Vim Folding with RainbowParentheses - c++

So, I've looked everywhere for a good rainbow parentheses plugin that will give different level parentheses different colors. I really like the couple that I've found, because they both do a good job of customizability while highlighting the right thing. It supports more than parentheses; chevrons, braces and brackets all get highlighted, which I really like.
It seems like there are quite a few plugins for this!; I'm currently using oblitum's because his is optimized for dark backgrounds (I often work straight from the shell).
So, following the tip at the github for that plugin, I have the "always on" snippet in my .vimrc. But when the always on block is above "syntax enable" it doesn't show {} as being highlighted for cpp files. When the always on block is below syntax enable, folding doesn't work. I think its the nature of the plugin that makes it do this; it goes though the file and adds coloration information. I notice that if I use the command :syntax enable after I've loaded the file when its not recognizing folds, then it does recognize the folds. But at this point, it removes the coloration that rainbow parentheses put on it.
In my .vimrc, I have the follow pertinent lines:
syntax enable
set foldmethod=syntax
set foldenable
set foldlevel=100
let g:rainbow_operators=2
au FileType c,cpp,objc,objcpp call rainbow#activate()
I think that, from looking at syntax files that come with vim, such as c.vim, you can see that certain blocks are annotated as folding. I bet that if you could just write a regex based upon it, you could identify characters as syntactic groups. Then you could just define a colorscheme for it. In fact, the rainbow plugin is actually calling "syn region" commands, so I think that this route is very doable, I'm just not that knowledgable with vim scripting.
Can anybody help me modify possibly the plugin or come up with a script or something that achieves both?

Sorry the lateness, I've tried to solve it at Fix disabled folding (issue #2)

I dimly remember having had the same or a similar problem.
Also XML code highlighting was broken IIRC.
I put 'always on' off, and activated the colored parentheses only when I needed it.
So my working solution was just a shortcut to toggle the plugin on and off.


Change indentation with Emacs minor mode

I have a CS class that requires (or at least strongly suggests) 8 spaces for C++ indentation. I normally use 2, so this is quite different for me.
I have until recently been just toggling the indent code in my .emacs and running eval-buffer, but that seems like a poor solution with a programmable editor.
So I am wondering: how might I go about creating a minor Mode (or is there a better function for this?)? I'd like to be able to enable it with M-x comp-mode or something similar.
I have seen minor modes, but they seem to instead focus on key mappings. Perhaps I am looking at the wrong Emacs feature.
Perhaps I can extend the C++ mode to create a comp-mode with different indentation settings?
You could probably do this with a minor mode, but an easier solution is to use directory variables. Create a file called .dir-locals.el in the directory containing your coursework and put something like this in it:
((c++-mode . ((indent-tabs-mode . nil)
(c-basic-offset . 8))))

Vim isnt highlighting basic types in c/c++

I have recently started using vim and i see my syntax files are located in /usr/share/vim/vim74 (I'm on linux Mint) and my c.vim seems to make the basic things like int and double keywords however when I edit any c or c++ files none of the types are highlighted however some things like const are highlighted. I am not sure why this is happening. Can anyone help me out?
To check whether the syntax parsing works as expected, check (when editing a C / C++ file) with
:syntax list
that those keywords (like int) are defined. You'll also get a preview of the highlight coloring there. Alternatively, the colors are shown via
To change those, you have to switch to another :colorscheme or edit / augment the current one.
For advanced troubleshooting, I recommend the SyntaxAttr.vim - Show syntax highlighting attributes of character under cursor plugin.

C++ Keywords not Colored in Emacs

I have been using emacs for a while for mainly python programming, and have started C++ coding with it. When I open a c++ file, it opens without problems with c++-mode. The background and foreground colors are normal for the theme I have with color-theme, but keywords and strings are not colored differently. Below is the code in my .emacs to initialize color-theme.
(add-to-list 'load-path "D:\\emacs\\color-theme-6.6.0")
(require 'color-theme)
(setq color-theme-is-global t)
I have not put in any code for c++. Any ideas?
Edit: I tried turning off color-theme to see if at least then there would be some coloring, and there was not, even after ensuring font-lock-mode was on. Also, this is GNU Emacs 23.1.1
Place the cursor over a keyword and do M-x describe-face. The face should be identified as font-lock-keyword-face and the description of the face given. At that point it should be easier to determine whether the keyword has the wrong face, or the face just has a default appearance. You could also double-check that font-lock-mode is on with describe-mode.
I finally got syntax highlighting by removing a folder called site-lisp from the folder d:/emacs. My Emacs installation is in d:/emacs/emacs-23.1, and somehow it was reading from these files. So, removing this folder forced Emacs to use the correct ones, I think.
(font-lock-mode) should help (with non negative argument to make sure it's turned on)
Generally this should work straight out of the box on a standard install - to verify start emacs with the "-q" option to avoid loading stuff from your init file. I have verified this with a quick install (on XP Pro) of the official 23.2 binaries. Here's the output: (apparently can't post images due to low reputation - the link is
If this displays code as you expect, then there's an issue with your init file - I suggest using the standard approach of commenting everything out and selectively adding things back in, until you come across the offending line(s).

