task delegation scheduler - c++

I implemented a scheduler task delegation scheduler instead of a task stealing scheduler. So the basic idea of this method is each thread has its own private local queue. Whenever a task is produced, before the task gets enqueued to the local queues, a search operation is done among the queues and minimum size queue is found by comparing each size of the queues. Each time this minimum size queue is used to enqueue the task. This is a way of diverting the pressure of the work from a busy thread's queue and delegate the jobs to the least busy thread's queue.
The problem in this scheduling technique is, we dont know how much time each tasks takes to complete. ie. the queue may have a minimal count, but the task may be still operating, on the other hand the queue may have higher value counter, but the tasks may be completed very soon. any ideas to solve this problem?
I am working on linux, C++ programming language in our own multithreading library implementing a multi-rate synchronous data flow paradigm .

It seems that your scheduling policy doesn't fit the job at hand. Usually this type of naive-scheduling which ignores task completion times is only relevant when tasks are relatively equal in execution time.
I'd recommend doing some research. A good place to start would be Wikipedia's Scheduling article but that is of course just the tip of the iceberg.
I'd also give a second (and third) thought to the task-delegation requirement since timeslicing task operations allows you to fine grain queue management by considering the task's "history". However, if clients are designed so that each client consistently sends the same "type" of task, then you can achieve similar results with this knowledge.

As far as I remember from my Queueing Theory class the fairest (of them all;) system is the one which has a single queue and multiple servers. Using such system ensures the lowest expected average execution time for all tasks and the largest utilization factor (% of time it works, I'm not sure the term is correct).
In other words, unless you have some priority tasks, please reconsider your task delegation scheduler implementation.


One asynchronous thread per task?

My application currently has a list of "tasks" (Each task consists of a function - That function can be as simple as printing something out but also way more complex) which gets looped through. (Additional note: Most tasks send a packet after having been executed) As some of these tasks could take quite some time, I thought about using a different, asynchronous thread for each task, thus letting run all the tasks concurrently.
Would that be a smart thing to do or not?One problem is that I can't possibly know the amount of tasks beforehand, so it could result in quite a few threads being created, and I read somewhere that each different hardware has it's limitations. I'm planing to run my application on a raspberry pi, and I think that I will always have to run between 5 and 20 tasks.
Also, some of the tasks have a lower "priority" of running that others.
Should I just run the important tasks first and then the less important ones? (Problem here is that if the sum of the time needed for all tasks together exceeds the time that some specific, important task should be run, my application won't be accurate anymore) Or implement everything in asynchronous threads? Or just try to make everything a little bit faster by only having the "packet-sending" in an asynchronous thread, thus not having to wait until the packets actually get sent?
There are number of questions you will need to ask yourself before you can reasonably design a solution.
Do you wish to limit the number of concurrent tasks?
Is it possible that in future the number of concurrent tasks will increase in a way that you cannot predict today?
... and probably a whole lot more.
If the answer to any of these is "yes" then you have a few options:
A producer/consumer queue with a fixed number of threads draining the queue (not recommended IMHO)
Write your tasks as asynchronous state machines around an event dispatcher such as boost::io_service (this is much more scalable).
If you know it's only going to be 20 concurrent tasks, you'll probably get away with std::async, but it's a sloppy way to write code.

Find minimum queue size among threads

I am trying to implement a new scheduling technique with Multithreads. Each Thread has it own private local queue. The idea is, each time the task is created from the program thread, it should search the minimum queue sizes ( a queue with less number of tasks) among the queues and enqueue in it.
A way of load balancing among threads, where less busy queues enqueued more.
Can you please suggest some logics (or) idea how to find the minimum size queues among the given queues dynamically in programming point of view.
I am working on visual studio 2008, C++ programming language in our own multithreading library implementing a multi-rate synchronous data flow paradigm .
As you see trying to find the less loaded queue is cumbersome and could be an inefficient method as you may add more work to queues with only one heavy task, whereas queues with small tasks will have nor more jobs and become quickly inactive.
You'd better use a work-stealing heuristic : when a thread is done with its own jobs it will look at the other threads queues and "steal" some work instead of remaining idle or be terminated.
Then the system will be auto-balanced with each thread being active until there is not enough work for everyone.
You should not have a situation with idle threads and work waiting for processing.
If you really want to try this, can each queue not just keep a public 'int count' member, updated with atomic inc/dec as tasks are pushed/popped?
Whether such a design is worth the management overhead and the occasional 'mistakes' when a task is queued to a thread that happens to be running a particularly lengthy job when another thread is just about to dequeue a very short job, is another issue.
Why aren't the threads fetching their work from a 'master' work queue ?
If you are really trying to distribute work items from a master source, to a set of workers, you are then doing load balancing, as you say. In that case, you really are talking about scheduling, unless you simply do round-robin style balancing. Scheduling is a very deep subject in Computing, you can easily spend weeks, or months learning about it.
You could synchronise a counter among the threads. But I guess this isn't what you want.
Since you want to implement everything using dataflow, everything should be queues.
Your first option is to query the number of jobs inside a queue. I think this is not easy, if you want a single reader/writer pattern, because you probably have to use lock for this operation, which is not what you want. Note: I'm just guessing, that you can't use lock-free queues here; either you have a counter or take the difference of two pointers, either way you have a lock.
Your second option (which can be done with lock-free code) is to send a command back to the dispatcher thread, telling him that worker thread x has consumed a job. Using this approach you have n more queues, each from one worker thread to the dispatcher thread.

