Template Class to differentiate object type? - c++

Can I use C++ template classes to differentiate object types? Or what should I use?
Eg. I have a class Synonym and it can be of type Statement, Procedure, etc for example. I have functions that accepts these synonyms and evaluates them depending on its type. So I was thinking it will be nice if I can do something like:
enum Types { Statement, Procedure, Variable, ... };
template <typename Types>
class Synonym { ... }
void evaluate(Synonym<Statement> s, Synonym<Variable> v) { do something }
^ so that I can do this ... instead of checking the type in function like:
void evaluate(Synonym s, Synonym v) {
assert(s.type == Statement);
assert(v.type == Variable);
// also would like to eliminate things like: (if possible)
switch(s.type) {
case XXX: doSomething ...
case YYY: doAnotherThing ...

You could create a function template and then specialize on that template
template<typename Type>
void evaluate (Type t) {}
void evaluate<Statement>( Statement s)
This way, when you pass a Statement it will pick that overload, and you can do different behaviors depending on type.

I think using a variant and visitor pattern would be suited. Have a look at Boost.Variant here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_51_0/doc/html/variant.html, the last example (also below but expanded) shows a visitor implementation. There are also other variant and visitor implementations. std::any and loki are also options. I personally like loki but that is probably just because I'm a huge fan of Alexandrescu.
#include "boost/variant.hpp"
#include <iostream>
class ToLengthVisitor : public boost::static_visitor<int>
int operator()(int i) const
return i;
int operator()(const std::string & str) const
return str.length();
int operator()(const char * str) const
const char * temp = str;
while(*temp != '\0') temp++;
return temp-str;
int main()
typedef boost::variant< int, std::string, const char * > MyVariant;
MyVariant u(std::string("hello world"));
std::cout << u; // output: hello world
MyVariant cu(boost::get<std::string>(u).c_str());
int result = boost::apply_visitor( ToLengthVisitor(), u );
std::cout << result; // output: 11 (i.e., length of "hello world")
result = boost::apply_visitor( ToLengthVisitor(), cu );
std::cout << result; // output: 11 (i.e., length of "hello world")


How do I call template array operator overloading function?

I need to create an adapter C++ class, which accepts an integer index, and retrieves some types of data from a C module by the index, and then returns it to the C++ module.
The data retrieving functions in the C module are like:
int getInt(int index);
double getDouble(int index);
const char* getString(int index);
// ...and etc.
I want to implement an array-like interface for the C++ module, so I created the following class:
class Arguments {
template<typename T> T operator[] (int index);
template<> int Arguments::operator[] (int index) { return getInt(index); }
template<> double Arguments::operator[] (int index) { return getdouble(index); }
template<> std::string Arguments::operator[] (int index) { return getString(index); }
(Template class doesn't help in this case, but only template member functions)
The adapter class is no biggie, but calling the Arguments::operator[] is a problem!
I found out that I can only call it in this way:
Arguments a;
int i = a.operator[]<int>(0); // OK
double d = a.operator[]<double>(1); // OK
int x = a[0]; // doesn't compile! it doesn't deduce.
But it looks like a joke, doesn't it?
If this is the case, I would rather create normal member functions, like template<T> T get(int index).
So here comes the question: if I create array-operator-overloading function T operator[]() and its specializations, is it possible to call it like accessing an array?
Thank you!
The simple answer is: No, not possible. You cannot overload a function based on its return type. See here for a similar quesiton: overload operator[] on return type
However, there is a trick that lets you deduce a type from the lhs of an assignment:
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
struct container;
struct helper {
container& c;
size_t index;
template <typename T> operator T();
struct container {
helper operator[](size_t i){
return {*this,i};
template <typename T>
T get_value(size_t i){
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T,int>) {
return 42;
} else {
return 0.42;
template <typename T>
helper::operator T(){
return c.get_value<T>(index);
int main() {
container c;
int x = c[0];
std::cout << x << "\n";
double y = c[1];
std::cout << y ;
Output is:
The line int x = c[0]; goes via container::get_value<int> where the int is deduced from the type of x. Similarly double y = c[1]; uses container::get_value<double> because y is double.
The price you pay is lots of boilerplate and using auto like this
auto x = c[1];
will get you a helper, not the desired value which might be a bit unexpected.

