How to create glClipPlanes matching the current projection matrix? - c++

I'm rendering a collection of points in space which the user has manually rotated, panned, zoomed, and finally drawn a selection rectangle over a desired section. When they do this I call gluPickMatrix and then gluPerspective to construct the projection matrix, before using the GL_SELECT render mode to find the points in their selected area.
I want to only show the points in the selected area. For testing each point has a boolean isSelected, and I know selection works because the correct ones are getting selected. There are too many points for this to be feasible, though, so I'd like to use glClipPlane to construct four planes corresponding to the rectangular prism (edit: I mean the frustum) defined by the user's selection rectangle. How can I derive the coefficients to pass to glClipPlane after setting up the projection matrix?
Right now I'm doing this, but it ends up clipping all the points:
// Set up projection matrix
int viewport[4];
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
gluPickMatrix(x, y, w, h, viewport);
// Derive clip planes - this doesn't work
// Based on the paper "Fast Extraction of Viewing Frustum Planes from the World-View-Projection Matrix"
double t[4], r[4], b[4], l[4];
double m[16];
t[0] = m[3] - m[1]; t[1] = m[7] - m[5]; t[2] = m[11] - m[9]; t[3] = m[15] - m[13];
r[0] = m[3] - m[0]; r[1] = m[7] - m[4]; r[2] = m[11] - m[8]; r[3] = m[15] - m[12];
b[0] = m[3] + m[1]; b[1] = m[7] + m[5]; b[2] = m[11] + m[9]; b[3] = m[15] + m[13];
l[0] = m[3] + m[0]; l[1] = m[7] + m[4]; l[2] = m[11] + m[8]; l[3] = m[15] + m[12];
// ... Render points in GL_SELECT mode, then go back to GL_RENDER mode ...
// ... Apply user's pan/rotate/zoom choices here ...
// Apply clip planes
glClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE0, t);
glClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE1, r);
glClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE2, b);
glClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE3, l);
I also tried normalizing and/or negating the plane coordinates, which still seems to end up clipping all the points.

After reading that paper more carefully, I found the problem. I wasn't taking the model view matrix into account.
double m[16];
// ... derive t, r, b, and l from m
Should be this:
double vm[16], pm[16], m[16];
glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, vm);
matrix_mul(vm, pm, m); // m = vm * pm
// ... derive t, r, b, and l from m


Problems rotating opengl camera

I cannot understand the math behind this problem, I am trying to create an FPS camera where I can look freely with my mouse input.
I am trying to rotate and position my lookat point with 180 degrees of freedom. I understand the easier solution is to glRotate the world to fit my perspective, but I do not want this approach. I am fairly unfamiliar with the trigonometry involved here and cannot figure out how to solve this problem the way I want to...
here is my attempt to do this so far...
code to get mouse coordinates relative to the center of the window, then process it in my camera object
#define DEG2RAD(a) (a * (M_PI / 180.0f))//convert to radians
static void glutPassiveMotionHandler(int x, int y) {
glf centerX = WinWidth / 2; glf centerY = WinHeight / 2;//get windows origin point
f speed = 0.2f;
f oldX = mouseX; f oldY = mouseY;
mouseX = DEG2RAD(-((x - centerX)));//get distance from 0 and convert to radians
mouseY = DEG2RAD(-((y - centerY)));//get distance from 0 and convert to radians
f diffX = mouseX - oldX; f diffY = mouseY - oldY;//get difference from last frame to this frame
if (mouseX != 0 || mouseY != 0) {
mainCamera->Rotate(diffX, diffY);
Code to rotate the camera
void Camera::Rotate(f angleX, f angleY) {
Camera::refrence = Vector3D::NormalizeVector(Camera::refrence * cos(angleX)) + (Camera::upVector * sin(angleY));//rot up
Camera::refrence = Vector3D::NormalizeVector((Camera::refrence * cos(angleY)) - (Camera::rightVector * sin(angleX)));//rot side to side
Camera::refrence is our lookat point, processing the lookat point is handled as follows
void Camera::LookAt(void) {
Camera::position.x, Camera::position.y, Camera::position.z,
Camera::refrence.x, Camera::refrence.y, Camera::refrence.z,
Camera::upVector.x, Camera::upVector.y, Camera::upVector.z
The camera is defined by a position point (position) a target point (refrence) and a up-vector upVector. If you want to change the orientation of the camera, then you've to rotate the direction vector from the position (position) to the target (refrence) rather then the target point by a Rotation matrix.