How can I highlight different types of file in dired mode in Emacs?

In a nutshell, I want to have different faces for some types of file in dired mode. I don't think it matters, but I am using Aquamacs.
The example I will use here is .tex files. If I can do it for .tex, then I can just apply the same structure to do create other faces for other types of files.
From what I understand, I have to create a variable, write a regular expression, then apply a hook. I read a bit about regex and so far I have
I think my structure and regular expression are not really correct. I am not a programmer (though I have an interest on it), I have only been using Emacs for 2 weeks or so, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
What I need is at least the basic structure of what I have to do. I understand there may be modes already created that do something similar (such as maybe Wdired and Dired-X), and I would not complain if someone told me about them, but what I really want is to have an elisp code (either already written or that I can work on), as I plan on learning a bit of elisp to be able to write my own customisations and this would be a way to learn.
Thank you!
Since you want to learn how to do it, try checking out the extension dired+.el. This mode does a lot more than what you want, but it does add new faces. Specifically, look for the variable diredp-font-lock-keywords-1 and how it is used. That should get you going.
Other SO questions that seem relevant are:
Match regular expression as keyword in define-generic-mode
Highlighting correctly in an emacs major mode
A hello world example for a major mode in emacs?

Is it possible to customize the indent style of XCode?

For example, I'd like to not indent namespaces in C++ code, but the prefpane doesn't seem to have any place to make a decision of this granularity. Is there some hidden config file or something? Or am I just out of luck?
Apple's XCode documentation contains a full list of user preferences, many of them that don't have a corresponding UI. I'm not seeing anything that is namespace-specific however, so I think you might be out of luck.
However, I thought I'd pass along the preferences list in case it's useful.
I've also attempted to do this.
The answer is that whoever did the code formatting in XCode appears to be completely unaware that there are languages other than Objective C, or coding styles other than Apple's.
Here's a list of things that one would want to do that can't be done in XCode.
Indent public: or private: just one space.
Indent namespaces zero spaces.
Alternate indentation for arguments NOT relative to the opening parenthesis.
The last one needs a little discussion. Sometimes, a function or method name can be quite long, as well as its first argument, so you want also to be able to indent like this:
Of course, you might want to be extracting subexpressions to make the line shorter, but in real-world code this comes up all the time, and creating subexpressions just to fit everything into a reasonable line length is annoying.
It's a terrible shame and I really have no idea what to do. I personally write in emacs and only dip into XCode as a build system but :-D that's not for everyone.
As the Xcode indenter uses just the lexer, and not the AST, you can 'fool' the formatting by defining away the curly braces.
I have:
#define NAMESPACE_OPEN(_name) namespace _name {
#define NAMESPACE_CLOSE(_name) }
#define dsmsg_namespace_open NAMESPACE_OPEN(dsmsg)
#define dsmsg_namespace_close NAMESPACE_CLOSE(dsmsg)
i.e., a generic 'NAMESPACE_OPEN/CLOSE' define, and a define specific to my most-used namespace 'dsmsg'. Then, whenever I want to open the namespace, I use
... code ...
Ugly hack, but I quite like having a specific, named 'close'
I bypass Xcode's indenting altogether, and have a user script that calls uncrustify on the currently displayed document.
#echo -n "%%%{PBXSelection}%%%"
uncrustify -q -c ~/.uncrustify/sample.cfg -l oc+
#echo -n "%%%{PBXSelection}%%%"
uncrustify must be in your PATH
you may need to adjust the location of your config file
if you want to have the new code selected in Xcode, uncomment the two echo statements (this can also be used to make a "Format Selection" script, rather than "Format All"
Script Settings:
Input:Entire Document
Directory: Home directory
Output: Replace Document Contents
Errors: display in alert
As of Xcode 4.3.1 no custom namespace indent options are available, however I overcame this irritation by navigating to Preferences->Text Editing->Indentation and disabling "Syntax-aware indenting".
Another possibility is to use Articstic Style (astyle). A tutorial how to integrate astyle into XCode using automator and services can be found here: and