proper use of stream in a computationally intensive program - c++

I have a program that may take up to 3-4 hours to finish. Underway I need to output various information into a general file "info.txt". Here is how I do it currently
char dateStr [9];
char timeStr [9];
ofstream infoFile("info.txt", ios::out);
infoFile << "foo # " << timeStr << " , " << dateStr << endl;
This I do five times during a single run. My question is the following: Is it most proper (efficiency-wise and standard-wise) to
close infoFile after each output (and, consequently, use five ofstreams infoFile1, infoFile2, ..., infoFile5, one for each time I output)
or only to use "infoFile" and, consequently, have it open during the entire run?
EDIT: By "a single run" I mean a single run of the program. So by "five times during a single run" I mean that I output something to info.txt when running the program once (which takes 3-4 hours).

First; get numbers before optimizing, use a profiler. Then you know which parts take the most time.
If you don't have a profiler, think a bit before doing anything. How many runs will you do during those 3-4 hours? If it's few things that only happen once per run are probably less likely to be good targets for optimization, if it's lots and lots of runs those parts can be considered as well since disc access can be rather slow.
With that said, I've saved a bit of time in previous projects by reusing streams instead of opening and closing.

It's not really clear what you're trying to do. If the code you
post does what you want, it's certainly the best solution. If
you want the values appended, then you might want to keep the
file open.
Some other considerations:
unless you close the file or flush the data, external
programs may not see the data immediately.
When you open the file, any existing file with that name will be
truncated: an external program which tries to read the file at
precisely this moment won't see anything.
Flushing after each output (automatic if you use std::endl),
and seeking to the start before each output, will solve the
previous problem (and if the data is as small as it seems, the
write will be atomic), but could result in misleading data if
the values written have different lengths---the file length will
not be shortened. (Probably not the
case here, but something to be considered.)
With regards to performance: you're talking about an operation
which lasts at most a couple of milliseconds, and takes place
once or twice an hour. Whether it takes one millisecond, or
ten, is totally irrelevant.

This is a clear case of Premature optimization
It makes no actual difference to the performance of your application which approach you take as this is something that happens only 5 times during the scope of several hours.
Profile your application as the previous answer suggested and use that to identify the REAL bottlenecks in your code.
Only case I could think of where it would matter to you is if you wanted to prevent the info.txt from being deleted/edited during the scope of your application run-time. In which case you'd want to keep the stream alive. Otherwise it doesn't matter.