Note, since the 2 angles are angles which should change an already rotated view, you've to use a rotation matrix, to rotate the vectors which point in an arbitrary direction.
Write a function which set 3x3 rotation matrix around an arbitrary axis:
void RotateMat(float m[], float angle_radians, float x, float y, float z)
float c = cos(angle_radians);
float s = sin(angle_radians);
m[0] = x*x*(1.0f-c)+c; m[1] = x*y*(1.0f-c)-z*s; m[2] = x*z*(1.0f-c)+y*s;
m[3] = y*x*(1.0f-c)+z*s; m[4] = y*y*(1.0f-c)+c; m[5] = y*z*(1.0f-c)-x*s;
m[6] = z*x*(1.0f-c)-y*s; m[7] = z*y*(1.0f-c)+x*s; m[8] = z*z*(1.0f-c)+c };
Write a function which rotates a 3 dimensional vector by the matrix:
Vector3D Rotate(float m[], const Vector3D &v)
Vector3D rv;
rv.x = m[0] * v.x + m[3] * v.y + m[6] * v.z;
rv.y = m[1] * v.x + m[4] * v.y + m[7] * v.z;
rv.z = m[2] * v.x + m[5] * v.y + m[8] * v.z;
return rv;
Calculate the vector form the position to the target:
Vector3D los = Vector3D(refrence.x - position.x, refrence.y - position.y, refrence.z - position.z);
Rotate all the vectors around the z axis of the world by angleX:
float rotX[9];
RotateMat(rotX, angleX, Vector3D(0, 0, 1));
los = Rotate(rotX, los);
upVector = Rotate(rotX, upVector);
Rotate all the vectors around the current y axis of the view by angleY:
float rotY[9];
RotateMat(rotY, angleY, Vector3D(los.x, los.y, 0.0));
los = Rotate(rotY, los);
upVector = Rotate(rotY, upVector);
Calculate the new target point:
refrence = Vector3D(position.x + los.x, position.y + los.y, position.z + los.z);
U_Cam_X_angle is left right rotation.. U_Cam_Y_angle is up down rotation.
view_radius is the view distance (zoom) to U_look_point_x, U_look_point_y and U_look_point_z.
This is ALWAYS a negative number! This is because you are always looking in positive direction. Deeper in the screen is more positive.
This is all in radians.
The last three.. eyeX, eyeY and eyeZ is where the camera is in 3D space.
This code is in Find a converter online for VB to C++ or do it manually.
Public Sub set_eyes()
Dim sin_x, sin_y, cos_x, cos_y As Single
sin_x = Sin(U_Cam_X_angle + angle_offset)
cos_x = Cos(U_Cam_X_angle + angle_offset)
cos_y = Cos(U_Cam_Y_angle)
sin_y = Sin(U_Cam_Y_angle)
cam_y = Sin(U_Cam_Y_angle) * view_radius
cam_x = (sin_x - (1 - cos_y) * sin_x) * view_radius
cam_z = (cos_x - (1 - cos_y) * cos_x) * view_radius
Glu.gluLookAt(cam_x + U_look_point_x, cam_y + U_look_point_y, cam_z + U_look_point_z, _
U_look_point_x, U_look_point_y, U_look_point_z, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F)
eyeX = cam_x + U_look_point_x
eyeY = cam_y + U_look_point_y
eyeZ = cam_z + U_look_point_z
End Sub

What is wrong with my Quaternion rotation in OpenGL?

Going off notes on the internet helps construct quaternion classes properly. My problem is putting them to practical use and using them for rotations in raw OpenGL.
In my input events I have the following:
Quaternion<float> qPrev = qRot;
qRot = qRot.UnitQuaternion(); // #1.
Quaternion<float> axis(5., 0., 1., 0.);
qRot = qPrev*axis;
qRot *= qPrev.conjugate();
//#2. qRot = qRot.UnitQuaternion();
If I use #1 make the rotation result unit it rotates fine for a few seconds, speeds up and then vanishes completely .
If I use #2 for a unit result the box "wobbles" and never rotates.
Alternatively, I've used this based off other implementations:
Quaternion<float> qPrev = qRot;
Quaternion<float> axis(-5./100, 0., 1., 0.); // #3.
axis = axis.UnitQuaternion();
qRot = qPrev*axis;
// #4. qRot *= qPrev.conjugate();
Where #3. makes the most sense, taking the unit of a non-unit quat and multiplying it initially with the identity quat; keeping everything in unit-quats.
