Passing struct between functions C ++ - c++

I've searched but haven't been able to get what I want...
I'm doing a little game. And I got this struct that contains the player details.
struct Player
string name;
int level;
int exp;
int hp; // life
int mp; // mana
int shield;
And when in the menu, the user chooses to start a new game, it goes to this function:
int StartNewPlayer(string name)
Player player; = name;
player.level = 1;
player.exp = 0;
player.hp = 20; = 5;
player.shield = 0;
*pass/return the struct here*
Then I have a function that prints the game board, and where I should use the data from the new player struct, for example:
void game_board ()
cout << "Hello!" <<;
Finally, somewhere in main I have:
int main ()
that calls all the functions above.
But I can't figure it out... I tried references, pointers without luck.. I need some help here please...

How about this?
Player StartNewPlayer(string name)
Player player; = name;
player.level = 1;
player.exp = 0;
player.hp = 20; = 5;
player.shield = 0;
return player;
void game_board(Player player)
cout << "Hello!" <<;
int main ()
Player player = StartNewPlayer(new_game());

Do not create extra copies of the data with complex datatypes by using pass-by-value
Use pointers instead to pass the address of the variable that can be modified in the function. The changes will be reflected in the caller's function as well.
void StartNewPlayer(string name, Player *player)
player->name = name;
player->level = 1;
player->exp = 0;
player->hp = 20;
player->mp = 5;
player->shield = 0;
void game_board(Player* player)
cout << "Hello!" << player->name;
int main ()
Player player;
StartNewPlayer(new_game(), &player);
Alternative using pass-by-reference:
If you're a fan of references, (which is just a clever compiler-trick that makes use of pointers internally again):
void StartNewPlayer(string name, Player& player)
{ = name;
player.level = 1;
player.exp = 0;
player.hp = 20; = 5;
player.shield = 0;
void game_board(Player& player)
cout << "Hello!" <<;
int main ()
Player player;
StartNewPlayer(new_game(), player);

I would suggest returning a pointer to a Player struct. If you return a "reference" like you are doing right now, it will call the copy constructor of Player which can lead to further complications.
Normally, at the end of StartNewPlayer(...), the Player you declared there will cease to exist as the object scope will end, so when you return it, the c++ compiler gets that you want to keep the object alive and will create a copy for you, invisibly. If you return a pointer to it, you really are returning the object you allocated in your function.
Suppose that you have pointers in your Player structure, such as
struct Player
int level;
char* name; //lets assume you did it like that
When you are returning the Player, the int will be copied, but the char* will not. ints are easy to handle while char* need all kind of tricky functions like strlen and strncpy. The more complex your Player struct becomes, the more problem you will face by using the default copy constructor.
Another solution would be to declare a copy constructor yourself for the Player struct ( really, you could use classes since they are mostly interchangeable in c++ ).
Player(const Player& p)
name =;
level = p.level;
// and so forth
So I would use
Player* StartNewPlayer(std::string name)
Player* player = new Player();
player->name = name;
player->level = 1;
// snip
return player;
At the end of your program, be sure to delete player otherwise you will have a memory leak


How do you delete both a pointer in a vector of pointers of Objects and the Object itself?

