CUDA: Synchronize global memory writing & reading with compute capability 1.1 - c++

Well, found the solution on nVidia forums (

Serialization can be achieved by using Atomic Functions.
Compute Capability 1.1 does not support atomicAdd() for floating point numbers but any atomic operation can be implemented based on atomicCAS() (Compare And Swap).

Firstly, this code is a mess of repetitive garble that'd make debugging quite painful. Work out which sub-expressions are redundant and separate them into different variables, so that your code becomes more legible. Otherwise, it makes about as much sense to ask for help regarding this code as it'd make to ask for help winning the lottery. Nobody's going to bother reading your code because it's an eyesore.
Get a single-threaded solution running. Use a profiler to determine which parts of this code would be best exposed to parallelisation, otherwise your optimisation is just guesswork which you can't put in measurable terms. I would guess that once you have the single-threaded solution running, you might get fairly good performance from running that same solution, in parallel, on each core, on an independant range of values so there's virtually no need for synchronisation.


Is optimizing a class for a unit test good practice, or is it premature?

I've seen (and searched for) a lot of questions on StackOverflow about premature optimization - word on the street is, it is the root of all evil. :P I confess that I'm often guilty of this; I don't really optimize for speed at the cost of code legibility, but I will rewrite my code in logical manners using datatypes and methods that seem more appropriate for the task (e.g. in Actionscript 3, using a typed Vector instead of an untyped Array for iteration) and if I can make my code more elegant, I will do so. This generally helps me understand my code, and I generally know why I'm making these changes.
At any rate, I was thinking today - in OOP, we promote encapsulation, attempting to hide the implementation and promote the interface, so that classes are loosely coupled. The idea is to make something that works without having to know what's going on internally - the black box idea.
As such, here's my question - is it wise to attempt to do deep optimization of code at the class level, since OOP promotes modularity? Or does this fall into the category of premature optimization? I'm thinking that, if you use a language that easily supports unit testing, you can test, benchmark, and optimize the class because it in itself is a module that takes input and generates output. But, as a single guy writing code, I don't know if it's wiser to wait until a project is fully finished to begin optimization.
For reference: I've never worked in a team before, so something that's obvious to developers who have this experience might be foreign to me.
Hope this question is appropriate for StackOverflow - I didn't find another one that directly answered my query.
Edit: Thinking about the question, I realize that "profiling" may have been the correct term instead of "unit test"; unit-testing checks that the module works as it should, while profiling checks performance. Additionally, a part of the question I should have asked before - does profiling individual modules after you've created them not reduce time profiling after the application is complete?
My question stems from the game development I'm trying to do - I have to create modules, such as a graphics engine, that should perform optimally (whether they will is a different story :D ). In an application where performance was less important, I probably wouldn't worry about this.
I don't really optimize for speed at the cost of code legibility, but I will rewrite my code in logical manners using datatypes and methods that seem more appropriate for the task [...] and if I can make my code more elegant, I will do so. This generally helps me understand my code
This isn't really optimization, rather refactoring for cleaner code and better design*. As such, it is a Good Thing, and it should indeed be practiced continuously, in small increments. Uncle Bob Martin (in his book Clean Code) popularized the Boy Scout Rule, adapted to software development: Leave the code cleaner than you found it.
So to answer your title question rephrased, yes, refactoring code to make it unit testable is a good practice. One "extreme" of this is Test Driven Development, where one writes the test first, then adds the code which makes the test pass. This way the code is created unit testable from the very beginning.
*Not to be nitpicky, just it is useful to clarify common terminology and make sure that we use the same terms in the same meaning.
True, optimization I believe should be left as a final task (although its good to be cognizant of where you might need to go back and optimize while writing your first draft). That's not to say that you shouldn't re-factor things iteratively in order to maintain order and cleanliness in the code. It is to say that if something currently serves the purpose and isn't botching a requirement of the application then the requirements should first be addressed as ultimately they are what you're responsible for delivering (unless the requirements include specifics on maximum request times or something along those lines). I agree with Korin's methodology as well, build for function first if time permits optimize to your hearts content (or the theoretical limit, whichever comes first).
The reason that premature optimization is a bad thing is this: it can take a lot of time and you don't know in advance where the best use of your time is likely to be.
For example, you could spend a lot of time optimizing a class, only to find that the bottleneck in your application is network latency or similar factor that is far more expensive in terms of execution time. Because at the outset you don't have a complete picture, premature optimization leads to a less than optimal use of your time. In this case, you'd probably have preferred to fix the latency issue than optimize class code.
I strongly believe that you should never reduce your code readability and good design because of performance optimizations.
If you are writing code where performance is critical it may be OK to lower the style and clarity of your code, but this does not hold true for the average enterprise application. Hardware evolves quickly and gets cheaper everyday. In the end you are writing code that is going to be read by other developers, so you'd better do a good job at it!
It's always beautiful to read code that has been carefully crafted, where every path has a test that helps you understand how it should be used. I don't really care if it is 50 ms slower than the spaghetti alternative which does lots of crazy stuff.
Yes you should skip optimizing for the unit test. Optimization when required usually makes the code more complex. Aim for simplicity. If you optimize for the unit test you may actually de-optimize for production.
If performance is really bad in the unit test, you may need to look at your design. Test in the application to see if performance is equally bad before optimizing.
EDIT: De-optimization is likely to occur when the data being handled varies is size. This is most likely to occur will classes that work with sets of data. Response may be linear, but originally slow, compared to geometric and originally fast. If the unit test uses a small set of data, then the geometric solution may be chosen for the unit test. When production hits the class with a large set of data performance tanks.
Sorting algorithms are a classic case for this kind of behavior and resulting de-optimizations. Many other algorithms have similar characteristics.
EDIT2: My most successful optimization was the sort routine for a report where data was stored on disk in a memory mapped file. The sort times were reasonable with moderate data sizes which did not require disk access. With larger sized data sets it could take days to process the data. Initial timings of the report showed; data selection 3 minutes, data sorting 3 days, and reporting 3 minutes. Investigation of the sort showed that it was a fully unoptimized bubble sort (n-1 full passes for a data set of size n), roughly n square in big O notation. Changing the sorting algorithm reduced the sort time for this report to 3 minutes. I would not have expected a unit test to cover this case, and the original code was as simple (fast) as you could get for small sets. The replacement was much more complex and slower for very small sets, but handled large sets faster with a more linear curve, n log n in big O notation. (Note: no optimization was attempted until we had metrics.)
In practice, I aim for a ten-fold improvement of a routine which takes at least 50% of the module run-time. Achieving this level of optimization for a routine using 55% of the run-time will save 50% of the total run-time.