Where #4. tried multiplying the conjugate based off my understanding of the equation's rotation definition.
All of these produce a small wobble and #1 is the closest I got; the box rotates, then quickly, then vanishes.
My understanding is that I have an axis I which to rotate around where w = how much (angle in radians). I simply multiply by the orientation and multiply that result by the negative of the orientation; e.g. the conjugate.
Rendering code (this could be the culprit):
// Apply some transformations
glTranslatef(0, 0, -100.f);
glRotatef(qRot.x, 1., 0, 0);
glRotatef(qRot.y, 0, 1., 0);
glRotatef(qRot.z, 0, 0, 1.);
// Draw the cube
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 36);
// Draw some text on top of our OpenGL object
I appreciate the help
Edit: Many thanks to #ybungalobill for helping out.
What I wanted from my quaternion is a very specific application in terms of quaternion math. I wanted an axis of rotation while in my example I'm creating a quaternion with the direct values. This is not how the rotation matrix is derived. I needed more steps:
void FromAxisAngle(_Tp theta, _Tp x, _Tp y, _Tp z)
//Angle should be in radians
this->w = cos(theta/2);
this->x = x * sin(theta/2);
this->y = y * sin(theta/2);
this->z = z * sin(theta/2);
*this = this->UnitQuaternion();
Again, getting the rotation matrix is a very specific application with very specific steps. Quaternions don't do this 'out of the box'.
Some minor changes to the rotation logic as well:
Quaternion<float> qPrev = qRot;
Quaternion<float> axis;
axis.FromAxisAngle(-5./100, 1., 0., 0.);
qRot = qPrev*axis;
So now I've created a mathematically correct quaternion FROM my rotation axis. Then multiply.
Finally, the last thing I had to do was create a matrix from my quaternion that OpenGL could use. So we have more math to do in order to get it in a notation that rotates things:
void GetMatrix(_Tp matrix[16])
Quaternion<_Tp> temp(this->UnitQuaternion());
_Tp qw = temp.w;
_Tp qx = temp.x;
_Tp qy = temp.y;
_Tp qz = temp.z;
matrix[0] = 1.0f - 2.0f*qy*qy - 2.0f*qz*qz;
matrix[1] = 2.0f*qx*qy - 2.0f*qz*qw;
matrix[2] = 2.0f*qx*qz + 2.0f*qy*qw;
matrix[3] = 0;
matrix[4] = 2.0f*qx*qy + 2.0f*qz*qw;
matrix[5] = 1.0f - 2.0f*qx*qx - 2.0f*qz*qz;
matrix[6] = 2.0f*qy*qz - 2.0f*qx*qw;
matrix[7] = 0;
matrix[8] = 2.0f*qx*qz - 2.0f*qy*qw;
matrix[9] = 2.0f*qy*qz + 2.0f*qx*qw;
matrix[10] = 1.0f - 2.0f*qx*qx - 2.0f*qy*qy;
matrix[11] = 0;
matrix[12] = 0;
matrix[13] = 0;
matrix[14] = 0;
matrix[15] = 1;
Using glMultMatrix the cube rotates.
glRotatef(qRot.x, 1., 0, 0);
glRotatef(qRot.y, 0, 1., 0);
glRotatef(qRot.z, 0, 0, 1.);
That's not how you apply a quaternion rotation to the GL state. You have to convert it to a matrix following the formula from here and then call glMultMatrix or glMultTransposeMatrix. After that approach number #3 will work as expected.
Code that converts any non-zero quaternion to a matrix, from Stannum libs:
template<class T>
mat<T,3,3> mat_rotation(const quat<T> &x)
T s = 2/norm2(x); // cheap renormalization even of non-unit quaternions
T wx = x.w*x.x, wy = x.w*x.y, wz = x.w*x.z;
T xx = x.x*x.x, xy = x.x*x.y, xz = x.x*x.z;
T yy = x.y*x.y, yz = x.y*x.z;
T zz = x.z*x.z;
return mat<T,3,3>(
1 - s*(yy+zz), s*(xy-wz), s*(xz+wy),
s*(xy+wz), 1 - s*(xx+zz), s*(yz-wx),
s*(xz-wy), s*(yz+wx), 1 - s*(xx+yy)

get mouse in world coordinates with 2 gluUnproject calls to create ray

I try to use what many people seem to find a good way, I call gluUnproject 2 times with different z-values and then try to calculate the direction vector for the ray from these 2 vectors.