I'm trying to code an text-based adventure game builder. I have three classes: Room, Object, and my main class. In my Room class, I have a (private) vector of pointers of Objects: vector<Object*> objectsInRoom
This keeps track of all the Objects stored in each room. I have a function called objects() in the Room class that returns objectsInRooms for when I call that vector in my main class.
vector<Object*> Room::objects() { return objectsInRoom; }
In my main class, in my function pickUpObject(), I've created a vector of pointers of Objects called roomObject. I call objects() in the Room class and store the Objects in objectsInRoom (which is only accessed in the Room class) in roomObject (which is accessible in my function in main). I also have a vector of Objects called allObjects that stores all the items that I want to pick up from the room and carry around with me. It has a global scope.
I want to make it so that if I pick up an item in a particular room, I add the item to allObjects, delete the pointer to that element in roomObjects (and thus the pointer to that element in objectsInRooms in the Room class), and the item itself.
My pickUpObject function is: (Room* current just tells me what room I'm in and thus what Objects I have)
void pickUpObject(vector<Object>&allObjects, Room* current)
vector<Object*>roomObjects; int length; string name; char flag;
roomObjects = current->objects();
length = roomObjects.size();
bool repeat = true;
while (repeat)
if (length == 0)
cout << "There are no objects to pick up in " << current->name() << endl;
repeat = false;
cout << "There is a ";
for (int k = 0; k < roomObjects.size() - 1; k++)
cout << roomObjects[k]->getName();
if (length > 2)
cout << ", ";
if (length > 1)
cout << " and " << roomObjects[length - 1]->getName() << " here." << endl;
cout << roomObjects[length-1]->getName() << "." << endl;
cout << "What object do you want to pick up?" << endl;
cin >> name;
//this is where the deletion happens
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if ([i]->getName()) == 0)
roomObjects.erase(roomObjects.begin() + i);
deleteVectorContent(roomObjects, i, i + 1);
cout << "roomObject size = " << roomObjects.size() << endl;
cout << "--------------------" << endl;
cout << "allObject size = " << allObjects.size() << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < allObjects.size(); i++)
cout << allObjects[i].getName() << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < roomObjects.size(); i++)
cout << roomObjects[i]->getName() << endl;
cout << "Do you want to pick up another object? (Y/N): ";
cin >> flag;
if (flag == 'N')
repeat = false;
I've looked up various posts on StackOverflow to try and resolve my dilemma. In main, I've created a method called deleteVectorContent to try and delete the pointer.
void deleteVectorContent(vector<Object*> objectVector, int start, int stop)
for (int k = start; k < stop; k++)
delete objectVector[k];
I've also tried 'roomObjects.remove()' to remove the item itself from that room. Whenever I compile, however, my compiler also throws me an exception. Help would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. The link to this assignment is here. If you scroll down to the "Extra Credit for the Programming Assignment" and go to the first one marked "10 points," that is what I am working on. Thank you so much for the help!
Room::objects() is returning a copy of objectsInRoom, so any modifications that pickUpObject() makes to that returned vector will not be applied back to objectsInRoom. You would need to make Room::objects() return a reference to objectsInRoom instead, eg:
vector<Object*>& Room::objects()
return objectsInRoom;
void pickUpObject(vector<Object> &allObjects, Room* current)
vector<Object*> &roomObjects = current->objects();
Otherwise, don't provide direct access to objectsInRoom at all. Introduce new methods to Room to access/remove a given Object* from its objectsInRoom, eg:
int Room::numObjects()
return objectsInRoom.size();
Object* Room::getObject(int index)
return objectsInRoom[index];
Object* Room::takeObject(int index)
Object *obj = objectsInRoom[index];
return obj;
void pickUpObject(vector<Object> &allObjects, Room* current)
int length = current->numObjects();
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
if (name == current->getObject(i)->getName())
Object *obj = current->takeObject(i);
delete obj;
Note that allObjects is receiving copies of the actual Objects, not Object* pointers. The code you showed is leaking memory when you make a copy of *roomObjects[i] and then erase() the Object* at i without delete'ing the Object it is pointing at. If Object is so easily copyable, you can save yourself a lot of headaches by simply getting rid of all the Object* pointers and just use Object everywhere:
class Room
vector<Object> objectsInRoom;
int Room::numObjects()
return objectsInRoom.size();
Object& Room::getObject(int index)
return objectsInRoom[index];
Object Room::takeObject(int index)
Object obj = objectsInRoom[index];
return obj;
void pickUpObject(vector<Object> &allObjects, Room* current)
int length = current->numObjects();
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
if (name == current->getObject(i)->getName())
Otherwise, don't mix Object with Object* like you are, use Object* everywhere.
If you have a fixed set of Objects for the game, I would create a global vector<Object> to hold them all, and then just pass around Object* pointers everywhere as needed. Then you don't have to worry about cleaning up memory manually at all:
vector<Object> allGameObjects;
// fill as needed...
void Room::addObject(Object *obj)
Object* Room::takeObject(int index)
Object *obj = objectsInRoom[index];
return obj;
void pickUpObject(vector<Object*> &allObjects, Room* current)
If you absolutely need a vector that owns Object* pointers that have to be cleaned up before the vector is destroyed, consider using vector<unique_ptr<Object>> for that, let the compiler and STL handle the hard work for you. If you ever find yourself having to write something like deleteVectorContent(), rethink your design.