Do Fortran 95 constructs such as WHERE, FORALL and SPREAD generally result in faster parallel code?

I have read through the Fortran 95 book by Metcalf, Reid and Cohen, and Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90. They recommend using WHERE, FORALL and SPREAD amongst other things to avoid unnecessary serialisation of your program.
However, I stumbled upon this answer which claims that FORALL is good in theory, but pointless in practice - you might as well write loops as they parallelise just as well and you can explicitly parallelise them using OpenMP (or automatic features of some compilers such as Intel).
Can anyone verify from experience whether they have generally found these constructs to offer any advantages over explicit loops and if statements in terms of parallel performance?
And are there any other parallel features of the language which are good in principal but not worth it in practice?
I appreciate that the answers to these questions are somewhat implementation dependant, so I'm most interested in gfortran, Intel CPUs and SMP parallelism.
As I said in my answer to the other question, there is a general belief that FORALL has not been as useful as was hoped when it was introduced to the language. As already explained in other answers, it has restrictive requirements and a limited role, and compilers have become quite good at optimizing regular loops. Compilers keep getting better, and capabilities vary from compiler to compiler. Another clue is that the Fortran 2008 is trying again... besides adding explicit parallelization to the language (co-arrays, already mentioned), there is also "do concurrent", a new loop form that requires restrictions that should better allow the compiler to perform automatic parallization optimizations, yet should be sufficiently general to be useful -- see
In terms of obtaining speed, mostly I select good algorithms and program for readability & maintainability. Only if the program is too slow do I locate the bottle necks and recode or implement multi-threading (OpenMP). It will be a rare case where FORALL or WHERE versus an explicit do loop will have a meaningful speed difference -- I'd look more to how clearly they state the intent of the program.
I've looked shallowly into this and, sad to report, generally find that writing my loops explicitly results in faster programs than the parallel constructs you write about. Even simple whole-array assignments such as A = 0 are generally outperformed by do-loops.
I don't have any data to hand and if I did it would be out of date. I really ought to pull all this into a test suite and try again, compilers do improve (sometimes they get worse too).
I do still use the parallel constructs, especially whole-array operations, when they are the most natural way to express what I'm trying to achieve. I haven't ever tested these constructs inside OpenMP workshare constructs. I really ought to.
FORALL is a generalised masked assignment statement (as is WHERE). It is not a looping construct.
Compilers can parallelise FORALL/WHERE using SIMD instructions (SSE2, SSE3 etc) and is very useful to get a bit of low-level parallelisation. Of course, some poorer compilers don't bother and just serialise the code as a loop.
OpenMP and MPI is more useful at a coarser level of granularity.
In theory, using such assignments lets the compiler know what you want to do and should allow it to optimize it better. In practice, see the answer from Mark... I also think it's useful if the code looks cleaner that way. I have used things such as FORALL myself a couple of times, but didn't notice any performance changes over regular DO loops.
As for optimization, what kind of parallellism do you intent to use? I very much dislike OpenMP, but I guess if you inted to use that, you should test these constructs first.
*This should be a comment, not an answer, but it won't fit into that little box, so I'm putting it here. Don't hold it against me :-) Anyways, to continue somewhat onto #steabert's comment on his answer. OpenMP and MPI are two different things; one rarely gets to choose between the two since it's more dictated by your architecture than personal choice. As far as learning concepts of paralellism go, I would recommend OpenMP any day; it is simpler and one easily continues the transition to MPI later on.
But, that's not what I wanted to say. This is - a few days back from now, Intel has announced that it has started supporting Co-Arrays, a F2008 feature previously only supported by g95. They're not intending to put down g95, but the fact remains that Intel's compiler is more widely used for production code, so this is definitely an interesting line of developemnt. They also changed some things in their Visual Fortran Compiler (the name, for a start :-)
More info after the link:

