How to Give a C++ Class a Python __repr__() with SWIG - c++

I've observed that when one types
in the Python repl, one gets
Type help() for interactive help, ...
and when one types
one gets kicked into help mode. I'm pretty sure this is because site._Helper defines __repr__() (for the first example) and __call__() (for the second).
I like this behavior (prompt for just the object, and callable syntax), and I'd like to do the same for a C++ class I'm exporting to Python via SWIG. Here is a simple example of what I've tried to do
class HelpMimic
HelpMimic() {};
~HelpMimic() {};
char *__repr__();
void operator()(const char *func=NULL);
char *HelpMimic::__repr__()
return "Online help facilities are not yet implemented.";
void HelpMimic::operator()(const char *func)
log4cxx::LoggerPtr transcriptPtr = oap::getTranscript();
std::string commentMsg("# Online help facilities are not yet implemented. Cannot look up ");
if (func) {
commentMsg += func;
else {
commentMsg += "anything.";
LOG4CXX_INFO(transcriptPtr, commentMsg);
%module sample
#include <helpMimic.h>
class HelpMimic
HelpMimic() {};
~HelpMimic() {};
char *__repr__();
void operator()(const char *func=NULL);
When I attempt to use this class in my application, I can't seem to get the behavior I see with help (the output below is taken from a C++ application with Python embedded, where each input line is sent through PyEval_String()):
tam = sample.HelpMimic()
tam # echoes 'tam', nothing else
print tam
# _5010b70200000000_p_HelpMimic
print repr(tam)
# <Swig Object of type 'HelpMimic *' at 0x28230a0>
print tam.__repr__()
# Online help facilities are not yet implemented.
That last print shows that the method __repr__() is there, but I can't find it using the simpler object reference or using repr(tam). I also tried defining __str()__ in the hopes that I'd misunderstood which would get called, but still no luck.
I've tried using the %extend directive in the interface file to insert a __str__() or a __repr__() definition into the SWIG interface definition file, instead of defining them directly in C++, but to no avail.
What am I missing?

As #flexo suggested in a comment, if you are using the -builtin flag to the SWIG code generator, repr() will not call your __repr__ method. Instead, you need to define a function that fits in the repr slot.
%feature("python:slot", "tp_repr", functype="reprfunc") HelpMimic::printRepr;
As per HelpMimic::printRepr must have a signature that matches the expected signature (tp_repr in Python docs) - it must return a string or unicode object. Another caveat - you can't put the same function in more than one slot, so don't try to use this for tp_str!

I usually use the %extend feature to avoid tailoring the C/C++ to much for a specific target language. E.g.
%extend MyClass {
%pythoncode %{
def __repr__(self):
# How you want your object to be shown
__swig_getmethods__["someMember"] = SomeMemberGet
__swig_setmethods__["someMember"] = SomeMemberSet
if _newclass:
someMember = property(SomeMemberGet,SomeMemberSet)
def show(self):
# You could possibly visualize your object using matplotlib
Where you inside the repr function can call basically any function and format the output to suit your needs. Further, you can add properties and define how they map to setters and getters.

If you want to add a __repr__ in the Python code rather than C/C++, you may need to deal with the default swig definition of __repr__ = _swig_repr.
This turns out to be fairly straightforward:
#if defined(SWIGPYTHON)
%pythoncode %{
del __repr__
def __repr__(self):
return 'object representation'


Array or object: how to use nlohmann::json for simple use cases?

I want to use the nlohmann JSON library in order to read options from a JSON file. Specifying options is optional, as reflected in the constructor in my code example. I'm assuming the JSON structure is an object in its root.
Unfortunately, I'm unable to use these options, because it is unclear to me how I can force the JSON structure to be an object. What is worse, merely initializing a member variable with a JSON object {} (magically?) turns it into an array [{}].
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
class Example {
explicit Example(const nlohmann::json& options = nlohmann::json::object())
: m_options{options}
std::clog << options << '\n' << m_options << '\n';
nlohmann::json m_options;
auto main() -> int
Example x;
Example y{nlohmann::json::object()};
This results in the following output. Notice that we have to perform some ceremony in order to use an empty object as the default value (= empty settings), with = nlohmann::json::object(). Also notice that the settings object changes its type as soon as we initialize the member value (!):
My use use case is quite straightforward, but I'm unable to extract settings, unless I explicitly check whether the settings are an array or an object.
Another thing that worries me is that incorrect code compiles without warning, e.g., code in which I use x.value("y") on a JSON array x containing an object with key "y". Only at run time do I discover that I should have done"y") instead.
In brief, the whole situation is quite surprising to me. I must be missing something / I must be using this library in an unintended way?
nlohman is a very "modern" library, it uses a lot of features in C++. And that might make it harder to read and understand the code. But it is very flexible.
This short introduction might help
Introduction to nlohmann json
Parse text to json object is done like
constexpr std::string_view stringJson = R"({"k1": "v1"})";
nlohmann::json j = nlohmann::json::parse( stringJson.begin(), stringJson.end() );

