Django: What to do when I need a remote access to ORM - django

Basically, I have two django servers (django v 1.2):
Server 1 has a bunch of models, local database, and remote database access to ModelA in Server 2.
Server 2 has ModelA
I want to use ModelA.objects.get() and django ORM API in Server 1 for ModelA. Am I supposed to just duplicate from Server 2 to Server 1? By just copying over, I can use the ORM methods and trust the database routers that I set up to not do weird stuff when they syncdb.
This seems to be good enough right? I don't see any reason to use django-piston or those other restful API packages because in those cases, I have to still add all the extra code to recognize the model. Main reason I even dove into looking at the API packages is because I was wondering if there was a clean way of giving ORM access without duplicating the code.

Copying the code is pretty common. You can configure your settings to point to whatever database server you want.
As an app grows it is common to have to add webservers. One way this can be done is to copy your code base to another machine and run it behind a reverse proxy.
This means the exact same code is running on more than one machine, sharing a database backend.
Django provides an 'app' structure which you might want to look at. You can package an app and distribute it to another projecct.


Django transfer database to different Django project without messing up the logic

I built a Django project with a few models. Now I created a second server with the same setup. This one is meant to be the deployment server. Databases are separate from the dev-server.
However can you tell me if I can simply copy the databases from the dev server to the deploy or will the Django logic, since I also mean the user models and permissions etc.
The tables which I created myself are no problem to transfer to the new server. However I am wondering If Django gets confused when I also transfer something like the auth_user Model.
Should this work since I also just copied the backend logic as well?

Is there any way to administer multiple Django servers at once?

Short Version
Is there any tool that will let me use a single Django admin page to affect multiple Django installations on different servers?
Detailed Version
I've got a bunch of different servers, each with their own Django installation. This works great ... except when I want to do something via the Django admin to all of the servers, in which case I have to log on to each server separately.
For instance, let's say I have a release coming and a co-worker (who's not a programmer) wants to use the admin to make a "message" record about the release for the server's users to see. They have to log in to each server's admin individually, create the message record, then move on to the next server until they've gotten through all of them.
To get around this whenever I have a multi-server change I've been using Git; ie.:
I make a commit with files for the change
I push that commit
I pull that commit on all of the servers at once (using Fabric).
However, this too is sub-optimal, because we can't take advantage of the admin interface, and doing something as simple as adding a "new release coming" message requires an actual (mini-)release itself.
So, it seems to me the best way to handle this would be if there was some sort of meta-admin tool my co-worker could use to Django admin work on multiple servers at once. Does anything like that exist?

Does django create a clean database?

I am building a web interface for a database at my school. The database will hold our school's versions of academic standards.
When you build a site using django, does it create a clean database? For example, wysiwyg website builders like dreamweaver create ugly html and css code on the backend. I would hate to see a similar degree of auto-generated cruft in my database.
Should I create the database myself and then build a django site to access the database, or go ahead and let django create the database?
Under any simple to moderately complex application, Django will do a fine job creating the database for you. I've yet to run into any issues with what it's made.
I would suggest that you use South to handle your table migrations. And use virtualenv and pip to set up and maintain your Django environment.
You can use the sqlall predicate of to see the exact SQL that will be executed in order to generate the database.
Obviously django needs database tables for its basic functionality (contrib.apps).
Sure, you don't have to use them, but generally you want to use a least contrib.auth and some other bundled apps:
Each of these applications makes use
of at least one database table,
though, so we need to create the
tables in the database before we can
use them.
I any case you can't and shouldn't compare it to ugly html code generated by dreamweaver or word.
On a more abstract level:
One of key concepts of a web framework (following the mvc pattern) is that you define models which are "translated" (mapped) by the framework into database tables.
A model is the single, definitive
source of data about your data. It
contains the essential fields and
behaviors of the data you’re storing.
Generally, each model maps to a single
database table.
If you want to create the whole database scheme by hand you totally missed the point of using a web framework. In most cases you simply don't need to write sql manually. You define your classes and then you can query your objects using the builtin orm.

