How do I get type conversion to work when cascading the type conversions?
The following code should be simple, but converison from TypeB to int requires the compiler to deduce two type conversions automatically. But it does not.
I can not simply implement
operator int() const { return val; }
on the TypeB class because this is supposed to be a template class And I can not know which type to convert to.
class TypeA {
TypeA( int a ) : val( a ) {}
operator int () const { return val; }
int val;
class TypeB {
TypeB( TypeA a ) : val( a ) {}
operator TypeA () const { return val; }
// operator int() const { return val; } // Explicit conversion to int which I can not know.
TypeA val;
void main() {
TypeA a = 9;
TypeB b = a;
int int_a = a;
TypeA a2 = b;
int int_b = b; // Compilation error:
// No suitable conversion function from 'TypeB' to 'int' exists
In any implicit conversion sequence you are allowed at most one implicit user-defined conversion.
You can say int int_b = static_cast<TypeA>(b);, though, to bring the number of UDCs down to one.
So you want TypeB<T> to use the user defined conversions of T?
Create a template operator U that uses SFINAE to examine the conversion operators of T and accept when U is a type T has an operator U for.
An insufficient, yet easy, way is std::is_convertible -- address of T::operator U is probably better.
This will require C++11 features to do reasonably, because you'll want to use enable_if in a default template parameter.
This is a sketchy implementation: I don't cover the target type having a constructor that takes the source type.
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
struct A {
operator int() { return 7; }
template<typename T>
struct unevaluated: std::true_type {};
template<typename T, typename U, typename=void>
struct has_user_defined_conversion:std::false_type {};
template<typename T, typename U>
struct has_user_defined_conversion<T, U,
typename std::enable_if< unevaluated<
&T::operator U
>::value >::type
>: std::true_type {};
template<typename T>
struct fake {
T t;
template<typename U,
typename=typename std::enable_if<has_user_defined_conversion<T,U>::value>::type
operator U() { return t; }
int main() {
int x = fake<A>();
std::cout << x << "\n";
I have a function template like the following:
template<class U, class T>
T* unsafeCast(U* theUnion) {
How can I make sure this only compiles if T is a type contained within the union U, so that the following holds?
union FooUnion {
int a;
double b;
} foo;
unsafeCast<FooUnion, int>(&foo); // compiles
unsafeCast<FooUnion, double>(&foo); // compiles
unsafeCast<FooUnion, char>(&foo); // does not compile
I understand that is_union from <type_traits> allows to check for a union, but how can I check for types within a union?
You cannot.
boost::variant and std::variant are solutions to this problem such that the union carries with it the type information you need.
You could create a raw union like this:
template<class T>
struct data_holder {
T data;
struct union_data;
struct union_data<>{};
template<class T0>
struct union_data<T0>:data_holder<T0> {};
template<class T0, class...Ts>
struct union_data<T0, Ts...> {
union {
union_data<T0> lhs;
union_data<Ts...> rhs;
struct raw_union:union_data<Ts...>{
template<class T>
constexpr static bool valid_type() {
return (std::is_same<T, Ts>{}||...); // rewrite in C++14/11
template<class T>
union_data<T>* get_data_ptr() {
static_assert( valid_type<T>() );
return reinterpret_cast<union_data<T>*>(this);
template<class T>
union_data<T> const* get_data_ptr() const{
static_assert( valid_type<T>() );
return reinterpret_cast<union_data<T> const*>(this);
template<class T>
T& get_unsafe() {
return get_data_ptr<T>()->data;
template<class T>
T const& get_unsafe() const {
return get_data_ptr<T>()->data;
template<class T, class...Us>
T& emplace( Us&&... us ) {
auto* ptr = ::new( (void*)get_data_ptr<T>() ) union_data<T>{ T(std::forward<Us>(us)...) };
return ptr->data;
template<class T>
void dtor() {
which is unsafe and undiscriminated, but does check if foo.get_unsafe<int>() actually contains an int.
live example.
raw_union<int, double> un;
std::cout << un.get_unsafe<int>() << "\n";
it does not support multiple union members of the same type. You are in charge of calling .emplace<T>(x) before using T, and if a non-trivial destructor .dtor<T>().
Accessing members that are not active is just as perilous as doing so with raw C/C++ unions.
