Convert REST content to comma seperated string - regex

I'm having some content in a REST API that I would like to convert into a simple comma-separated string - it looks as so:
"2299": 2299,
"2224": 2224,
"2135": 2135,
"2196": 2196,
"2200": 2200
and this is how I do that:
foreach (var product in titles)
TextBox1.Text = product["children"].ToString() + "<br/>";
This is ho I would like my output to look like:
I've tried some various REGEX with no further luck - I'm using c# by the way...
Any idears...?

By researching a few hours more on google I found the solution:
string c = product["children"].ToString();
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(c, "(?<=\")[\\w]+(?!=\")"))
string children = m.Value + ",";
This schript does the job for me... :)

Using JSON.NET, you could simply do
var dict = JToken.Parse(textFromYourQuestion).ToObject<Dictionary<string, int>>().Values;
var stringYouWant = string.Join(",", dict.Values);


Jest cell name won't recognise regex [duplicate]

I want to add a (variable) tag to values with regex, the pattern works fine with PHP but I have troubles implementing it into JavaScript.
The pattern is (value is the variable):
I escaped the backslashes:
var str = $("#div").html();
var regex = "/(?!(?:[^<]+>|[^>]+<\\/a>))\\b(" + value + ")\\b/is";
$("#div").html(str.replace(regex, "" + value + ""));
But this seem not to be right, I logged the pattern and its exactly what it should be.
Any ideas?
To create the regex from a string, you have to use JavaScript's RegExp object.
If you also want to match/replace more than one time, then you must add the g (global match) flag. Here's an example:
var stringToGoIntoTheRegex = "abc";
var regex = new RegExp("#" + stringToGoIntoTheRegex + "#", "g");
// at this point, the line above is the same as: var regex = /#abc#/g;
var input = "Hello this is #abc# some #abc# stuff.";
var output = input.replace(regex, "!!");
alert(output); // Hello this is !! some !! stuff.
JSFiddle demo here.
In the general case, escape the string before using as regex:
Not every string is a valid regex, though: there are some speciall characters, like ( or [. To work around this issue, simply escape the string before turning it into a regex. A utility function for that goes in the sample below:
function escapeRegExp(stringToGoIntoTheRegex) {
return stringToGoIntoTheRegex.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
var stringToGoIntoTheRegex = escapeRegExp("abc"); // this is the only change from above
var regex = new RegExp("#" + stringToGoIntoTheRegex + "#", "g");
// at this point, the line above is the same as: var regex = /#abc#/g;
var input = "Hello this is #abc# some #abc# stuff.";
var output = input.replace(regex, "!!");
alert(output); // Hello this is !! some !! stuff.
JSFiddle demo here.
Note: the regex in the question uses the s modifier, which didn't exist at the time of the question, but does exist -- a s (dotall) flag/modifier in JavaScript -- today.
If you are trying to use a variable value in the expression, you must use the RegExp "constructor".
var regex = "(?!(?:[^<]+>|[^>]+<\/a>))\b(" + value + ")\b";
new RegExp(regex, "is")
I found I had to double slash the \b to get it working. For example to remove "1x" words from a string using a variable, I needed to use:
str = "1x";
var regex = new RegExp("\\b"+str+"\\b","g"); // same as inv.replace(/\b1x\b/g, "")
inv=inv.replace(regex, "");
You don't need the " to define a regular expression so just:
var regex = /(?!(?:[^<]+>|[^>]+<\/a>))\b(value)\b/is; // this is valid syntax
If value is a variable and you want a dynamic regular expression then you can't use this notation; use the alternative notation.
String.replace also accepts strings as input, so you can do "fox".replace("fox", "bear");
var regex = new RegExp("/(?!(?:[^<]+>|[^>]+<\/a>))\b(value)\b/", "is");
var regex = new RegExp("/(?!(?:[^<]+>|[^>]+<\/a>))\b(" + value + ")\b/", "is");
var regex = new RegExp("/(?!(?:[^<]+>|[^>]+<\/a>))\b(.*?)\b/", "is");
Keep in mind that if value contains regular expressions characters like (, [ and ? you will need to escape them.
I found this thread useful - so I thought I would add the answer to my own problem.
I wanted to edit a database configuration file (datastax cassandra) from a node application in javascript and for one of the settings in the file I needed to match on a string and then replace the line following it.
This was my solution.
// a) find the searchString and grab all text on the following line to it
// b) replace all next line text with a newString supplied to function
// note - leaves searchString text untouched
function replaceStringNextLine(file, searchString, newString) {
fs.readFile(file, 'utf-8', function(err, data){
if (err) throw err;
// need to use double escape '\\' when putting regex in strings !
var re = "\\s+(\\-\\s(.*)?)(?:\\s|$)";
var myRegExp = new RegExp(searchString + re, "g");
var match = myRegExp.exec(data);
var replaceThis = match[1];
var writeString = data.replace(replaceThis, newString);
fs.writeFile(file, writeString, 'utf-8', function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(file + ' updated');
searchString = "data_file_directories:"
newString = "- /mnt/cassandra/data"
replaceStringNextLine(dse_cassandra_yaml, searchString, newString );
After running, it will change the existing data directory setting to the new one:
config file before:
- /var/lib/cassandra/data
config file after:
- /mnt/cassandra/data
Much easier way: use template literals.
var variable = 'foo'
var expression = `.*${variable}.*`
var re = new RegExp(expression, 'g')
re.test('fdjklsffoodjkslfd') // true
re.test('fdjklsfdjkslfd') // false
Using string variable(s) content as part of a more complex composed regex expression (es6|ts)
This example will replace all urls using to my-other-domain (both are variables).
You can do dynamic regexs by combining string values and other regex expressions within a raw string template. Using String.raw will prevent javascript from escaping any character within your string values.
// Strings with some data
const domainStr = ''
const newDomain = ''
// Make sure your string is regex friendly
// This will replace dots for '\'.
const regexUrl = /\./gm;
const substr = `\\\.`;
const domain = domainStr.replace(regexUrl, substr);
// domain is a regex friendly string: 'my-domain\.com'
console.log('Regex expresion for domain', domain)
// HERE!!! You can 'assemble a complex regex using string pieces.
const re = new RegExp( String.raw `([\'|\"]https:\/\/)(${domain})(\S+[\'|\"])`, 'gm');
// now I'll use the regex expression groups to replace the domain
const domainSubst = `$1${newDomain}$3`;
// const page contains all the html text
const result = page.replace(re, domainSubst);
note: Don't forget to use to create, test and export REGEX code.
var string = "Hi welcome to stack overflow"
var toSearch = "stack"
//case insensitive search
var result = RegExp(toSearch, "i")) > 0 ? 'Matched' : 'notMatched'
Hope this helps