CodeIgniter & Datamapper as frontend, Django Admin as backend, database tables inconsistent

I created a database for a site i'm doing using Django as the admin backend. However because the server where the site is hosted on, won't be able to support Python, I find myself needing to do the front end in PHP and as such i've decided to use CodeIgniter along with Datamapper to map the models/relationship.
However DataMapper requires the tables to be in a specific format for it to work, and Django maps its tables differently, using the App name as the prefix in the table. I've tried using the prefix & join_prefix vars in datamapper but still doesn't map them correctly.
Has anyone used a combination of this? and if so how have the fixed the issue of db table names being inconsistent? Is there anything out there that i can use to make them work together?
----edit: clarification on backend---
Let me clarify: i'm going to be running the admin from a subdomain pointing to a python ready server. However i can't move the main domain name from the php only webserver because of certain constraints/binding contracts the company got itself in. and don't want to use cloaking/masking because of seo purposes.
i'm using the django admin because i'm using some packages to make a pretty/functional admin, such as grappelli for the admin template, along with its editor for editing news stories, etc. also using photologue to manage photos/galleries. etc.
If your problem is simply making Django use the same tables as your other software, use the db_column and db_table parameters in the models.
Two apparent solutions:
Instead of hacking one or both to work well with each other, emulate the Django admin in PHP/CodeIgniter code. **
Get a server that supports Django. Make the frontend in Django.
Time-wise, either one of those solutions will be less involving than trying to make two different frameworks using different programming languages mesh well together. I can't imagine the future maintenance required to ensure everlasting compatibility and interoperability.
Also, I assume by saying:
I created a database for a site i'm doing using Django as the admin backend
You really mean that you modeled your apps using Django, and that you also intend on administrating the database that has resulted from this modeling in the Django admin. (In which case you already have your Models layer complete and should just try building the rest of the site in Django)
If that's the case then in your models you are going to need to define the exact column names (db_column) that DataMapper will expect, as well as manually define the table names (db_table), including M2M tables.
You may also have to define all of your primary keys manually, if DM expects something named differently.
If the server can't support Python, where are you going to be running your backend? Different server? Locally? This plan just isn't making a lot of sense.
** I would not suggest trying this. I had been attempting to make a CI backend that actually shared much of the same ideas as Django's admin, before I knew about Django's admin. And of course once discovering Django, I dropped the CI work immediately and continued on with what I have found to be a much more amazing framework that is much faster to develop on.
So as I understand you plan on using Django just because of django-admin, and you are trying to use CI for the actual site because the server runs PHP, right?
So why don't you use framework that generates something like Django's admin but that you can run on your server?
The Symfony Framework has a really nice admin generator, in the spirit of Django's and you might be able to run it on your server. This would save you from the maintainance nightmare that might come later as #jonwd7 answered

How to host 50 domains/sites with common Django code base

I have 50 different websites that use the same layout and code base, but mostly non-overlapping data (regional support sites, not link farm). Is there a way to have a single installation of the code and run all 50 at the same time?
When I have a bug to fix (or deploy new feature), I want to deploy ONE time + 1 restart and be done with it.
Code needs to know what domain the request is coming to so the appropriate data is displayed.
The Sites framework comes to mind.
Apart from that we have Django running for multiple sites by symlinking Django to various docroots. Works like a charm, too.
I can see two quite distinct ways to do this:
Use one database and the sites framework. Every post/picture/whatever model is connected to a Site and you always filter on Site. This requires a separate settings file for every database.
Use one database for each and every site. This allows different users for every site, but requires duplication of everything that is stored in the database. It also requires a separate settings file pointing to the correct database.
Either way, you do not duplicate any code, only data.
If you need to do site-specific, or post-specific changes to ie. a template, you should read up on how Django loads templates. It allows you to specify a list, ie ["story_%d.html", "story_site_%d.html", "story.html"] and django will look for the templates in that order.
I just ran into this and ended up using a custom middleware class that:
Fetch the HTTP_HOST
Clean the HTTP_HOST (remove www, ports, etc.)
Look up domain in a Website table that's tied to each account.
Set the account instance on the HTTPRequest object.
The throughout my view code I do lookups based on the account stored in the HTTPRequest objects.
Hope that helps someone in the future.