBuffers().


Draw multiple meshes to different locations (DirectX 12)

I have a problem with DirectX 12. I have made a small 3D renderer. Models are translated to 3D space in vertex shader with basic World View Projection matrixes that are in constant buffer.
To change data of the constant buffer i'm currently using memcpy(pMappedConstantBuffer + alignedSize * frame, newConstantBufferData, alignedSize) this command replaces constant buffer's data immediately.
So the problem comes here, drawing is recorded to a command list that will be later sent to the gpu for execution.
/* Now i want to change the constant buffer to change the next draw call's position to (0, 1, 0) */
/* Now i want to record a draw call to the command list */
/* But now i want to draw other mesh to other position so i have to change the constant buffer. After this memcpy() the draw position will be (0, -1, 0) */
/* Now i want to record new draw call to the list */
After this i sent the command list to gpu for execution, but quess what all the meshes will be in the same position, because all memcpys are executed before even the command list is sent to gpu. So basically the last memcpy overwrites the previous ones.
So basically the question is how do i draw meshes to different positions or how to replace constant buffer's data in the command list so the constant buffer changes between each draw call on gpu?
No need for help anymore i solved it by myself. I created constant buffer for each mesh.
About execution order, you are totally right, you memcpy calls will update the buffers immediately, but the commands will not be processed until you push your command list in the queue (and you will not exactly know when this will happen).
In Direct3D11, when you use Map on a buffer, this is handled for you (some space will be allocated to avoid that if required).
So In Direct3D12 you have several choices, I'll consider that you want to draw N objects, and you want to store one matrix per object in your cbuffer.
First is to create one buffer per object and set data independently. If you have only a few, this is easy to maintain (and extra memory footprint due to resource allocations will be ok)
Other option is to create a large buffer (which can contain N matrices), and create N constant buffer views that points to the memory location of each object. (Please note that you also have to respect 256 bytes alignment in that case too, see CreateConstantBufferView).
You can also use a StructuredBuffer and copy all data into it (in that case you do not need the alignment), and use an index in the vertex shader to lookup the correct matrix. (it is possible to set a uint value in your shader and use SetGraphicsRoot32BitConstant to apply it directly).

glDrawTransformFeedbackStream, what the stream refers to?

I ported this sample to to jogl from g-truc and it works, everything fine everything nice.
But now I am trying to understand exactly what the stream of glDrawTransformFeedbackStream refers to.
Basically a vec4 position input gets transformed to
String[] strings = {"gl_Position", "Block.color"};
gl4.glTransformFeedbackVaryings(transformProgramName, 2, strings, GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS);
as following:
void main()
gl_Position = mvp * position;
outBlock.color = vec4(clamp(vec2(position), 0.0, 1.0), 0.0, 1.0);
transform-stream.vert, transform-stream.geom
And then I simply render the transformed objects with glDrawTransformFeedbackStream
feedback-stream.vert, feedback-stream.frag
Now, based on the docs they say:
Specifies the index of the transform feedback stream from which to
retrieve a primitive count.
Cool, so if I bind my feedbackArrayBufferName to 0 here
gl4.glBindTransformFeedback(GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK, feedbackName[0]);
gl4.glBindBufferBase(GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, 0, feedbackArrayBufferName[0]);
gl4.glBindTransformFeedback(GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK, 0);
I guess it should be that.
Also the geometry shader outputs (only) the color to index 0. What about the positions? Are they assumed to be already on stream 0? How? From glTransformFeedbackVaryings?
Therefore, I tried to switch all the references to this stream to 1 to check if they are all consistent and then if they do refer to the same index.
So I modified
gl4.glBindBufferBase(GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, 1, feedbackArrayBufferName[0]);
gl4.glDrawTransformFeedbackStream(GL_TRIANGLES, feedbackName[0], 1);
and also inside the geometry shader
out Block
layout(stream = 1) vec4 color;
} outBlock;
But if I run, I get:
Program link failed: 1
Link info
error: Transform feedback can't capture varyings belonging to different vertex streams in a single buffer.
