Run Error With Qt Creator - c++

I just downloaded and installed Qt Creator.
I have not messed with the PATH or any other settings.
But when I try to run a Qt GUI Application project, it gives the following error:
cc1plus.exe:-1: error: error: unrecognized command line option "-fno-keep-inline-dllexport"
The output says:
Error while building/deploying project ProjectFirst (kit: Desktop Qt
5.0.1 MinGW 32bit) When executing step 'Make'
I don't understand why this is happening. I looked it up online a lot before asking, but couldn't find anything.

I've just found the problem on my friend's computer the same as yours.
Type g++ --version to see what g++ is taking by default from your path.
If it is 4.4.* (<= 4.7.2) then found that old g++ and remove it to the trash.
Usually it goes with Perl package, needed by Qt configure.
Then return to Console and try g++ --version again
if it not 4.7.2 then lookfor old g++ again and remove it.
If it is written g++ : command not found or something like that - change your PATH variable.
Don't forget to reboot your computer after changing it.
When you got g++ --version with 4.7.2, look forward to having success.

Try to use nmake, not mingw32-make

The problem is that you are using the wrong mingw32 installation (an older version).
In order to solve this, check that the Kit you use has detected the correct Mingw version (this should be 4.7, which is located inside the qt installation tools directory).


Cygwin 64 G++ -fuse-linker-plugin Error

I am receiving the following error when I try to compile a very basic C++ program.
$ g++ -fuse-linker-plugin test.cpp
g++: fatal error: -fuse-linker-plugin, but cyglto_plugin.dll not found
compilation terminated.
int main() {
return 0;
This is using G++ installed straight out of a fresh Cygwin installation.
If I search for the file there, it does exist and is located at:
How do I make Cygwin 64 look at this correctly?
I guess you only checked the gcc-g++ package at installation. Note that the version is 4.8.1-3 BUT on the next page you can see a lot of dependencies being installed, for example libgcc with version 4.8.2.
That mix of 4.8.1 and 4.8.2 seems to be the problem.
In the installer, copy all dependencies into an editor, search for 4.8.2 to find the problematic packages, go back in the installer and click those packages until 4.8.1-3 will be installed.
Double check you're not installing the latest version of those packages.
More recently using apt-cyg, g++ 4.9.2 was installed but gcc-core 4.8.2 remained.
Resolved by:
apt-cyg remove gcc-g++
apt-cyg remove gcc-core
apt-cyg install gcc-g++
Two version of gcc was causing proble, check folder /usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/ there would be two version of gcc.
To solve remove one.
The above answer worked for me, but I got caught by the installer automatically upgrading packages back to 4.8.2. So, I initially thought this didn't work; it actually did. You just need to be aware of that when using the installer to add packages later, it may try to upgrade back to 4.8.2 again and break things.
There is the option to turn off LTO with -fno-use-linker-plugin, but that doesn't do me any good becuase CPAN is what is launching g++. It might serve as a workaround.
(I know this isn't much of an answer, but I was unable to comment)

MinGW 4.7.1 doesn't recognize command line option -static-libstdc++

So I recently installed a new version of CodeBlocks with the MinGW 4.7.1 compiler, and I am no longer able to build my projects. The compiler throws the following error:
error: unrecognized command line option '-static-libstdc++'
I believe I was previously using 4.4.1 (going by the files in MinGW/bin). I installed the CobeBlocks 12.11 package that is supposed to come with the 4.7.1 compiler included.
How do I solve this? Removing that option from the compiler settings causes my previously functional application to instantly crash upon startup.
The compiler bundled with Codeblocks 12.11 is tdm-gcc 4.7.1, which by default links libstdc++ statically and reports -static-libstdc++ as an error. So if you want to dynamically link to libstdc++, add -shared-libstdc++.

Qt 5.1.1 compiler setup on Ubuntu

First of all, I should point out that I've never used linux before.
I have a clean install of 64bit ubuntu, I downloaded Qt 5.1.1 for linux 64 bit from, ran the .run file, installed it and gcc which is included in that download, opened Qt Creator, made a new project and tried to compile it. It wont compile and I keep getting this error message
:-1: error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options.
I added a gcc compiler, but what do I need to put for the compiler path, platform codegen flags, platform linker flags and ABI?
You don't have to input the path of your compiler because gcc and g++ paths are available in the $PATH enovironment variable. So just use "gcc" and "g++" and that should work. Just make sure you restart Qt Creator after the installation of g++.
One more thing. You need a compiled version of Qt installed on your computer. So also install Qt libraries with
sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools
If you want to use the new version of the library you have to add it to $PATH. You can do this in the terminal with
export PATH=/path/to/Qt/qtbase:$PATH
And then run Qt Creator from the same terminal, in which you did the last command.
Good luck!
You will have to install the dependencies as well. I got it working when I followed the steps in the following link.
Try this:

g++: error: libgomp.spec: No such file or directory

I use g++ (GCC) 4.7.2. on Windows 7, 64-bit version.
downloaded from
I tried to use the "-fopenmp" flag and got the error:
g++: error: libgomp.spec: No such file or directory
I can't find the file anywhere on my system. Do I need to re-install something? Can I just throw a file somewhere?
You could try installing TDM-GCC, which looks as though it includes OpenMP.
There's also Sezero's personal build.
I had a similar problem. I got it working installing one of the version at the following discussion.
Which version of MinGW should I use
I don't have access to my windows machine now so I don't know which version I used but I can check on Monday if you don't have it working by then.
It might have been this one.

Using Qt with custom MinGW

I don't know if this question would fit better on, but since it's rather compiler related, I give it a try here.
I have to use Qt with a specific version of gcc (4.5). I downloaded the last official Qt release for Windows (Vista, 32 bits version) and didn't install the shipped MinGW version; I just installed the Qt libraries/binaries.
In a console, when I type qmake && make, make fails, complaining that 'g++' is not recognized as an internal command.
If I type g++ in the same console, I however have the following output:
g++: no input files
So g++ is definitely recognized.
For those who may ask, both the Qt binaries directory and MinGW binaries directory are in the system PATH environment variable.
What could be wrong here ?
The "not an internal command" message is not one you would get if the g++ executable simply could not be found. For example, this makefile:
zz foo.cpp
gives the error:
make: zz: Command not found
when the zz executabe does not exist. I don't know what is meant by an "internal command", but I think you need to post the part of the makefile tat causes the problem. Oh, and check that you are actually using GNU make.