Compiler optimization for fastest possible code

I would like to select the compiler optimizations to generate the fastest possible application.
Which of the following settings should I set to true?
Dead store elimination
Eliminate duplicate expressions within basic blocks and functions
Enable loop induction variable and strength reduction
Enable Pentium instruction scheduling
Expand common intrinsic functions
Optimize jumps
Use register variables
There is also the option 'Generate the fastest possible code.', which I have obviously set to true. However, when I set this to true, all the above options are still set at false.
So I would like to know if any of the above options will speed up the application if I set them to true?
So I would like to know if any of the above options will speed up the application if I set them to true?
I know some will hate me for this, but nobody here can answer you truthfully. You have to try your program with and without them, and profile each build and see what the results are. Guess-work won't get anybody anywhere.
Compilers already do tons(!) of great optimization, with or without your permission. Your best bet is to write your code in a clean and organized matter, and worry about maintainability and extensibility. As I like to say: Code now, optimize later.
Don't micromanage down to the individual optimization. Compiler writers are very smart people - just turn them all on unless you see a specific need not to. Your time is better spent by optimizing your code (improve algorithmic complexity of your functions, etc) rather than fiddling with compiler options.
My other advice, use a different compiler. Intel has a great reputation as an optimizing compiler. VC and GCC of course are also great choices.
You could look at the generated code with different compiled options to see which is fastest, but I understand nowadays many people don't have experience doing this.
Therefore, it would be useful to profile the application. If there is an obvious portion requiring speed, add some code to execute it a thousand or ten million times and time it using utime() if it's available. The loop should run long enough that other processes running intermittently don't affect the result—ten to twenty seconds is a popular benchmark range. Or run multiple timing trials. Compile different test cases and run it to see what works best.
Spending an hour or two playing with optimization options will quickly reveal that most have minor effect. However, that same time spent thinking about the essence of the algorithm and making small changes (code removal is especially effective) can often vastly improve execution time.