Keeping state of DataFrame between cython calls

I have C++ code that calls DLL which contains cythonized python functions. The python functions work with DataFrame (create it and then do lookups / stuff on it). I would like to do the DataFrame creation only once, which means I need to keep its state after the python function exits.
I haven't found a way how to return the DataFrame pointer from cython factory to C++ and send it from C++ to the other cython functions later. I want to avoid singleton-like solutions in cython. Please advise.
cdef public string Foo( const string& csvpath ) except *:
cdef string c_csvpath = csvpath
__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(std::string) Foo(std::string const &);
I'm going to assume that you want to keep the string return type (if not then you can just return a Python object, which you may find easier). If this is the case then you need to use one of the function arguments to store data. Any mutable Python object could be used in principle but I'm going to demonstrate with a dictionary since I think that makes most sense:
cdef public string Foo( const string& csvpath, dict saved_data ) except *:
cdef string c_csvpath = csvpath
# get the DataFrame if possible, otherwise generate it
df = saved_data['dataframe']
except KeyError:
df = 3.3 # somehow generate your dataframe
# at the end make sure everything's updated
saved_data['dataframe'] = df
return csvpath
The C signature becomes:
__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(std::string) Foo(std::string const &, PyObject *);
In your C++ code you then need to create and save a dictionary:
PyObject* data = PyDict_New();
// good code would check for null here
string out = Foo(string("Hi"),data);
// your data dictionary should now have "dataframe" in it
// a second call, reusing the data frame
string out2 = Foo(string("Hi"),data);
// once you're sure you've done with the data frame
Py_DECREF(data); // frees it, unless Python also has a copy

How can I bind a C/C++ structure to Ruby?

I need some advice how can I bind a C/C++ structure to Ruby. I've read some manuals and I found out how to bind class methods to a class, but I still don't understand how to bind structure fields and make them accessible in Ruby.
Here is the code I'm using:
myclass = rb_define_class("Myclass", 0);
typedef struct nya
char const* name;
int age;
} Nya;
Nya* p;
VALUE vnya;
p = (Nya*)(ALLOC(Nya));
p->name = "Masha";
p->age = 24;
vnya = Data_Wrap_Struct(myclass, 0, free, p);
rb_eval_string("def foo( a ) p a end"); // This function should print structure object
rb_funcall(0, rb_intern("foo"), 1, vnya); // Here I call the function and pass the object into it
The Ruby function seems to assume that a is a pointer. It prints the numeric value of the pointer instead of it's real content (i.e., ["Masha", 24]). Obviously the Ruby function can't recognize this object —I didn't set the object's property names and types.
How can I do this? Unfortunately I can't figure it out.
You have already wrapped your pointer in a Ruby object. Now all you have to do is define how it can be accessed from the Ruby world:
/* Feel free to convert this function to a macro */
static Nya * get_nya_from(VALUE value) {
Nya * pointer = 0;
Data_Get_Struct(value, Nya, pointer);
return pointer;
VALUE nya_get_name(VALUE self) {
return rb_str_new_cstr(get_nya_from(self)->name);
VALUE nya_set_name(VALUE self, VALUE name) {
/* StringValueCStr returns a null-terminated string. I'm not sure if
it will be freed when the name gets swept by the GC, so maybe you
should create a copy of the string and store that instead. */
get_nya_from(self)->name = StringValueCStr(name);
return name;
VALUE nya_get_age(VALUE self) {
return INT2FIX(get_nya_from(self)->age);
VALUE nya_set_age(VALUE self, VALUE age) {
get_nya_from(self)->age = FIX2INT(age);
return age;
void init_Myclass() {
/* Associate these functions with Ruby methods. */
rb_define_method(myclass, "name", nya_get_name, 0);
rb_define_method(myclass, "name=", nya_set_name, 1);
rb_define_method(myclass, "age", nya_get_age, 0);
rb_define_method(myclass, "age=", nya_set_age, 1);
Now that you can access the data your structure holds, you can simply define the high level methods in Ruby:
class Myclass
def to_a
[name, age]
alias to_ary to_a
def to_s
to_a.join ', '
def inspect
For reference: README.EXT
This is not a direct answer to your question about structures, but it is a general solution to the problem of porting C++ classes to Ruby.
You could use SWIG to wrap C/C++ classes, structs and functions. In the case of a structure, it's burning a house to fry an egg. However, if you need a tool to rapidly convert C++ classes to Ruby (and 20 other languages), SWIG might be useful to you.
In your case involving a structure, you just need to create a .i file which includes (in the simplest case) the line #include <your C++ library.h>.
P.S. Once more, it's not a direct answer to your question involving this one struct, but maybe you could make use of a more general solution, in which case this may help you.
Another option is to use RubyInline - it has limited support for converting C and Ruby types (such as int, char * and float) and it also has support for accessing C structurs - see accessor method in the API.

