In clojure, why the type of an empty list is different from that of non-empty lists? - clojure

I want to judge if two values are of same type, but I found that the type of an empty list is clojure.lang.PersistentList$EmptyList rather than clojure.lang.PersistentList.
user=> (def la '())
user=> (def lb '(1 2))
user=> (def t (map type [la lb]))
user=> t
(clojure.lang.PersistentList$EmptyList clojure.lang.PersistentList)
user=> (apply = t)
So, I'm wondering why is the type of an empty list different from that of non-empty lists and what's the correct way to tell if two things are of same type?

Don't rely on the concrete types of Clojure data structures. They are undocumented implementation details, and you have no guarantee that they won't change in future versions of Clojure.
It is much safer to rely on the abstractions (e.g. as defined by the IPersistentList or ISeq interfaces). These are much less likely to change in ways that might break your code (my understanding is that Rich Hickey is very big on backwards compatibility when it comes to abstractions. If you depend on a concrete implementation, I believe he would say it's your own fault if things break)
But even better, you should use functions in clojure.core such as seq? or list?, depending on exactly what it is you want to detect. Not only are these likely to maintain backwards compatibility for a long time, they also have a chance of working correctly on non-JVM versions of Clojure (e.g. ClojureScript).


What are the names in other lisps for Clojure's assoc-in?

Our team is using some more functional patterns in other languages (IE javascript and ruby) and we've had some recreational conversations on standardized naming. My familiarity is largely limited to Clojure and Ramda.js.
Both Clojure and Ramda have assoc and Clojure has assoc-in with a Ramda version at assocPath. I'm guessing Ramda cribbed its name from Clojure here.
I note that common lisp doesn't seem to even have a clear comparable to assoc-in. See this conversation.
The Question
What other lisps or lisp-likes have assoc and assoc-in comparables, and what do they call them?
Bonus Points
Do there exist any resources for "rosetta stone" inter-lisp comparison of function names? A place to easily see where comparable behavior has similar or different names, or to see where comparable names have similar or different behavior?
You're right that Common Lisp doesn't have assoc-in or something similar. I would say, overall, it has pretty basic support for hash-table operations in the standard library (which I attribute to lack of practical experience with them at the time of the development of the standard). However, even if more hash-table-related stuff was present, I still doubt something like assoc-in would be added. That's because, in Lisp, the preferred approach to deal with assignment is via the setf'able places machinery that involves the macro define-setf-expander.
For instance, the rutils library I am maintaining provides a lot of additional hash-table-related operators, as well as Clojure-like literal syntax for them. Yet, this is how I'd handle the assoc-in case using its primitives (including the ? operator that is a shorthand for generic-elt):
CL-USER> (ql:quickload :rutils)
CL-USER> (in-package :rtl-user)
RTL-USER> (named-readtables:in-readtable rutils-readtable)
RTL-USER> (toggle-print-hash-table)
RTL-USER> (let ((ht #{:a 1 :b 3}))
(setf (? ht :c) #{:d 33})
:A 1
:B 3
:C #{
:D 33
I'd say that it's a question of taste which approach to prefer. To me, the Lisp one has more advantages: it's more uniform and explicit.
The other advantage is that the get-in part becomes really straightforward:
RTL-USER> (? * :c :d)
(Here, I use * to refer to the results of the previous REPL computation that happen to be the hash-table we created in the assoc-in exercise).
P.S. As for the Rosetta stones, here are a few attempts:

clojure's `into` in common lisp

clojure has a handy (into to-coll from-coll) function, adding elements from from-coll to to-coll, retaining to-coll's type.
How can this one be implemented in common lisp?
The first attempt would be
(defun into (seq1 seq2)
(concatenate (type-of seq1) seq1 seq2))
but this one obviously fails, since type-of includes the vector's length in it's result, disallowing adding more elements (as of sbcl), though it still works for list as a first arg
(while still failing for empty list).
the question is: is it possible to make up this kind of function without using generic methods and/or complex type-of result processing (e.g. removing length for vectors/arrays etc) ?
i'm okay with into acting as append (in contrast with clojure, where into result depends on target collection type) Let's call it concat-into
In Clojure, you have a concrete idea (most of the time) of what kind that first collection is when you use into, because it changes the semantics: if it is a list, additional elements will be conjed onto the front, if it is a vector, they will be conjed to the back, if it is a map, you need to supply map entry designators (i. e. actual map entries or two-element vectors), sets are more flexible but also carry their own semantics. That's why I'd guess that using concatenate directly, explicitly supplying the type, is probably a good enough fit for many use cases.
Other than that, I think that it could be useful to extend this functionality (Common Lisp only has a closed set of sequence types), but for that, it seems too obviously convenient to use generic functions to ignore. It is not trivial to provide a solution that is extensible, generic, and performant.
EDIT: To summarize: no, you can't get that behaviour with clever application of one or two “built-ins”, but you can certainly write an extensible and generic solution using generic functions.
ok, the only thing i've come to (besides generic methods) is this dead simple function:
(defun into (target source)
(let ((target-type (etypecase target
(vector (list 'array (array-element-type target) (*)))
(list 'list))))
(concatenate target-type target source)))
CL-USER> (into (list 1 2 4) "asd")
;;=> (1 2 4 #\a #\s #\d)
CL-USER> (into #*0010 (list 1 1 0 0))
;;=> #*00101100
CL-USER> (into "asdasd" (list #\a #\b))
;;=> "asdasdab"
also the simple empty impl:
(defun empty (target)
(etypecase target
(vector (make-array 0
:element-type (array-element-type target)
:adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
The result indeed (as #Svante noted) doesn't have the exact type, but rather "the collection with the element type being the same as that of target". It doesn't conform the clojure's protocol (where list target should be prepended to).
Can't see where it flaws (if it does), so would be nice to hear about that.. Anyway, as it was only for the sake of education, that will do.

In Clojure, how can I add support for common functions like empty? and count to my new type?

As I understand, Clojure makes it "easy" to solve the "expression problem".
But I can't find details how to do this. How can I create a new type (like defrecord) that handles things like empty? and count ?
The two examples empty? and count functions are part of Clojure's core and their implementations are driven by performance considerations, so they may not be the best examples for the solution of the expression problem. Anyway:
You can make empty? work by making seq work on your type, for example by implementing the Seqable interface.
You can make count work by implementing the Counted interface.
Example code:
(deftype Tuple [a b]
(count [_] 2)
(seq [_] (list a b)))
(count (->Tuple 1 2)) ;=> 2
(empty? (->Tuple 1 2)) ;=> false
A more general solution for a new function would be either:
Creating a multimethod for your function. Now you need to write custom methods (via defmethod) for the supported types.
Creating a protocol that contains your function and making the types satisfy the protocol via extend-protocol or extend-type.
In either case you have the ability to create a default implementation and new implementations for new or existing types any time. Even during runtime!

How do I get core clojure functions to work with my defrecords

I have a defrecord called a bag. It behaves like a list of item to count. This is sometimes called a frequency or a census. I want to be able to do the following
(def b (bag/create [:k 1 :k2 3])
(keys bag)
=> (:k :k1)
I tried the following:
(defrecord MapBag [state]
(put-n [self item n]
(let [new-n (+ n (count self item))]
(MapBag. (assoc state item new-n))))
;... some stuff
(getKeys [self] (keys state)) ;TODO TEST
(toString [self]
(str ("Bag: " (:state self)))))
When I try to require it in a repl I get:
java.lang.ClassFormatError: Duplicate interface name in class file compile__stub/techne/bag/MapBag (bag.clj:12)
What is going on? How do I get a keys function on my bag? Also am I going about this the correct way by assuming clojure's keys function eventually calls getKeys on the map that is its argument?
Defrecord automatically makes sure that any record it defines participates in the ipersistentmap interface. So you can call keys on it without doing anything.
So you can define a record, and instantiate and call keys like this:
user> (defrecord rec [k1 k2])
user> (def a-rec (rec. 1 2))
user> (keys a-rec)
(:k1 :k2)
Your error message indicates that one of your declarations is duplicating an interface that defrecord gives you for free. I think it might actually be both.
Is there some reason why you cant just use a plain vanilla map for your purposes? With clojure, you often want to use plain vanilla data structures when you can.
Edit: if for whatever reason you don't want the ipersistentmap included, look into deftype.
Rob's answer is of course correct; I'm posting this one in response to the OP's comment on it -- perhaps it might be helpful in implementing the required functionality with deftype.
I have once written an implementation of a "default map" for Clojure, which acts just like a regular map except it returns a fixed default value when asked about a key not present inside it. The code is in this Gist.
I'm not sure if it will suit your use case directly, although you can use it to do things like
user> (:earth (assoc (DefaultMap. 0 {}) :earth 8000000000))
user> (:mars (assoc (DefaultMap. 0 {}) :earth 8000000000))
More importantly, it should give you an idea of what's involved in writing this sort of thing with deftype.
Then again, it's based on clojure.core/emit-defrecord, so you might look at that part of Clojure's sources instead... It's doing a lot of things which you won't have to (because it's a function for preparing macro expansions -- there's lots of syntax-quoting and the like inside it which you have to strip away from it to use the code directly), but it is certainly the highest quality source of information possible. Here's a direct link to that point in the source for the 1.2.0 release of Clojure.
One more thing I realised might be important. If you rely on a special map-like type for implementing this sort of thing, the client might merge it into a regular map and lose the "defaulting" functionality (and indeed any other special functionality) in the process. As long as the "map-likeness" illusion maintained by your type is complete enough for it to be used as a regular map, passed to Clojure's standard function etc., I think there might not be a way around that.
So, at some level the client will probably have to know that there's some "magic" involved; if they get correct answers to queries like (:mars {...}) (with no :mars in the {...}), they'll have to remember not to merge this into a regular map (merge-ing the other way around would work fine).

