Security as a service for REST services - web-services

I am implementing RESTful web services using NetBeans (JAX-RS) and Glassfish server to expose database resources.
I want to implement varying levels of security depending upon the users requirement (maybe choice provided to user). From various discussions regarding REST security, I understand there are different ways (given below) in which security can be implemented. How can I implement a security solution as a service which will be invoked depending upon the context.
1. HTTP Basic
2. HTTP Digest
3. two-legged OAuth
4. a Cookie-based approach
5. client certificates
6. Signed requests using HMAC and a limited lifetime
Thanks in advance

You can try to implement security by using Policies at Runtime.
Policy gives the flexibility to implement different security scenario (userauth, oauth,saml etc) depending upon the context.
We implemented the same in web service using Apache CXF and WS-SecurityPolicy.
For rest service I think similar concept can be used.


Proxy Security Service for Web Service requiring Uname/Password in the Request

We have a vendor supplied solution that requires a username and password to utilize their APIs exposed as a web service. They are to be included in the actual xml of the call. We obviously don't like that.
Does anyone know of any product, system, whatever, that we can have calling systems authenticate to with token based security, which would then inject the username password and forward the request in a secure zone accessible by the product but not the outside callers. And of course return the response through.
For example:
The Authentication/Proxy service has a name - Security Token Service (STS). oAuth token exchange working draft has a good summary of STS and its purpose:
A Security Token Service (STS) is a service capable of validating
security tokens provided to it and issuing new security tokens in
response, which enables clients to obtain appropriate access
credentials for resources in heterogeneous environments or across
security domains.
Web Service clients have used WS-Trust [WS-Trust]
as the protocol to interact with an STS for token exchange. While
WS-Trust uses XML and SOAP, the trend in modern Web development has
been towards RESTful patterns and JSON. The OAuth 2.0 Authorization
Framework [RFC6749] and OAuth 2.0 Bearer Tokens [RFC6750] have emerged
as popular standards for authorizing third-party applications' access
to HTTP and RESTful resources.
The conventional OAuth 2.0 interaction
involves the exchange of some representation of resource owner
authorization for an access token, which has proven to be an extremely
useful pattern in practice. However, its input and output are
somewhat too constrained as is to fully accommodate a security token
exchange framework.
Most STSes (incl. the type specified by oAuth token exchange draft) do not deal with heterogeneous tokens as your use case requires beyond, say, oAuth to SAML or vice versa. The solution to your use case is most likely going to involve a custom-coded STS. We've implemented STSes that translate oAuth/SAML to anything (e.g. SOAP with a custom credentials header like yours) for our clients using a variety of products/stacks/platforms/etc.
We often use Salesforce as the platform, it provides a lot of plumbing that helps with this use case. To be fair, similar plumbing is available in quite a few platforms and stacks - from the big 3 (AWS/GCP/Azure) to Java/Python/Ruby/Node/Go with appropriate libraries to identity & access management products such as Keycloak.
I would go for the #identigral STS proposal. As #identigral mentioned, the recommendation is to use some Identity Management (IdM) such as Keycloak to provide the OAuth 2.0 tokens and in the near future convince your vendor to use some IdM. To see an example on how to generate Keycloak tokens check this repo and also this Stackoverflow question. For your use case I see three possible solutions:
If you are developing things with Java I would go for an API Gateway such as Netflix Zuul. Spring framework supports Zuul and apply OAuth 2.0 tokens to Zuul is a very good option. For the config part again Spring provides Cloud Config to store global configuration for your component and it can be easily connected with Zuul.
Use some commercial tool such as Google Apigee. Take a look at it, everything described in point 1.) can be configured using Apigee at an API level covering multiple programming languages.
You can also use a reverse proxy as Proxy API Gateway with Security such as Nginx or Traefik.
Any solution can be good for you, it depends on your specific use case.

