Images handling in cocos2d android? - cocos2d-android

According to the different-2 screen resolution, can't use a single image for every device.
So, how to manage this thing in Cocos2d-android ?
Using setScale() is ok with it.

You have to create a method that can get the appropriate image according to screen size.
There are following steps that will help you to get image
1) Get the screen size and store that in a variable
I have used as
WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) this.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
display = wm.getDefaultDisplay();
}else if(display.getWidth()<=480)
}else if(display.getWidth()<=860)
Now we have screen size(1,2,3,4) store in variable screenSize
2)Now assign the name to images you are using
assuming if we have four images of player.png for four resolution
then assign there name as
These are same images for different resolution
3) Now create method that will return a name of image as
public static String getImageURI(String name) {
if (screenSize== 1) {
return name + "_1.png";
} else if (screenSize== 2) {
return name + "_2.png";
} else if (screenSize== 3) {
return name + "_3.png";
} else {
return name + "_4.png";
4) Now you have to use this method in your layer while passing name to sprite or some other
target = CCSprite.sprite(getImageURI("player"));
You have to only pass the name before the underscore in method as above the real name is like player_1.png but we have only passes player
the getImageURI will return a appropriate name according to the screen size
assuming if we have screen size 2 then the
getImageURI will return
so code will become like target = CCSprite.sprite("player_2.png");//getImageURI will return player_2.png


Xamarin Forms - Get the size of an AbsoluteLayout

I cannot find the way to get the Width and the Height of a Xamarin.Forms.View.
I have this object:
public class SquareLayout : View
public static readonly BindableProperty ScalingBaseProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(ScalingBase), typeof(ScalingBaseType), typeof(SquareLayout), ScalingBaseType.Average,
propertyChanged: OnScalingBasePropertyChanged);
public ScalingBaseType ScalingBase
get { return (ScalingBaseType)GetValue(ScalingBaseProperty); }
set { SetValue(ScalingBaseProperty, value); }
public enum ScalingBaseType
public static void OnScalingBasePropertyChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
SquareLayout sq = ((SquareLayout)bindable);
Debug.WriteLine("|Width = {0}|Height = {1}|", sq.Bounds.Width, sq.Bounds.Height);
switch (sq.ScalingBase)
case ScalingBaseType.Average:
double size = (sq.Bounds.Width + sq.Bounds.Height) / 2;
sq.WidthRequest = size;
sq.HeightRequest = size;
case ScalingBaseType.Height:
sq.WidthRequest = sq.Bounds.Height;
case ScalingBaseType.Width:
sq.HeightRequest = sq.Bounds.Width;
Debug.WriteLine("|Width = {0}|Height = {1}|", sq.Bounds.Width, sq.Bounds.Height);
Basically, you declare somewhere this SquareLayout and then, based on an Enum, the layout is resized as a Square.
So, I then have this XAML part
<AbsoluteLayout BackgroundColor="White">
<AbsoluteLayout x:Name="ToolsLayout" BackgroundColor="Red"
AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0.5, 0.05, 0.9, 0.075"
<control:SquareLayout BackgroundColor="White" ScalingBase="Height"
AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0, 0.5, 0.1, 1"
<control:SquareLayout BackgroundColor="White" ScalingBase="Height"
AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="1, 0.5, 0.1, 1"
Which would give me a Rectangle with two Square around.. But nothing !
I tried to display the Width and the Height but nothing.. I tried the Bounds as well as you can see in the example, but nothing one more time..
The only values I get are -1
Does someone can help me? Thank in advance !
Xamarin has very less documentation for newbies , took some time to figure this out , basically during design time the the width and height property have a default value of -1 , which indicates auto , there is no way of knowing during design time what the values will be , hence you need to use 'events' to get the width and height property in this case you will use SizeChanged event , when the layout bounds are set during runtime this event will trigger.
In your xaml codebehind use this event to get your widh and height of yourlayout , i have used a lambda function , this can be implemented in many ways i just find this method easy.
//Add your child objects here and set its values using yourlayout.Height etc
Instead of adding your children within this function you can use it to return a value and use that instead.
NOTE:I am not sure if this is the best practice for MVVM or otherwise