I read this question and tried to use the structure there for my own code:
glGetFloat(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelBuffer);
glGetFloat(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projBuffer);
glGetInteger(GL_VIEWPORT, viewBuffer);
gluUnProject(mouseX, mouseY, 0.0f, modelBuffer, projBuffer, viewBuffer, startBuffer);
gluUnProject(mouseX, mouseY, 1.0f, modelBuffer, projBuffer, viewBuffer, endBuffer);
start = vecmath.vector(startBuffer.get(0), startBuffer.get(1), startBuffer.get(2));
end = vecmath.vector(endBuffer.get(0), endBuffer.get(1), endBuffer.get(2));
direction = vecmath.vector(end.x()-start.x(), end.y()-start.y(), end.z()-start.z());
But this only returns the Homogeneous Clip Coordinates (I believe), since they only range from -1 to 1 on every axis.
How to actually get coordinates from which I can create a ray?
EDIT: This is how I construct the matrices:
Matrix projectionMatrix = vecmath.perspectiveMatrix(60f, aspect, 0.1f,
//The matrix of the camera = viewMatrix
setTransformation(vecmath.lookatMatrix(eye, center, up));
//And every object sets a ModelMatrix in it's display method
Matrix modelMatrix = parentMatrix.mult(vecmath
modelMatrix = modelMatrix.mult(vecmath.rotationMatrix(1, 0, 1, angle));
This is how the function looks right now:
private void calcMouseInWorldPosition(float mouseX, float mouseY, Matrix proj, Matrix view) {
Vector start = vecmath.vector(0, 0, 0);
Vector end = vecmath.vector(0, 0, 0);
FloatBuffer modelBuffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(16);
FloatBuffer projBuffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(16);
FloatBuffer startBuffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(16);
FloatBuffer endBuffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(16);
IntBuffer viewBuffer = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(16);
//The two calls for projection and modelView matrix are disabled here,
as I use my own matrices in this case
// glGetFloat(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelBuffer);
// glGetFloat(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projBuffer);
glGetInteger(GL_VIEWPORT, viewBuffer);
//I know this is really ugly and bad, but I know that the height and width is always 600
// and this is just for testing purposes
mouseY = 600 - mouseY;
gluUnProject(mouseX, mouseY, 0.0f, modelBuffer, projBuffer, viewBuffer, startBuffer);
gluUnProject(mouseX, mouseY, 1.0f, modelBuffer, projBuffer, viewBuffer, endBuffer);
start = vecmath.vector(startBuffer.get(0), startBuffer.get(1), startBuffer.get(2));
end = vecmath.vector(endBuffer.get(0), endBuffer.get(1), endBuffer.get(2));
direction = vecmath.vector(end.x()-start.x(), end.y()-start.y(), end.z()-start.z());
I'm trying to use my own projection and view matrix, but this only seems to give weirder results.
With the GlGet... stuff I get this for a click in the upper right corner:
start: (0.97333336, -0.98, -1.0)
end: (0.97333336, -0.98, 1.0)
When I use my own stuff I get this for the same position:
start: (-2.4399707, -0.55425626, -14.202201)
end: (-2.4399707, -0.55425626, -16.198204)
Now I actually need a modelView matrix instead of just the view matrix, but I don't know how I am supposed to get it, since it is altered and created anew in every display call of every object.
But is this really the problem? In this tutorial he says "Normally, to get into clip space from eye space we multiply the vector by a projection matrix. We can go backwards by multiplying by the inverse of this matrix." and in the next step he multiplies again by the inverse of the view matrix, so I thought this is what I should actually do?
Here I tried what user42813 suggested:
Matrix view = cam.getTransformation();
view = view.invertRigid();
mouseY = height - mouseY - 1;
//Here I only these values, because the Z and W values would be 0
//following your suggestion, so no use adding them here
float tempX = view.get(0, 0) * mouseX + view.get(1, 0) * mouseY;
float tempY = view.get(0, 1) * mouseX + view.get(1, 1) * mouseY;
float tempZ = view.get(0, 2) * mouseX + view.get(1, 2) * mouseY;
origin = vecmath.vector(tempX, tempY, tempZ);
direction = cam.getDirection();
But now the direction and origin values are always the same:
origin: (-0.04557252, -0.0020000197, -0.9989586)
direction: (-0.04557252, -0.0020000197, -0.9989586)
Ok I finally managed to work this out, maybe this will help someone.
