Database table not being updated - sql-update

I have been struggling with this piece of code. Everything is being updated except my items table in the database. Need the sales part to be plus 1 each time someone makes a purchase.
$setQuery = '';
if($extended) {
$setQuery = " `status` = 'extended_buy', ";
UPDATE `items`
SET `sales` = `sales` + 1,
`earning` = `earning` + '".sql_quote($price)."'
WHERE `id` = '".intval($item['id'])."'
return true;

You will need to use Subquery for the same
It would be somewhat like this
SET sales = (From items where WHERE id = '".intval($item['id']) + 1,
You will need to pull its value and then Add it.
In other case you can pick it in variable and update it.


power bi DAX hierarchical table concatenation of names

Since two days I'm on a problem and I can't solve it so I come here to ask some help...
I have that bit of dax that basically take the path of a hierarchical table (integers) and take the string names of the 2 first in the path.
the names I use:
'HIERARCHY' the hierarchical table with names, id, path, nbrItems, string
mytable / addedcolumn1/2 the new table used to emulate the for loop
DisplayPath =
var __Path =PATH(ParentChild[id], ParentChild[parent_id])
var __P1 = PATHITEM(__Path,1) var __P2 = PATHITEM(__Path,2)
var l1 = LOOKUPVALUE(ParentChild[Place],ParentChild[id],VALUE(__P1))
var l2a = LOOKUPVALUE(ParentChild[Place],ParentChild[id],VALUE(__P2))
var l2 = if(ISBLANK(l2a), "", " -> " & l2a)
return CONCATENATE(l1,l2)
My problem is... I don't know the number of indexes in my path, can go from 0 to I guess 15...
I've tried some things but can't figure out a solution.
First I added a new column called nbrItems which calculate the number of items in the list of the path.
The two columns:
Then I added that bit of code that emulates a for loop depending on the number of items in the path list, and I'd like in it to
get name of parameters
concatenate them in one string that I can return and get
string =
var n = 'HIERARCHY'[nbrItems]
var mytable = GENERATESERIES(1, n)
var addedcolumn1 = ADDCOLUMNS(mytable, "nom", /* missing part: get name */)
var addedcolumn2 = ADDCOLUMNS(addedcolumn1, "string", /* missing part: concatenate previous concatenated and new name */)
var mymax = MAXX(addedcolumn2, [Value])
RETURN MAXX(FILTER(addedcolumn2, [Value] = mymax), [string])
Full table:
Thanks for your help in advance!
Ok, so after some research and a lot of try and error... I've came up to a nice and simple solution:
The original problem was that I had a hierarchical table ,but with all data in the same table.
like so
What I did was, adding a new "parent" column with this dax:
parent =
var a = 'HIERARCHY'[id_parent]
This gets the parent name from the id_parent (ref. screen).
then I could just use the path function, not on the id's but on the names... like so:
path = PATH('HIERARCHY'[libelle], 'HIERARCHY'[parent])
It made the problem easy because I didn't need to replace the id's by there names after this...
and finally to make it look nice, I used some substitution to remove the pipes:
formated_path = SUBSTITUTE('HIERARCHY'[path], "|", " -> ")
final result

Coldfusion dynamic column names to pass into a function

A user can supply answers for up to 5 question, and each question has 3 columns in the database:
When the form is submitted I get the IDs into an array and then loop over that and then query a different table to look up fam and cip.
aidms = listToArray(form['idms[]']);
for( i=1;i<=arrayLen(aidms);i++ ) {
qryData = invoke(dataCFC,'queryData', { smid = aidms[i]});
temp = invoke(userCFC,'updateUser',{
userid = session.userid,
st_m#i#_id = aidms[i],
st_m#i#_fam = qryData.fam,
How do I notate the dynamic query column names in the function so that when they are passed to updateUser the correct columns are referenced?

