How do I cast a pointer to a Qt4 form - casting

I have Qt4 from(WorkersList) required by other forms to pass back some values, those forms will call WorkersList, and then WorkersList will pass back values depend on the form that make the call. In order to pass back values from WorkersList to the caller, I have to implement a method for each of those forms like this:
pseudo code:
class WorkersList : public QDialog
explicit WorkersList(QWidget *parent = 0);
void getWorkersList();
void setWorkerForm(Ui::WorkerMod *workerMod); // The method to pass back to the caller 1
void setWorkerForm2(Ui::WorkerDel *workerDel); // The method to pass back to the caller 2
void setSuspendForm(Ui::WorkerSuspend *worker); // The method to pass back to the caller 3
void setResumeForm(Ui::WorkerResume *worker); // The method to pass back to the caller 4
Ui::WorkersList *ui;
Ui::WorkerMod *workerForm;
Ui::WorkerDel *workerForm2;
Ui::WorkerSuspend *workerSuspendForm;
Ui::WorkerResume *workerResumeForm;
QStringList infoWorker;
Is there a way that make I have only to implement one method, pass the caller as an argument, and from the method I made the cast to the caller like this:
class WorkersList : public QDialog
explicit WorkersList(QWidget *parent = 0);
void getWorkersList();
void setForm(void *from, int caller);
Ui::WorkersList *ui;
Ui::WorkerMod *workerForm;
Ui::WorkerDel *workerForm2;
Ui::WorkerSuspend *workerSuspendForm;
Ui::WorkerResume *workerResumeForm;
QStringList infoWorker;
void WorkersList::setForm(void *form, int caller)
if(caller == 0)
workerForm = (Ui::WorkerMod *)form;
else if(caller == 1)
workerForm2 = (Ui::WorkerDel *)form;
else if(caller == 2)
workerSuspendForm = (Ui::WorkerSuspend *)form;
else if(caller == 3)
workerResumeForm = (Ui::WorkerResume *)form;
I tried this:
void WorkersList::setForm(QObject *obj, int form)
if(form == 0)
this->workerAbsenceForm = qobject_cast<Ui::AbsenceAdd *>(obj);
if(form == 1)
this->workerAbsenceForm3 = qobject_cast<Ui::AbsenceMod >(obj);
The Compiler produces this errors:
/usr/local/include/qt4/QtCore/qobject.h: In function 'T qobject_cast(QObject*) [with T = Ui::AbsenceAdd*]':
workerslist.cpp:259: instantiated from here
/usr/local/include/qt4/QtCore/qobject.h:378: error: 'class Ui::AbsenceAdd' has no member named 'qt_check_for_QOBJECT_macro'
/usr/local/include/qt4/QtCore/qobject.h:380: error: 'class Ui::AbsenceAdd' has no member named 'staticMetaObject'
And the other hint I tried:
void WorkersList::setForm(void *obj, int form)
if(form == 0)
this->workerAbsenceForm = (Ui::AbsenceAdd *)obj;
if(form == 1)
this->workerAbsenceForm3 = (Ui::AbsenceMod *)obj;
It does compile, but the GUI never showed up.

If all these forms inherit QWidget you can use meta-object information of the argument passed to the setForm() method.
void WorkerList::setForm(QWidget* form)
if (!form)
const QString name = form->metaObject()->className();
if (QString::fromUtf8("WorkerMod") == name)
workerForm = qobject_cast<WorkerMod*>(form);


How to Pass data between 2 Dialogs in QT?

