Moving Folder Windows C++: Works Vista and up, not XP - c++

I've been working on getting this right for a few hours now, and it works perfectly on Windows Vista & Windows 7, but when I run it on Windows XP it fails without any message. Unfortunately I don't have a development environment under XP so I can't just run it through a debugger to check, have I missed something blindingly obvious? The same piece of code does actually use a CopyFile and a few commands to write out data to C:\ so if it's a permissions error it's an odd one.
EDIT: The return value is 1223, ERROR_CANCELLED which means cancelled by user.
EDIT 2: I disabled the s.fFlags and it immediately popped a dialog box up asking if it should create the dir-test folder, so I switched to FOF_NOCONFIRMATION and it appeared to ignore the flag. I do also use that during a deletion using the same SHFileOperation method so it either doesn't apply to file copies.
LPTSTR source = L"dir-test\\*\0";
LPTSTR dest = L"C:\\dir-test\0";
s.hwnd = 0;
s.wFunc = FO_COPY;
s.fFlags = FOF_SILENT;
s.pTo = dest;
s.pFrom = source;
int n;
n = SHFileOperation(&s);`

So it turns out for some odd reason that using the SHFileOperation will force a confirm dialog for Windows XP (but not Vista or 7) and ignore the flags to tell it to just confirm. Simple fix of using CreateDirectory() prior to running the copy, which doesn't require a confirmation dialog.

The documentation for SHFILEOPSTRUCT has this warning:
It cannot be overstated that your paths should always be full paths. If the pFrom or pTo members are unqualified names, the current directories are taken from the global current drive and directory settings as managed by the GetCurrentDirectory and SetCurrentDirectory functions.
Your source specification is an unqualified name.


Trying to understand process mitigation policies that can be set by SetProcessMitigationPolicy function