I found some formula for this and did this with the coordinates that I was getting, which ranged from -1 to 1:
float tempX = (float) (start.x() * 0.1f * Math.tan(Math.PI * 60f / 360));
float tempY = (float) (start.y() * 0.1f * Math.tan(Math.PI * 60f / 360) * height / width);
float tempZ = -0.1f;
direction = vecmath.vector(tempX, tempY, tempZ); //create new vector with these x,y,z
direction = view.transformDirection(direction);
//multiply this new vector with the INVERSED viewMatrix
origin = view.getPosition(); //set the origin to the position values of the matrix (the right column)
I dont really use deprecated opengl but i would share my thought,
First it would be helpfull if you show us how you build your View matrix,
Second the View matrix you have is in the local space of the camera,
now typically you would multiply your mouseX and (ScreenHeight - mouseY - 1) by the View matrix (i think the inverse of that matrix sorry, not sure!) then you will have the mouse coordinates in camera space, then you will add the Forward vector to that vector created by the mouse, then you will have it, it would look something like that:
float mouseCoord[] = { mouseX, screen_heihgt - mouseY - 1, 0, 0 }; /* 0, 0 because we multipling by a matrix 4.*/
mouseCoord = multiply( ViewMatrix /*Or: inverse(ViewMatrix)*/, mouseCoord );
float ray[] = add( mouseCoord, forwardVector );

OpenGL - Frustum not culling polygons beyond far plane

I have implemented frustum culling and am checking the bounding box for its intersection with the frustum planes. I added the ability to pause frustum updates which lets me see if the frustum culling has been working correctly. When I turn around after I have paused it, nothing renders behind me and to the left and right side, they taper off as well just as you would expect. Beyond the clip distance (far plane), they still render and I am not sure whether it is a problem with my frustum updating or bounding box checking code or I am using the wrong matrix or what. As I put the distance in the projection matrix at 3000.0f, it still says that bounding boxes well past that are still in the frustum, which isn't the case.
Here is where I create my modelview matrix:
projectionMatrix = glm::perspective(newFOV, 4.0f / 3.0f, 0.1f, 3000.0f);
viewMatrix = glm::mat4(1.0);
viewMatrix = glm::scale(viewMatrix, glm::vec3(1.0, 1.0, -1.0));
viewMatrix = glm::rotate(viewMatrix, anglePitch, glm::vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
viewMatrix = glm::rotate(viewMatrix, angleYaw, glm::vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
viewMatrix = glm::translate(viewMatrix, glm::vec3(-x, -y, -z));
modelViewProjectiomMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix;
The reason I scale it by -1 in the Z direction is because the levels were designed to be rendered with DirectX so I reverse the Z direction.
Here is where I update my frustum:
void CFrustum::calculateFrustum()
glm::mat4 mat = camera.getModelViewProjectionMatrix();
// Calculate the LEFT side
m_Frustum[LEFT][A] = (mat[0][3]) + (mat[0][0]);
m_Frustum[LEFT][B] = (mat[1][3]) + (mat[1][0]);
m_Frustum[LEFT][C] = (mat[2][3]) + (mat[2][0]);
m_Frustum[LEFT][D] = (mat[3][3]) + (mat[3][0]);
// Calculate the RIGHT side
m_Frustum[RIGHT][A] = (mat[0][3]) - (mat[0][0]);
m_Frustum[RIGHT][B] = (mat[1][3]) - (mat[1][0]);
m_Frustum[RIGHT][C] = (mat[2][3]) - (mat[2][0]);
m_Frustum[RIGHT][D] = (mat[3][3]) - (mat[3][0]);
// Calculate the TOP side
m_Frustum[TOP][A] = (mat[0][3]) - (mat[0][1]);
m_Frustum[TOP][B] = (mat[1][3]) - (mat[1][1]);
m_Frustum[TOP][C] = (mat[2][3]) - (mat[2][1]);
m_Frustum[TOP][D] = (mat[3][3]) - (mat[3][1]);
// Calculate the BOTTOM side
m_Frustum[BOTTOM][A] = (mat[0][3]) + (mat[0][1]);
m_Frustum[BOTTOM][B] = (mat[1][3]) + (mat[1][1]);
m_Frustum[BOTTOM][C] = (mat[2][3]) + (mat[2][1]);
m_Frustum[BOTTOM][D] = (mat[3][3]) + (mat[3][1]);
// Calculate the FRONT side