Reading data with different types in C++

I want to a program to read strings like:
integer_value 1
double_value 1.0
string_value one
I implement the following functions in order to read these:
void read_val_int(
std::vector<std::string> str_vec,
std::string str,
int& val){
if(str_vec[0]==str) val= std::stoi(str_vec[1]);
void read_val_dbl(
std::vector<std::string> str_vec,
std::string str,
double& val){
if(str_vec[0]==str) val= std::stoi(str_vec[1]);
void read_val_str(
std::vector<std::string> str_vec,
std::string str,
std::string& val){
if(str_vec[0]==str) val= str_vec[1];
str_vec is a vector containing two string values, e.g. {"integer_value","1"}.
str contains a string I want to compare with str_vec[0]
val is an integer, double or string that corresponds to str_vec[1] in case str_vec[0]==str is true.
I use these functions as, e.g. read_val_int(my_str_vec,"integer_value",my_int_val).
My question is: Is there a way of using one single function in order to do this? I have tried using a template but since I need to reference val this seems impossible.
Note: I'm aware of this post but it is in C and seems kinda messy to me. Maybe there is a simpler way to achieve this in C++.
If you are before C++17 and so cannot use std::variant, you can use only one function by using templates.
You declare the function as follows:
template <typename T>
void read_val(const std::string & data, T & val);
Then you specialize it for your three types:
template <>
void read_val<int>(const std::string & data, int & val)
val = std::stoi(data);
template <>
void read_val<double>(const std::string & data, double & val)
val = std::stod(data);
template <>
void read_val<std::string>(const std::string & data, std::string & val)
val = data;
And the job is done, you can use the function for you three types by calling one and only one function: read_val().
You can use it as follows:
std::string data_int("5");
std::string data_double("2.5");
std::string data_string("Hello");
int int_val;
double double_val;
std::string string_val;
read_val(data_int, int_val);
read_val(data_double, double_val);
read_val(data_string, string_val);
std::cout << int_val << std::endl;
std::cout << double_val << std::endl;
std::cout << string_val << std::endl;
As you can see, by the use of template specialization, you can use the same function for different types.
Moreover, it will automatically assure you that an allowed type is passed. Indeed, if you give something else than an int, double or std::string to the function, the compilation will fail because there is no specialization for it.
I hope it helps.
As suggested in Dave's comment, you should check the type of your variable parsing the first element of the vector.
Inside the if-else chain you can what you need with the right type of your variable.
You could also have a single function to return your values using std::variant e then printing values (or do whatever you need) using c++17 std::visit.
It could be something like this:
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
#include <iostream>
using my_variant = std::variant<int, double, std::string>;
my_variant read_val(
const std::vector<std::string> &str_vec)
return std::stoi(str_vec[1]);
else if(str_vec[0]=="double_value")
return std::stod(str_vec[1]);
else if(str_vec[0]=="string_value")
return str_vec[1];
//notify error in some way, maybe throw
void print_variant(const my_variant &v)
std::visit([](my_variant &&var)
if (std::holds_alternative<int>(var))
else if (std::holds_alternative<double>(var))
else if (std::holds_alternative<std::string>(var))
}, v);
int main()
std::vector<std::string> vec_int {"integer_value", "1"};
std::vector<std::string> vec_dbl {"double_value", "1.5"};
std::vector<std::string> vec_str {"string_value", "str"};
return 0;