If you can add constructors to your unions you can do it like this:
#include <type_traits>
// Use std::void_t to only allow types that the union can be constructed from
template<class T, class U, class = std::void_t<decltype(U{std::declval<T>()})>>
T* unsafeCast(U* theUnion) {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(theUnion);
union FooUnion {
int a;
double b;
// Explictly add constructors for each desired type
FooUnion(int a) : a{a} {}
FooUnion(double b) : b{b} {}
// Add a deleted catch all to prevent implicit conversions, e.g. from char
template <class T>
FooUnion(T) = delete;
} foo(0);
int main() {
unsafeCast<int>(&foo); // compiles
unsafeCast<double>(&foo); // compiles
unsafeCast<char>(&foo); // does not compile
This is a follow-up to my previous question.
I have a class with a cast operator to anything. In a pre-C++17 environment this yields errors of being unable to select appropriate constructor overload while performing initialization. I want to tune the behavior by marking the cast operator explicit for some types. However, I cannot find a way to do so.
Here is an artificial example: I want an implicit cast operator to integer types and explicit to all other types.
This doesn't work because we cannot determine U having the expression of type typename std::enable_if<!std::is_integral<U>::value, U>::type:
struct C {
template<typename U>
operator typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral<U>::value, U>::type() const {
return 1;
template<typename U>
explicit operator typename std::enable_if<!std::is_integral<U>::value, U>::type() const {
return 1.5;
This one fails to compile saying that C::operator U() cannot be overloaded:
struct C {
template<typename U, typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral<U>::value, U>::type>
operator U() const {
return 1;
template<typename U, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_integral<U>::value, U>::type>
explicit operator U() const {
return 1.5;
I cannot declare the function of kind template<typename U, typename = void> operator U(); and partially specialize it because partial function specialization is not allowed and making a helper class looks like an overkill to me.
How can I declare cast operator based on some traits of the type I'm casting to?
I need a C++11 solution, as in C++17 the issue from my previous question is already resolved.b
You can move definitions of these operators to the base classes. This approach allows you put constraints on both implicit and explicit operators:
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
template<typename TDerived> class
public: template
typename TTarget
, typename TEnabled = typename ::std::enable_if_t<::std::is_integral<TTarget>::value>
operator TTarget(void) const
auto const & self{static_cast<const TDerived &>(*this)};
return(self.template CheckedConversion_To_Integral<TTarget>());
template<typename TDerived> class
public: template
typename TTarget
, typename TEnabled = typename ::std::enable_if_t<!::std::is_integral<TTarget>::value>
> explicit
operator TTarget(void) const
auto const & self{static_cast<const TDerived &>(*this)};
return(self.template CheckedConversion_To_NonIntegral<TTarget>());
: public t_ImplicitlyConvertableToAnything<t_ConvertableToAnything>
, public t_ExplicitlyConvertableToAnything<t_ConvertableToAnything>
public: template<typename TTarget> decltype(auto)
CheckedConversion_To_Integral(void) const
public: template<typename TTarget> decltype(auto)
CheckedConversion_To_NonIntegral(void) const
int main()
t_ConvertableToAnything c;
::std::cout << ([](int x){return(x);})(c) << ::std::endl;
::std::cout << static_cast<float>(c) << ::std::endl;
Run this code online
You can use non-type template parameters to avoid the "cannot be overloaded" issue:
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
struct A { };
struct B { };
struct C {
template <typename U,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<U>::value>::type* = nullptr>
explicit operator U() const {
return 1;
template<typename U,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, A>::value>::type* = nullptr>
explicit operator U() const {
return A{ };
template<typename U,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, B>::value>::type* = nullptr>
explicit operator U() const {
return B{ };
int main() {
C c;
long y = static_cast<int>(c);
B b = static_cast<B>(c);
A a = static_cast<A>(c);
You can overload your cast operator using a trick with dummy template parameters for disambiguation.
struct C {
template<typename U,
typename = typename enable_if<is_integral<U>::value, U>::type,
int = 0> // <== hete
operator U() const {
return 1;
template<typename U,
typename = typename enable_if<!is_integral<U>::value, U>::type,
char = 0> // <== and here
explicit operator U() const {
return 1.5;
Since the template signatures are now different, there is no ambiguity.
Try this. Just leave off the constraints on the explicit operator since it covers all cases that the first operator does not.
Coliru example:
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
struct C {
template <typename U,
typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral<U>::value>::type>
operator U() const {
return 1;
template<typename U, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_integral<U>::value>::type* = nullptr>
explicit operator U() const {
return 1.5;
int main() {
C c;
int v = c;
int w = c;
int x = static_cast<int>(c);
long y = static_cast<int>(c);
double z = static_cast<double>(c);
std::cout << v << std::endl;
std::cout << w << std::endl;
std::cout << x << std::endl;
std::cout << y << std::endl;
std::cout << z << std::endl;
Thanks to #Jodocus for enabling explicit casts to integral types.