How to efficiently build a Python dictionary in C++

For performance reasons I want to port parts of my python program to C++ and I therefore try to write a simple extension for my program. The C++ part will build a dictionary, which then needs to be delivered to the Python program.
One way I found seems to be to build my dict-like object in C++, e.g. a boost::unordered_map, and then translate it to Python using the Py_BuildValue[1] method, which is able to produce Python dicts. But this method which includes converting the container into a string representation and back seems a bit too much 'around the corner' to be the most performant solution!?
So my question is: What is the most performant way to build a Python dictionary in C++? I saw that boost has a Python library which supports mapping containers between C++ and Python, but I didn't find the exact thing I need in the documentation so far. If there is such way I would prefer to directly build a Python dict in C++, so that no copying etc. is needed. But if the most performant way to do this is another one, I'm good with that too.
Here is the (simplified) C++-code I compile into a .dll/.pyd:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <Python.h>
#include "boost/unordered_map.hpp"
#include "boost/foreach.hpp"
extern "C"{
typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, int> hashmap;
static PyObject*
_rint(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
hashmap my_hashmap; // DO I NEED THIS?
BOOST_FOREACH(hashmap::value_type i, my_hashmap) {
// return PYTHON DICT
static PyMethodDef TestMethods[] = {
{"rint", _rint, METH_VARARGS, ""},
Py_InitModule("test", TestMethods);
} // extern "C"
This I want to use in Python like:
import test
new_dict = test.rint()
The dictionary will map strings to integers. Thanks for any help!
Use the CPython API directly yes:
PyObject *d = PyDict_New()
for (...) {
PyDict_SetItem(d, key, val);
return d;
Or write a python object that emulate a dict, by overriding __setitem__ and __getitem__. In both method, use your original hashmap. At the end, no copy will happen!

How do I use a pointer to char from SWIG, in Perl?

I used SWIG to generate a Perl module for a C++ program. I have one function in the C++ code which returns a "char pointer". Now I dont know how to print or get the returned char pointer in Perl.
Sample C code:
char* result() {
return "i want to get this in perl";
I want to invoke this function "result" in Perl and print the string.
How to do that?
Depending on the complexity of the C++ interface, it may be easier, faster, and more maintainable to skip SWIG and write the XS code yourself. XS&C++ is a bit of an arcane art. That's why there is Mattia Barbon's excellent ExtUtils::XSpp module on CPAN. It make wrapping C++ easy (and almost fun).
The ExtUtils::XSpp distribution includes a very simple (and contrived) example of a class that has a string (char*) and an integer member. Here's what the cut-down interface file could look like:
// This will be used to generate the XS MODULE line
// Associate a perl class with a C++ class
%name{Object::WithIntAndString} class IntAndString
// can be called in Perl as Object::WithIntAndString->new( ... );
// Object::WithIntAndString->newIntAndString( ... );
// %name can be used to assign methods a different name in Perl
%name{newIntAndString} IntAndString( const char* str, int arg );
// standard DESTROY method
// Will be available from Perl given that the types appear in the typemap
int GetInt();
const char* GetString ();
// SetValue is polymorphic. We want separate methods in Perl
%name{SetString} void SetValue( const char* arg = NULL );
%name{SetInt} void SetValue( int arg );
Note that this still requires a valid XS typemap. It's really simple, so I won't add it here, but you can find it in the example distribution linked above.
You must have referred to the SWIG tutorial at
Anyways, since you just want to invoke the function the C function from perl,
1. Type your interface file(having all the function declarations in the wrapper and the module sections).
2. Compile with swig and options.
3. Compile with gcc to create the objects.
4. Compile with gcc options to create the shared object.
5. run the program as follows:
use moduleName;
$a = moduleName::result();
[NOTE: Look into the generated module file(.pm) for the correct funvtion prototype which points to the correct function in the wrapper file.]