Regex to find all Strings enclosed between two Strings in Dart

I'd like to find all occurrences of strings in a long string which are placed between a set of two specific strings.
For eg.
String s = "abcdText('hello')abcd efghText('world')";
The regex pattern of strings would be Text(' and next ' and the results should be the List of strings enclosed between the pattern. Hence the expected output should be:
[hello, world]
After some searches, I found this. This explains my use case but it is in PHP and only meant to find digits.
You can try this way :
String myString = "abcdText('hello')abcd efghText('world')";
RegExp exp = RegExp(r"\('(.*?)'\)");
List<String> _list =[];
for (var m in exp.allMatches(myString)) {
String myString = "abcdText('hello')abcd efghText('world')";
RegExp exp = RegExp(r"Text\('(.*?)'\)");
List<String> _list =[];
for (var m in exp.allMatches(myString)) {

Find Replace with RegEx failing for string ending in ? Google script

I have a script in Google sheets
I am trying to find and replace headers on a sheet from a table of values on a different sheet
It is mostly working as desired but the replace is not working for any string that ends in ?
I do not know in advance when a ? will be present
I am using this:
const regex = new RegExp("(?<![^|])(?:" + search_for.join("|") + ")(?![^|])", "g");
I have tried to figure out how to correct my Regex but not getting it
Thanks in advance for your assistance with this
I have in a sheet:
XYZ car
DDD foo?
Bob bar
I have for Headers on a different sheet:
XYZ car
DDD foo?
after running the replacement I want for headers:
Bob bar
what I get is:
DDD foo?
var data = range.getValues();
search_for.forEach(function(item, i) {
pair[item] = replace_with[i];
const regex = new RegExp("(?<![^|])(?:" + search_for.join("|") + ")(?![^|])", "g");
//Update Header row
//replace(/^\s+|\s+$|\s+(?=\s)/g, "") - Remove all multiple white-spaces and replaces with a single WS & trim
for(var m = 0; m<= data[0].length - 1; m++){
data[0][m] = data[0][m].replace(/^\s+|\s+$|\s+(?=\s)/g, "").replace(regex,(m) => pair[m])
A word of warning: what you're doing is scaring me a bit. I hope you know this is a brittle approach and it can go wrong.
You're not quoting the dynamic parts of the regex. The ? is a special character in regular expressions. I've written a solution to your problem below. Don't rely on my solution in production.
//var data = range.getValues();
var data = [
['Label', 'Id', 'ABC Joe', 'XYZ car', 'DDD foo?']
var search_for = [
'ABC Joe',
'XYZ car',
'DDD foo?'
var replace_with = [
'Bob bar'
var pair = {};
search_for.forEach(function(item, i) {
pair[item] = replace_with[i];
const regex = new RegExp("(?<![^|])(?:" + => quote(it)).join("|") + ")(?![^|])", "g");
for (var m = 0; m <= data[0].length - 1; m++) {
data[0][m] = data[0][m]
.replace(/^\s+|\s+$|\s+(?=\s)/g, "")
.replace(regex, (m) => pair[m]);
// see
function quote(s) {
var regexpSpecialChars = /([\[\]\^\$\|\(\)\\\+\*\?\{\}\=\!])/gi;
return s.replace(regexpSpecialChars, '\\$1');
Can you not do something really simple like escaping all non-alphanumeric characters which would work with the example data you gave above and this seems trustworthy
function quote(s) {
var regexpSpecialChars = /((?=\W))/gi;
return s.replace(regexpSpecialChars, '\\');

Regex for multiple strings including spaces

I need a regex for filtering out a query. For example, I get a query input as below.
state:CA AND country:US OR postalcode:8888
Here, I need to extract terms based on " AND ", " OR " (any case). Can someone please provide the regex with which I can extract terms like "state:CA", "country:US" etc?
I want to consider the spaces before and after the AND, OR as the other terms might contain "and", "or" as part of string.
Eg: state:OR AND country:US
I have tried something like this
With this, I could find the patterns " AND ", " OR ". But, how to make it case-insensitive?
What flavor or regex are you using ?
If the value in your key/pair values will always be comprised of one word only, this would do:
Test it here.
Since your values are comprised by more than one word only, I think you should be splitting the string into key/value pairs instead of using regexes.
Here's how you could do it in javascript:
var s = 'state:New York AND country:US OR postalcode:8888'
var dataBlocks = s.replace(/AND|and|And|OR|Or/g, '|').split('|')
for(var i = 0; i < dataBlocks.length; i++) dataBlocks[i] = dataBlocks[i].trim()
//your resulting array would like like
//Array [ "state:New York", "country:US", "postalcode:8888" ]
The same solution, in C#:
Regex r = new Regex(#"AND|and|And|OR|Or");
var s = "state:New York AND country:US OR postalcode:8888";
var keyValuePairs = r.Replace(s, "|").Split(new char[] { '|' }).Select(z =>
var keyValue = z.Trim().Split(new char[] { ':' });
return new KeyValuePair<string, string>(keyValue.FirstOrDefault(), keyValue.LastOrDefault());
foreach (var keyValuePair in keyValuePairs)
Console.WriteLine("Key: {0}\tValue:{1}", keyValuePair.Key, keyValuePair.Value);

Replace each RegExp match with different text in ActionScript 3

I'd like to know how to replace each match with a different text?
Let's say the source text is:
var strSource:String = "find it and replace what you find.";
..and we have a regex such as:
var re:RegExp = /\bfind\b/g;
Now, I need to replace each match with different text (for example):
var replacement:String = "replacement_" + increment.toString();
So the output would be something like:
output = "replacement_1 it and replace what you replacement_2";
Any help is appreciated..
You could also use a replacement function, something like this:
var increment : int = -1; // start at -1 so the first replacement will be 0
strSource.replace( /(\b_)(.*?_ID\b)/gim , function() {
return arguments[1] + "replacement_" + (increment++).toString();
} );
I came up with a solution finally..
Here it is, if anyone needs:
var re:RegExp = /(\b_)(.*?_ID\b)/gim;
var increment:int = 0;
var output:Object = re.exec(strSource);
while (output != null)
var replacement:String = output[1] + "replacement_" + increment.toString();
strSource = strSource.substring(0, output.index) + replacement + strSource.substring(re.lastIndex, strSource.length);
output = re.exec(strSource);
Thanks anyway...
leave off the g (global) flag and repeat the search with the appropriate replace string. Loop until the search fails
Not sure about actionscript, but in many other regex implementations you can usually pass a callback function that will execute logic for each match and replace.