Sorry, if it's too broad of a question. I'm trying to see what exactly SetProcessMitigationPolicy function does in Windows 10, but I can't find much about it online (besides my previous forays into this subject.) I'm testing its PROCESS_MITIGATION_POLICY options one-by-one, and I have some questions about these:
ProcessSystemCallDisablePolicy states that it "Disables the ability to use NTUser/GDI functions at the lowest layer.". So I'm testing it as such:
pmscdp.DisallowWin32kSystemCalls = 1;
BOOL bR = ::SetProcessMitigationPolicy(ProcessSystemCallDisablePolicy, &pmscdp, sizeof(pmscdp));
int err = ::GetLastError();
::GdiFlush(); //Try to trip it here
But it always fails with error code 19, or ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT.
So what exactly is it supposed to do and how do I set it?
ProcessExtensionPointDisablePolicy states that it "... prevents legacy extension point DLLs from being loaded into the process."
pmepdp.DisableExtensionPoints = 1;
BOOL bR = ::SetProcessMitigationPolicy(ProcessExtensionPointDisablePolicy, &pmepdp, sizeof(pmepdp));
int err = ::GetLastError();
Sorry for my naivete, but what is the extension point DLL? And how can I test one?
ProcessSignaturePolicy states that it can "restrict image loading to those images that are either signed by Microsoft, by the Windows Store, or by Microsoft, the Windows Store and the Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL)".
First off, it seems to have no effect on CreateProcess and only works with LoadLibrary-type functions. So if I do this:
pmbsp.MicrosoftSignedOnly = 1;
//pmbsp.StoreSignedOnly = 1; //always seems to fail with this flag
//pmbsp.MitigationOptIn = 1; //Doesn't seem to have any effect
BOOL bR = ::SetProcessMitigationPolicy(ProcessSignaturePolicy, &pmbsp, sizeof(pmbsp));
BOOL err = ::GetLastError();
And then try to load some of my test DLLs:
HMODULE hModDll = ::LoadLibrary(L".\\Dll1.dll");
The LoadLibrary function fails with the MessageBox that reads:
Bad Image
Dll-Name is either not designed to run on Windows or it
contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original
installation media or contact your system administrator or the
software vendor for support. Error status 0xc0000428.
Interestingly, if I call it on some System32 DLL that is not signed:
HMODULE hModDll = ::LoadLibrary(L"iologmsg.dll");
it seems to work fine. But if I place a copy of my test Dll1.dll into System32 folder and load it this way:
HMODULE hModDll = ::LoadLibrary(L"Dll1_.dll");
it still fails with the same message box:
This is interesting. How can it tell the difference between iologmsg.dll and Dll1_.dll? Both files aren't signed.
PS. And that modal message box can throw in a really nasty wrench into the mix if the app (or the service) does not expect any UI to be shown there.
ProcessFontDisablePolicy lastly, I'm totally lost about this one. It states that it "turns off the ability of the process to load non-system fonts."
So after I enable it in my MFC GUI app:
pmfdp.DisableNonSystemFonts = 1;
BOOL bR = ::SetProcessMitigationPolicy(ProcessFontDisablePolicy, &pmfdp, sizeof(pmfdp));
int err = ::GetLastError();
the app has a Richedit control that I can load a custom font in. So I went online and downloaded a totally random font. Then installed it in Windows Explorer and tried to use it from the app after that policy has been enabled:
//Set format for the text window
CHARFORMAT cf = { 0 };
cf.cbSize = sizeof(cf);
cf.dwMask = CFM_FACE | CFM_SIZE;
cf.yHeight = 18 * 20;
VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(::StringCchCopy(cf.szFaceName, _countof(cf.szFaceName), L"Action Man")));
The app was able to display and use that (clearly non-system) font without any issues:
So what am I missing here in that policy?
This is guessing, but since many links in the function's documentation are 404s, I believe that the following would be valid:
1.Probably not implemented, yet.
2.Only a guess (since the link is also 404), but it might refer to DLLs used in obsolete situtations (like the XP and below login DLL, replaced in Vista with Credential Providers).
3.Windows DLLs are treated as signed (without actually having a digital signature attached), not only because they reside in System32, but because Windows keeps internally a map for them. For your DLLs, it won't work. Also, this has no point in CreateProcess() because the new process cannot interact with yours (without your knowledge) and, therefore, cannot hijack it, where a DLL loaded with LoadLibrary can do anything to ruin your process.
4.It probably refers to fonts not installed by Explorer, but fonts added with AddFontResource.

_findfirst and WinRT access denied

I am porting existing C++ app (game engine) to support Windows Store 8 and Windows Phone 8.1 Apps and I am having problem with the _wfindfirst function. On regular Win32 it returns a handle to the first found element matching the pattern. we use it mainly to get information about directory or file.
The function I am trying to get working on WindowsPhone/Windows Store App is like this:
bool sys_GetFileInfo(const std::string& path, FileInfo* info) {
long handle = _wfindfirst(p.c_str(), &item); // path gets converted to wstring
if (handle != -1L) {
info->size = (item.attrib & _A_SUBDIR) ? -1 : item.size;
info->modifiedAt = item.time_write;
return true;
So it was used to retrieve file size and modification date (and if it happened to be directory the size was set to -1)
The first usage was to get info about working directory of an exe so in case of the WinRT/WP/WS I am using it with the path provided by
std::wstring wpath = Windows::ApplicationModel::Package::Current->InstalledLocation->Path->Data();
The path in this case is:
wpath = L"C:\\foo\\winrt\\winrt\\Debug\\foo_winrt.Windows\\AppX"
The problem is that it always returns -1, when I check the error string with GetLastError() code I get the access denied error. This is confusing as in my understanding application should have read access to this location so _wfindfirst is a read operation right? On Win32 it worked given a regular directory path.
Why this function fails? Is there any other viable option to achieve the same result for WinRT ?
If still relevant, it seems you are not able to use standard C++ functions to access file system outside your app's sandbox (installed location and local app folder). They will fail with Access denied error. I think they behave pretty much the way CreateFile2 behaves, and according to MSDN:
When called from a Windows Store app, CreateFile2 is simplified. You can open only files or directories inside the ApplicationData.LocalFolder or Package.InstalledLocation directories.
In your case, as I can see, the installed location points to a development folder, and I think the system decides that this location isn't inside your app's sandbox.
Consider using Windows Runtime APIs from Windows.Storage namespace. These APIs can be used to access any file in the file system.