OpenGL Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION): initProgram
GlDebugOutput.messageSent(): GLDebugEvent[ id 0x502
type Error
severity High: dangerous undefined behavior
source GL API
msg GL_INVALID_OPERATION error generated. <program> object is not successfully linked, or is not a program object.
when 1455183474230
source 4.5 (Core profile, arb, debug, compat[ES2, ES3, ES31, ES32], FBO, hardware) - 4.5.0 NVIDIA 361.43 - hash 0x225c78a9]
GlDebugOutput.messageSent(): GLDebugEvent[ id 0x502
type Error
severity High: dangerous undefined behavior
source GL API
msg GL_INVALID_OPERATION error generated. <program> has not been linked, or is not a program object.
when 1455183474232
source 4.5 (Core profile, arb, debug, compat[ES2, ES3, ES31, ES32], FBO, hardware) - 4.5.0 NVIDIA 361.43 - hash 0x225c78a9]
Trying to know what'g going on, I found this here
Output variables in the Geometry Shader can be declared to go to a particular stream. This is controlled via an in-shader specification, but there are certain limitations that affect advanced component interleaving.
No two outputs that go to different streams can be captured by the same buffer. Attempting to do so will result in a linker error. So using multiple streams with interleaved writing requires using advanced interleaving to route attributes to different buffers.
Is it what happens to me? position going to index 0 and color to index 1?
I'd simply like to know if my hypotesis are correct. And if yes, I want to prove it by changing the stream index.
Therefore I'd also like to know how I can set the position on stream 1 together with color after my changes.. shall I modify the output of the geometry shader in this way layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 3, xfb_buffer = 1) out;?
Because it complains
Shader status invalid: 0(11) : error C7548: 'layout(xfb_buffer)' requires "#extension GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts : enable" before use
Then I add it and I get
error: Transform feedback can't capture varyings belonging to different vertex streams in a single buffer.
But now they should be both on stream 1, what I am missing?
Moreover, what is the definition of a stream?

Using gl_SampleMask with multisample texture doesn't get per-sample blend?

I got problem when using gl_SampleMask with multisample texture.
To simplify problem I give this example.
Drawing two triangles to framebuffer with a 32x multisample texture attached.
Vertexes of triangles are (0,0) (100,0) (100,1) and (0,0) (0,1) (100,1).
In fragment shader, I have code like this,
#extension GL_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage : require
layout(override_coverage) out int gl_SampleMask[];
out_color = vec4(1,0,0,1);
coverage_mask = gen_mask( gl_FragCoord.x / 100.0 * 8.0 );
gl_SampleMask[0] = coverage_mask;
function int gen_mask(int X) generates a integer with X 1s in it's binary representation.
Hopefully, I'd see 100 pixel filled with full red color.
But actually I got alpha-blended output. Pixel at (50,0) shows (1,0.25,0.25), which seems to be two (1,0,0,0.5) drawing on (1,1,1,1) background.
However, if I break the coverage_mask, check gl_SampleID in fragment shader, and write (1,0,0,1) or (0,0,0,0) to output color according to coverage_mask's gl_SampleID's bit,
if ((coverage_mask >> gl_SampleID) & (1 == 1) ) {
out_color = vec4(1,0,0,1);
} else {
out_color = vec4(0,0,0,0);
I got 100 red pixel as expected.
I've checked OpenGL wiki and document but didn't found why the behavior changed here.
And, i'm using Nvidia GTX 980 with driver version 361.43 on Windows 10.
I'd put the test code to GitHub later if necessary.
when texture has 32 samples, Nvidia's implementation split one pixel to four small fragment, each have 8 samples. So in each fragment shader there are only 8-bit gl_SampleMask available.
OK, let's assume that's true. How do you suppose NVIDIA implements this?
Well, the OpenGL specification does not allow them to implement this by changing the effective size of gl_SampleMask. It makes it very clear that the size of the sample mask must be large enough to hold the maximum number of samples supported by the implementation. So if GL_MAX_SAMPLES returns 32, then gl_SampleMask must have 32 bits of storage.
So how would they implement it? Well, there's one simple way: the coverage mask. They give each of the 4 fragments a separate 8 bits of coverage mask that they write their outputs to. Which would work perfectly fine...
Until you overrode the coverage mask with override_coverage. This now means all 4 fragment shader invocations can write to the same samples as other FS invocations.