c++ initialize non pointer object again

In my header file I have:
class Game
string _name;
Level _currentLevel;
void setName();
void run();
In my cpp file I have my run function:
void Game::run()
bool finished = false;
string input;
while (!finished)
// get input
std::cout << "Enter a command: \n";
std::getline(std::cin, input);
if (input == "quit")
finished = true;
else if (input == "new")
Level _currentLevel;
else if (input == "print")
std::cout << "Unknown command! \n";
constructor and printmap method of Level
_width = RandomGenerator::Instance()->getRandom(6, 10);
_height = RandomGenerator::Instance()->getRandom(6, 10);
for (int y = 0; y < _height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < _width; x++)
addRoom(x, y);
void Level::printMap()
for (int y = 0; y < _height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < _width; x++)
if (x != 0)
cout << " - ";
cout << _map[coordinate(x, y)].getSize();
cout << "\n";
However when I type new, that runs Level _currentLevel; (to create a new non pointer object), the object dosnt change. I can see it dosn't change the values of level when I run printmap (which prints a map with 30 random values created in the Level constructor). While debugging the value of _height changes in the Level constructor. How should the value of _currentLevel be updated from my Game class?
Your new block creates a local stack variable that happens to have the same name as your instance variable (_currentLevel). It does not overwrite the instance variable, and that's why nothing changes.
You have a few straightforward choices:
Use a pointer. I suggest using a shared_ptr so you don't have to worry about deallocating memory on your own.
Extend Level to have an Initialize function. The constructor can call this, or you can call it from other code later if you want to re-initialize an existing variable.
Copy a new local variable to the instance variable.
Personally, I'd suggest the pointer, but either works.
For starters the prototypes should be in the header and the implementation in the source file. Apart from that, in game::run you declare a second local _currentlevel which shadows the class variable. Outside the constructor, you never modify the class field.
Replace the shadowing line with this->_currentlevel = Level();

Getline() and cin manipulate dynamic array

I'm totally lost and confused and could use some help.
I'm currently working on a small command line-based game. For this I wrote a class Inventory, dynamically creating an array of invSpace-objects, each space representing a pair of a pointer to an Item (another class of mine) and a integer, depicting a quantity. Here's the code:
class invSpace {
Item *item;
int quantity;
invSpace() {
item = NULL;
quantity = 0;
class Inventory {
invSpace* spaces = NULL;
size_t size;
int free_space() {
int free = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (spaces[i].item == NULL) {
return free;
Inventory() {}
Inventory(size_t new_size) {
size = new_size;
spaces = new invSpace[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //I know this is obsolete because
spaces[i].item = NULL; //of the invSpace constructor, I
spaces[i].quantity = 0; //just did this for testing
~Inventory() {
delete[] spaces;
invSpace& operator[](int index) {
return spaces[index];
There are some more methods in this class, like for adding, deleting and searching for items, but those don't matter now. So this is basically just a simple array within one object, dynamically allocating memory in the constructor and with some extra methods. After being created, the array contains zero elements, or Items, so the free_space() method should return the size of the array. But it doesn't. It returns about half of the size.
My first thought was that something went wrong with the allocation. But at a second glance I noticed that the Inventory is totally fine directly after being created; with exactly as many spaces as requested, all of them set to item=NULL/quantity=0. But after a call of getline() at the start of main() that scans user input and saves it to a string for further analyzing, some spaces get filled with random addresses and integers.
Even stranger, with each new call of getline() some spaces are freed, some others filled. As far as my debugging, experimenting and testing goes, none of these addresses belong to any variable in my program, they are just plain random. Also, at no point is there be any interference with the Inventory and the getline() function or the string it returns. In fact, after being created, no part of this object is used anywhere in the code beside the free_space() method. What's even stranger is that spaces in the Inventory class is marked private, so a method is required to meddle with this pointer/array (or so I would expect).
This problem occurs with getline() and cin but not with any of C's <stdio.h> input stream functions. Using malloc() instead of new[] makes no difference. Of course, I could use something like scanf() for the reading from the console. Still, I just want to know why all these things happen. I have absolutely no idea.
Thanks in advance for every answer!
I narrowed the whole code so that it still produces the same error, also changed free_space() so that it prints adress and integer if present:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class Item {
static map<string, Item*> itemlist;
string name;
string description;
Item() {}
Item(const string new_name, const string new_description) {
name = new_name;
description = new_description;
itemlist.insert(pair<string, Item*> (name, this));
map<string, Item*> Item::itemlist;
/*The more Items are declared, the more random adresses appear in the
Item item01("sword", "A sharp and deadly weapon.");
Item item02("shield", "This will protect you. To a certain extent.");
Item item03("stick", "What is this for exactly?");
Item item04("bottle of water", "A bottle full of refreshing spring water.");
class invSpace {
Item *item;
int quantity;
invSpace() {
item = NULL;
quantity = 0;
class Inventory {
invSpace* spaces = NULL;
size_t size;
int free_space() {
int free = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (spaces[i].item == NULL) {
cout << i << " = free" << endl;
else {
cout << spaces[i].item << " / " << spaces[i].quantity << endl;
return free;
Inventory() {}
Inventory(size_t new_size) {
size = new_size;
spaces = new invSpace[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
spaces[i].item = NULL;
spaces[i].quantity = 0;
~Inventory() {
delete[] spaces;
class Player {
string name;
Inventory inventory;
Player(const string new_name) {
inventory = Inventory(40);
name = new_name;
Player player("Me");
int main() {
string input;
//Inventory inventory(40); //no error when declared outside the Player class
while (1) {
cout << "\n>> ";
getline(cin, input);
if (input == "x") {
else {
Some things I noticed: No error occurs if the inventory isn't part of a Player-object. If it is but no Items are declared only the first inventory space receives a random adress (and int value) after the first call of getline().
The more Items there are, the more random adresses I get, it seems...