Correctly creating and running a win32 service with file I/O

I've written a very simple service application based on this code example.
The application as part of its normal running assumes there exists a file in the directory it is found, or in its execution path.
When I 'install' the service and then subsequently 'start' the service from the service manager in control panel. The application fails because it can't find the file to open and read from (even though the file is in the same directory as the installed executable).
My question is when a windows service is run, which is the expected running path supposed to be?
When calling 'CreateService' there only seems to be a path parameter for the binary, not for execution. Is there someway to indicate where the binary should be executed from?
I've tried this on windows vista and windows 7. Getting the same issues.
Since Windows services are run from a different context than normal user-mode applications, it's best if you don't make any assumptions about working directories or relative paths. Aside from differences in working directories, a service could run using a completely different set of permissions, etc.
Using an absolute path to the file that your service needs should avoid this problem entirely. Absolute paths will be interpreted the same regardless of the working directory, so this should make the working directory of your service irrelevant. There are several ways to go about this:
Hard-code the absolute path - This is perhaps the easiest way to avoid the problem, however it's also the least flexible. This method is probably fine for basic development and testing work, but you probably want something a bit more sophisticated before other people start using your program.
Store the absolute path in an environment variable - This gives you an extra layer of flexibility since the path can now be set to any arbitrary value and changed as needed. Since a service can run as a different user with a different set of environment variables, there are still some gotchas with this approach.
Store an absolute path in the registry - This is probably the most fool-proof method. Retrieving the path from the registry will give you the same result for all user accounts, plus this is relatively easy to set up at install time.
By default, the current directory for your Windows service is the System32 folder.
A promising solution is creating an environment variable that keeps the full path of your input location and retrieving the path from this variable at runtime.
If you use the same path as binary, you could just read binary path and modify it accordingly. But this is rather quick-fix rather than designed-solution. If I were you, I would either create system-wide environment variable and store value there, or (even better) use windows registry to store service configuration.
You will need to add Yourself some privileges using AdjustTokenPrivileges function, you can see an example here in ModifyPrivilege function.
Also be sure to use HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and not HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Services ar running under different user account so it's HKCU's will be different than what you can see in your registry editor.
Today I solved this problem as it was needed for some software I was developing.
As people above have said; you can hardcode the directory to a specific file - but that would mean whatever config files are needed to load would have to be placed there.
For me, this service was being installed on > 50,000 computers.
We designed it to load from directory in which the service executable is running from.
Now, this is easy enough to set up and achieve as a non-system process (I did most of my testing as a non-system process). But the thing is that the system wrapper that you used (and I used as well) uses Unicode formatting (and depends on it) so traditional ways of doing it doesn't work as well.
Commented parts of the code should explain this. There are some redundancies, I know, but I just wanted a working version when I wrote this.
Fortunately, you can just use GetModuleFileNameA to process it in ASCII format
The code I used is:
char buffer[MAX_PATH]; // create buffer
DWORD size = GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, buffer, MAX_PATH); // Get file path in ASCII
std::string configLoc; // make string
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(buffer); i++) // iterate through characters of buffer
if (buffer[i] == '\\') // if buffer has a '\' in it, replace with doubles
configLoc = configLoc + "\\\\"; // doubles needed for parsing. 4 = 2(str)
configLoc = configLoc + buffer[i]; // else just add char as normal
// Complete location
configLoc = configLoc.substr(0, configLoc.length() - 17); //cut the .exe off the end
//(change this to fit needs)
configLoc += "\\\\login.cfg"; // add config file to end of string
From here on, you can simple parse configLoc into a new ifsteam - and then process the contents.
Use this function to adjust the working directory of the service to be the same as the working directory of the exe it's running.
void AdjustCurrentWorkingDir() {
TCHAR szBuff[1024];
DWORD dwRet = 0;
dwRet = GetModuleFileName(NULL, szBuff, 1024); //gets path of exe
if (dwRet != 0 && GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) {
*(_tcsrchr(szBuff, '\\') + 1) = 0; //get parent directory of exe
if (SetCurrentDirectory(szBuff) == 0) {