Trouble creating pointer to abstract class

I coded some smiley faces into my app recently, but I'm having trouble calling it in my option interface. The reason I'm wanting to call it from optioninterface is I want to add 2 sets of emojis, and if the value of Setting.nEmoji is 0 or 1 call a different set. The function loademojis() gets called when the application starts (it's technically coded in the interface solution). I can call it from a function that handles user input, but it generated horrible lag, I assume because each time a letter was typed, it cleared the array and loaded the emojis in again. So long story short, I was wondering if there's any way at all to create a pointer to a abstract class so I could call this from my option menu. Everytime I create a pointer and call it from theoption menu it crashes. Here's how I'm creating the pointer
MDrawContext* pDC
void MDrawContext::LoadEmojis()
if (Z_VIDEO_EMOJIS == 1)
m_Emoji[";)"] = "wink.png";
m_Emoji[":)"] = "smile.png";
m_Emoji[":D"] = "biggrin.png";
m_Emoji[":("] = "frown.png";
m_Emoji[":O"] = "eek.png";
m_Emoji[":P"] = "tongue.png";
m_Emoji[":?"] = "confused.png";
m_Emoji[":4"] = "cool.png";
m_Emoji[":3"] = "redface.png";
m_Emoji[":#"] = "mad.png";
m_Emoji[":I"] = "rolleyes.png";
m_Emoji[":K"] = "kappa.png";
m_Emoji[";)"] = "wink2.png";
m_Emoji[":)"] = "smile2.png";
m_Emoji[":D"] = "biggrin2.png";
m_Emoji[":("] = "frown2.png";
m_Emoji[":O"] = "eek2.png";
m_Emoji[":P"] = "tongue2.png";
//custom: reloademojis allows players to choose between ios/forum emojis
void MDrawContext::ReloadEmojis()
//Calling the pointer (different cpp)
int nEmojiType = 0;
if(nEmojiType != Z_VIDEO_EMOJI)
nEmojiType = Z_VIDEO_EMOJI;

Titanium Alloy Caching in Android/iOS? Or Preserving old views

Can we Cache Dynamically Created Lists or View till the webservices are called in background. I want to achieve something like the FaceBook App does. I know its possible in Android Core but wanted to try it in Titanium (Android and IOS).
I would further explain it,
Consider I have a app which has a list. Now When I open for first time, it will obviously hit the webservice and create a dynamic list.
Now I close the app and again open the app. The old list should be visible till the webservice provides any data.
Yes Titanium can do this. You should use a global variable like Ti.App.myList if it is just an array / a list / a variable. If you need to store more complex data like images or databases you should use the built-in file system. There is a really good Documentation on the Appcelerator website.
The procedure for you would be as follows:
Load your data for the first time
Store your data in your preferred way (Global variable, file system)
During future app starts read out your local list / data and display it until your sync is successfull.
You should consider to implement some variable to check wether any update is needed to minimize the network use (it saves energy and provides a better user experience if the users internet connection is slow).
if (response.state == "SUCCESS") {"Themes successfully checked");"RESPONSE TEST: " + response.value);
//Create a map of the layout names(as keys) and the corresponding url (as value).
var newImageMap = {};
for (var key in response.value) {
var url = response.value[key];
var filename = key + ".jpg"; //EDIT your type of the image
newImageMap[filename] = url;
if (Ti.App.ImageMap.length > 0) {
//Check for removed layouts
for (var image in Ti.App.imageMap) {
if (image in newImageMap) {"The image " + image + " is already in the local map");
//Do nothing
} else {
//Delete the removed layout"The image " + image + " is deleted from the local map");
delete Ti.App.imageMap[image];
//Check for new images
for (var image in newImageMap) {
if (image in Ti.App.imageMap) {"The image " + image + " is already in the local map");
//Do nothing
} else {"The image " + image + " is put into the local map");
//Put new image in local map
Ti.App.imageMap[image] = newImageMap[image];
} else {
Ti.App.imageMap = newImageMap;
//Check wether the file already exists
for (var key in response.value) {
var url = response.value[key];
var filename = key + ".png"; //EDIT YOUR FILE TYPE"URL: " + url);"FILENAME: " + filename);
imagesOrder[imagesOrder.length] = filename.match(/\d+/)[0]; //THIS SAVES THE FIRST NUMBER IN YOUR FILENAME AS ID
//Case1: download a new image
var file = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.resourcesDirectory, "/media/" + filename);
if (file.exists()) {
// Do nothing"File " + filename + " exists");
} else {
// Create the HTTP client to download the asset.
var xhr = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient();
xhr.onload = function() {
if (xhr.status == 200) {
// On successful load, take that image file we tried to grab before and
// save the remote image data to it."Successfully loaded");
// Issuing a GET request to the remote URL'GET', url);
// Finally, sending the request out.
In addition to this code which should be placed in a success method of an API call, you need a global variable Ti.App.imageMap to store the map of keys and the corresponding urls. I guess you have to change the code a bit to fit your needs and your project but it should give you a good starting point.

