Google code Wiki Homepage - wiki

How can I be able to set a wiki page as a homepage (make it appear every time I click on the "Wiki" tab) in my google code project.
Thanks in advance

On your GoogleCode site, click "Administer", then "Tabs". In the form that appears, you can customize which wiki pages are to be used for the "Downloads"/"Wiki"/"Issues"/"Source" tabs.


Sitecore weblog module comment always gets fired

I am using weblog in my website. I have created some blogs, comment section is also enabled in blogs. I have one search box-button in master page, which is working fine on all other pages. But when I am on any blog page and click on search button, the Blog comment part gets highlighted and says that :Fill mandatory fields. (It considers the search button click as form post of comment section). How can we handle this case?
Try setting CausesValidation="False" on your search button.

Showing Announcement list in Custom Page in Sharepoint site

I am having a sharepoint site and i had added a custom aspx page and I want to show the announcement list items in that page. How to show the list items in a custom page ?. Helpful links and sample code would be helpful?
Access Your custom page from the browser and Edit the page by clicking Site action > Edit Page. If you have a Web part Zone available in your page then
Click 'Add a webpart'(for webpart page) > Click 'Insert' tab in ribbon > Select 'WebPart' > List and libraries > select the announcement list and click OK.
This will add a web part of announcement list in your page.
But if you dont have the webpart zone then i am afraid it is not possible directly,
But you can use client object model for this visit this
I found a solution for my requirement. I had used XsltListViewWebPart for displaying announcement list in custom application page. I would like to thank everyone who offered me their advice thanks a lot.
The following link did it for me

Facebook Comment page through API

I've searched for a while but I've only found the Facebook UI, that has some basic dialogs. Maybe some of you know some iOS apps that can open the comments page in a new "page" (e.g. Flipboard). Is there a way to show the comment page directly from Facebook or I have to simulate it through the API?
UPDATE: Not a page comment box. I want to show the comments of a post.
It is possible to create a facebook app showing your comment box. The same comment box can be showed in different pages/ urls using the "data-href" url.
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="" data-num-posts="2" data-width="470"></div>
You could eventually add an static url in a database or something like that to wich you can always refer.
I dont exactly know what you want but i hope this helps

How to access admin page - website like button

I am in the process of adding Like buttons to all of the product pages on a website. I am using all of the proper open graph tags and an app_id and everything seems to be working fine. I will be using a version of the button that does not give you the Admin or Insights links to choose from. I am wondering if there is an easy way to access those pages without the links?
Even though I am listed as an admin of the App, I am not automatically listed as an admin of each of the product pages as they are created. The only way I have been able to do it is to:
Add the default Like button code to another area of the page.
Click on the admin link then add myself as a page admin.
Delete the extra button on the page.
Access the admin area by going to facebook/pages.
This will be a pain as I add in hundreds of products! Any advice would be appreciated.
I'm facing the same issue. Sadly your way of being admin of a page via an extra button didn't work for me.
I've found this related bug in facebook developers website :

How to add Announcement list/webpart to Publishing Portal

I have a Publishing Portal site and I need to add some announcements to some of the pages. I've read an article which says that i have to create an announcement list to be able add an announcement web part but i can't seem to find any resources on how i can add an announcement list.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Your problem is that you have not activated the relevant feature on the site settings page. You need to go to the site collection site settings page. Then select Site Actions - manage site features
Then activate the feature called Team Collaboration lists. You will now be able to create an announcement list
From the home page of your site (or from any page really) you should see a "View All Site Content" link on the top of the navigation menu.
View All Site Content
Click on that link and it will show you a dashboard listing all of the SharePoint lists that have been provisioned for the current site. Click on the Create button to create a new SharePoint list.
Create new SharePoint List
From there you will see the option to create an Announcments list (under the Communications header). Complete the wizard to complete the list.
Once the list is created you can select Edit Page from the Site Actions menu on any SharePoint page in the site and then select a "Add a Web Part" on the web part zone you want to put your Announcements web part into. You should now see a web part listed with the same name as your Announcements list that you just created.
Select that web part to add it to the page and display.
Hope that helps. If this isn't the answer to your problem leave a comment or update your question with clarification and I will try to help.
Giving you direct instructions on how to create the list would most likely leave you more lost than ever. If this is a publishing portal, there's a lot more to learn beyond just creating a list. Content must be approved, and is versioned. I'd strongy advise you not to start poking around in there as you run a large risk of messing up the portal. Don't get stressed by people demanding you perform such things without having received any training. Grab yourself a coffee, flip your boss the finger and watch some pertinant webcasts on
Hope this helps,