c++ read small portions of big number of files

I have a relatively simple question to ask, there has been an ongoing discussion regarding many programming languages about which method provides the fastest file read. Mostly debated on read() or mmap(). As a person who also participated in these debates, I failed to find an answer to my current problem, because most answers help in the situation where the file to read is huge (example, how to read a 10 TB text file...).
But my problem is a bit different, I have lots of files, lets say a 100 million. I want to read the first 1-2 lines from these files. Whether the file is 10 kb or 100 TB is irrelevant. I just want the first one or two lines from every file. So I want to avoid reading or buffering the unnecessary parts of the files. My knowledge was not enough to thoroughly test which method is faster, or to discover what are all my options in the first place.
What I am doing right know: (I am doing this multithreaded for the moment)
for(const auto& p: std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(path)) {
if (!std::filesystem::is_directory(p)) {
std::ifstream read_file(p.path().string());
if (read_file.is_open()) {
while (getline(read_file, line)) {
// Get two lines here.
What does C++, or the linux environment provide me in this situation ? Is there a faster or more efficient way to read small portions of millions of files ?
Thank you for your time.
Info: I have access to C++20 and Ubuntu 18.04
You can save one underlying call to fstat by not testing if the path is a directory, and then rely on is_open test
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <string>
int main()
std::string line,path=".";
for(const auto& p: std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(path)) {
std::ifstream read_file(p.path().string());
if (read_file.is_open()) {
std::cout << "opened: " << p.path().string() << '\n';
while (getline(read_file, line)) {
// Get two lines here.
At least on Windows this code skips the directories. And as suggested in comments is_open test can even be skipped since getline doesn't read anything from a directory either.
Not the cleanest, but if it can save time it's worth it.
Any function in a program accessing a file under Linux will result in calling some "system calls" (for example read()).
All other available functions in some programming language (like fread(), fgets(), std::filesystem ...) call functions or methods which in turn call some system calls.
For this reason you can't be faster than calling the system calls directly.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think in most cases, the combination open(), read(), close() will be the fastest method for reading data from the start of a file.
(If the data is not located at the start of the file, pread() might be faster than read(); I'm not sure.)
Note that read() does not read a certain number of lines but a certain number of bytes (e.g. into an array of char), so you have to find the end(s) of the line(s) "manually" by searching the '\n' character(s) and/or the end of the file in the array of char.
Unfortunately, a line may be much longer than you expect, so reading the first N bytes from the file does not contain the first M lines and you have to call read() again.
In this case it depends on your system (e.g. file system or even hard disks) how many bytes you should read in each call to read() to get the maximum performance.
Example: Let's say in 75% of all files, the first N lines are found in the first 512 bytes of the file; in the other 25% of all files, first N lines are longer than 512 bytes in sum.
On some computers, reading 1024 bytes at once might require nearly the same time as reading 512 bytes, but reading 512 bytes twice will be much slower than reading 1024 bytes at once; on such computers it makes sense to read() 1024 bytes at once: You save a lot of time for 25% of the files and you lose only very little time for the other 75%.
On other computers, reading 512 bytes is significantly faster than reading 1024 bytes; on such computers it would be better to read() 512 bytes: Reading 1024 bytes would save you only little time when processing the 25% of files but cost you very much time when processing the other 75%.
I think in the most cases this "optimal value" will be a multiple of 512 bytes because most modern file systems organize files in units that have a multiple of 512 bytes.
I was just typing something similar to Martin Rosenau answer (when his popped up): unstructured read of the max length of two lines. But I would go further: queue that text buffer with corresponding file name and let another thread parse / analyze that. If parsing takes about the same time as reading, you can save half of the time. If it takes longer (unlikely) - you can use multiple threads and save even more.
Side note - you should not parallelize reading (tried that).
It may be worth experimenting: can you open one file, read it asynchronously while proceeding to open the next one? I don't know if any OS can overlap those things.

Dealing with heavy profiling of execution times in C++

I'm currently working on a scientific computing project involving huge data and complex algorithms, so I need to do a lot of code profiling. I'm currently relying on <ctime> and clock_t to time the execution of my code. I'm perfectly happy with this solution... except that I'm basically timing everything and thus for every line of real code I have to call start_time_function123 = clock(), end_time_function123 = clock() and cout << "function123 execution time: " << (end_time_function123-start_time_function123) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl. This leads to heavy code bloating and quickly makes my code unreadable. How would you deal with that?
The only solution I can think of would be to find an IDE allowing me to mark portions of my code (at different locations, even in different files) and to toggle hide/show all marked code with one button. This would allow me to hide the part of my code related to profiling most of the time and display it only whenever I want to.
Have a RAII type that marks code as timed.
struct timed {
char const* name;
clock_t start;
timed( char const* name_to_record):
auto end=clock();
std::cout << name << " execution time: " << (end-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << std::endl;
The use it:
void foo(){
timed timer(__func__);
// code
Far less noise.
You can augment with non-scope based finish operations. When doing heavy profiling sometimes I like to include unique ids. Using cout esoecially with endl could result in it dominating timing; fast recording to a large buffer that is dumped out in an async manner may be optimal. If you need to time ms level time, even allocation, locks and string manipulation should be avoided.
You don't say so explicitly, but I assume you are looking for possible speedups - ways to reduce the time it takes.
You think you need to do this by measuring how much time different parts of it take. If you're interested, there's an orthogonal way to approach it.
Just get it running under a debugger (using a non-optimized debug build).
Manually interrupt it at random, by Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Break, or the IDE's "pause" button.
Display the call stack and carefully examine what the program is doing, at all levels.
Do this with a suspicion that whatever it's doing could be something wasteful that you could find a better way to do.
Then if you start it up again, and halt it again, and see it doing the same thing or something similar, you know you will get a substantial speedup if you fix it.
The fewer samples you took to see that thing twice, the more speedup you will get.
That's the random pausing technique, and the statistical rationale is here.
The reason you do it on a debug build is here.
After you've cut out the fat using this method, you can switch to an optimized build and get the extra margin it gives you.