I haven't directly tested NVIDIA's implementation to be certain of that, but it is very much consistent with the results you get. Each FS instance in your code will write to, at most, 8 samples. The same 8 samples. 8/32 is 0.25, which is exactly what you get: 0.25 of the color you wrote. Even though 4 FS's may be writing for the same pixel, each one is writing to the same 25% of the coverage mask.
There's no "alpha-blended output"; it's just doing what you asked.
As to why your second code works... well, you fell victim to one of the classic C/C++ (and therefore GLSL) blunders: operator precedence. Allow me to parenthesize your condition to show you what the compiler thinks you wrote:
((coverage_mask >> gl_SampleID) & (1 == 1))
Equality testing has a higher precedence than any bitwise operation. So it gets grouped like this. Now, a conformant GLSL implementation should have failed to compile because of that, since the result of 1 == 1 is a boolean, which cannot be used in a bitwise & operation.
Of course, NVIDIA has always had a tendency to play fast-and-loose with GLSL, so it doesn't surprise me that they allow this nonsense code to compile. Much like C++. I have no idea what this code would actually do; it depends on how a true boolean value gets transformed into an integer. And GLSL doesn't define such an implicit conversion, so it's up to NVIDIA to decide what that means.
The traditional condition for testing a bit is this:
(coverage_mask & (0x1 << gl_SampleID))
It also avoids undefined behavior if coverage_mask isn't an unsigned integer.
Of course, doing the condition correctly should give you... the exact same answer as the first one.

what is the most efficient way of moving multiple objects (stored in VBO) in space? should I use glTranslatef or a shader?

I'm trying to get the hang of moving objects (in general) and line strips (in particular) most efficiently in opengl and therefore I'm writing an application where multiple line segments are traveling with a constant speed from right to left. At every time point the left most point will be removed, the entire line will be shifted to the left, and a new point will be added at the very right of the line (this new data point is streamed / received / calculated on the fly, every 10ms or so). To illustrate what I mean, see this image:
Because I want to work with many objects, I decided to use vertex buffer objects in order to minimize the amount of gl* calls. My current code looks something like this:
A) setup initial vertices:
# calculate my_func(x) in range [0, n]
# (could also be random data)
data = my_func(0, n)
# create & bind buffer
vbo_id = GLuint()
glGenBuffers(1, vbo_id);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo_id)
# allocate memory & transfer data to GPU
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(data), data, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW)
B) update vertices:
# get new data and update offset
data = my_func(n+dx, n+2*dx)
# update offset 'n' which is the current absolute value of x.
n = n + 2*dx
# upload data
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo_id)
glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, n, sizeof(data), data)
# translate scene so it looks like line strip has moved to the left.
glTranslatef(-local_shift, 0.0, 0.0)
# draw all points from offset
glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, n)
glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, points_per_vbo)
where my_func would do something like this:
my_func(start_x, end_x):
# generate the correct x locations.
x_values = range(start_x, end_x, STEP_SIZE)
# generate the y values. We could be getting these values from a sensor.
y_values = []
for j in x_values:
data = []
for i, j in zip(x_values, y_values):
data.extend([i, j])
return data
This works just fine, however if I have let's say 20 of those line strips that span the entire screen, then things slow down considerably.
Therefore my questions:
1) should I use glMapBuffer to bind the buffer on the GPU and fill the data directly (instead of using glBufferSubData)? Or will this make no difference performance wise?
2) should I use a shader for moving objects (here line strip) instead of calling glTranslatef? If so, how would such a shader look like? (I suspect that a shader is the wrong way to go, since my line strip is NOT a period function but rather contains random data).
3) what happens if the window get's resized? how do I keep aspect ratio and scale vertices accordingly? glViewport() only helps scaling in y direction, not in x direction. If the window is rescaled in x-direction, then in my current implementation I would have to recalculate the position of the entire line strip (calling my_func to get the new x coordinates) and upload it to the GPU. I guess this could be done more elegantly? How would I do that?