I have a class like this:
struct X
enum Type { INT, FLOAT };
using val_t = std::tuple<int, float>;
X(Type t) : type(t) {}
Type type;
template<typename T>
X& operator =(T x)
// ???
static_assert(T is the same as `type');
// ???
std::get<type>(val) = x;
return *this;
val_t val;
Is it possible to assert at compile time if user tries to assign incompatible value?
For example:
X x1(X::INT);
x1 = 5; // OK
x1 = 3.14; // compilation error
Note: I prefer keeping the class as not a template because I need to keep its instances in collections (like std::vector etc).
You cannot: the value of type_ is run time data, compilation errors are not determined at runtime.
You could do:
enum Type { INT, FLOAT };
template<Type type_>
struct X {
using val_t = std::tuple<int, float>;
template<typename T>
X& operator =(T x) {
// ???
"types do not match"
std::get<T>(val) = x;
return *this;
val_t val;
X<INT> x1;
x1 = 5; // OK
x1 = 3.14; // compilation error
but I do not see much point.
One way would be to have a base type that does not do the checking just stores state, and a derived that knows its type.
struct Base{
enum {INT,FLOAT} Type;
// etc
template<Base::Type type>
struct Derived:private Base{
using Base::some_method; // expose base methods
Base& get_base()&{return *this;}
Base get_base()&&{return std::move(*this);}
Base const& get_base()const&{return *this;}
template<class T>
Derived& operator=( T o){
"types do not match"
return *this;
Base does not check, at best it runtime asserts. Derived checks at compile time.
Niw when you know the type statically at compile time you use Derived<INT> d;; when you do not, or need to forget, use .get_base() or a Base b(type_enum_val);.
Considering that you have Type type; you can't assert at compiletime if type is INT or FLOAT or whatever you have. For that check you can only assert at runtime.
For everything else you can do a compiletime check, and a runtime check for using some template meta-programming:
namespace detail_tuple
template <typename T, std::size_t N, typename... ARGS>
struct get_by_type_impl {
enum {
kIdx = N
template <typename T, std::size_t N, typename... ARGS>
struct get_by_type_impl<T, N, T, ARGS...> {
enum {
kIdx = N
template <typename T, std::size_t N, typename U, typename... ARGS>
struct get_by_type_impl<T, N, U, ARGS...> {
enum {
kIdx = get_by_type_impl<T, N + 1, ARGS...>::kIdx
template <typename, typename>
struct validator;
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
struct validator < T, std::tuple<ARGS...> >
static void validate(const std::size_t type_idx)
//compiletime checks
//get index of type T in ARGS...
constexpr auto ind = detail_tuple::get_by_type_impl<T, 0, ARGS...>::kIdx;
//check if index is valid
static_assert(ind < sizeof...(ARGS), "Type index out of bounds, type T is was not found in the tuple!");
//runtime checks
if (type_idx != ind)
std::cout << "Incompatible type index!\n";
struct X
enum Type
INT = 0,
using val_t = std::tuple<int, float>;
X(Type t) : type(t) {}
Type type;
template<typename T>
X& operator =(const T& x)
validator<T, val_t>::validate(type);
std::get<T>(val) = x;
return *this;
val_t val;
for that std::get uses type T instead of type
I have a class which I intend to use with either the type float or double. As far as I am aware, there is no way to restrict template options, so perhaps I might be doing something dangerous here?
template<class T>
class A
A(T arg) { _data = arg; }
T _data;
typedef A<float> A_f;
typedef A<double> A_d;
How can I do the following?
int main()
A_f f(3.1415);
A_d d(3.1415);
f = (A_f)d;
IE: Cast the class containing data of type double to the class containing data of type float.
Edit: This doesn't seem to be going anywhere, so I tried playing around with this, but obviously I have no idea what to do here so it doesn't compile...
template<class T>
class A
friend // Intention is for T to be double here
A<float> operator A<float>(const A<T> input);
A<float> operator A<float>(const A<double> input)
return A<float>(input._data);
Maybe this helps explain what I want to achieve?
Second Edit for Adam:
return A<float>((float)input._data);
Is this better?
You could use std::enable_if to only allow certain types :
#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;
// Our catch-all is not defined, so will not compile
// Could also be made to print a nice error message
template<typename T, typename Sfinae = void> class A;
// Ok if T is float or double
template<typename T>
class A<T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, float>::value
|| std::is_same<T, double>::value>::type>
// Your class here
int main()
A<int> a; // FAILS
A<float> b; // Ok
A<double> c; // Ok
return 0;
Then you just need to define a conversion operator in your class for the cast to work.