64 bit windows file opening

I'm trying to use a dialog box to open a file in my program. This works perfectly on a 32 bit system, but when I try to use it on 64 bit it is unable to open the file. I've figured out that if the file trying to be opened is in the same directory as my program, it works fine. Trying to open a file from another folder, however, doesn't work at all.
So, I tried to copy the file to the program folder. This also works fine on 32 bit but doesn't work at all on a 64 system. Any thoughts why?
char cwdl[500];
string mystring = string(cwdl);
CFileDialog fileDlg(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY, "All Files (*.*)|*.*||", this);
fileDlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = "Select New File";
if( fileDlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
CString newFile= fileDlg.GetFileName();
const char * newLoc = mystring.c_str();
this is just a snippet of the code.
UAC and file system redirection are related yet different.
User account control is a permissions based security to prevent unauthorized users from changing your file system or executing applications which may affect other users. The prompt allows you to override the security by providing administrator privileges temporarily if that was your intent.
File system redirection is to allow backwards compatibility with 32bit applications by having a mirrored 32bit system folders and registry. In fact if the action causes UAC to kick in redirection does not occur it will always try to use the 64bit version of the file in that case. Unless you specify the redirection directory explicitly or run the 32bit application with administrator privileges to bypass UAC.
Ok that said you are using a relative path so it will look for the file in the current directory for the process. If it's compiled as 32 bit process running it on systems with different architectures may not behave as expected due to aforementioned redirection.
You can use GetCurrentDirectory windows API to see what directory the current process is using and verify it is what you expected. If not you have a few options.
The easiest would be to use fully qualified file paths.
You could also have two builds one targeted for each architecture you intend to deploy on. After all if you're on a 64bit system you might as well deploy 64bit applications.
A more involved option would be to subclass CFileDialog and disable redirection by calling Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection in the constructor and Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection in the desctructor. However this is meant to be a system setting so you may get new problems by forcing your 32bit application on 64bit windows.
There are probably plenty of other options as well since there is usually many ways to skin a cat. However the first step is to put some debug code in place and verify or eliminate redirection as a culprit with GetCurrentDirectory
Maybe it's just me, but I'm seeing a strange result: in 64-bit mode, the first four bytes of the buffer used to store the location of the path, are filled with zeros.
char wk[_MAX_PATH];
char *ret = _getcwd(wk, _MAX_PATH); // wk = "\0\0\0\0C:\\MyFolder\\..."
// ret = "C:\\MyFolder\\..."
The return value OTOH is correct. "ret" points to wk + 4;
In 32-bit mode, there are no leading zeros, the path starts at the first byte. Note: this is a Multi-byte app, not Unicode.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 (10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel).
Anyway, if you're getting the same result, that would explain why your example doesn't work. You would have to say (in 64-bit mode only):
string mystring = string(cwdl + 4); // 64-bit only
Weird or What?
Edit: Seems to be an alignment problem. Works OK if the _getcwd is in a separate function.

Why does my code fail to create a directory in "C:\Program Files" under Windows 7?