Writing arrays to text files in c++

I have to write some 5 to 6 large arrays of the same size to text files in C++. I am using only one "for loop" for writing all the arrays to text files. The following is the code i'm using.
ofstream kx_ecl("COARSE_PERMX.GRDECL");
ofstream ky_ecl("COARSE_PERMY.GRDECL");
ofstream kz_ecl("COARSE_PERMZ.GRDECL");
ofstream ntg_c("COARSE_NTG.GRDECL");
ofstream phi_c("COARSE_PORO.GRDECL");
ofstream multbv("MULTBRV.GRDECL");
for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
My question here is that is it faster if I output each of them individually one by one in which case it would have many for loops or leave it as it is. Also, is there any way to write the arrays to a file without using a for loop? I am asking because the output to files is taking a lot of time compared to the actual calculation in my code.
Are you aware that std::endl is flushing your ofstreams constantly? You could push out '\n' characters instead and just flush once at the end for each stream.
I/O might still end up being the biggest piece of your time spent, but you are working against the buffering and do not seem in this example at least to be gaining anything from it. Going one array/file at a time might give you infinitesimally faster performance due to better memory locality (unless you're using so much memory you're swapping pages to disk), but the difference is probably getting completely lost in the huge cost of file writing.

Proper, efficient file reading

I'd like to read and process (e.g. print) entries from the first row of a CSV file one at a time. I assume Unix-style \n newlines, that no entry is longer than 255 chars and (for now) that there's a newline before EOF. This is meant to be a more efficient alternative to fgets() followed by strtok().
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
int i;
char ch, buf[256];
FILE *fp = fopen("test.csv", "r");
for (;;) {
for (i = 0; ; i++) {
ch = fgetc(fp);
if (ch == ',') {
buf[i] = '\0';
} else if (ch == '\n') {
buf[i] = '\0';
return 0;
} else buf[i] = ch;
Is this method as efficient and correct as possible?
What is the best way to test for EOF and file reading errors using this method? (Possibilities: testing against the character macro EOF, feof(), ferror(), etc.).
Can I perform the same task using C++ file I/O with no loss of efficiency?
What is most efficient is going to depend a lot on the operating system, standard libraries (e.g. libc), and even the hardware you are running on. This makes it nearly impossible to tell you what's "most efficient".
That having been said, there are a few things you could try:
Use mmap() or a local operating system equivalent (Windows has CreateFileMapping / OpenFileMapping / MapViewOfFile, and probably others). Then you don't do explicit file reads: you simply access the file as if it were already in memory, and anything that isn't there will be faulted in by the page fault mechanism.
Read the entire file into a buffer manually, then work on that buffer. The fewer times you call into file read functions, the fewer function-call overheads you take, and likely also fewer application/OS domain switches. Obviously this uses more memory, but may very well be worth it.
Use a more optimal string scanner for your problem and platform. Going character-by-character yourself is almost never as fast as relying on something existing that's close to your problem domain. For example, you can bet that strchr and memchr are probably better-optimized than most code you can roll yourself, doing things like reading entire cachelines or words at once, scanning using better algorithms for this kind of search, etc. For more complicated cases, you might consider a full regular expression engine that could compile your regex to something fast for your complicated case.