I need to pass an Array from one Dialog to another in Qt.
I have 6 Lineedits from which I collect numbers to store in my Array.
I want to transfer USERZAHLEN[] from SecDialog to ThirdDialog.
I've tried many solutions but none of them seem to work.
void SecDialog::on_pushButton_clicked()
int Zahl1 = ui->lineEdit_Zahl1->text().toInt();
int Zahl2 = ui->lineEdit_Zahl2->text().toInt();
int Zahl3 = ui->lineEdit_Zahl3->text().toInt();
int Zahl4 = ui->lineEdit_Zahl4->text().toInt();
int Zahl5 = ui->lineEdit_Zahl5->text().toInt();
int Zahl6 = ui->lineEdit_Zahl6->text().toInt();
int Userzahlen[] = {Zahl1, Zahl2, Zahl3, Zahl4, Zahl5, Zahl6};
thirddialog = new ThirdDialog(this);
namespace Ui {
class SecDialog;
class SecDialog : public QDialog
int Zahl1, Zahl2, Zahl3, Zahl4, Zahl5, Zahl6;
explicit SecDialog(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
private slots:
void on_pushButton_clicked();
Ui::SecDialog *ui;
ThirdDialog *thirddialog;
#endif // SECDIALOG_H
I'm mainly using Qt-Creator.

Qt ListView doesn't show C++ model content

I'm creating a QList<> in C++ using a QML ListView to display it. The application runs without errors but the ListView stubbornly remains empty.
The QML will show a rectangle for the presence of each list item.
I checked the UI code by creating a list in QML.
It displays correctly for the QML created list.
Here's my QML:
import Processes 1.0
ListView {
id: qInterfaceList
height: parent.height;
width: parent.width;
model: myModel
orientation: ListView.Vertical
Rectangle {
height: 30;
width: 120;
border.color: "red"
border.width: 3
The C++ code that creates and registers the list object:
// Register C++ classes as a QML type named Processes (version 1.0)
qmlRegisterType<Process>("Processes", 1, 0, "Process");
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
// read the configuration file
Config conf;
if ( )
QQmlContext* ctxt = engine.rootContext();
if ( ctxt )
<< "--- conf.Interfaces: "
<< conf.Interfaces.length()
ConfigInterface c;
QVariant v = QVariant::fromValue( conf.Interfaces );
<< "--- ConfigInterface: "
<< v
<< "--- typeName: "
<< v.typeName()
ctxt->setContextProperty("myModel", QVariant::fromValue( conf.Interfaces ));
if (engine.rootObjects().isEmpty())
return -1;
return app.exec();
To debug I output information about list from C++ and QML:
In C++ the count of list items is correct.
In C++ the conversion to QVariant is working.
In QML it sees the defined list.
The debugging output:
Debugging starts
--- conf.Interfaces: 65
--- ConfigInterface: QVariant(QList<ConfigInterface*>, ) --- typeName: QList<ConfigInterface*>
qml: myModel: QVariant(QList<ConfigInterface*>)
Debugging has finished
Any ideas what's wrong or how to debug this?
EDIT: Here's the class being used as a list item
Class declaration:
class ConfigInterface : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QString sql READ getTag WRITE setTag NOTIFY tagChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString description READ getDescription WRITE setDescription NOTIFY descriptionChanged)
/*explicit*/ ConfigInterface();
/*explicit*/ ConfigInterface(QObject *parent);
// Copy constructor needed because these are copied when added to a QList
ConfigInterface(const ConfigInterface &p2) {_tag = p2._tag; _description = p2._description; }
QString getDescription() const;
void setDescription(QString&);
QString getTag() const;
void setTag(QString&);
void tagChanged(QString);
void descriptionChanged(QString);
QString _tag;
QString _description;
QString QueryTemplate;
QString ConnectString;
QString MinimumId;
C++ code:
: QObject( nullptr )
ConfigInterface::ConfigInterface(QObject* parent)
: QObject(parent)
QString ConfigInterface::getTag() const
return _tag;
void ConfigInterface::setTag(QString& str)
_tag = str;
emit tagChanged(_tag);
The main problem is caused because it has a list of ConfigInterface *, according to the examples provided in the documentation should be a list of QObject *:
class Config{
QList<QObject *> Interfaces;
In addition to this you should get the following warning:
/..../configinterface.h:17: warning: base class ‘class QObject’ should be explicitly initialized in the copy constructor [-Wextra]
ConfigInterface(const ConfigInterface &p2) {_tag = p2._tag; _description = p2._description; }
This is caused because QObject and its derived classes must not have a copy constructor or assignment operator, For more information read the following:
Another improvement is that both constructors can be united in only one, in the end their class could have the following structure:
#include <QObject>
class ConfigInterface : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QString sql READ getTag WRITE setTag NOTIFY tagChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString description READ getDescription WRITE setDescription NOTIFY descriptionChanged)
ConfigInterface(QObject *parent=Q_NULLPTR);
QString getTag() const;
void setTag(const QString &tag);
QString getDescription() const;
void setDescription(const QString &description);
void tagChanged(QString);
void descriptionChanged(QString);
QString _tag;
QString _description;
QString QueryTemplate;
QString ConnectString;
QString MinimumId;
#include "configinterface.h"
ConfigInterface::ConfigInterface(QObject* parent)
: QObject(parent)
QString ConfigInterface::getDescription() const
return _description;
void ConfigInterface::setDescription(const QString &description)
if(_description == description)
emit descriptionChanged(description);
_description = description;
QString ConfigInterface::getTag() const
return _tag;
void ConfigInterface::setTag(const QString &tag)
if(tag == _tag)
emit tagChanged(tag);
_tag = tag;