Self Testing Systems

I had an idea I was mulling over with some colleagues. None of us knew whether or not it exists currently.
The Basic Premise is to have a system that has 100% uptime but can become more efficient dynamically.
Here is the scenario: * So we hash out a system quickly to a
specified set of interfaces, it has
zero optimizations, yet we are
confident that it is 100% stable
though (dubious, but for the sake of
this scenario please play
along) * We then profile
the original classes, and start to
program replacements for the
* The original and the replacement are initiated simultaneously and
* An original is allowed to run to completion: if a replacement hasn´t
completed it is vetoed by the system
as a replacement for the
* A replacement must always return the same value as the original, for a
specified number of times, and for a
specific range of values, before it is
adopted as a replacement for the
* If exception occurs after a replacement is adopted, the system
automatically tries the same operation
with a class which was superseded by
Have you seen a similar concept in practise? Critique Please ...
Below are comments written after the initial question in regards to
* The system demonstrates a Darwinian approach to system evolution.
* The original and replacement would run in parallel not in series.
* Race-conditions are an inherent issue to multi-threaded apps and I
acknowledge them.
I believe this idea to be an interesting theoretical debate, but not very practical for the following reasons:
To make sure the new version of the code works well, you need to have superb automatic tests, which is a goal that is very hard to achieve and one that many companies fail to develop. You can only go on with implementing the system after such automatic tests are in place.
The whole point of this system is performance tuning, that is - a specific version of the code is replaced by a version that supersedes it in performance. For most applications today, performance is of minor importance. Meaning, the overall performance of most applications is adequate - just think about it, you probably rarely find yourself complaining that "this application is excruciatingly slow", instead you usually find yourself complaining on the lack of specific feature, stability issues, UI issues etc. Even when you do complain about slowness, it's usually an overall slowness of your system and not just a specific applications (there are exceptions, of course).
For applications or modules where performance is a big issue, the way to improve them is usually to identify the bottlenecks, write a new version and test is independently of the system first, using some kind of benchmarking. Benchmarking the new version of the entire application might also be necessary of course, but in general I think this process would only take place a very small number of times (following the 20%-80% rule). Doing this process "manually" in these cases is probably easier and more cost-effective than the described system.
What happens when you add features, fix non-performance related bugs etc.? You don't get any benefit from the system.
Running the two versions in conjunction to compare their performance has far more problems than you might think - not only you might have race conditions, but if the input is not an appropriate benchmark, you might get the wrong result (e.g. if you get loads of small data packets and that is in 90% of the time the input is large data packets). Furthermore, it might just be impossible (for example, if the actual code changes the data, you can't run them in conjunction).
The only "environment" where this sounds useful and actually "a must" is a "genetic" system that generates new versions of the code by itself, but that's a whole different story and not really widely applicable...
A system that runs performance benchmarks while operating is going to be slower than one that doesn't. If the goal is to optimise speed, why wouldn't you benchmark independently and import the fastest routines once they are proven to be faster?
And your idea of starting routines simultaneously could introduce race conditions.
Also, if a goal is to ensure 100% uptime you would not want to introduce untested routines since they might generate uncatchable exceptions.
Perhaps your ideas have merit as a harness for benchmarking rather than an operational system?
Have I seen a similar concept in practice? No. But I'll propose an approach anyway.
It seems like most of your objectives would be meet by some sort of super source control system, which could be implemented with CruiseControl.
CruiseControl can run unit tests to ensure correctness of the new version.
You'd have to write a CruiseControl builder pluggin that would execute the new version of your system against a series of existing benchmarks to ensure that the new version is an improvement.
If the CruiseControl build loop passes, then the new version would be accepted. Such a process would take considerable effort to implement, but I think it feasible. The unit tests and benchmark builder would have to be pretty slick.
I think an Inversion of Control Container like OSGi or Spring could do most of what you are talking about. (dynamic loading by name)
You could build on top of their stuff. Then implement your code to
divide work units into discrete modules / classes (strategy pattern)
identify each module by unique name and associate a capability with it
when a module is requested it is requested by capability and at random one of the modules with that capability is used.
keep performance stats (get system tick before and after execution and store the result)
if an exception occurs mark that module as do not use and log the exception.
If the modules do their work by message passing you can store the message until the operation completes successfully and redo with another module if an exception occurs.
For design ideas for high availability systems, check out Erlang.
I don't think code will learn to be better, by itself. However, some runtime parameters can easily adjust onto optimal values, but that would be just regular programming, right?
About the on-the-fly change, I've shared the wondering and would be building it on top of Lua, or similar dynamic language. One could have parts that are loaded, and if they are replaced, reloaded into use. No rocket science in that, either. If the "old code" is still running, it's perfectly all right, since unlike with DLL's, the file is needed only when reading it in, not while executing code that came from there.
Usefulness? Naa...

profile-guided optimization (C)

Anyone know this compiler feature? It seems GCC support that. How does it work? What is the potential gain? In which case it's good? Inner loops?
(this question is specific, not about optimization in general, thanks)
It works by placing extra code to count the number of times each codepath is taken. When you compile a second time the compiler uses the knowledge gained about execution of your program that it could only guess at before. There are a couple things PGO can work toward:
Deciding which functions should be inlined or not depending on how often they are called.
Deciding how to place hints about which branch of an "if" statement should be predicted on based on the percentage of calls going one way or the other.
Deciding how to optimize loops based on how many iterations get taken each time that loop is called.
You never really know how much these things can help until you test it.
PGO gives about a 5% speed boost when compiling x264, the project I work on, and we have a built-in system for it (make fprofiled). Its a nice free speed boost in some cases, and probably helps more in applications that, unlike x264, are less made up of handwritten assembly.
Jason's advise is right on. The best speedups you are going to get come from "discovering" that you let an O(n2) algorithm slip into an inner loop somewhere, or that you can cache certain computations outside of expensive functions.
Compared to the micro-optimizations that PGO can trigger, these are the big winners. Once you've done that level of optimization PGO might be able to help. We never had much luck with it though - the cost of the instrumentation was such that our application become unusably slow (by several orders of magnitude).
I like using Intel VTune as a profiler primarily because it is non-invasive compared to instrumenting profilers which change behaviour too much.
The fun thing about optimization is that speed gains are found in the unlikeliest of places.
It's also the reason you need a profiler, rather than guessing where the speed problems are.
I recommend starting with a profiler (gperf if you're using GCC) and just start poking around the results of running your application through some normal operations.