4) I noticed that when I use glTranslatef with a non integral value, the screen starts to flicker if the line strip consists of thousands of points. This is most probably because the fine resolution that I use to calculate the line strip does not match the pixel resolution of the screen and therefore sometimes some points appear in front and sometimes behind other points (this is particularly annoying when you don't render a sine wave but some 'random' data). How can I prevent this from happening (besides the obvious solution of translating by a integer multiple of 1 pixel)? If a window get re-sized from let's say originally 800x800 pixels to 100x100 pixels and I still want to visualize a line strip of 20 seconds, then shifting in x direction must work flicker free somehow with sub pixel precision, right?
5) as you can see I always call glTranslatef(-local_shift, 0.0, 0.0) - without ever doing the opposite. Therefore I keep shifting the entire view to the right. And that's why I need to keep track of the absolute x position (in order to place new data at the correct location). This problem will eventually lead to an artifact, where the line is overlapping with the edges of the window. I guess there must be a better way for doing this, right? Like keeping the x values fixed and just moving & updating the y values?
EDIT I've removed the sine wave example and replaced it with a better example. My question is generally about how to move line strips in space most efficiently (while adding new values to them). Therefore any suggestions like "precompute the values for t -> infinity" don't help here (I could also just be drawing the current temperature measured in front of my house).
Consider this toy example where after each time step, the first point is removed and a new one is added to the end:
t = 0
* * *
* **** *
t = 1
* * * *
**** *
t = 2
* *
* * *
**** *
I don't think I can use a shader here, can I?
EDIT 3: example with two line strips.
EDIT 4: based on Tim's answer I'm using now the following code, which works nicely, but breaks the line into two (since I have two calls of glDrawArrays), see also the following two screenshots.
# calculate the difference
diff_first = x[1] - x[0]
''' first part of the line '''
# push the matrix
move_to = -(diff_first * c)
print 'going to %d ' % (move_to)
glTranslatef(move_to, 0, 0)
# format of glVertexPointer: nbr points per vertex, data type, stride, byte offset
# calculate the offset into the Vertex
offset_bytes = c * BYTES_PER_POINT
stride = 0
glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, stride, offset_bytes)
# format of glDrawArrays: mode, Specifies the starting index in the enabled arrays, nbr of points
nbr_points_to_render = (nbr_points - c)
starting_point_in_above_selected_Vertex = 0
glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, starting_point_in_above_selected_Vertex, nbr_points_to_render)
# pop the matrix
''' second part of the line '''
# push the matrix
move_to = (nbr_points - c) * diff_first
print 'moving to %d ' %(move_to)
glTranslatef(move_to, 0, 0)
# select the vertex
offset_bytes = 0
stride = 0
glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, stride, offset_bytes)
# draw the line
nbr_points_to_render = c
starting_point_in_above_selected_Vertex = 0
glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, starting_point_in_above_selected_Vertex, nbr_points_to_render)
# pop the matrix
# update counter
c += 1
if c == nbr_points:
c = 0
EDIT5 the resulting solution must obviously render one line across the screen - and no two lines that are missing a connection. The circular buffer solution by Tim provides a solution on how to move the plot, but I end up with two lines, instead of one.
Here's my thoughts to the revised question:
1) should I use glMapBuffer to bind the buffer on the GPU and fill the
data directly (instead of using glBufferSubData)? Or will this make no
difference performance wise?
I'm not aware that there is any significant performance between the two, though I would probably prefer glBufferSubData.
What I might suggest in your case is to create a VBO with N floats, and then use it similar to a circular buffer. Keep an index locally to where the 'end' of the buffer is, then every update replace the value under 'end' with the new value, and increment the pointer. This way you only have to update a single float each cycle.
Having done that, you can draw this buffer using 2x translates and 2x glDrawArrays/Elements:
Imagine that you've got an array of 10 elements, and the buffer end pointer is at element 4. Your array will contain the following 10 values, where x is a constant value, and f(n-d) is the random sample from d cycles ago:
0: (0, f(n-4) )
1: (1, f(n-3) )
2: (2, f(n-2) )
3: (3, f(n-1) )
4: (4, f(n) ) <-- end of buffer
5: (5, f(n-9) ) <-- start of buffer
6: (6, f(n-8) )
7: (7, f(n-7) )
8: (8, f(n-6) )
9: (9, f(n-5) )
To draw this (pseudo-guess code, might not be exactly correct):
glTranslatef( -end, 0, 0);
glDrawArrays( LINE_STRIP, end+1, (10-end)); //draw elems 5-9 shifted left by 4
glTranslatef( end+1, 0, 0);
glDrawArrays(LINE_STRIP, 0, end); // draw elems 0-4 shifted right by 5
Then in the next cycle, replace the oldest value with the new random value,and shift the circular buffer pointer forward.
