Remote Web server connection issue - django

I have set up a server for our Django web application so that everyone in our LAN can access them. I have installed Ubuntu 12.04 with apache version 2.2.22 and modpython version 3.3.1. In some of our systems in the LAN, the server is not accessible through url as well as ssh while in some others it is accessible sometimes. As we are connecting remotely to the system, this is causing a lot of problems.Kindly help me in solving this issue.
Thanks in advance.

This type of question is super hard to answer because the possibilities are almost endless. However, from what you're saying, if some machines CAN access the server and SOME can't, the problem is related to networking, and not the server software (or Django).
Though it could be related to either if you have some weird access rules setup that you're not mentioning in your response.
So, a few things to verify:
Can the machines which cannot access the application via HTTP ping the server they reside on by its IP address? If they can't, you have a networking issue. Could be a routing problem, could be a firewall issue.
To see if it's a routing problem, do a traceroute from one of the machines that cannot access your server, and see what happens. Did the traceroute stop at a particular router on your network? Well, then that's probably an issue.
To see if it's a firewall issue, try changing the IP address of one of the machines that can't access the server to one of the machines who can. Did it work? OK, you have a firewall problem.


Is there anything I should be doing to protect my security when opening a port?

I'm new to this, so I apologize if my question is a little too simplistic or I don't have the correct understanding. I can't find anything in the django guide and I'm not sure if the general port information is the same considering what i'm doing with Django.
I'm running a django runserver on '', which allows me to access the server remotely on another device in the same household.
Is there anything I should be doing to help protect from outside attacks as the port is open?
I believe I read that although this won't grant access to the device running the server, it can leave it vulnerable to issues. But there shouldn't be any sensitive data being transmitted as it's been used to enter data into a database.
Assuming that you have not performed any port forwarding from the internet to the device that you are running your Django server on you are safe. It will only expose the Django web service and realistically locally in your house hopefully you don't have anyone out to get you.
If you only want to be able to access your Django development server locally you can change the command to: python3 runserver no one will be able to access it unless they are coming from the same machine.

django website served by nginx can not be visited from outside properly

I used Django + nginx + uWSGI to deploy a website to (this is also the hostname of my instance where I put the Django app on Google Cloud Platform) following the instructions here
Now here's the strange thing. I found that all devices under my university's WiFi can access my website ( but devices outside my network (for example, in another city) cannot access it. Does anyone know what is going on here?
Thank you very much in advance.
Found out where the problem was with the help of my friend.
Turned out I pointed my DNS to two ip addresses and this caused the problem. When people at other places visit my website, they were directed to the other ip which only showed them the nginx welcome page.
Learned a useful command 'ping', this helps you identify the ip address associated with

Security concerns for WAMP as a development environment

I would like to install WAMP on our computers so that we can do offline Wordpress development, but the IT department has a few security concerns that I'm hoping you could help address.
They fear that an outside hacker could take control of the server via internet. Can this concern be addressed when the intention is only to use WAMP for local (offline) development, although the computers are connected to the internet.
They fear that a user can leave WAMP running in the background also when other users log in. Can WAMP stay running when the Windows user logs out? If yes, can this be prevented?

Django requests printed in IDE over WEB

I am posing this questions since I didn't found anything that would already solve my little problem. I want to know if I can see requests over the internet on my IDE Pycharm or any other. Normally when I hosted site via localhost I saw requests I did, and I was also able to see printed suff. Now when I implemented WSGI, maping external IP to free hostname I don't see live requests anymore (all is hosted locally on windows with xampp apache2).

accessing Java web service from peer in Windows XP Pro Workgroup

To set the context of this problem, I will say that I am person trying to learn web services working ( mostly )independently at home on XP workgroup. The situation is that I am working through example in book that set up Java web service that should be accessable to clients from many platforms ( perl, ruby, etc. ). The problem is that although I can create and access service from any one given unit in workgroup, I cannot create on any unit and access from any other unit in workgroup. When trying to access wsdl, IE returns error saying cannot display web page .
So i tried to configure Windows firewall to allow access via port indicated in web service. Did not make any difference. Also tried various settings in IIS regarding behavior of XP Default website. These settings included allowing wider range of MIME types including application/soap. Still no difference.
If Anyone out there could just give me an idea of what else could be the problem, then please do so and i will investigate it further. Thanks in advance. PL
P.S. After doing some research, I am thinking that my problem of not being to see WSDL from remote machine is related to limitations of IIS 5.1. Does anyone have any thoughts about this ? I even tried publishing WSDL to port 8080 ( earlier I was using port 9876 as suggested in book example. When even this failed and being able to view 8080 for ASP.Net and Java webapps, I ran across a statement in a book saying that IIS 5.1 does not allow service on local machine to use HTTP port 80 to communicate. So If this sounds familiar to anyone or anyone has solution, please reply, Thanks for reading this rambling message this far. PL
Hello to any one who might have this similar problem in XP workgroup and need a solution. I managed to connect across workgroup from peer to use service as client by setting up client in Visual Web Developer 2010 Express . Key is to add web reference that will import wsdl from service host .
Also worth noting is that I changed address of service published to provide server name of host as known by workgroup rather than using localhost designation.
Still need to find way to connect using other clients such as java, perl and ruby. Maybe can develop client in Eclipse that will have feature comparable to web reference in Visual Web Developer.
Paul Lusk