Mac terminal writes these lines every time I build Jekyll site - build

Every time I build my site with Jekyll through the terminal (Mac), everything works fine but theses lines show up:
[2013-02-21 16:17:38] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2013-02-21 16:17:38] INFO ruby 1.8.7 (2012-02-08) [universal-darwin11.0]
[2013-02-21 16:18:38] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=897 port=4000
Then I'm unable to enter anything – the little grey square is displayed, but not the name of my computer followed by a semicolon as usual. If I want to type something again, I need to close/reopen the terminal window with this message:
"Closing this window will terminate the running processes: login, bash, ruby."
Please, note that I'm not a terminal stuff expert ;-)

What command are you using to build the site? What you see on those 3 lines is a local webserver that is running and serving your site. If you are running jekyll --server you'll get this webserver; open localhost:4000 in your browser and you'll see your site.
If you just want to generate the site, just run jekyll without the --server flag.
In the terminal you can cancel any running processes, such as the webserver, by pressing Ctrl-C. That way you don't need to close the window if you accidentally run the wrong command.


Why is VS Code loading all my previous logs in the terminal when I run docker-compose up for django rest framework?

I run docker-compose up I don't know why but all the previous logs which were part of previous builts, generate again in the terminal. which is why it takes 5 minutes for all the logs to appear and the server to be up and running.
To avoid that previously I used to quit the server, clear the window, remove the terminal and added new terminal and it solved the problem and started the server from fresh. but now it is not working. kindly help I am new to django and docker.

WebStorm, setting JavaScript Debug with another task running before

In WebStorm I can very easy setup JavaScript Debug and then when I run this configuration, IDE opens the Chrome browser and all breakpoints are active. The problem begins when I need to run specific tasks prior to starting debugging, for example running npm build script. When I define it in Before launch (see the picture below), the Chrome browser not being opened when I activate this debug configuration but being opened after I stop it.
This requires from me, manually run a project from command line and then run Browser Debug
Can I define the additional tasks in a way that Chrome will be opened as usually?
Thank you.
A process added to Before launch section has to return an exit code, the main process is waiting for it to start and thus doesn't start until the first process terminates. This is the way Before launch is designed - it's supposed to be used to run some sort of pre-processing before running the main process. You can add a build task (a script that builds your app and then exits) to this section; but start:dev likely doesn't exit, it starts the server your application is hosted on, and it has to be running to make your application work, doesn't it? Please remove your npm script from Before launch, start it separately or use the Compound configuration to start both npm script and Javascript Debug run configuration concurrently

PyCharm Django previous project`s server still runs after opening and running another project

Steps to reproduce the problem:
Open 1st project.
py runserver
(now I can see my Project_1 website in browser by address
CLOSE project in PyCharm and open another project.
Execute py runserver after opening 2nd project.
Refresh tab in browser... And WTF? I still see my 1st project page while I am already close it, opened another project and even RUNSERVER on 2th project.
I MUST see on tab new project webpage after runserver, but it does not work.
Is it PyCharm bug or something else? I am using PyCharm Pro with the latest updates.
On Windows:
Open CMD
Run command netstat -o to get list of running processes with open ports.
Find the development server process by its address (for example You need to remember PID number.
Run command Taskkill /PID #### /F(for example Taskkill /PID 26356 /F) to kill the process. Where #### is your running development server PID number.
Enjoy! Now the server is not running anymore after the PyCharm was closed.
On linux:
django development server, how to stop it when it run in background

wamp server not working on win10

My WAMP server is not working whatever i do.
I disabled IIS so it is not occupying port 80.
Then checking it in cmd with command netstat -ao its not there
I have WAMPServer 64bit so i checked wampapache64 and wampmysqld64 in Task Manager
And found that wampapache64 is not running. Tried to run it through WAMP>Apache>Services>Start/Resume and tried manually in Task Manager does not start it.
WAMP icon still orange and not green.
Does anyone have any idea?
In cmd i went to cd C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\bin then httpd.exe -e debug and it outputed me an error in httpd.conf
Checked that line and it was my fault :) when modified with notepad probably entered it... Geez...
So anyway after fixing that it started showing missing files

plone change in code not visible in development site

I am very new to plone. I have a project folder in eclipse. I have imported it from the cvs project. I have zope as server and I start zope with ./bin/instance restart. When I make changes in my folder, I cannot see the changes in the development website. I can't seem to find what is happening. I even restarted zope after making changes in python. Can anyone help me with this?
Make sure you start your Zope server with bin/instance fg, most likely the name of the script if you used the Plone universal installer buildout.
To see changes in python code you'll either need to restart the server (CTRL-C then start again) or use something like plone.reload to request a reload of changed code.
When starting your server with the fg command, it is automatically running in debug mode and any templates, resources and skin items are reloaded automatically. Start the server with console or start and it'll run in production mode and templates and such are loaded from disk only once.
See the documentation on buildout for more information.
The bin/instance command has a built-in help command, try:
bin/instance help
for a list of supported commands or run:
bin/instance help console
to get help on a specific command; the above example will print the help on the console command.