m_Frustum[FRONT][A] = (mat[0][3]) + (mat[0][2]);
m_Frustum[FRONT][B] = (mat[1][3]) + (mat[1][2]);
m_Frustum[FRONT][C] = (mat[2][3]) + (mat[2][2]);
m_Frustum[FRONT][D] = (mat[3][3]) + (mat[3][2]);
// Calculate the BACK side
m_Frustum[BACK][A] = (mat[0][3]) - (mat[0][2]);
m_Frustum[BACK][B] = (mat[1][3]) - (mat[1][2]);
m_Frustum[BACK][C] = (mat[2][3]) - (mat[2][2]);
m_Frustum[BACK][D] = (mat[3][3]) - (mat[3][2]);
// Normalize all the sides
NormalizePlane(m_Frustum, LEFT);
NormalizePlane(m_Frustum, RIGHT);
NormalizePlane(m_Frustum, TOP);
NormalizePlane(m_Frustum, BOTTOM);
NormalizePlane(m_Frustum, FRONT);
NormalizePlane(m_Frustum, BACK);
And finally, where I check the bounding box:
bool CFrustum::BoxInFrustum( float x, float y, float z, float x2, float y2, float z2)
// Go through all of the corners of the box and check then again each plane
// in the frustum. If all of them are behind one of the planes, then it most
// like is not in the frustum.
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
if(m_Frustum[i][A] * x + m_Frustum[i][B] * y + m_Frustum[i][C] * z + m_Frustum[i][D] > 0) continue;
if(m_Frustum[i][A] * x2 + m_Frustum[i][B] * y + m_Frustum[i][C] * z + m_Frustum[i][D] > 0) continue;
if(m_Frustum[i][A] * x + m_Frustum[i][B] * y2 + m_Frustum[i][C] * z + m_Frustum[i][D] > 0) continue;
if(m_Frustum[i][A] * x2 + m_Frustum[i][B] * y2 + m_Frustum[i][C] * z + m_Frustum[i][D] > 0) continue;
if(m_Frustum[i][A] * x + m_Frustum[i][B] * y + m_Frustum[i][C] * z2 + m_Frustum[i][D] > 0) continue;
if(m_Frustum[i][A] * x2 + m_Frustum[i][B] * y + m_Frustum[i][C] * z2 + m_Frustum[i][D] > 0) continue;
if(m_Frustum[i][A] * x + m_Frustum[i][B] * y2 + m_Frustum[i][C] * z2 + m_Frustum[i][D] > 0) continue;
if(m_Frustum[i][A] * x2 + m_Frustum[i][B] * y2 + m_Frustum[i][C] * z2 + m_Frustum[i][D] > 0) continue;
// If we get here, it isn't in the frustum
return false;
// Return a true for the box being inside of the frustum
return true;
I've noticed a few things, particularly with how you set up the projection matrix. For starters, gluProject doesn't return a value, unless you're using some kind of wrapper or weird api. gluLookAt is used more often.
Next, assuming the scale, rotate, and translate functions are intended to change the modelview matrix, you need to reverse their order. OpenGL doesn't actually move objects around; instead it effectively moves the origin around, and renders each object using the new definition of <0,0,0>. Thus you 'move' to where you want it to render, then you rotate the axes as needed, then you stretch out the grid.
As for the clipping problem, you may want to give glClipPlane() a good look over. If everything else mostly works, but there seems to be some rounding error, try changing the near clipping plane in your perspective(,,,) function from 0.1 to 1.0 (smaller values tend to mess with the z-buffer).
I see a lot of unfamiliar syntax, so I think you're using some kind of wrapper; but here are some (Qt) code fragments from my own GL project that I use. Might help, dunno:
//This gets called during resize, as well as once during initialization
void GLWidget::resizeGL(int width, int height) {
int side = qMin(width, height);
padX = (width-side)/2.0;
padY = (height-side)/2.0;
glViewport(padX, padY, side, side);
gluPerspective(60.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2400.0);
//This fragment gets called at the top of every paint event:
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, FV0001);
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, drawMode);
//And this fragment represents a typical draw event
void GLWidget::drawFleet(tFleet* tIn) {
if (tIn->firstShip != 0){
glTranslatef(tIn->Pos[0], tIn->Pos[1], tIn->Pos[2]);
glRotatef(tIn->Yaw, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
I'm working on the assumption that you're newish to GL, so my apologies if I come off as a little pedantic.