I am using Windows 7 and I have to run one program in that windows but that program working in Windows XP. This is a Visual C++ program and I am using Visual Studio 2008 for this. When I am running my application, it does not throw any errors, but it does not create a directory in "c:\program files\". So can anyone help me to create directory and exe file?
This is the code I am using:
char szAppPath[MAX_PATH];
char szFileName[MAX_PATH];
DWORD dwResult;
WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
dwResult = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( NULL, szAppPath, MAX_PATH); // "%ProgramFiles%"
// do same for NSim directory
hFind = FindFirstFile(szAppPath, &FindFileData);
//Directory Does't Exists create New
if(!CreateDirectory(szAppPath,NULL)) //Throw Error
MessageBox("Unable to Create N-SIM directory","NSim Installer");
return ;
//check if is directory or not
if(!(FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
MessageBox("Can't Create N-SIM directory\n Another file with same name exists","NSim Installer");
return ;
//***************************************N-SIM Application****************************
strcpy(szFileName, szAppPath);
if( bRegister == FALSE)
strcat(szFileName,"\\NSim.exe"); //make same name of the Client & Server in program file
if(flagUpgrade ==0)
CString trial = installationDate(); //----- Detemine Expiry Date -----
It's a file permissions issue, plain and simple. Programs can't just go rooting around system directories in Windows 7. That's why it works "properly" in Windows XP, but not in newer versions.
I can't tell for sure, but it looks like you're trying to write an installer. If so, why are you reinventing the wheel? There are tons of great setup utilities availableā€”Visual Studio provides a setup project that you can customize to your needs, or look into Inno Setup, my personal favorite. A Google search will turn up plenty of other options that have already solved this problem for you, and innumerable others.
If this isn't an installer, and you're just trying to store application and/or user data in the Program Files folder, I highly recommend that you look elsewhere. You weren't supposed to shove data into the app folder under earlier versions of Windows, and Windows 7 just cuts you off at the knees if you do this. Your best bet is to follow the recommendations that existed from the beginning: Investigate the user and common Application Data folders carefully. Use the SHGetKnownFolderPath function to retrieve the full path to a known folder using its KNOWNFOLDERID. A couple of suggestions:
FOLDERID_ProgramData (a shared program data directory for all users)
FOLDERID_LocalAppData (a per-user program data directory, non-roaming)
FOLDERID_RoamingAppData (a per-user program data directory, roaming)
Alternatively, you can try running the application as an Administrator. You might want to look into creating a manifest that indicates the application requires administrator-level permissions to execute.
[edit] I edited the code in the question for readability and removed the commented out code (to see the wood for the trees). It is now obvious that nothing initialises szAppPath before calling strcat(), and calling ExpandEnvironmentStrings with NULL as the first argument is undefined (and certainly useless). Calling strcat() on an unitialised string is not likely to have the desired result. This may be an artefact of not posting the real code, or even of other peoples edits (including mine).
CreateDirectory sets the system error code on error; if you want to know what went wrong, check it! Any answer you get here will be an educated guess.
if(!CreateDirectory(szAppPath,NULL)) //Throw Error
DWORD errorcode = GetLastError();
LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
MessageBox(NULL, (LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf, TEXT("Error"), MB_OK);
return ;
If you just want to get the error code and look it up manually, then a complete directory of codes is available on MSDN, here, I would guess that ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
(5) is most probable. A more elaborate example of error code display is given here.
Ok, the problem is not with your program. Its with the file system permissions in Windows 7. User programs cannot create files there.
I think the problem is lack of privileges. You can debug your project to see whether the CreateDirectory function sets an error as ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, if it does, you should make your program run with an administrator privilege. Add manifest in your project to do so.
It is intended to protect your computer against attack. Well maybe. Or Microsoft deciding to tell you what you are and not allowed to do on your own computer.
In any case you can change your UAC settings if you really have to write there in that way although that obviously exposes you to risk.
Otherwise play nice and do things the Microsoft way, using a proper installer.