Avoid copying your string around. It may be helpful to think in terms of "find delimiters" and then "output between delimiters". You could for example use strchr to find the next character of interest, and then fwrite or something to write to stdout directly from your input buffer. Then you're keeping most of your work in a few local registers, rather than using a stack or heap buf.
When in doubt, though, try a few possibilities and profile, profile, profile.
Also for this kind of problem, be very aware of differences between runs that are caused by OS and hardware caches: profile a bunch of runs rather than just one after each change -- and if possible, use tests that will either likely always hit caches (if you're trying to measure best-case performance) or tests that will likely miss (if you're trying to measure worst-case performance).
Regarding C++ file IO (fstream and such), just be aware that they're larger, more complicated beasts. They tend to include things such as locale management, automatic buffering, and the like -- as well as being less prone to particular types of coding mistakes.
If you're doing something pretty simple (like what you describe here), I tend to find C++ library stuff gets in the way. (Use a debugger and "step instruction" through a stringstream method versus some C string functions some time, you'll get a good feel for this quickly.)
It all depends on whether you're going to want or need that additional functionality or safety in the future.
Finally, the obligatory "don't sweat the small stuff". Only spend time on optimizing here if it's really important. Otherwise trust the libraries and OS to do the right thing for you most of the time -- if you get too far into micro-optimizations you'll find you're shooting yourself in the foot later. This is not to discourage you from thinking in terms of "should I read the whole file in ahead of time, will that break future use cases" -- because that's macro, rather than micro.
But generally speaking if you're not doing this kind of "make it faster" investigation for a good reason -- i.e. "need this app to perform better now that I've written it, and this code shows up as slow in profiler", or "doing this for fun so I can better understand the system" -- well, spend your time elsewhere first. =)
One method, provided you are going to scan through the file serially, is to use 2 buffers of a decent enough size (16K is the optimal size for SSDs and 4K for HDDs IIRC. But 16K should suffice for both). You start off by performing an asynchronous load (In windows look up Overlapped I/O and on Unix/OSX use O_NONBLOCK) of the first 16K into buffer 0 and then start another load into buffer 1 of bytes 16K to 32K. When your read position hits 16K, swap the buffers (so you are now reading from buffer 1 instead) wait for any further loads to complete into buffer 1 and perform an asynchronous load of bytes 32K to 48K into buffer 0 and so on. This way, you have far less chance of ever having to wait for a load to complete as it should be happening while you are processing the previous 16K.
I moved over to a scheme like this in my XML parser having been using fopen and fgetc previously and the speedup was huge. Loading in a 15 meg XML file and processing it reduced from minutes to seconds. Of course, Your milage may vary.
use fgets to read one line at a time. C++ file I/O are basically wrapper code with some compiler optimization tucked inside ( and many unwanted functionality ). Unless you are reading millions of lines of code and measuring time, it does not matter.

Best way to test code speed in C++ without profiler, or does it not make sense to try?