Scheme and Clojure don't have the atom type predicate - is this by design?

Common LISP and Emacs LISP have the atom type predicate. Scheme and Clojure don't have it.
Is there a design reason for this - or is it just not an essential function to include in the API?
In Clojure, the atom predicate isn't so important because Clojure emphasizes various other types of (immutable) data structures rather than focusing on cons cells / lists.
It could also cause confusion. How would you expect this function to behave when given a hashmap, a set or a vector for example? Or a Java object that represents some complex mutable data structure?
Also the name "atom" is used for something completely different - it's one of Clojure's core concurrency mechanisms to manage shared, synchronous, independent state.
Clojure has the coll? (collection?) function, which is (sort of) the inverse of atom?.
In the book The Little Schemer, atom? is defined as follows:
(define (atom? x)
(and (not (pair? x))
(not (null? x))))
Noting that null is not considered an atom, as other answers have suggested. In the mentioned book atom? is used heavily, in particular when writing procedures that deal with lists of lists.
In the entire IronScheme standard libraries which implement R6RS, I never needed such a function.
In summary:
It is useless
It is easy enough to write if you need it
Which pretty much follows Scheme's minimalistic approach.
In Scheme anything that is not a pair is an atom. As Scheme already defines the predicate pair?, the atom? predicate is not needed, as it is so trivial to define:
(define (atom? s)
(not (pair? s)))
It's a trivial function:
(defun atom (x)
(not (consp x)))
It is used in list processing, when the Lisp dialect uses conses to build lists. There are some 'Lisps' for which this is not the case or not central.
Atom is either a symbol, a character, a number, or null.
(define (atom? a)
(or (symbol? a)
(char? a)
(number? a)
(null? a)))
I think those are all the atoms that exist, if you find more add to the conditional expression. For example, if you think a string is an atom, add (string? a), :-). The absence of a definition for atom, allows you to define it the way you want. After all, Scheme does not know what an atom is.
In Lisp nil is an atom, so I've made null an atom. nil is also a list by simplification nil = (nil . nil), the same way the integral numbers are rational numbers by simplification, 2 = 2/1, 2 is an integral number, 2/1 is a rational number, as both are equals by simplification of the rational one; one says the integral number 2 is also a rational number. But the list predicate is already defined in Scheme, nothing to worry about.
About the question. As long as I am concerned Scheme has predicates only for class types, atom is not a class type, atom is an abstraction that incorporates several class types. Maybe that is the reason. But pair is not a class type either, but it does not incorporate several class types, and yet some may consider pair as a class type.
Atom means that a certain thing is not a compound thing. One reason not to include such a predicate is when the language allows you to define atomic types, so the pletora of atoms can grow wider and wider, and such a predicate would make no sense. I don't know if Scheme allows for this. I can only say that Scheme predicates (the built-in ones) are all specific. You can ask, is this an apple?, is this an orange?; but you cannot ask is this a fruit?. :-). Well, you can, if you do it yourself. Despite what a said, Scheme has a general predicate number?, and number specific predicates, integer?, rational?, real?; notwithstanding, number can be thought of as a class type (the other predicates refer to sub-types of number), whereas atom is not (at least in Scheme).
class types: types that belong to a certain class of things. Example:
number, integer, real, rational, character, procedure, list, vector, string, etc.