Do not cast, but provide one (and only one) implicit conversion constructor or conversion operator. In your case it might be as trivial as operator T () const { return _data; }
I'll second the arguments that you should not cast like that, but if you insist, add a templated copy constructor:
template<class T>
class A
public: // add this
A(T arg) { _data = arg; }
template <class U> // add this
A(A<U> arg) { _data = arg._data; } // add this
T _data;
This will then allow conversions from A<U> to A<T> as long as U is implicitly convertible to T.
There is an option to customize a class based on the type you provide it. The technique is called 'template specialization'
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
class A {
void print_my_type() {
cout << "Generic template instance" << endl;
explicit operator A<int>() const {
cout << "Casting to int" << endl;
return A<int>();
template <>
class A<int> {
void print_my_type() {
cout << "Class templated with an int" << endl;
explicit operator A<double>() const {
cout << "Casting to double" << endl;
return A<double>();
int main() {
A<double> a;
A<int> b;
a = static_cast<A<double>>(b);
return 0;
You should not cast objects like that. If you intend to have an object that you want to cast to another. You should provide it an operator A() method so it can handle conversions gracefully
Example with template conversion operator + static_assert for type verify:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
template < typename T > class TD; // type visualiser
template<class T>
class A
A(T arg) { _data = arg; }
template<typename D>
operator A<D>() {
static_assert(std::is_same<D, float>::value || std::is_same<D, double>::value, "double/floats allowed only");
//TD<D>(); // D is float here
return static_cast<D>(_data);
T _data;
typedef A<float> A_f;
typedef A<double> A_d;
typedef A<int> A_i;
int main() {
A_f f(3.14151);
A_d d(3.14152);
std::cout << f._data << std::endl;
std::cout << d._data << std::endl;
f = (A_f)d;
//f = (A_i)d; // static assertion here
std::cout << f._data << std::endl;
return 0;
template<class T>
class A
A(T arg) { _data = arg; }
template<typename D>
operator A<D>() {
static_assert(std::is_same<D, float>::value || std::is_same<D, double>::value, "double/floats allowed only");
//TD<D>(); // D is float here
return A<D>(static_cast<D>(_data));
T _data;
Consider the intention behind the following illegal C++11 code:
struct Base
template<typename U>
virtual U convert() = 0;
template<typename T>
struct Derived : Base
T t;
template<typename U>
virtual U convert() { return U(t); }
struct Any
Base* b;
template<typename U>
operator U() { return b->convert<U>(); }
int main()
Any a = ...;
string s = a; // s = a->b->t if T is convertible to string
// fails otherwise with compile error or runtime exception
// (either acceptable)
Is there a way to achieve the same or similiar effect with legal code?
(fyi the above way is illegal because templates may not be ‘virtual’)
struct Base
void* p;
type_info type;
template<typename T>
struct Derived : Base
p = &t; // immovable
type = typeid(T);
T t;
struct Any
Base* b;
template<typename T = U, typename U>
operator U()
if (b->type != typeid(T))
throw exception();
T* t = (T*) b->p;
return U(*t);
Is this what you want?
struct Base
virtual void* convert(const std::type_info&) = 0;
template<typename T>
struct Derived : Base
virtual void* convert(const std::type_info& ti)
{ return typeid(T) == ti ? &t : nullptr; }
T t;
struct Any
Base* b;
template<typename U>
operator U()
if (auto p = b->convert(typeid(U)))
return *static_cast<U*>(p);
throw std::exception();
As the other answer says, it's hard to know exactly what you want as you've only shown invalid code, not explained what you're trying to achieve.
Edit oh I see now you want it to work for any convertible type, not just exact matches ... then no, you can't turn a type_info back into the type it represents, which would be needed for the derived type to test if the given type_info corresponded to a type that its stored type is convertible to. You need to know the correct type and specify it somehow, either explicitly or implicitly via deduction. If you then want to convert it to another type, you can do that separately:
Any a{ new Derived<int>() };
try {
char c = a; // throws
catch (...)
int i = a; // OK
char c = (int)a; // OK
Based on your update I think that this is what you are trying to do.
#include <typeinfo>
#include <exception>
#include <string>
template <typename T>
struct Any{
T* t;
Any(const T& _t){
t=new T(_t);
template<typename U>
operator U(){
if(typeid(T)!=typeid(U) || t==NULL)
throw std::exception();
return *t;
int main (){
Any<std::string> a(std::string("Nothing"));
std::string b=a;
return 0;
If this doesn't help please explain in text not code what you are trying to achieve. It'll be useful to tell us also why you want to use those two extra classes Base and Derived.