On SO, there are quite a few questions about performance profiling, but I don't seem to find the whole picture. There are quite a few issues involved and most Q & A ignore all but a few at a time, or don't justify their proposals.
What Im wondering about. If I have two functions that do the same thing, and Im curious about the difference in speed, does it make sense to test this without external tools, with timers, or will this compiled in testing affect the results to much?
I ask this because if it is sensible, as a C++ programmer, I want to know how it should best be done, as they are much simpler than using external tools. If it makes sense, lets proceed with all the possible pitfalls:
Consider this example. The following code shows 2 ways of doing the same thing:
#include <algorithm>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
typedef unsigned char byte;
swapBytes( void* in, size_t n )
for( size_t lo=0, hi=n-1; hi>lo; ++lo, --hi )
in[lo] ^= in[hi]
, in[hi] ^= in[lo]
, in[lo] ^= in[hi] ;
byte arr[9] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h' };
const int iterations = 100000000;
clock_t begin = clock();
for( int i=iterations; i!=0; --i )
swapBytes( arr, 8 );
clock_t middle = clock();
for( int i=iterations; i!=0; --i )
std::reverse( arr, arr+8 );
clock_t end = clock();
double secSwap = (double) ( middle-begin ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
double secReve = (double) ( end-middle ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
std::cout << "swapBytes, for: " << iterations << " times takes: " << middle-begin
<< " clock ticks, which is: " << secSwap << "sec." << std::endl;
std::cout << "std::reverse, for: " << iterations << " times takes: " << end-middle
<< " clock ticks, which is: " << secReve << "sec." << std::endl;
return 0;
// Output:
// Release:
// swapBytes, for: 100000000 times takes: 3000 clock ticks, which is: 3sec.
// std::reverse, for: 100000000 times takes: 1437 clock ticks, which is: 1.437sec.
// Debug:
// swapBytes, for: 10000000 times takes: 1781 clock ticks, which is: 1.781sec.
// std::reverse, for: 10000000 times takes: 12781 clock ticks, which is: 12.781sec.
The issues:
Which timers to use and how get the cpu time actually consumed by the code under question?
What are the effects of compiler optimization (since these functions just swap bytes back and forth, the most efficient thing is obviously to do nothing at all)?
Considering the results presented here, do you think they are accurate (I can assure you that multiple runs give very similar results)? If yes, can you explain how std::reverse gets to be so fast, considering the simplicity of the custom function. I don't have the source code from the vc++ version that I used for this test, but here is the implementation from GNU. It boils down to the function iter_swap, which is completely incomprehensible for me. Would this also be expected to run twice as fast as that custom function, and if so, why?
It seems two high precision timers are being proposed: clock() and QueryPerformanceCounter (on windows). Obviously we would like to measure the cpu time of our code and not the real time, but as far as I understand, these functions don't give that functionality, so other processes on the system would interfere with measurements. This page on the gnu c library seems to contradict that, but when I put a breakpoint in vc++, the debugged process gets a lot of clock ticks even though it was suspended (I have not tested under gnu). Am I missing alternative counters for this, or do we need at least special libraries or classes for this? If not, is clock good enough in this example or would there be a reason to use the QueryPerformanceCounter?
What can we know for certain without debugging, dissassembling and profiling tools? Is anything actually happening? Is the function call being inlined or not? When checking in the debugger, the bytes do actually get swapped, but I'd rather know from theory why, than from testing.
Thanks for any directions.
Thanks to a hint from tojas the swapBytes function now runs as fast as the std::reverse. I had failed to realize that the temporary copy in case of a byte must be only a register, and thus is very fast. Elegance can blind you.
swapBytes( byte* in, size_t n )
byte t;
for( int i=0; i<7-i; ++i )
t = in[i];
in[i] = in[7-i];
in[7-i] = t;
Thanks to a tip from ChrisW I have found that on windows you can get the actual cpu time consumed by a (read:your) process trough Windows Management Instrumentation. This definitely looks more interesting than the high precision counter.
Obviously we would like to measure the cpu time of our code and not the real time, but as far as I understand, these functions don't give that functionality, so other processes on the system would interfere with measurements.
I do two things, to ensure that wall-clock time and CPU time are approximately the same thing:
Test for a significant length of time, i.e. several seconds (e.g. by testing a loop of however many thousands of iterations)
Test when the machine is more or less relatively idle except for whatever I'm testing.
Alternatively if you want to measure only/more exactly the CPU time per thread, that's available as a performance counter (see e.g. perfmon.exe).
What can we know for certain without debugging, dissassembling and profiling tools?
Nearly nothing (except that I/O tends to be relatively slow).
To answer you main question, it "reverse" algorithm just swaps elements from the array and not operating on the elements of the array.
Use QueryPerformanceCounter on Windows if you need a high-resolution timing. The counter accuracy depends on the CPU but it can go up to per clock pulse. However, profiling in real world operations is always a better idea.
Is it safe to say you're asking two questions?
Which one is faster, and by how much?