Extract polygons from shapefile using Geotools

I have a shape file (Sample.shp) along with two other files (Sample.shx and Sample.dbf), which has geometry (polygons) defined for 15 pincodes of Bombay.
I am able to view the .shp file using the Quickstart tutorial.
File file = JFileDataStoreChooser.showOpenFile("shp", null);
if (file == null) {
FileDataStore store = FileDataStoreFinder.getDataStore(file);
SimpleFeatureSource featureSource = store.getFeatureSource();
// Create a map content and add our shapefile to it
MapContent map = new MapContent();
Style style = SLD.createSimpleStyle(featureSource.getSchema());
Layer layer = new FeatureLayer(featureSource, style);
// Now display the map
Now I want to convert the geometry of these 15 pincodes to 15 Geometry/Polygon objects so that I can use Geometry.contains() to find if a point falls in a particular Geometry/Polygon.
I tried:
ShapefileReader r = new ShapefileReader(new ShpFiles(file),true,false,geometryFactory);
System.out.println(r.getCount(0)); >> returns 51
System.out.println(r.hasNext()); >> returns false
Any help is really appreciated
In fact you don't need to extract the geometries your self - just create a filter and iterate through the filtered collection. In your case there will probably be only one feature returned.
Filter pointInPolygon = CQL.toFilter("CONTAINS(the_geom, POINT(1 2))");
SimpleFeatureCollection features = source.getFeatures(filter);
SimpleFeatureIterator iterator = features.features();
try {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
SimpleFeature feature =;
Geometry geom = (Geometry) feature.getDefaultGeometry();
/*... do something here */
} finally {
iterator.close(); // IMPORTANT
For a full discussion of querying datastores see the Query Lab.
I used the above solution and tried a few combinations. Just changed "THE_GEOM" to lower case and POINT is in order (Lon Lat)
Filter filter = CQL.toFilter("CONTAINS(the_geom, POINT(72.82916 18.942883))");
SimpleFeatureCollection collection=featureSource.getFeatures(filter);
SimpleFeatureIterator iterator = collection.features();
try {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
SimpleFeature feature =;
} finally {
iterator.close(); // IMPORTANT

How to get the large picture from feed with graph api?