Segmentation Fault 11 in C++ when accessing second element in array

In short, I have a C++ program that consists of a Car class with subclasses SportsCar and SUV, as well as a CarInventory that stores the Car objects.
I think the problem is in the insert function
void CarInventory::insert(Car *car) {
for (int i = 0; i < inventorySize; i++) {
if (carArray[i]) {
When you find a car already in in your carArray you increment i, but then you increment i again in the for-loop. That way you will skip every other position in the array, and they will remain uninitialized.
You allocated an array of 10 cars. But you only initialized it with 4 cars.
So when your loop in displayVehichles gets around to accessing carArray[5] it will likely be accessing uninitialized memory.
This statement seems troublesome:
carArray = new Car *[maxStock];
It should probably be:
carArray = new Car *[maxStock];
for (int i = 0; i < maxStock; i++)
carArray[i] = NULL;
totalNumCars = 0;
That way, your insert method will behave correctly. But your insert method could be much simpler:
void CarInventory::insert(Car *car) {
if (totalNumCars < maxStock)
carArray[totalNumCars] = car;
Further, while it's OK the way you have it the cars you have declared go out of scope BEFORE your CarInventory goes out of scope, it will be referencing Car objects that have already been deleted.
Use std::vector to hold your cars:
class CarInventory
std::vector<Car*> _cars;
void displayVehicles()
for (auto i = _cars.begin(); i != _cars.end(); i++)
void insert(Car* car)
Now that still doesn't solve the problem of your CarInventory class holding onto pointers of stack objects.
This is even better:
class CarInventory
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Car>> _cars;
void displayVehicles()
for (auto i = _cars.begin(); i != _cars.end(); i++)
void insert(std::shared_ptr<Car>& spCar)
Then your code to use the class:
std::shared_ptr<Car*> createCar(const char* vin, const char* make, const char* color, int year)
Car* car = new Car(vin, make, color, year);
return std::shared_ptr<Car>(car);
int main(int argn, char *argv[])
CarInventory cars;
std::shared_ptr<Car*> toyota = createCar("2GCGC34M9F1152828", "Toyota", "Camry", "Green", 2012);
std::shared_ptr<Car*> honda = createCar("1C4BJWAG4DL602733", "Honda", "Civic", "Blue", 2015);
CarInventory cars;
cout << "\n";

