enumerate grid columns in order - infragistics

I am using an UltraGrid control from Infragistics. I am able to get a strongly typed enumeration of the UltraGridColumns using the below code:
How can I order this enumeration such that it is the same as in the UI? (The user is able to rearrange columns freely).
Is there a property that I can use to order by or use to sort on?

The order is in the headers (yeah...):
.OrderBy(c => c.Header.VisiblePosition);


Negative filtering by filter_box or some other mechanism

Let's say I have a column named Column1. There are more than 10k different values for this column, but my goal is to display on a dashboard all data except few of them. Is it possible to achieve it in Superset? As far as I understand the only one option to filter dashboard is a filter_box, and I have to choose values explicitly in filterbox, so no way to use a negative filter. Is it true, or there is some hidden mechanism?
You can use the limit selector values option to provide the filter out values you dont need by specifying the column name and the list of values you would like to ignore using the appropriate condition like *equals, not equals, etc

IgGrid - How to execute multiple grouping in code?

In my project I have to create my own multiple sorting and multiple grouping dialogs. Basically user can choose which columns should be included, select order and direction of operation.
For multiple sorting I use this function and it works
.igGridSorting( "sortMultiple", [exprs:array] );
The problem is now with grouiping. Is there any function which will behave similary? I mean executing with array of grouping expressions (which define columns to group by, order of grouping and direction of grouping (acs / desc)) as parameter? (this feature is supported by ignite-ui built-in dialog)
In the documentation I have found:
.igGridGroupBy( "groupByColumns" );
The description is "Adds a column to the group by columns list, executes the group by operation and updates the view."
But there is nothing about how add this columns.
There is no public API method for grouping multiple columns.
The build-in dialog sets the expressions into the datasource and also takes care to rebind the grid and rebuild the grouping area. Unfortunately none of this is exposed as public API.
So the easiest approach would be to go around the columns you need to group and invoke groupByColumn for each column.
Another thing you can do is to re-create the grid with another set of columnSettings for the GroupBy feature.

Selecting all the Document Types in umbraco

I am using umbraco 7 and have been trying to figure out how to select an array of the distinct document types of a given node's children. I can't hardcode this because I will be needing many different kinds of document types so I was hoping to do a distinct select of them but I can't seem to get my code correct, maybe there is no "distinct" select or maybe I can't just get individual alias strings from the methods I have tried?
Has anyone else attempted this?
Assuming you have an instance of interface type IPublishedContent, you should be able to get the distinct document types of all children as follows:
node.Children.Select(c => c.DocumentTypeAlias).Distinct()

Infragistics UltraGrid - How to use displayed values in group by headers when using an IEditorDataFilter?

I have a situation where I'm using the IEditorDataFilter interface within a custom UltraGrid editor control to automatically map values from a bound data source when they're displayed in the grid cells. In this case it's converting guid-based key values into user-friendly values, and it works well by displaying what I need in the cell, but retaining the GUID values as the 'value' behind the scenes.
My issue is what happens when I enable the built-in group by functionality and the user groups by a column using my editor. In that case the group by headers default to using the cell's value, which is the guid in my case, so I end up with headers like this:
Column A: 7F720CE8-123A-4A5D-95A7-6DC6EFFE5009 (10 items)
What I really want is the cell's display value to be used instead so it's something like this:
Column A: Item 1 (10 items)
What I've tried so far
Infragistics provides a couple mechanisms for modifying what's shown in group by rows:
GroupByRowDescriptionMask property of the grid (http://bit.ly/1g72t1b)
Manually set the row description via the InitializeGroupByRow event (http://bit.ly/1ix1CbK)
Option 1 doesn't appear to give me what I need because the cell's display value is not exposed in the set of tokens they provide. Option 2 looks promising but it's not clear to me how to get at the cell's display value. The event argument only appears to contain the cell's backing value, which in my case is the GUID.
Is there a proper approach for using the group by functionality when you're also using an IEditorDataFilter implementation to convert values?
This may be frowned upon, but I asked my question on the Infragistic forums as well, and a complete answer is available there (along with an example solution demonstrating the problem):
In short, I was applying my custom editors at the cell level, which made them unavailable when the rows were grouped together. A better approach would be to apply the editor at the column level, which would make the editor available at the time of grouping, and would provide the expected behavior.

How do you get child bands in ultragrid without using related tables in a dataset?

I'm using linq to pull back an object (i.e. customer) that might have a collection of other objects(customer.orders). I would be nice if I can pass this list of customers to the ultragrid and a hierarchical view of customers and thier orders displayed on databind. When I try this, I just get customers. Anyone know how to get this to work with non dataset objects?
Figured it out. IList collection works and will create bands for properties of your domain object if it is an IList<T>. Just make sure thatDisplayLayout.ViewStyle = ViewStyle.MultiBand.
I've tried the following and it didn't work:
DisplayLayout.ViewStyle = ViewStyle.MultiBand
I read from this blog that it must be List and not IList in order to work, and it did.
We work with our own custom datasource for grid, so we first create a structure of bands and then we initialize data OnDemand, handling events
We use Tags to navigate through the structure.