Choosing API Gateway tool to implement SOA/microservices architecture

I am certain I need to use an API Gateway, but I can't understand the main differences between the different tools in my use case scenario.
Currently, I have multiple services (DBs, Mobile App, Web App and some additional systems. Consider there are 15 different services) that communicate with each other through REST APIs. This is difficult to manage and test, so I would like to change the architecture into something more like what Netflix is doing with Zuul.
Ideally, the services don't know about the other services. They send a request to a specific endpoint (the API Gateway). Then, the API Gateway interacts with the necessary services and sends the response back.
Here is one example in practice: a service sends a request to a custom (endpoint) connector, the request is parsed, broken down into smaller requests that are sent to other services (that own the specific content requested), get the content back in the response, gather all the responses, create a final response with all the content gathered, send the response back to the first service that sent a request.
I need high availability, scalibility, fault tolerance, the ability to monitor and test all services in one place, ability to do canary testing, easy to add new services and manage the older services. I value open source software and mature software. Should run off premise.
The best solutions that I believe would solve my problem are: WSO2, Apigee, Zuul and Amazon API Gateway. I don't know which is more appropriate for my use case. I have looked at others, but I haven't found any advantages in features or cost against these 4.
Thank you for your feedback regarding advantages and disadvantages regarding these technologies! Other suggestions are also welcome!
Not all of my services are on AWS, but some are.
The system needs to handle peaks with tens of thousands of requests per minute that happen regurarly, but never continuasly.
You can also consider the Forum Sentry API Security Gateway from Forum Systems (I work for Forum Systems).
Based on your example use case, if each of the "smaller request" services are using the same protocols (e.g. HTTPS), message formats (e.g. JSON) and security characteristics (TLS, authentication, etc.) then the solution should be relatively straight forward.
If each service is using different identity or message formats, say, then your API Gateway solution will also need to have strong capabilities around identity and message conversion. For example, one small request may require a BasicAuth header to authenticate to the service, whereas another small request may require a SAML assertion.
As you have landscape of different microservices, wherein each microservice has its own business context and is accessible by REST endponit. In this case, your client need not to aware about each microservice and thus API gateway comes into picture, using which you can have one entry point to all microservices landscape.
There are different API gateway solutions available like you said apigee, apiman etc. These framework gives some basic implementation of features required in API gateways like request throttling, monitization of request calls, authentication handle, centralized security etc.
Netflix's Zuul provides the filters which you need to implement yourself. So, if you are using Zuul, you have to implement all the features which you want to put in your API gateway by yourself.
I hope this explanation helps!!!

What are conventional and best practices for REST web service quthentication?

I am starting a new project (a web application) and would like it to retrieve and submit the most of its data through REST web services with AJAX. But I hardly have a good idea of how to ensure a web service to know who is accessing it and only give the data to those who are eligible.
REST web services are stateless, so the authentication should also be stateless.
The most commonly used method for this authentication is to use HTTP authentication headers (details here --> Here the pre-requisite is that your should be using SSL\HTTPS otherwise these HTTP authentication headers will become vulnerable to Man in Middle Attack.
If your website doesn't use and SSL then you should probably look to other methods of authentication, this ( article discusses in detail about all those methods. It basically describes mechanisms which are used by Amazon Web Services to authenticate non SSL reqeuets.
Hope this will help.

Why are separate standards needed for Web Service security?