How to implement a back-off with Microsoft PPL lightweight task scheduler?

We use a PPL Concurrency::TaskScheduler to dispatch events from our media pipeline to subscribed clients (typically a GUI app).
These events are C++ lambdas passed to Concurrency::TaskScheduler::ScheduleTask().
But, under load, the pipeline can generate events at a greater rate than the client can consume them.
Is there a PPL strategy I can use to cause the event dispatcher to not queue an event (in reality, a scheduled task) if the 'queue' of scheduled tasks is greater than N? And if not, how would I roll my own?
Looking at the API, it appears that there's no way to know if the scheduler is going under heavy load or not, nor is there a way to tell it how to behave in such circumstances. My understanding is that while it is possible to set limits on how many conurrent threads may run within a scheduler using policies, the protocol by which the scheduler may accept or refuse new tasks isn't clear to me.
My bet is that you will have to implement that mechanism yourself, by counting how many tasks are in the scheduler already, and have a size limited queue ahead of the scheduler which help you mitigate the flow of incoming tasks.
I suppose that you could use a simple std::queue for your lambdas, and each time you have a new event, you check how many tasks are running, and add as many from the queue as possible to reach your max running task count.
If the queue is still full after that, then you refuse the new task.
To handle the running tasks accounting, you could wrap your tasks with a function decrementing the counter at completion time (use a mutex to avoid races), and increment the counter when scheduling a new task.

More threads, better performance?