2) should I use a shader for moving objects (here line strip) instead
of calling glTranslatef? If so, how would such a shader look like? (I
suspect that a shader is the wrong way to go, since my line strip is
NOT a period function but rather contains random data).
Probably optional, if you use the method that I've described in #1. There's not a particular advantage to using one here.
3) what happens if the window get's resized? how do I keep aspect
ratio and scale vertices accordingly? glViewport() only helps scaling
in y direction, not in x direction. If the window is rescaled in
x-direction, then in my current implementation I would have to
recalculate the position of the entire line strip (calling my_func to
get the new x coordinates) and upload it to the GPU. I guess this
could be done more elegantly? How would I do that?
You shouldn't have to recalculate any data. Just define all your data in some fixed coordinate system that makes sense to you, and then use projection matrix to map this range to the window. Without more specifics its hard to answer.
4) I noticed that when I use glTranslatef with a non integral value,
the screen starts to flicker if the line strip consists of thousands
of points. This is most probably because the fine resolution that I
use to calculate the line strip does not match the pixel resolution of
the screen and therefore sometimes some points appear in front and
sometimes behind other points (this is particularly annoying when you
don't render a sine wave but some 'random' data). How can I prevent
this from happening (besides the obvious solution of translating by a
integer multiple of 1 pixel)? If a window get re-sized from let's say
originally 800x800 pixels to 100x100 pixels and I still want to
visualize a line strip of 20 seconds, then shifting in x direction
must work flicker free somehow with sub pixel precision, right?
Your assumption seems correct. I think the thing to do here would either to enable some kind of antialiasing (you can read other posts for how to do that), or make the lines wider.
There are a number of things that could be at work here.
glBindBuffer is one of the slowest OpenGL operations (along with similar call for shaders, textures, etc.)
glTranslate adjusts the modelview matrix, which the vertex unit multiplies all points by. So, it simply changes what matrix you multiply by. If you were to instead use a vertex shader, then you'd have to translate it for each vertex individually. In short: glTranslate is faster. In practice, this shouldn't matter too much, though.
If you're recalculating the sine function on a lot of points every time you draw, you're going to have performance issues (especially since, by looking at your source, it looks like you might be using Python).
You're updating your VBO every time you draw it, so it's not any faster than a vertex array. Vertex arrays are faster than intermediate mode (glVertex, etc.) but nowhere near as fast as display lists or static VBOs.
There could be coding errors or redundant calls somewhere.
My verdict:
You're calculating a sine wave and an offset on the CPU. I strongly suspect that most of your overhead comes from calculating and uploading different data every time you draw it. This is coupled with unnecessary OpenGL calls and possibly unnecessary local calls.
My recommendation:
This is an opportunity for the GPU to shine. Calculating function values on parallel data is (literally) what the GPU does best.
I suggest you make a display list representing your function, but set all the y-coordinates to 0 (so it's a series of points all along the line y=0). Then, draw this exact same display list once for every sine wave you want to draw. Ordinarily, this would just produce a flat graph, but, you write a vertex shader that transforms the points vertically into your sine wave. The shader takes a uniform for the sine wave's offset ("sin(x-offset)"), and just changes each vertex's y.
I estimate this will make your code at least ten times faster. Furthermore, because the vertices' x coordinates are all at integral points (the shader does the "translation" in the function's space by computing "sin(x-offset)"), you won't experience jittering when offsetting with floating point values.
You've got a lot here, so I'll cover what I can. Hopefully this will give you some areas to research.
1) should I use glMapBuffer to bind the buffer on the GPU and fill the data directly (instead of using glBufferSubData)? Or will this make no difference performance wise?