Why WS security is needed to provide tokens,signatures etc if there are ssl communication to achieve this purpose? How can WS security used to provide integrity,confidentiality and authenticity that ssl can't provide?simply why ws secuirty(If possible can you provide any example)
If business partner of paypal using paypal's web service in its website.If that web service is asking for username and password of its customer,how paypal can protect customers data from there Business partners?How soap transaction can take place between customers,paypal and its business patners?plz can you explain how WS security concepts ( provide integrity, confidentiality,authenticity) in this case?
The main difference is that HTTP related security mechanisms secure the transport layer of the web service, and WS security addresses a higher level of abstraction.
similarly, you may have also security solutions in higher (for example: encrypt just a specific password field in a web service) or lower levels (like VPN)
Different scenarios will require different security measures in different layers
Some examples:
Web Services are not limited to HTTP transport - your environment may include other transports (like messaging using JMS, MSMQ, etc). setting up security at the Web Services layer (rather then the transport layer) will allow you to use a common mechanism for the whole environment.
Another issue is that http level security information is "pealed" as you go higher in the Web Services Stack - for example, in many places you wont be accessing the service provider directly, but through a central ESB (Enterprise Service Bus). the ESB acts as a central hub for services, and may also perform tasks such as logging, routing, publishing to multiple service endpoints, etc.
When using an ESB the http connection is broken at the ESB, and the service gets a new http connection originating from the ESB - thus http security mechanisms cannot offer end-to-end security.
WS Security information however can be preserved even if the messages are routed through an ESB
What you describe in you last comment appears to be not related to the previous answer
Do you mean they have a mechanism like OpenID or kerberos, where you can use your credentials from one site to access a different site?
This isn't specific to web services, and there are various existing protocols to do it (my guess is that they use an existing protocol). Of course a similar mechanism can be developed using WS Security standards.
The kerberos protocol for example works like this:
1. The user authenticates to the security server
2. the security server replies with a signed message (called ticket) saying "the user 123 has been authenticated"
3. The user uses this message to prove that he is indeed user 123 to the 2nd site, without the need for the 2nd site to actually get his username password.
This protocol is based on encryption and cryptographic signatures - both are available using WS security.
SSL (TLS) security will protect the user from eavesdropping. But it won't protect you (your site) from malicious users. You're still vulnerable to buffer overflows, SQL injection and so on.
For a great example watch the "How I met your girlfriend" talks by Samy Kamkar at Defcon (shorter) and at Blackhat (longer). Samy explains using web application vulnerabilities to breaking into an account (in this case it's Facebook) of someone who uses SSL.
The main difference between SSL and WS-Security is, SSL is transport level but WS-Security is message level... In other words when you use SSL - as soon as the message left the transport channel - its not secured. But with WS-Security message will be still secured and message security is independent from the transport channel.
With WS-Security,
Authentication --> UsernameToken
Non-repudiation --> Signature [XML
Signature/WS-Security] Confidentiality --> Encryption [XML
Integrity --> Signature [XML Signature/WS-Security]
Pure SSL provides Authentication/Confidentiality and Integrity - but not Non-repudiation.
2-legged OAuth is a standard to support Non-repudiation over SSL.
WS or Web Service Security is an extension of SOAP which applies security to different web services. Ws-Security uses XML signatures and encryption to provide end to end security. Main focus of this protocol is to specify how integrity and confidentiality can be enforced in messages exchanges between user and service provider on web such as Paypal. This service also allows communication of different security token formats like SAML, X.509, Kerberos etc. Unlike HTTP protocol which mainly focuses on providing security at transport level, WS security mechanism implements higher level of abstraction in application layer and provide encrypted security solution.
Since need of security is different on every platforms, these two standards focuses to meet distinguish need of such security platforms. With the help of this security, end to end security, non- repudiation, reverse proxy, transport bindings etc are improved.
In general terms you can say that this service is another method to provide better security to data exchange platforms and user’s privacy. There are many other services/software which does same task like TOR (provides integrity to user privacy), ScrapeSentry (a service which provide security from bad bot traffic and spam), Distil Network (another service to block spam on web spam) etc. However concept of every security mechanism is different but their main motive is to provide constant and reliable security to user as well as businesses.
Good day people,
the SSL/TLS technology is a security technology. Its goal is to protect the user from having his/her information (credit card, address, tel number...) being stolen by a hacker. The SSL certificate will protect the website and each person who connects on the website will be sure to have a secured environment.
The quality of the security depends on the type of certificate installed on the website in question, whether it is DV (Domain Validation), OV (Organization Validation), EV (Extended Validation), if the SGC technology is present or not.
If you have any other questions, you can have more details here.

Sending sensitive information to REST service

We currently have a SOAP based web service that our in house applications use to authenticate users. Basically, they send a SOAP request with the username and password. The web service authenticates their credentials against our data store and returns user information if the authentication is successful. The web service is secured using BASIC authentication and SSL.
We need to make modifications to this web service and I was considering re-writing it as a REST service. The REST services I have created in the past have been fairly simple and had no need for security. I have never created a REST service that used sensitive information, so I have a couple of questions / concerns:
First, is there a best practice for sending sensitive query parameters (user credentials) to a REST service securely? I can still use the BASIC authentication and SSL.
Second, if I send a query to a REST service using POST, is it still considered RESTful, or is GET required for REST queries?
You can use SSL and Basic authentication with REST web services as well.
HTTP GET is usually used for data retrieval (queries) but you can use HTTP POST as well. GET is especially useful if you can use any type of HTTP caching. POST is usefull if you need to transfer a lot of data to define your query or if your web service operation expects some complex data format instead of simple arguments.
Instead of doing the authentication via REST, you might also consider a networked authentication protocol to use in conjunction with web services. Technologies like Kerberos and OAuth were designed for these sorts of use cases.
To answer your questions, however:
REST encourages you to leverage HTTP and related protocols, so using SSL and BASIC authentication is quite appropriate.
REST encourages the use of not just GET and POST, but even other HTTP "verbs" such as PUT and DELETE. Use GET only for idempotent operations with no side-effects.
Going from SOAP to REST is taking a step backward as far as security goes.
As far as best practices:
Don't roll your own security. Use a framework or existing library that has been peer-reviewed and tested.
Don't pass unencrypted static keys. If you're using HTTP Basic and sending it across the wire, encrypt it.
Ideally, use hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) because it's the most secure.
Why REST security doesn't exist