I had the same problem.
Given Vinny Rose's answer, I checked the function that creates a normalized plane, and found an error.
This is the corrected version, with the incorrect calculation commented out:
plane plane_normalized(float A, float B, float C, float D) {
// Wrong, this is not a 4D vector
// float nf = 1.0f / sqrtf(A * A + B * B + C * C + D * D);
// Correct
float nf = 1.0f / sqrtf(A * A + B * B + C * C);
return (plane) {{
nf * A,
nf * B,
nf * C,
nf * D
My guess is that your NormalizePlane function does something similar.
The point of normalizing is to have a plane in Hessian normal form so that we can do easy half-space tests. If you normalize the plane as you would a four-dimensional vector, the normal direction [A, B, C] is still correct but the offset D is not.
I think you'd get correct results when testing points against the top, bottom, left and right planes because they pass through the origin, and the near plane might be close enough to not notice. (Bounding sphere tests would fail.)
The frustum cull worked as expected for me when I restored the correct normalization.
Here's what I think is happening: The far plane is getting defined correctly but in my testing the D value of that plane is coming out much too small. So objects are getting accepted as being on the correct side of the far plane because the math is forcing the far plane to actually be much farther away than you want.
Try a different approach: (
float tang = tanf(fov * PI / 360.0f);
float nh = near * tang; // near height
float nw = nh * aspect; // near width
float fh = far * tang; // far height
float fw = fh * aspect; // far width
glm::vec3 p,nc,fc,X,Y,Z,Xnw,Ynh;
//camera position
p = glm::vec3(viewMatrix[3][0],viewMatrix[3][1],viewMatrix[3][2]);
// the left vector
glm::vec3 X = glm::vec3(viewMatrix[0][0], viewMatrix[1][0], viewMatrix[2][0]);
// the up vector
glm::vec3 Y = glm::vec3(viewMatrix[0][1], viewMatrix[1][1], viewMatrix[2][1]);
// the look vector
glm::vec3 Z = glm::vec3(viewMatrix[0][2], viewMatrix[1][2], viewMatrix[2][2]);
nc = p - Z * near; // center of the near plane
fc = p - Z * far; // center of the far plane
// the distance to get to the left or right edge of the near plane from nc
Xnw = X * nw;
// the distance to get to top or bottom of the near plane from nc
Ynh = Y * nh;
// the distance to get to the left or right edge of the far plane from fc
Xfw = X * fw;
// the distance to get to top or bottom of the far plane from fc
Yfh = Y * fh;
ntl = nc + Ynh - Xnw; // "near top left"
ntr = nc + Ynh + Xnw; // "near top right" and so on
nbl = nc - Ynh - Xnw;
nbr = nc - Ynh + Xnw;
ftl = fc + Yfh - Xfw;
ftr = fc + Yfh + Xfw;
fbl = fc - Yfh - Xfw;
fbr = fc - Yfh + Xfw;
m_Frustum[TOP] = planeWithPoints(ntr,ntl,ftl);
m_Frustum[BOTTOM] = planeWithPoints(nbl,nbr,fbr);
m_Frustum[LEFT] = planeWithPoints(ntl,nbl,fbl);
m_Frustum[RIGHT] = planeWithPoints(nbr,ntr,fbr);
m_Frustum[FRONT] = planeWithPoints(ntl,ntr,nbr);
m_Frustum[BACK] = planeWithPoints(ftr,ftl,fbl);
// Normalize all the sides
NormalizePlane(m_Frustum, LEFT);
NormalizePlane(m_Frustum, RIGHT);
NormalizePlane(m_Frustum, TOP);
NormalizePlane(m_Frustum, BOTTOM);
NormalizePlane(m_Frustum, FRONT);
NormalizePlane(m_Frustum, BACK);
Then planeWithPoints would be something like:
planeWithPoints(glm::vec3 a, glm::vec3 b, glm::vec3 c){
double A = a.y * (b.z - c.z) + b.y * (c.z - a.z) + c.y * (a.z - b.z);
double B = a.z * (b.x - c.x) + b.z * (c.x - a.x) + c.z * (a.x - b.x);
double C = a.x * (b.y - c.y) + b.x * (c.y - a.y) + c.x * (a.y - b.y);
double D = -(a.x * (b.y * c.z - c.y * b.z) + b.x * (c.y * a.z - a.y * c.z) + c.x * (a.y * b.z - b.y * a.z));
return glm::vec4(A,B,C,D);
I didn't test any of the above. But the original reference is there if you need it.