And why is it faster?
For the first, you don't need high precision timers. All you need to do is run them "long enough" and measure with low precision timers. (I'm old-fashioned, my wristwatch has a stop-watch function, and it is entirely good enough.)
For the second, surely you can run the code under a debugger and single-step it at the instruction level. Since the basic operations are so simple, you will be able to easily see roughly how many instructions are required for the basic cycle.
Think simple. Performance is not a hard subject. Usually, people are trying to find problems, for which this is a simple approach.
(This answer is specific to Windows XP and the 32-bit VC++ compiler.)
The easiest thing for timing little bits of code is the time-stamp counter of the CPU. This is a 64-bit value, a count of the number of CPU cycles run so far, which is about as fine a resolution as you're going to get. The actual numbers you get aren't especially useful as they stand, but if you average out several runs of various competing approaches then you can compare them that way. The results are a bit noisy, but still valid for comparison purposes.
To read the time-stamp counter, use code like the following:
__asm {
mov tsc.LowPart,eax
mov tsc.HighPart,edx
(The cpuid instruction is there to ensure that there aren't any incomplete instructions waiting to complete.)
There are four things worth noting about this approach.
Firstly, because of the inline assembly language, it won't work as-is on MS's x64 compiler. (You'll have to create a .ASM file with a function in it. An exercise for the reader; I don't know the details.)
Secondly, to avoid problems with cycle counters not being in sync across different cores/threads/what have you, you may find it necessary to set your process's affinity so that it only runs on one specific execution unit. (Then again... you may not.)
Thirdly, you'll definitely want to check the generated assembly language to ensure that the compiler is generating roughly the code you expect. Watch out for bits of code being removed, functions being inlined, that sort of thing.
Finally, the results are rather noisy. The cycle counters count cycles spent on everything, including waiting for caches, time spent on running other processes, time spent in the OS itself, etc. Unfortunately, it's not possible (under Windows, at least) to time just your process. So, I suggest running the code under test a lot of times (several tens of thousands) and working out the average. This isn't very cunning, but it seems to have produced useful results for me at any rate.
I would suppose that anyone competent enough to answer all your questions is gong to be far too busy to answer all your questions. In practice it is probably more effective to ask a single, well-defined questions. That way you may hope to get well-defined answers which you can collect and be on your way to wisdom.
So, anyway, perhaps I can answer your question about which clock to use on Windows.
clock() is not considered a high precision clock. If you look at the value of CLOCKS_PER_SEC you will see it has a resolution of 1 millisecond. This is only adequate if you are timing very long routines, or a loop with 10000's of iterations. As you point out, if you try and repeat a simple method 10000's of times in order to get a time that can be measured with clock() the compiler is liable to step in and optimize the whole thing away.
So, really, the only clock to use is QueryPerformanceCounter()
Is there something you have against profilers? They help a ton. Since you are on WinXP, you should really give a trial of vtune a try. Try a call graph sampling test and look at self time and total time of the functions being called. There's no better way to tune your program so that it's the fastest possible without being an assembly genius (and a truly exceptional one).
Some people just seem to be allergic to profilers. I used to be one of those and thought I knew best about where my hotspots were. I was often correct about obvious algorithmic inefficiencies, but practically always incorrect about more micro-optimization cases. Just rewriting a function without changing any of the logic (ex: reordering things, putting exceptional case code in a separate, non-inlined function, etc) can make functions a dozen times faster and even the best disassembly experts usually can't predict that without the profiler.
As for relying on simplistic timing tests alone, they are extremely problematic. That current test is not so bad but it's a very common mistake to write timing tests in ways in which the optimizer will optimize out dead code and end up testing the time it takes to do essentially a nop or even nothing at all. You should have some knowledge to interpret the disassembly to make sure the compiler isn't doing this.
Also timing tests like this have a tendency to bias the results significantly since a lot of them just involve running your code over and over in the same loop, which tends to simply test the effect of your code when all the memory in the cache with all the branch prediction working perfectly for it. It's often just showing you best case scenarios without showing you the average, real-world case.
Depending on real world timing tests is a little bit better; something closer to what your application will be doing at a high level. It won't give you specifics about what is taking what amount of time, but that's precisely what the profiler is meant to do.
Wha? How to measure speed without a profiler? The very act of measuring speed is profiling! The question amounts to, "how can I write my own profiler?" And the answer is clearly, "don't".
Besides, you should be using std::swap in the first place, which complete invalidates this whole pointless pursuit.
-1 for pointlessness.