My program reads 0 from the database even though there is a 1

I don't understand whats wrong with the code, I have read a lot of times but I can't find the error
pstmt = con->prepareStatement("SELECT (?) FROM votos WHERE id = (?)");
pstmt->setString(1, eleccion);
pstmt->setInt(2, p->getId());
res = pstmt->executeQuery();
When the eleccion and id variables are Provincial and 1 respectively the getInt(1) function should return 1, but it returns 0.
The command (in the mysql command line):
SELECT Provincial from Votos WHERE id=1
Returns a table with one row and one column with the value 1
Side notes:
Spelling was checked
The getId() function works correctly
The compiler doesn't give any error
You can't use a placeholder in a prepared query for a column name. It's returning the value of the string eleccion, not using it as the name of a column in the table. You need to do string concatenation to substitute the column name.
std::string sql = std::string("SELECT `") + eleccion + "` FROM votos WHERE id = ?";
pstmt = con->prepareStatement(sql.c_str());
pstmt->setInt(1, p->getId());
res = pstmt->executeQuery();
If the value of eleccion is coming from the user or some other untrusted source, make sure you validate it before concatenating, to prevent SQL injection.

How can I use C++ to update an SQLite row relative to its original value?

I am trying to update a row in a table in an SQLite database using C++, but I want to update it relative to its current value.
This is what I have tried so far:
int val=argv[2];
string bal = "UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + " + argv[1] + "WHERE account_id = " + bal + argv[2];
if (sqlite3_open("bank.db", &db) == SQLITE_OK)
sqlite3_prepare( db, balance.c_str(), -1, &stmt, NULL );//preparing the statement
sqlite3_step( stmt );//executing the statement
So that the first parameter is the account_id, and the second parameter is the current balance.
However, this does not work. What can I do to have the database successfully update?
Thank you!
EDIT: Sorry for the confusion. The primary situation is having a table with many entries, each with a unique account id. For example, one has an id of 1 with a balance of 5.
If I run this program with the parameters "1 5", the balance should now be 10. If I run it again with "1 7", it should be 17.
You cannot use the + operator to concatenate C-style strings and string literals. A quick and dirty fix:
string bal = string("UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + ") + argv[1] + string( " WHERE account_id = " ) + argv[2];

Summing rows on a tabular form in apex 4.2 for validation

How can I sum fields on each row in a tabular form in APEX 4.2 to get a total for that row before I submit the page in order to do page validation?
For example if the first row has 6 in field a and 6 in field b the total for the first row should be 12 and on the second row if field b is 5 and field c is 5 the total for the second row should be 10.
So I want to get totals based on rows not column. Is that possible?
Yes, its possible. If you know javascript/jquery, you'll get along well with my solution. This is what you have to do:
get the name attribute(using inspect element of your browser) of the field you want to sum up. Names of fields in oracle apex usually goes like 'f01' or 'f02' and so on. Once you get the fields, create a javascript function or you can use this one if you like:
function sumUpRows(columnforsum,itemstobeadded){
var numofcols = arguments.length;
var numofrows = $("[name=" + arguments[0] + "]").length;
var summ = 0;
summ = summ + Number($("[name=" + arguments[i] + "]").eq(x).val());
$("[name=" + columnforsum + "]").eq(x).val(summ);
Put function above in "function and global variable declaration" part of your page. Then create a "before page submit" dynamic action. Set its action to "execute javascript" then put this line of code:
Here's a sample :
For your question in the comment section, the answer is yes. To get the sum of a row automatically as you fill up the boxes on that row, you can use this function:
function sumUpRowsAsYouGo(whatelement){
var numofrows=$("[name=f01]").length;
var summ = 0;
if($(whatelement).attr("id") == $("[name=" + $(whatelement).attr("name") + "]").eq(i).attr("id")){
summ += Number($("[name="+ arguments[a] + "]").eq(i).val());
$("[name="+ arguments[arguments.length-1] + "]").eq(i).val(summ);
you can use this function like this(put these lines in the "Execute on Page load" and "after refresh" dynamic action of your tabular form region):