Virtually turn vector of struct into vector of struct members

I have a function that takes a vector-like input. To simplify things, let's use this print_in_order function:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
template <typename vectorlike>
void print_in_order(std::vector<int> const & order,
vectorlike const & printme) {
for (int i : order)
std::cout << printme[i] << std::endl;
int main() {
std::vector<int> printme = {100, 200, 300};
std::vector<int> order = {2,0,1};
print_in_order(order, printme);
Now I have a vector<Elem> and want to print a single integer member, Elem.a, for each Elem in the vector. I could do this by creating a new vector<int> (copying a for all Elems) and pass this to the print function - however, I feel like there must be a way to pass a "virtual" vector that, when operator[] is used on it, returns this only the member a. Note that I don't want to change the print_in_order function to access the member, it should remain general.
Is this possible, maybe with a lambda expression?
Full code below.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
struct Elem {
int a,b;
Elem(int a, int b) : a(a),b(b) {}
template <typename vectorlike>
void print_in_order(std::vector<int> const & order,
vectorlike const & printme) {
for (int i : order)
std::cout << printme[i] << std::endl;
int main() {
std::vector<Elem> printme = {Elem(1,100), Elem(2,200), Elem(3,300)};
std::vector<int> order = {2,0,1};
// how to do this?
virtual_vector X(printme) // behaves like a std::vector<Elem.a>
print_in_order(order, X);
It's not really possible to directly do what you want. Instead you might want to take a hint from the standard algorithm library, for example std::for_each where you take an extra argument that is a function-like object that you call for each element. Then you could easily pass a lambda function that prints only the wanted element.
Perhaps something like
template<typename vectorlike, typename functionlike>
void print_in_order(std::vector<int> const & order,
vectorlike const & printme,
functionlike func) {
for (int i : order)
Then call it like
print_in_order(order, printme, [](Elem const& elem) {
std::cout << elem.a;
Since C++ have function overloading you can still keep the old print_in_order function for plain vectors.
Using member pointers you can implement a proxy type that will allow you view a container of objects by substituting each object by one of it's members (see pointer to data member) or by one of it's getters (see pointer to member function). The first solution addresses only data members, the second accounts for both.
The container will necessarily need to know which container to use and which member to map, which will be provided at construction. The type of a pointer to member depends on the type of that member so it will have to be considered as an additional template argument.
template<class Container, class MemberPtr>
class virtual_vector
virtual_vector(const Container & p_container, MemberPtr p_member_ptr) :
const Container * m_container;
MemberPtr m_member;
Next, implement the operator[] operator, since you mentioned that it's how you wanted to access your elements. The syntax for dereferencing a member pointer can be surprising at first.
template<class Container, class MemberPtr>
class virtual_vector
virtual_vector(const Container & p_container, MemberPtr p_member_ptr) :
// Dispatch to the right get method
auto operator[](const size_t p_index) const
return (*m_container)[p_index].*m_member;
const Container * m_container;
MemberPtr m_member;
To use this implementation, you would write something like this :
int main() {
std::vector<Elem> printme = { Elem(1,100), Elem(2,200), Elem(3,300) };
std::vector<int> order = { 2,0,1 };
virtual_vector<decltype(printme), decltype(&Elem::a)> X(printme, &Elem::a);
print_in_order(order, X);
This is a bit cumbersome since there is no template argument deduction happening. So lets add a free function to deduce the template arguments.
template<class Container, class MemberPtr>
virtual_vector<Container, MemberPtr>
make_virtual_vector(const Container & p_container, MemberPtr p_member_ptr)
return{ p_container, p_member_ptr };
The usage becomes :
int main() {
std::vector<Elem> printme = { Elem(1,100), Elem(2,200), Elem(3,300) };
std::vector<int> order = { 2,0,1 };
auto X = make_virtual_vector(printme, &Elem::a);
print_in_order(order, X);
If you want to support member functions, it's a little bit more complicated. First, the syntax to dereference a data member pointer is slightly different from calling a function member pointer. You have to implement two versions of the operator[] and enable the correct one based on the member pointer type. Luckily the standard provides std::enable_if and std::is_member_function_pointer (both in the <type_trait> header) which allow us to do just that. The member function pointer requires you to specify the arguments to pass to the function (non in this case) and an extra set of parentheses around the expression that would evaluate to the function to call (everything before the list of arguments).
template<class Container, class MemberPtr>
class virtual_vector
virtual_vector(const Container & p_container, MemberPtr p_member_ptr) :
// For mapping to a method
template<class T = MemberPtr>
auto operator[](std::enable_if_t<std::is_member_function_pointer<T>::value == true, const size_t> p_index) const
return ((*m_container)[p_index].*m_member)();
// For mapping to a member
template<class T = MemberPtr>
auto operator[](std::enable_if_t<std::is_member_function_pointer<T>::value == false, const size_t> p_index) const
return (*m_container)[p_index].*m_member;
const Container * m_container;
MemberPtr m_member;
To test this, I've added a getter to the Elem class, for illustrative purposes.
struct Elem {
int a, b;
int foo() const { return a; }
Elem(int a, int b) : a(a), b(b) {}
And here is how it would be used :
int main() {
std::vector<Elem> printme = { Elem(1,100), Elem(2,200), Elem(3,300) };
std::vector<int> order = { 2,0,1 };
{ // print member
auto X = make_virtual_vector(printme, &Elem::a);
print_in_order(order, X);
{ // print method
auto X = make_virtual_vector(printme, &Elem::foo);
print_in_order(order, X);
You've got a choice of two data structures
struct Employee
std::string name;
double salary;
long payrollid;
std::vector<Employee> employees;
Or alternatively
struct Employees
std::vector<std::string> names;
std::vector<double> salaries;
std::vector<long> payrollids;
C++ is designed with the first option as the default. Other languages such as Javascript tend to encourage the second option.
If you want to find mean salary, option 2 is more convenient. If you want to sort the employees by salary, option 1 is easier to work with.
However you can use lamdas to partially interconvert between the two. The lambda is a trivial little function which takes an Employee and returns a salary for him - so effectively providing a flat vector of doubles we can take the mean of - or takes an index and an Employees and returns an employee, doing a little bit of trivial data reformatting.
template<class F>
struct index_fake_t{
F f;
decltype(auto) operator[](std::size_t i)const{
return f(i);
template<class F>
index_fake_t<F> index_fake( F f ){
template<class F>
auto reindexer(F f){
return [f=std::move(f)](auto&& v)mutable{
return index_fake([f=std::move(f),&v](auto i)->decltype(auto){
return v[f(i)];
template<class F>
auto indexer_mapper(F f){
return [f=std::move(f)](auto&& v)mutable{
return index_fake([f=std::move(f),&v](auto i)->decltype(auto){
return f(v[i]);
Now, print in order can be rewritten as:
template <typename vectorlike>
void print(vectorlike const & printme) {
for (auto&& x:printme)
std::cout << x << std::endl;
template <typename vectorlike>
void print_in_order(std::vector<int> const& reorder, vectorlike const & printme) {
print(reindexer([&](auto i){return reorder[i];})(printme));
and printing .a as:
print_in_order( reorder, indexer_mapper([](auto&&x){return x.a;})(printme) );
there may be some typos.

