Two for loops, big O theory - c++

I have this loop running inside a program:
for(int I =0;I < n;I++){
for(int it = 0; it < m; it++){
Access & add number plus
Both n & m are user input and what I want to do is run the inside loop the size of the vector (m) and store information. The outside loop is saying to repeat that process n times.
So would my big O notation be O(m^n) since I'm repeating m however many times n is?

You're performing 2 operations in the inside loop, thus you are doing a total of 2 * n * m operations, which gives a O(n*m) complexity.

It would actually be O(M x N)
O(M^N) is very very slow :)

It is O(mn), assuming that the operation inside the inner loop is O(1).


What is the time complexity of this code? Is it O(logn) or O(loglogn)?

int n = 8; // In the video n = 8
int p = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i *= 2) { // In the video i = 1
for (int j = 1; j < p; j *= 2) { // In the video j = 1
This is code from Abdul Bari Youtube channel ( link of the video), they said time complexity of this is O(loglogn) but I think it is O(log), what is the correct answer?
Fix the initial value. 0 multiplied by 2 will never end the loop.
The last loop is O(log log N) because p == log(n). However, the first loop is O(log N), hence in total it is also O(log N).
On the other hand, once you put some code in place of //code then the first loop can be negligible compared to the second and we have:
O ( log N + X * log log N)
^ first loop
^ second loop
and when X is just big enough, one can consider it as O( log log N) in total. However strictly speaking that is wrong, because complexity is about asymptotic behavior and no matter how big X, for N going to infinity, log N will always be bigger than X * log log N at some point.
PS: I assumed that //code does not depend on N, ie it has constant complexity. The above consideration changes if this is not the case.
PPS: In general complexity is important when designing algorithms. When using an algorithm it is rather irrelevant. In that case you rather care about actual runtime for your specific value of N. Complexity can be misleading and even lead to wrong expectations for a specific use case with given N.
You are correct, the time complexity of the complete code is O(log(n)).
But, Abdul Bari Sir is also correct, Because:-
In the video, Abdul Sir is trying to find the time complexity of the second for loop and not the time complexity of the whole code. Take a look at the video again and listen properly what he is saying at this time
Once again, what he has derived is the time complexity of the second loop and not the time complexity of the complete code. Please listen to what he says at 9 mins and 28 secs in the video.
If your confusion is clear, please mark this as correct.
The time complexity of
int n;
int p = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i *= 2) { // start at 1, not at 0
is O(log(n)), because you do p++ log2(n) times. The logarithms base does not matter in big O notation, because it just scales by a constant.
for (int j = 1; j < p; j *= 2) {
has O(log(log(n)), because you only loop up to p=log(n) by multiplying, so you have O(log(p)), so O(log(log(n)).
However, both together still are O(log(n)), because O(log(n)+log(log(n)))=O(log(n)

Time complexity of mandelbrot set in term of big O notation

I'm trying to find the time complexity of a simple implementation of mandelbrot set. with following code
int main(){
int rows, columns, iterations;
rows = 22;
columns = 72;
iterations = 28;
char matrix[max_rows][max_columns];
for(int r = 0; r < rows; ++r){
for(int c = 0; c < columns; ++c){
complex<float> z;
int itr = 0;
while(abs(z) < 2 && ++itr < iterations)
z = pow(z, 2) + decltype(z)((float)c * 2 / columns - 1.5,
(float)r * 2 / rows - 1);
matrix[r][c]=(itr== iterations ? '*' : '.');
Now looking at above code i made some estimation for time complexity in terms of big O notation and want to know if it is correct or not
So we are creating a 2d array traversing it through nested loops and and at each element we are performing an operation and setting a value of that element, if we take n as input size we can say that greater the input the greater will be the complexity, so the time complexity for rowsxcolumns would be O(rxc) and then again we are traversing it for printout, so what would be the time complexity? is it O(rxc)+O(rxc) ? does the function itself have some effect on time complexity when we are doing multiplication and subtraction on rows and columns? If yes then how?
Almost, given r rows, c columns and i iterations then the running time is O(r*c*i). This should be trivial to see if abs(z)<2 is not there. But with this extra condition its not clear how many times will the inner while loop run in total. Yes, it will be less than r*c*i times, so O(r*c*i) is still the upper bound. But perhaps we might do better. Given that for any r,c you compute Mandelbrot set over the same domain with varying resolution then the while loop will run k*r*c*i times for some constant k which is somewhere between area-of-Mandelbrot-set-over-area-of-the-domain and 1 --> Running time of the code is Θ(r*c*i) and O(r*c*i) cannot be improved.
Had you computed the set over [-c,c]x[-r,r] domain with fixed resolution then for any |z|>2 the abs(z)<2 breaks after first iteration. Then O(r*c*i) would not be tight bound and this condition (as all loop conditions) should be considered if you want accurate estimation.
Please don't use malloc, std::vector is safer.
In big-O notation, O(rxc)+O(rxc) collapses to O(rxc).
Since the maximal iteration count is also an input variable, it has an influence on the complexity as well. In particular, the inner loop runs at most n iterations, therefore, your complexity is O(rxcxn).
All other operations are constant, in particular multiplication and addition of complex<float>. These operations by themselves are always O(1), which does not contribut to the overall complexity.