Undo stack remains empty in Qt

I am trying to undo/redo in multi document interface. I have different entities. Each entity has its own class. I have used UndoGroup but when I unable to push them to undoStack dont know whats's wrong there. Can anyone help me to solve the issue.
undoStack = new QUndoStack(this);
QUndoStack *CadGraphicsView::m_undoStack() const
return undoStack;
void CadGraphicsView::showUndoStack()
undoView = 0;
// shows the undoStack window
if (undoView == 0)
undoView = new QUndoView(undoStack);
undoView->setWindowTitle("Undo Stack");
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent)
m_undoGroup = new QUndoGroup(this);
QAction *undoAction = m_undoGroup->createUndoAction(this);
QAction *redoAction = m_undoGroup->createRedoAction(this);
menuEdit->insertAction(menuEdit->actions().at(1), undoAction);
menuEdit->insertAction(undoAction, redoAction);
void MainWindow::updateActions()
CadGraphicsView *view = currentDocument();
m_undoGroup->setActiveStack(view == 0 ? 0 : view->m_undoStack());
void MainWindow::addDocument(CadGraphicsView *view)
connect(view->m_undoStack(), SIGNAL(indexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateActions()));
connect(view->m_undoStack(), SIGNAL(cleanChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(updateActions()));
void MainWindow::setCurrentDocument(CadGraphicsView *view)
CadGraphicsView *MainWindow::currentDocument() const
return qobject_cast<CadGraphicsView *>(mdiArea->parentWidget());
I am confused with why I am not able to push entities to undoStack. Please help me to solve this issue
I think the problem is in these two functions (see the inline comments):
void MainWindow::setCurrentDocument(CadGraphicsView *view)
// The view argument is not used at all. You do not set anything here.
CadGraphicsView *MainWindow::currentDocument() const
// mdiArea->parentWidget() returns the MainWindow, so this function
// always returns 0.
return qobject_cast<CadGraphicsView *>(mdiArea->parentWidget());
// You should write it as
// return qobject_cast<CadGraphicsView *>(mdiArea->activeSubWindow()->widget());