Previous Answer:
OpenGL and GLSL matrices are stored and accessed in column-major order when the matrix is represented by a 2D array. This is also true with GLM as they follow the GLSL standards.
You need to change your frustum creation to the following.
// Calculate the LEFT side (column1 + column4)
m_Frustum[LEFT][A] = (mat[3][0]) + (mat[0][0]);
m_Frustum[LEFT][B] = (mat[3][1]) + (mat[0][1]);
m_Frustum[LEFT][C] = (mat[3][2]) + (mat[0][2]);
m_Frustum[LEFT][D] = (mat[3][3]) + (mat[0][3]);
// Calculate the RIGHT side (-column1 + column4)
m_Frustum[RIGHT][A] = (mat[3][0]) - (mat[0][0]);
m_Frustum[RIGHT][B] = (mat[3][1]) - (mat[0][1]);
m_Frustum[RIGHT][C] = (mat[3][2]) - (mat[0][2]);
m_Frustum[RIGHT][D] = (mat[3][3]) - (mat[0][3]);
// Calculate the TOP side (-column2 + column4)
m_Frustum[TOP][A] = (mat[3][0]) - (mat[1][0]);
m_Frustum[TOP][B] = (mat[3][1]) - (mat[1][1]);
m_Frustum[TOP][C] = (mat[3][2]) - (mat[1][2]);
m_Frustum[TOP][D] = (mat[3][3]) - (mat[1][3]);
// Calculate the BOTTOM side (column2 + column4)
m_Frustum[BOTTOM][A] = (mat[3][0]) + (mat[1][0]);
m_Frustum[BOTTOM][B] = (mat[3][1]) + (mat[1][1]);
m_Frustum[BOTTOM][C] = (mat[3][2]) + (mat[1][2]);
m_Frustum[BOTTOM][D] = (mat[3][3]) + (mat[1][3]);
// Calculate the FRONT side (column3 + column4)
m_Frustum[FRONT][A] = (mat[3][0]) + (mat[2][0]);
m_Frustum[FRONT][B] = (mat[3][1]) + (mat[2][1]);
m_Frustum[FRONT][C] = (mat[3][2]) + (mat[2][2]);
m_Frustum[FRONT][D] = (mat[3][3]) + (mat[2][3]);
// Calculate the BACK side (-column3 + column4)
m_Frustum[BACK][A] = (mat[3][0]) - (mat[2][0]);
m_Frustum[BACK][B] = (mat[3][1]) - (mat[2][1]);
m_Frustum[BACK][C] = (mat[3][2]) - (mat[2][2]);
m_Frustum[BACK][D] = (mat[3][3]) - (mat[2][3]);

Howto convert transformed coordinates to world coordinates in OpenGL?

I have a transformation set up in Opengl like this:
glTranslated(pntPos.X(), pntPos.Y(), pntPos.Z());
glRotated(dx, 1, 0, 0);
glRotated(dy, 0, 1, 0);
glRotated(dz, 0, 0, 1);
//I use this to Render a freely placeable textbox in 3d
//space which is based on the FTGL-Toolkit [1] (for TTF support).
m_FTLayout.Render(m_wcCaption, m_iCaptionSize);
This works as expected.
However, i would like to calculate the 3d-Boundingbox wich bounds my text in word space. I know the coordinates of this bounding-box relative to my GL-Transformation.
But i have a hard time calculating their world coordinates from these.
Could you give me some insight on how to retrieve the respective World coordinates of the four vertexes in the bounding Box?
The simplest way is to ask the GL what its current modelview matrix is glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, m), and transform your bounding box vertices by the resulting matrix.
m[0] m[4] m[8] m[12] v[0]
m[1] m[5] m[9] m[13] v[1]
M(v) = m[2] m[6] m[10] m[14] X v[2]
m[3] m[7] m[11] m[15] v[3]
That will give you the view-space 4-D homogeneous position of your vertex.
Or, you could compute the modelview yourself, based on the math that is available in the man pages of glTranslated and glRotated