I would expect glBufferSubData to have better performance. If the data is stored on the GPU then mapping it will either
Copy the data back into host memory so you can modify it, and the copy it back when you unmap it.
or, give you a pointer to the GPU's memory directly which the CPU will access over PCI-Express. This isn't anywhere near as slow as it used to be to access GPU memory when we were on AGP or PCI, but it's still slower and not as well cached, etc, as host memory.
glSubBufferData will send the update of the buffer to the GPU and it will modify the buffer. No copying the back and fore. All data transferred in one burst. It should be able to do it as an asynchronous update of the buffer as well.
Once you get into "is this faster than that?" type comparisons you need to start measuring how long things take. A simple frame timer is normally sufficient (but report time per frame, not frames per second - it makes numbers easier to compare). If you go finer-grained than that, just be aware that because of the asynchronous nature of OpenGL, you often see time being consumed away from the call that caused the work. This is because after you give the GPU a load of work, it's only when you have to wait for it to finish something that you notice how long it's taking. That normally only happens when you're waiting for front/back buffers to swap.
2) should I use a shader for moving objects (here line strip) instead of calling glTranslatef? If so, how would such a shader look like?
No difference. glTranslate modifies a matrix (normally the Model-View) which is then applied to all vertices. If you have a shader you'd apply a translation matrix to all your vertices. In fact the driver is probably building a small shader for you already.
Be aware that the older APIs like glTranslate() are depreciated from OpenGL 3.0 onwards, and in modern OpenGL everything is done with shaders.
3) what happens if the window get's resized? how do I keep aspect ratio and scale vertices accordingly? glViewport() only helps scaling in y direction, not in x direction.
glViewport() sets the size and shape of the screen area that is rendered to. Quite often it's called on window resizing to set the viewport to the size and shape of the window. Doing just this will cause any image rendered by OpenGL to change aspect ratio with the window. To keep things looking the same you also have to control the projection matrix to counteract the effect of changing the viewport.
Something along the lines of:
glViewport(0,0, width, height);
glScale2f(1.0f, width / height); // Keeps X scale the same, but scales Y to compensate for aspect ratio
That's written from memory, and I might not have the maths right, but hopefully you get the idea.
4) I noticed that when I use glTranslatef with a non integral value, the screen starts to flicker if the line strip consists of thousands of points.
I think you're seeing a form of aliasing which is due to the lines moving under the sampling grid of the pixels. There are various anti-aliasing techniques you can use to reduce the problem. OpenGL has anti-aliased lines (glEnable(GL_SMOOTH_LINE)), but a lot of consumer cards didn't support it, or only did it in software. You can try it, but you may get no effect or run very slowly.
Alternatively you can look into Multi-sample anti-aliasing (MSAA), or other types that your card may support through extensions.
Another option is rendering to a high resolution texture (via Frame Buffer Objects - FBOs) and then filtering it down when you render it to the screen as a textured quad. This would also allow you to do a trick where you move the rendered texture slightly to the left each time, and rendered the new strip on the right each frame.
1 1
1 1 1 Frame 1
1 1 1 Frame 1 is copied left, and a new line segment is added to make frame 2
11 2
1 1 3 Frame 2 is copied left, and a new line segment is added to make frame 3
11 2
It's not a simple change, but it might help you out with your problem (5).

CUDA textures and clamping

Is there any way to clamp out of range texture addresses to a certain value? In my case, I want them to be set to a simple zero, but the address mode I need doesn't seem to exist.
Edit: Any idea what the cudaAddressModeBorder setting does?
I don't think there's a way to specify the clamp but you can do the obvious and add a 1 pixel black (zero) border around the edge and offset your addressing by 1. It shouldn't be much more data and it'll get you the clamping for free.
If you have a maximum size 2D texture (for CUDA 2.x it is 64k x 64k) with 16 bytes per pixel (worst case) then you're looking at only 4 MB of extra data for the 1 pixel border which for a PCIe x16 card will take about 500 microseconds to copy to the card--hardly anything even in the worst case.
You can set the boundary mode to return zero when accessing to textures using Surface functions. I can not test it right now as you need a device of compute capability 2.0+ but you can check the reference in the NVIDIA CUDA C Programming Guide (version 3.2), Section B.9 p.114.
We can also clamp the boundary and trap it (make kernel fail) what is the default when using the surface memory.