Big O Notation and Time Complexity of C++ Code Snippet

So I am looking for confirmation of what the time complexity of the c++ code snippet is:
for(int i = 0; i<N, i++){
for(int k = 1; k<N; k*=2){
//code with O(1)
I am thinking this would be O(NlgN) where lg is log base 2.
The inner loop would be O(lgN) since k is doubling after each iteration. The outer loop is clearly O(N), making the whole code:
O(N)*O(lgN) = O(NlgN).
Yes it is in O(n log n) but the base does not matter in big O notation since f=n \cdot log_2(n)
\in \mathcal{O}(log_2(n) * n ) \subseteq \mathcal{O}(\frac{ln(n)}{ln(2)} * n ) \subseteq \mathcal{O}(log(n) * n ) \ni f = n \cdot ln (n) i.e.
Note the log at the end should still be ln, but people are not caring about the confusion to whenever log is to the base of 10 or e since it does not matter in big O.
So even for(int k = 2; k<N; k*= k) would be the same in complexity when using big O notation. However sometimes people are writing down the constant factors when comparing very minor optimisations, but thats not feasible unless you are talking about the quick sort implementation that runs on billions of instances around the world.
For the part how we can be sure that your inner loop is in deed bound by log(n) I kind of also did not find a nice math proof. Of course executing it is kind of a proof, but my theoretical approach is that, we can agree the inner loop executes as often as your function k *= 2 needs a bigger argument to reach n, so where k(x) >= n, and what do we know which x do we need to get the k(x) we want, is the inverse function k^(-1), and the inverse functions for 2^x is log_2(x).

Big O - Nested For Loop Breakdown Loop by Loop

I understand how to get a general picture of the big O of a nested loop, but what would be the operations for each loop in a nested for loop?
If we have:
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
for(int j=i+1; j<1000; j++)
do something of constant time;
How exactly would we get T(N)? The outer for loop would be n operations, the inner would be 1000(n-1) and the inside would just be c is that right?
So T(n)=cn(1000(n-1)) is that right?
You want to collapse the loops and do a double summation. When i = 0, you run 1000-1 times. When i = 1, you run 1000 - 2 times, and so on up to n-1. This is equivalent to the sum from i = 0 to n of the series 999 - i, Note that you can separate the terms and get 999 n - n (n - 1)/2.
This is a pretty strange formula, because once n hits 1,000, the inner loop immediately short-circuits and does nothing. In this case, then, the asymptotic time complexity is actually O(n), because for high values of n, the code will just skip the inner loop in constant time.