Data controlled programs in c++

Not to sure how to name this question because the problem itself is looking for a construct of which I don´t know its name.
The problem is I am dealing with programs whose control flow depends greatly of data.
For example I created a MIPS simulator which implemented a list of more than 50 instructions, each implemented on its own and everything governed by a huge switch case
switch (function){ //Function is an int, each function (eg SLL) is
case 0: //associated with one
if (state->debug_level > 0){
fprintf(state->debug_out, "SLL\n");
step_err = SLL(state, rs, rt, rd, sa);
case 2:
if (state->debug_level > 0){
fprintf(state->debug_out, "SRL\n");
step_err = SRL(state, rs, rt, rd, sa);
case 3:
if (state->debug_level > 0){
fprintf(state->debug_out, "SRA\n");
I have been told that this could have been implemented using function pointers, but to do so what I am looking for is a way of relating data of any kind, say a string to other data, say an integer. I am aware of maps but wouldn't want to push back each pair. I am looking for some sort of array like syntax I think if seen before which might look something similar to this:
¿type? function_codes[]{
0, "SLL";
2, "SRL";
3, "SRA";
I am not looking for a solution to this problem but a generic approach to introducing quick relationships between data and using this to modify control flow.
What I was actually looking for but I didnt know was indeed maps but in particular its initialization syntax similar to an array (see accepted answer). This used with function pointers did the required job.
As you guessed, function pointers are in fact a good way to do this. Since you specify that you don't want to use a Map, this is how you would implement your integer-based function dispatch using an array of function pointers. Note that since I don't know the type signature of your MIPS functions (SLL, SRL, etc.) I've used dummy placeholder type names.
typedef ret_t (*mips_func)(arg1_t, arg2_t, arg3_t, arg4_t, arg5_t);
mips_func function_codes[] = {
//...Later, in the part of your code that used to contain the big switch statement
step_err = (*function_codes[function])(state, rs, rt, rd, sa);
The syntax &SLL gets a pointer to the function SLL, which I assume is already in scope because you can call it directly from your switch statement.
Note that this assumes the numeric codes for the functions are a continuous sequence of integers from 0 to [max code value]. If some numeric codes are unused, then you will either need to leave explicit gaps in your array (by placing a NULL pointer in one or more entries) or use std::map<int, mips_func> so that you can use arbitrary non-continuous integer values as keys to functions. Fortunately, using a Map still doesn't require push_backing each element, since C++ now has initializer lists. The same code using a Map would look like this:
typedef ret_t (*mips_func)(arg1_t, arg2_t, arg3_t, arg4_t, arg5_t);
std::map<int, mips_func> function_codes = {
{0, &SLL},
{2, &SRL},
{4, &SRA},
//Using the Map looks exactly the same, due to its overloaded operator[]
step_err = (*function_codes[function])(state, rs, rt, rd, sa);
For simplify you can use associative containers. If the order is important then use std::map, or std::unordered_map in the other case.
And you can use syntax similar to the desired
std::map<size_t, std::string> codes_map = decltype(codes_map) {
{ 0, "val1" },
{ 1, "val2" }
You could group the data as static members w/ the same name across structs, then use templates to access them generically:
struct A { auto call() const { return "((1))"; }; static const char * name; };
struct B { auto call() const { return "{{2}}"; }; static const char * name; };
struct C { auto call() const { return "<<3>>"; }; static const char * name; };
// n.b. these `T...` have: `sizeof(T) == ... == sizeof(empty_struct)`
const char * A::name = "A";
const char * B::name = "B";
const char * C::name = "C";
boost::variant (and the soon to be implemented std::variant) implements a type-safe union, which provides a very clean and efficient way of using these structs as values:
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
int main()
std::vector<boost::variant<A, B, C>> letters{A{}, B{}, C{}, B{}, A{}};
auto visitor = [](auto x) { std::printf("%s(): %s\n", x.name, x.call()); };
for (auto var : letters) { boost::apply_visitor(visitor, var); }
It seems like you have two problems: the flow-control issue (dispatch) and the map issue (an implementation note). I get that the program flow is nonstatic and unknowable at compile-time… but so is the map static? For static maps I get a lot of mileage out of using a traits-ish approach to create a compile-time mapping. Here’s a quick example mapping file suffixes to Objective-C enum constants:
namespace objc {
namespace image {
template <std::size_t N> inline
constexpr std::size_t static_strlen(char const (&)[N]) { return N; }
template <NSBitmapImageFileType t>
struct suffix_t;
#define DEFINE_SUFFIX(endstring, nstype) \
template <> \
struct suffix_t<nstype> { \
static constexpr std::size_t N = static_strlen(endstring); \
static constexpr char const str[N] = endstring; \
static constexpr NSBitmapImageFileType type = nstype; \
DEFINE_SUFFIX("jp2", NSJPEG2000FileType);
template <NSBitmapImageFileType nstype>
char const* suffix_value = suffix_t<nstype>::str;
… see how that works? the nice part is that using it has no runtime overhead, which if your map is static, you can use something like that.
For dynamic flow-control and dispatch, function pointers work; that is what happens automatically if you use polymorphic classes and virtual functions but it seems like you have an architecture in place already that may not be amenable to being redone with such high-modernist architectural notions. I like c++11 lambdas as they solve like 90% of my problems in this arena. Perhaps you can elablrate (I will amend my answer)!
If you only have a small number of indices to support, from 0 to 50, you'll get the best performance if you put your function pointers in an array and not a map.
The syntax is also short:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
static void f0() {
std::cout << "f0\n";
static void f1() {
std::cout << "f1\n";
void main()
std::function<void()> f[2] = { f0, f1 };
f[0](); // prints "f0"
f[1](); // prints "f1"
Or, if you prefer classes over functions:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
class myfunc {
virtual void run() abstract;
virtual ~myfunc() {}
class f0 : public myfunc {
virtual void run() {
std::cout << "f0\n";
class f1 : public myfunc {
virtual void run() {
std::cout << "f1\n";
void main()
myfunc* f[2] = { new f0(), new f1() };
f[0]->run(); // prints "f0"
f[1]->run(); // prints "f1"
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(f) / sizeof(f[0]); ++i)
delete f[i];
Given some definitions
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
struct state{
int debug_level = 1;
const char* debug_out = "%s";
} s;
// some functions to call
void SLL(state& s, int, int, int, int){
cout << "SLL";
void SLR(state& s, int, int, int, int){
cout << "SLR";
void SLT(state& s, int, int, int, int){
cout << "SLT";
You can use a Map
auto mappedname2fn = map<string, delctype(SLL)*>{
{"SLL", SLL},
{"SLR", SLR}
// call a map function
mappedname2fn["SLR"](s, 1, 2, 3, 4);
If you don't want a map you can use a pre-sorted array for a binary search
Here's a binary search of an array of name, function pairs
template<typename P, int N, typename ...T>
auto callFn(P(&a)[N], string val, T&&... params){
auto it = lower_bound(a, a+N, make_pair(val, nullptr),
[](auto& p1, auto& p2){return p1.first < p2.first;});
if(it==(a+N) || val<it->first) throw logic_error("not found");
return it->second(forward<T>(params)...);
So you can set up an array and use that:-
// array sorted in alphabetical order for binary search to work
pair<string, decltype(SLL)*> name2fn[] = {
{"SLL", SLL},
{"SLR", SLR},
{"SLT", SLT}
void callFn(string name, state& s, int a, int b, int c, int d){
callFn(name2fn, name, s, a, b, c, d);
catch(exception& e){
cout << e.what();
// call it
callFn("SLL", s, 1, 2, 3, 4);

