Sprite does not jump when moving - cocos2d-iphone

I'm making a platform game, and everything was great. My sprite moved when i touched the left side of the screen, and jumped when i touched the right side. But then i decided to make it move by itself. so i added the ccmoveto function, but now it does not jump! I'm new to cocos2d but everything is working ok, except this, already searched but couldn't find the answer can someone please help me?
I tried everything, but it only jumps if i delete the ccmoveto action.
I'm using cocos2d 2.0
Thank you!!

CcMoveTo will override any manual position changes, inluding changes from other actions like CCJump. Your character is set to move to destination in a straight line, no matter what.
It's issues like these why I always recommend not to use actions for gameplay logic. Especially position, you need to retain full control over it. Use a direction vector and integrate position every update: and you're free to do everything you need.

my advice is to use one of the physics engines provided with cocos2d: Box2D and Chipmunk physics. Thanks to this engines you can define the characteristics of the world (i.e. gravity vector) a shape and a mass for your sprite (i.e. a rectangle with a weight). Then when you need it to jump you will just create a force vector with the characteristics you need (i.e. angle, etc.) and keep updated your sprite with its physical body. This will make your sprite jump and land quite realistically.


VTKActor not visible after render but visible on camera->resetview()

I am working on a qt-vtk project. We have a line drawing function. where straight lines are created between two mouse click position. But once actor is created it is not visible. I was calling render function just after adding the actor. But it didn't work. But if i do camera->resetview() lines become visible , but entire perspective changes. Where am i doing wrong ?
This may not be relevant to you, but I had this exact same problem (in ActiViz [managed VTK]) and wrangled with it for a week, so I hope this helps someone out there. It turned out to be a problem with the location of the lines we wanted to draw on the canvas; they were too far away from the camera (on the Z axis) to be visible.
For us, we were trying to draw a cross on the viewing area wherever the user clicked. The data points were there, as were the actors and whatnot, but they would only be visible in the scene if you called resetCamera() and thusly changed the camera's configuration.
Initially, I blamed the custom interactor that we had to add to cirvumvent the default interactor's swallowing of MouseUp events (intended behavior). Investigation revealed that this seemed unlikely.
After this I shifted the blame onto the camera under the suspicion that perhaps the reset call was making a call to some kind of update method which I wasn't aware of. I called resetCamera() and then reverted the camera values to what they were initially.
When this was successfully done, it eventuated that the crosses would appear when the camera zoomed out and then disappear again as soon as it was set back, and it was at this point I realized that it was something to do with the scene.
At this point, I checked the methods we were using to retrieve the mouse location in 3D and realized that the z value was enormous and it was placing the points too far away as a byproduct of VTK's methods to convert 2D locations on the control to 3D locations in the scene and vice versa.
So after all that, a very mundane and avoidable mistake that originated from the methods renderer.DisplayToWorld() and WorldToDisplay().
This might not be everyone's problem, but I hope I've spared someone a week of fiddling around with VTK.
I think that's a bit hard to help, without see the code, but have you tried using
, where ui is the instance of your class derived from QMainWindow?

Particles around a sprite

I'm new to the CoCos2D development. I have checked out some tutorials and went on trying to develop a little idea.
I have checked some partical tutorials and it all looks nice but I still have some questions about it. I have seen how to call a particle and let it follow wherever you click on the layer and so on but I need something more.
Let's say I have several circle shaped sprites on my Layer. Is it possible to do the following: click on a sprite and then a partical trail should go around the sprite so you as a player can see it is selected. The particale should keep circling around the sprite until I select another circle shaped sprite which result in dissappearing of the previous particle trail and appearing onto the new selected sprite.
Is this possible with the particle system or should I look for another way of doing this ? Any type of help is appreciated.
kind regards

Scrolling Background with Cocos2D and Box2D

I am trying to create a simple game that mainly consists of a ball rolling down an incline. The player's only control is to cause the ball to jump. My question is, what is the best way to make it appear to roll while generally keeping the ball at the same place on the screen? I have considered CCCamera, but it seems like it's not the best option since I want a repeating background image. Scrolling the background manually is also giving me trouble because it's not clear how to get the ball to stay in one place while letting Box2D handle the physics. I'd appreciate any help as I've been stuck on this for quite a while.
Use CCFollow on the layer where you draw the game stuff, and let it follow the ball sprite:
[gameLayer runAction:[CCFollow actionWithTarget:ball]];

Cocos2d change image of hero in accelerometer when an object hits it

Hi. I am new on this website and also in cocos2d. I am a student and I need your help.
I am making a game based on one of the tutorials in a cocos2d game development book. The concept is simple; different objects are falling from the top of the screen and I have to avoid or catch them by tilting the device. The main character, which is one which has to avoid objects, has different properties which can change by grabbing different objects (e.g. the player may have a shield if it grabs one). In order to display the shield I have to change the sprite of the player. I am not sure how I can achieve this. Could anyone help me in providing some guidelines on this?
Use setTexture to switch the image (texture) of your current sprite with another:
[playerSprite setTexture:[[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] addImage:#"playerWithShield.png"]];

Board Game using SDL

I am building a board game in SDL and here is the problem I am currently facing.
I have a pawn on square 1 and I roll the dice. Based on the value I get on the dice the pawn moves to another square. I am bale to move the pawn after i read the SDL tutorials online. But the problem I am facing is that after moving the pawn to a new location the old pawn still stays at the old location. The tutorials I found on the internet moves a dot but also refreshes the background to cover up the old dot. But I cant do that as my game board is intricate and there are pawns from other players sitting there.
Is there a way in SDL that I could really move a pawn instead of having to create a new pawn at the new location and covering up the old pawn?
The fundamental concept of sprites: Before you insert the sprite, you save a copy of the original screen content. When you need to remove the sprite, you just paste the stored old content back in.
You will have to process all your objects in the correct order (LIFO) for this to work. Since you'll usually be double-buffered, this happens on the cold buffer, so this isn't an issue.
No, your code will need to be able to redraw that board position with the pawn missing. There isn't any way for the computer to automatically reconstruct what the board should look like without the pawn.
It sounds like your render code is mixed in with your game logic. You ought to separate rendering so that you can redraw the complete game scene with a single function call, which you can then use whenever a visible change is made to the game state.