Aggregation using C++

I am trying to make one class work with another class. It is supposed to decrement the member of the other class.
my first class is
class Bike
int miles;
Speedometer speedom;
static int fuelCount;
Bike(int, Speedometer*); //Problem occurs here
int getMiles();
int getFuelCount();
void incrementMiles();
int Bike::fuelCount = 0;
miles = 0;
Bike::Bike(int m, Speedometer * spm) //This is where I am having problems
miles = m;
speedom = &spm;
cout << "The Bike's destructor is running." << endl;
int Bike::getMiles()
return miles;
int Bike::getFuelCount()
return fuelCount;
void Bike::incrementMiles()
if (miles == 999999)
miles = 0;
The other class which is supposed to be included in the first is:
Class Speedometer
int fuel;
int getFuel();
void incrementFuel();
void decrementFuel();
fuel = 0;
Speedometer::Speedometer(int f)
fuel = f;
int Speedometer::getFuel()
return fuel;
void Speedometer::incrementFuel()
if (fuel <= 15)
void Speedometer::decrementFuel()
if (fuel > 0)
They are supposed to work together. Bike is to be able to work with speedometer object. It should decrease the speedometers current amount of fuel by one gallon for every 24 miles traveled.
This is supposed to be a aggregate relationship not composition.
Please help me just understand how to make that relationship and how its supposed to be called.
Thank you in advance.
here is my main function
btw - i have all the right #includes i just have not listed them here
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Speedometer a(999970, spd);
for(int count = 0; count <=24; count++)
while (a.getFuel() > 0)
cout<< "Miles:" << a.getMiles() << endl;
cout<< "Fuel:" << a.getFuel() << endl;
return 0;
You have a large number of issues here.
First of all, in your main(), you construct your Speedometer object with a constructor you have not implemented. The only constructors you have defined are the default constructor and Speedometer(int). You then call Speedometer(int, ???), the ??? being spd because you do not declare spd anywhere in the code you have provided, so we have no idea what it is.
It's really impossible to say what's wrong with your code in its current state.
As written, you've made a composition; Speedometer is part of Bike since it is a field. To make it an aggregation, make Bike hold a pointer to Speedometer. Note that as a consequence, you'll probably need Bike to create or obtain an initial Speedometer (could be NULL to begin with, or pass one in the constructor), and you might want to add accessor methods to Bike in order to add/remove/change the Speedometer.
[edit] Bike might also need to know how to dispose of the Speedometer properly in order to avoid leaking it.
[edit 2] Also as #cjm571 pointed out, your main function is creating and operating directly upon a "disembodied" Speedometer. Shouldn't it be on a Bike? :)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Bike
int miles;
static int fuelCount;
// Speedometer speedom;
Bike(int); // Speedometer *); check comment on line 82
int getMiles();
int getFuelCount();
void incrementMiles();
int Bike::fuelCount = 0;
miles = 0;
Bike::Bike(int m)//Speedometer (*spm) I don't see the purpose of this in the current state of the program, I may not be seing the whole picture
miles = m;
/* speedom = spm; remember, there must be a parent and a child class, at the current state you'r trying
to call a child from parent, the child class has not been defined, so i switched them and now Bike is a chiled. */
cout << "The Bike's destructor is running." << endl;
int Bike::getMiles()
return miles;
int Bike::getFuelCount()
return fuelCount;
void Bike::incrementMiles()
if (miles == 999)
miles = 0;
class Speedometer
int fuel;
Speedometer(int f);
int getFuel();
Bike theBike; // This is what you needed in order to make incrementMiles to work.
void incrementFuel();
void decrementFuel();
fuel = 0;
Speedometer::Speedometer(int f)
fuel = f;
int Speedometer::getFuel()
return fuel;
void Speedometer::incrementFuel()
if (fuel <= 15)
void Speedometer::decrementFuel()
if (fuel > 0)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Speedometer a(999); //You never declared this, did you mean spm???
for(int count = 0; count <=24; count++)
while (a.getFuel() > 0)
cout<< "Miles:" << a.theBike.getMiles() << endl;
cout<< "Fuel:" << a.getFuel() << endl;
return 0;
} //There is no break declared (that i can see at least) so the program runs an infinite loop
// Don't want to add too many things to it, I don't know what your plan is.
// Hoping to have made it clearer.