OOP Game Menu System Development Conceptualising

I'm trying to write an OO menu system for a game, loosely based on the idea of a Model,View,Controller. In my app so far I've named the views "renderers" and the models are without a suffix. I created a generic menu class which stores the items of a menu, which are menu_item objects, and there is also a menu renderer class which creates renderers for each item and renders them. The problem is I'm not sure where to store the data and logic to do with where on the screen each item should be positioned, and how to check if it is being hovered over, etc. My original idea was to store and set a selected property on each menu item, which could be rendered differently by different views, but even then how to I deal with positioning the graphical elements that make up the button?
Code excerpts so far follow: (more code at
* Abstract menu model
* Menus have many items and have properties such as a title
class menu {
std::string _title;
std::vector<menu_item*> _items;
std::string get_title();
void set_title(std::string);
std::vector<menu_item*> get_items();
class menu_controller: public controller {
menu* _menu;
virtual void update();
class menu_item {
std::string _title;
menu_item(std::string title);
virtual ~menu_item();
std::string get_title();
class menu_renderer: public renderer {
menu* _menu;
bitmap _background_bitmap;
static font _title_font;
std::map<menu_item*, menu_item_renderer*> _item_renderers;
virtual void render();
font menu_renderer::_title_font = NULL;
menu_renderer::menu_renderer(menu* menu) {
_menu = menu;
_background_bitmap = ::load_bitmap("blackjack_menu_bg.jpg");
if (!_title_font)
_title_font = ::load_font("maven_pro_regular.ttf",48);
void menu_renderer::render() {
::draw_bitmap(_background_bitmap, 0, 0);
/* Draw the menu title */
const char* title = _menu->get_title().c_str();
int title_width = ::text_width(_title_font, title);
::draw_text(title, color_white, _title_font, screen_width() - title_width - 20, 20);
/* Render each menu item */
std::vector<menu_item*> items = _menu->get_items();
for (std::vector<menu_item*>::iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) {
menu_item* item = *it;
if (!_item_renderers.count(item))
_item_renderers[item] = new menu_item_renderer(item, it - items.begin());
class menu_item_renderer: public renderer {
unsigned _order;
menu_item* _item;
static font _title_font;
menu_item_renderer(menu_item*, unsigned);
virtual ~menu_item_renderer();
virtual void render();
font menu_item_renderer::_title_font = NULL;
menu_item_renderer::menu_item_renderer(menu_item* item, unsigned order) {
_item = item;
_order = order;
if (!_title_font)
_title_font = ::load_font("maven_pro_regular.ttf",24);
menu_item_renderer::~menu_item_renderer() {
// TODO Auto-generated destructor stub
void menu_item_renderer::render() {
const char* title = _item->get_title().c_str();
int title_width = ::text_width(_title_font, title);
unsigned y = 44 * _order + 20;
::fill_rectangle(color_red, 20, y, title_width + 40, 34);
::draw_text(title, color_white, _title_font, 30, y + 5);
Your Model class menu needs a add_view(menuview *v) and update() method.
Then you can delegate the update of your widget to the derived View (menu_renderer or a cli_menu_renderer).
The Controller needs to know the Model (as member), when the Controller runs (or executes a Command) and has to update the Model with a Setter (like m_menu_model->set_selected(item, state)) and the Model calls update() on Setters.
Your Controller menu_controller has a update method, there you could also ask for Input, like if (menuview->toggle_select()) m_menu_model->toggle_selected(); (which all menuviews have to implement) and invoke the setter, but thats a inflexible coupling of View and Controller (you could check MVC with the Command Pattern for a more advanced combination).
For the Position you can set member vars like int m_x, m_y, m_w, m_h.
But these members are specific to a View with GUI, so only the derived View needs them.
Then you could use these values to compare against mouse Positions and use a MouseOver Detection Method like this:
// View menu_item
bool menu_item::over()
if (::mouse_x > m_x
&& ::mouse_x < m_x + m_w
&& ::mouse_y > m_y
&& ::mouse_y < m_y + m_h) {
return true;
return false;
// update on gui menu item
bool menu_item::update()
if (over()) {
m_over = true;
else {
m_over = false;
// onclick for the idea
if ((::mouse_b & 1) && m_over) {
// here you could invoke a callback or fire event
m_selected = 1;
} else {
m_selected = 0;
return m_selected;
// update the command line interface menu item
bool cli_menu_item::update()
if ((::enterKeyPressed & 1) && m_selected) {
// here you could invoke a callback or fire event
m_selected = 1;
} else {
m_selected = 0;
return m_selected;
void menu_item_renderer::render() {
// update widgets
// ...
// Model
void menu::add_view(menuview *v) {
void menu::update() {
if (m_view) m_view->update();
bool menu::set_selected(int item, int state) {