When loading the Facebook feeds from one page, if a picture exist in the feed, I want to display the large picture.
How can I get with the graph API ? The picture link in the feed is not the large one.
The Graph API photo object has a picture connection (similar to that the user object has):
“The album-sized view of the photo. […] Returns: HTTP 302 redirect to the URL of the picture.”
So requesting{object-id-from-feed}/picture will redirect you to the album-sized version of the photo immediately. (Usefull not only for displaying it in a browser, but also if f.e. you want to download the image to your server, using cURL with follow_redirect option set.)
Beginning with API v2.3, the /picture edge for feed posts is deprecated.
However, as a field the picture can still be requested – but it will be a small one.
But full_picture is available as well.
So /{object-id-from-feed}?fields=picture,full_picture can be used to request those, or they can be requested directly with the rest of feed data, like this /page-id/feed?fields=picture,full_picture,… (additional fields, such as message etc., must be specified the same way.)
What worked for me :
getting the picture link from the feed and replacing "_s.jpg" with "_n.jpg"
OK, I found a better way. When you retrieve a feed with the graph API, any feed item with a type of photo will have a field called object_id, which is not there for plain status type items. Query the Graph API with that ID, e.g. Note that the object ID isn't an underscore-separated value like the main ID of that feed item is.
The result of the object_id query will be a new JSON dictionary, where you will have a source attribute containing a URL for an image that has so far been big enough for my needs.
There is additionally an images array that contains more image URLs for different sizes of the image, but the sizes there don't seem to be predictable, and don't all actually correspond to the physical dimensions of the image behind that URL.
I still wish there was a way to do this with a single Graph API call, but it doesn't look like there is one.
For high res image links from:
Link posts
Video posts
Photo posts
I use the following:
Note: The reason I give the _s -> _o hack precedence over the object_id/picture approach is because the object_id approach was not returning results for all images.
var picture = result.picture;
if (picture) {
if (result.type === 'photo') {
if (picture.indexOf('_s') !== -1) {
picture = picture.replace(/_s/, '_o');
} else if (result.object_id) {
picture = '' + result.object_id + '/picture?width=9999&height=9999';
} else {
var qps = result.picture.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < qps.length; i++) {
var qp = qps[i];
var matches = qp.match(/(url=|src=)/gi);
if (matches && matches.length > 0) picture = decodeURIComponent(qp.split(matches[0])[1]);
This is a new method to get a big image. it was born after the previews method doesn't works
* return a big url of facebook
* works onky for type PHOTO
* #param picture
* #param is a post type link
* #return url of image
public String getBigImageByFacebookPicture(String pictrue,Boolean link){
if(link && pictrue.contains("url=http")){
String url = pictrue.substring(pictrue.indexOf("url=") + 4);
try {
url =, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Big image for Facebook link not found: ");
return null;
return url;
try {
Document doc = Jsoup.connect(pictrue).get();
} catch (Exception e) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Big image for Facebook link not found: ");
return null;
Enjoy your large image :)
Actually, you need two different solutions to fully fix this.
This solution works fine for images and videos posted to Facebook, but sadly, it returns small images in case the original image file was not uploaded to Facebook directly. (When posting a link to another site on your page for example).
2] The Facebook Graph API provides a way to get the full images in the feed itself for those external links. If you add 'full_picture' to the fields like in this example below when calling the API, you will be provided a link to the higher resolution version.,link,full_picture,description,name&access_token=123456
Combining these two solutions I ended up filtering the input in PHP as follows:
if ( isset( $post['object_id'] ) ){
$image_url = ''.$post['object_id'].'/picture';
}else if ( isset( $post['full_picture'] ) ) {
$image_url = $post['full_picture'];
$image_url = '';
Just put "?type=large" after the URL to get the big picture.
Thanks to #mattdlockyer for the JS solution. Here is a similar thing in PHP:
$posts = $facebook->api('/[page]/posts/', 'get');
foreach($posts['data'] as $post)
if(stristr(#$post['picture'], '_s.'))
$post['picture'] = str_replace('_s.', '_n.', #$post['picture']);
if(stristr(#$post['picture'], 'url='))
parse_str($post['picture'], $picturearr);
$post['picture'] = $picturearr['url'];
//do more stuff with $post and $post['picture'] ...
After positive comment from #Lachezar Todorov I decided to post my current approach (including paging and using Json.NET ;):
FacebookClient fbClient = new FacebookClient(HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionFacebookAccessToken].ToString());
JObject posts = JObject.Parse(fbClient.Get(String.Format("/{0}/posts?fields=message,picture,link,attachments", FacebookPageId)).ToString());
JArray newsItems = (JArray)posts["data"];
List<NewsItem> result = new List<NewsItem>();
while (newsItems.Count > 0)
if (result.Count > MaxNewsItems)
result.RemoveRange(MaxNewsItems, result.Count - MaxNewsItems);
JToken paging = posts["paging"];
if (paging != null)
if (paging["next"] != null)
posts = JObject.Parse(fbClient.Get(paging.Value<String>("next")).ToString());
newsItems = (JArray)posts["data"];
return result;
And the helper method to retieve individual items:
private static IEnumerable<NewsItem> GetItemsFromJsonData(IEnumerable<JToken> items)
List<NewsItem> newsItems = new List<NewsItem>();
foreach (JToken item in items.Where(item => item["message"] != null))
NewsItem ni = new NewsItem
Message = item.Value<String>("message"),
DateTimeCreation = item.Value<DateTime?>("created_time"),
Link = item.Value<String>("link"),
Thumbnail = item.Value<String>("picture"),
Image = (String)item.SelectToken("[0].media.image.src") ?? (String)item.SelectToken("[0][0].media.image.src")
return newsItems;
NewsItem class I use:
public class NewsItem
public String Message { get; set; }
public DateTime? DateTimeCreation { get; set; }
public String Link { get; set; }
public String Thumbnail { get; set; }
public String Image { get; set; }