C++ boost::variant generic converter

I've been trying for the last three day to figure out how to implement a generic way of getting the value out of a boost::variant<...>, but it's been quite difficult.
Here is the solution I could come up with, which it not at all generic:
#include <iostream>
#include "boost\variant\variant.hpp"
using MyVariant = boost::variant<int, std::string>;
class VariantConverter : public boost::static_visitor<>
mutable int _int;
mutable std::string _string;
static VariantConverter apply(MyVariant& v)
VariantConverter res;
return res; // copy will be elided, right?
void operator()(int& i) const
_int = i;
void operator() (std::string& s) const
_string = s;
static int to_int(MyVariant v)
return apply(v).from_int();
static std::string to_string(MyVariant v)
return apply(v).from_string();
int from_int()
return _int;
std::string from_string()
return _string;
int main()
using namespace std;
MyVariant v = 23;
int i = VariantConverter::to_int(v);
cout << i << endl;
v = "Michael Jordan";
std::string s = VariantConverter::to_string(v);
cout << s.c_str() << endl;
return 0;
I'd appreciate it if someone could guide me towards a better solution.
Or perhaps someone could explain to me the rationale behind this:
if I declare a:
using MyVariant = boost::variant<int, std::string>;
and then a:
ConverterToInt : basic_visitor<int> {
int operator() (int i) { return i; };
Why is it that when I try to apply the ConverterToInt to a MyVariant as such:
ConverterToInt cti;
MyVariant i = 10;
I get a compiler error about trying to find a operator() that takes a std::string?
It seems to me that apply_visitor is trying to call an operator() for each of the types MyVariant can take. Is that so? If it is, why? How can i avoid this behavior?
You can avoid the error message by telling ConverterToInt what to do with a std::string. You might know that i can't be a std::string but it's unreasonable to expect the compiler to know that (and if it is true, why are you using a variant?).
apply_visitor will only call the correct operator() method, but it decides at run time, and the compiler needs to have all the possibilities covered to generate the code.
MyVariant iv = 10;
int i = boost::get<int>(iv);
boost::variant does not "call" each operator() of an interface when invoked, but it must be able to. That's the entire point. A variant can hold any of the template types, so if you want to define an operation on it, you must specify somewhere what that operation means for each type.