Big O Notation for Algorithm

I'm busy doing an assignment and I'm struggling with a question. I know I'm not supposed to ask assignment questions outright so I understand if I don't get straight answers. But here goes anyway.
We must calculate the run time complexity of different algorithms, the one I'm stuck on is this.
for(int i = 1 ; i < n ; i++)
for(int j = 0 ; j < i ; j +=2)
Now with my understanding, my first thought would be less than O(n2), because the nested loop isn't running the full n times, and still the j variable is incrementing by 2 each loop rather than iterating like a normal for loop. Although, when I did some code simulations with N=10, N=100, N=1000, etc. I got the following results when I outputted the sum variable.
N = 10 : 25,
N = 100 : 2500,
N = 1000 : 250000,
N = 10000 : 25000000
When I look at these results, the O Notations seems like it should be much larger than just O(n).
The 4 options we have been given in the assignment are : O(1), O(n2), O(n) and O(logn). As I said earlier, I cannot see how it can be as large as O(n2), but the results are pointing to that. So I just think I don't fully understand this, or I'm missing some link.
Any help would be appreciated!
Big O notation does not give you the number of operations. It just tells you how fast it will grow with growing input. And this is what you observe.
When you increased input c times, the total number of operations grows c^2.
If you calculated (nearly) exact number of operations precisely you would get (n^2)/4.
Of course you can calculate it with sums, but since I dunno how to use math on SO I will give an "empirical" explanation. Simple loop-within-a-loop with the same start and end conditions gives n^2. Such loop produces a matrix of all possible combinations for "i" and "j". So if start is 1 and end is N in both cases you get N*N combinations (or iterations effectively).
However, yours inner loop is for i < j. This basically makes a triangle out of this square, that is the 1st 0.5 factor, and then you skip every other element, this is another 0.5 factor; multiplied you get 1/4.
And O(0.25 * n^2) = O(n^2). Sometimes people like to leave the factor in there because it lets you compare two algorithms with the same complexity. But it does not change the ratio of growth in respect to n.
Bear in mind that big-O is asymptotic notation. Constants (additive or multiplicative) have zero impact on it.
So, the outer loop runs n times, and on the ith time, the inner loop runs i / 2 times. If it weren't for the / 2 part, it would be the sum of all numbers 1 .. n, which is the well known n * (n + 1) / 2. That expands to a * n^2 + b * n + c for a non-zero a, so it's O(n^2).
Instead of summing n numbers, we're summing n / 2 numbers. But that's still somewhere around (n/2) * ((n/2) + 1) / 2. Which still expands to d * n^2 + e * n + f for a non-zero d, so it's still O(n^2).
From your output it seems like:
sum ~= (n^2)/4.
This is obviously O(n^2) (actually you can replace the O with teta).
You should recall the definition for Big-O notation. See
The thing is that number of operations here is dependant on the square of n, even though the overall number is less than n². Nevertheless, the scaling is what matters for Big-O notation, thus it's O(n²)
for (int i = 1 ; i < n ; i++)
for (int j = 0 ; j < i ; j +=2)
We have:
0+2+4+6+...+2N == 2 * (0+1+2+3+...+N) == 2 * (N * (N+1) / 2) == N * (N+1)
so, with n == 2N, we have (n / 2) * (n / 2 + 1) ~= (n * n) / 4
so O(n²)
Your understanding regarding time complexity is not appropriate.Time Complexity is not only the matter of 'sum' variable.'sum' only calculates how many times the inner loop iterates,but you also have to consider total number of outer loop iterations.
now consider your program:
for(int i = 1 ; i < n ; i++)
for(int j = 0 ; j < i ; j +=2)
Time complexity means running time of your program with respect to input values(here n).Here running time does not mean actual required time to execute your program in your computer .Actual required time varies from machine to to get a machine independent running time, Big O notation is very useful.Bog O actually comes from mathematics and it describes the running time in terms of mathematical functions.
The outer loop is executed total (n-1) times.for each of these (n-1) values (starting from i=1), the inner loop iterates i/2 total number of inner loop iterations=1+1+2+2+3+3+...+(n/2)+(n/2)=2(1+2+3+...+n/2)=2*(n/2(n/2+1))/2=n^2/4+n/2.
similarly 'sum++' also executed total n^2/4+n/2 times.Now consider cost of line 1 of the program=c1,cost of line 2=c2 and cost of line 3=c3 .These casts can be different for different machine. so total time required for executing the program =c1*(n-1)+c2*(n^2/4+n/2)+c3*(n^2/4+n/2)=(c2+c3)n^2/4+(c2+c3)n/2+c1*n-c1.Thus the required time can be expressed in terms of mathematical function.In Big O notation you can say it is O((c2+c3)n^2/4+(c2+c3)n/2+c1*n-c1).In case of Big O notation, lower order terms and coefficient of highest order term can be ignored. because for large value of n ,n^2 is much greater than n. so you can say it is O((c1+c2)n^2/4).Also as for any value of n , n^2 is greater than (c1+c2)n^2/4 by a constant factor, so you can say it is O(n^2).