64bit int Spin Box in QT

I'm building a windows program which shall have controls for 64bit numeric values. these controls shall be switchable to be signed or unsigned.
I found two controls:
"Spin Box"(int32) and "Double Spin Box"(double)
with double I'd be able to cover the range but it can't handle the precision.
Is there a way to change the data type of these controls?
Is it possible to create an own control which can handle signed and unsigned 64bit values?
Is it possible to create a 128bit Spin box?
The only work around I can see right now is in using a string control and manually convert to an INT64 or UINT64 but I'm not very happy with this solution
Any other Ideas?
I'm on QT 4.7.4 and VS2010 with C++
You can derive QAbstractSpinBox and reimplement at least the virtual functions stepBy, stepEnabled and possibly validate() and fixup() for the input validation.
I don't use fixup function. See code of my Сustom QSpinBox.
class QLongLongSpinBox derived from QAbstractSpinBox
Don't forget call
after creating QLongLongSpinBox.
see qlonglongspinbox.h file:
#include <QtWidgets/QWidget>
#include <QtWidgets/QAbstractSpinBox>
#include <QtWidgets/QLineEdit>
class QLongLongSpinBoxPrivate;
class Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT QLongLongSpinBox : public QAbstractSpinBox
Q_PROPERTY(qlonglong minimum READ minimum WRITE setMinimum)
Q_PROPERTY(qlonglong maximum READ maximum WRITE setMaximum)
Q_PROPERTY(qlonglong value READ value WRITE setValue NOTIFY valueChanged USER true)
qlonglong m_minimum;
qlonglong m_maximum;
qlonglong m_value;
explicit QLongLongSpinBox(QWidget *parent = 0)
connect(lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(onEditFinished()));
~QLongLongSpinBox() {};
qlonglong value() const
return m_value;
qlonglong minimum() const
return m_minimum;
void setMinimum(qlonglong min)
m_minimum = min;
qlonglong maximum() const
return m_maximum;
void setMaximum(qlonglong max)
m_maximum = max;
void setRange(qlonglong min, qlonglong max)
virtual void stepBy(int steps)
auto new_value = m_value;
if (steps < 0 && new_value + steps > new_value) {
new_value = std::numeric_limits<qlonglong>::min();
else if (steps > 0 && new_value + steps < new_value) {
new_value = std::numeric_limits<qlonglong>::max();
else {
new_value += steps;
//bool event(QEvent *event);
virtual QValidator::State validate(QString &input, int &pos) const
bool ok;
qlonglong val = input.toLongLong(&ok);
if (!ok)
return QValidator::Invalid;
if (val < m_minimum || val > m_maximum)
return QValidator::Invalid;
return QValidator::Acceptable;
virtual qlonglong valueFromText(const QString &text) const
return text.toLongLong();
virtual QString textFromValue(qlonglong val) const
return QString::number(val);
//virtual void fixup(QString &str) const;
virtual QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabled stepEnabled() const
return StepUpEnabled | StepDownEnabled;
public Q_SLOTS:
void setValue(qlonglong val)
if (m_value != val) {
m_value = val;
void onEditFinished()
QString input = lineEdit()->text();
int pos = 0;
if (QValidator::Acceptable == validate(input, pos))
void valueChanged(qlonglong v);
To use you custom class (Widget) it in Qt Creator:
create QWidget widget
List item
select Promote to.. in widget menu
New Promoted Class:
Promoted class name QLongLongSpinBox
Header file: write qlonglongspinbox.h
select Promote to QLongLongSpinBox
You can see
<widget class="QLongLongSpinBox" name="value_integer" native="true"/>
in *.ui file
in ui_*.h generating file you see you class:
#include "qlonglongspinbox.h"
QLongLongSpinBox *object_name;
value_integer = new QLongLongSpinBox(YourWidgetName);
Just for the sake of completeness: every time you run into a problem like this, remember that (in case everything else fails) you can just download the Qt source code and make your own QSpinBox64 or QSpinBox128 class in a matter of minutes by modifying the needed parts.