When I write a message driven app. much like a standard windows app only that it extensively uses messaging for internal operations, what would be the best approach regarding to threading?
As I see it, there are basically three approaches (if you have any other setup in mind, please share):
Having a single thread process all of the messages.
Having separate threads for separate message types (General, UI, Networking, etc...)
Having multiple threads that share and process a single message queue.
So, would there be any significant performance differences between the three?
Here are some general thoughts:
Obviously, the last two options benefit from a situation where there's more than one processor. Plus, if any thread is waiting for an external event, other threads can still process unrelated messages. But ignoring that, seems that multiple threads only add overhead (Thread switches, not to mention more complicated sync situations).
And another question: Would you recommend to implement such a system upon the standard Windows messaging system, or to implement a separate queue mechanism, and why?
The specific choice of threading model should be driven by the nature of the problem you are trying to solve. There isn't necessarily a single "correct" approach to designing the threading model for such an application. However, if we adopt the following assumptions:
messages arrive frequently
messages are independent and don't rely too heavily on shared resources
it is desirable to respond to an arriving message as quickly as possible
you want the app to scale well across processing architectures (i.e. multicode/multi-cpu systems)
scalability is the key design requirement (e.g. more message at a faster rate)
resilience to thread failure / long operations is desirable
In my experience, the most effective threading architecture would be to employ a thread pool. All messages arrive on a single queue, multiple threads wait on the queue and process messages as they arrive. A thread pool implementation can model all three thread-distribution examples you have.
#1 Single thread processes all messages => thread pool with only one thread
#2 Thread per N message types => thread pool with N threads, each thread peeks at the queue to find appropriate message types
#3 Multiple threads for all messages => thread pool with multiple threads
The benefits of this design is that you can scale the number of threads in the thread in proportion to the processing environment or the message load. The number of threads can even scale at runtime to adapt to the realtime message load being experienced.
There are many good thread pooling libraries available for most platforms, including .NET, C++/STL, Java, etc.
As to your second question, whether to use standard windows message dispatch mechanism. This mechanism comes with significant overhead and is really only intended for pumping messages through an windows application's UI loop. Unless this is the problem you are trying to solve, I would advise against using it as a general message dispatching solution. Furthermore, windows messages carry very little data - it is not an object-based model. Each windows message has a code, and a 32-bit parameter. This may not be enough to base a clean messaging model on. Finally, the windows message queue is not design to handle cases like queue saturation, thread starvation, or message re-queuing; these are cases that often arise in implementing a decent message queing solution.
We can't tell you much for sure without knowing the workload (ie, the statistical distribution of events over time) but in general
single queue with multiple servers is at least as fast, and usually faster, so 1,3 would be preferable to 2.
multiple threads in most languages add complexity because of the need to avoid contention and multiple-writer problems
long duration processes can block processing for other things that could get done quicker.
So horseback guess is that having a single event queue, with several server threads taking events off the queue, might be a little faster.
Make sure you use a thread-safe data structure for the queue.
It all depends.
For example:
Events in a GUI queue are best done by a single thread as there is an implied order in the events thus they need to be done serially. Which is why most GUI apps have a single thread to handle events, though potentially multiple events to create them (and it does not preclude the event thread from creating a job and handling it off to a worker pool (see below)).
Events on a socket can potentially by done in parallel (assuming HTTP) as each request is stateless and can thus by done independently (OK I know that is over simplifying HTTP).
Work Jobs were each job is independent and placed on queue. This is the classic case of using a set of worker threads. Each thread does a potentially long operation independently of the other threads. On completion comes back to the queue for another job.
In general, don't worry about the overhead of threads. It's not going to be an issue if you're talking about merely a handful of them. Race conditions, deadlocks, and contention are a bigger concern, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, you have a lot of reading to do before you tackle this.
I'd go with option 3, using whatever abstractions my language of choice offers.
Note that there are two different performance goals, and you haven't stated which you are targetting: throughput and responsiveness.
If you're writing a GUI app, the UI needs to be responsive. You don't care how many clicks per second you can process, but you do care about showing some response within a 10th of a second or so (ideally less). This is one of the reasons it's best to have a single thread devoted to handling the GUI (other reasons have been mentioned in other answers). The GUI thread needs to basically convert windows messages into work-items and let your worker queue handle the heavy work. Once the worker is done, it notifies the GUI thread, which then updates the display to reflect any changes. It does things like painting a window, but not rendering the data to be displayed. This gives the app a quick "snapiness" that is what most users want when they talk about performance. They don't care if it takes 15 seconds to do something hard, as long as when they click on a button or a menu, it reacts instantly.
The other performance characteristic is throughput. This is the number of jobs you can process in a specific amount of time. Usually this type of performance tuning is only needed on server type applications, or other heavy-duty processing. This measures how many webpages can be served up in an hour, or how long it takes to render a DVD. For these sort of jobs, you want to have 1 active thread per CPU. Fewer than that, and you're going to be wasting idle clock cycles. More than that, and the threads will be competing for CPU time and tripping over each other. Take a look at the second graph in this article DDJ articles for the trade-off you're dealing with. Note that the ideal thread count is higher than the number of available CPUs due to things like blocking and locking. The key is the number of active threads.
A good place to start is to ask yourself why you need multiple threads.
The well-thought-out answer to this question will lead you to the best answer to the subsequent question, "how should I use multiple threads in my application?"
And that must be a subsequent question; not a primary question. The fist question must be why, not how.
I think it depends on how long each thread will be running. Does each message take the same amount of time to process? Or will certain messages take a few seconds for example. If I knew that Message A was going to take 10 seconds to complete I would definitely use a new thread because why would I want to hold up the queue for a long running thread...
My 2 cents.
I think option 2 is the best. Having each thread doing independant tasks would give you best results. 3rd approach can cause more delays if multiple threads are doing some I/O operation like disk reads, reading common sockets and so on.
Whether to use Windows messaging framework for processing requests depends on the work load each thread would have. I think windows restricts the no. of messages that can be queued at the most to 10000. For most of the cases this should not be an issue. But if you have lots of messages to be queued this might be some thing to take into consideration.
Seperate queue gives a better control in a sense that you may reorder it the way you want (may be depending on priority)
Yes, there will be performance differences between your choices.
(1) introduces a bottle-neck for message processing
(3) introduces locking contention because you'll need to synchronize access to your shared queue.
(2) is starting to go in the right direction... though a queue for each message type is a little extreme. I'd probably recommend starting with a queue for each model in your app and adding queues where it makes since to do so for improved performance.
If you like option #2, it sounds like you would be interested in implementing a SEDA architecture. It is going to take some reading to understand what is going on, but I think the architecture fits well with your line of thinking.
BTW, Yield is a good C++/Python hybrid implementation.
I'd have a thread pool servicing the message queue, and make the number of threads in the pool easily configurable (perhaps even at runtime). Then test it out with expected load.
That way you can see what the actual correlation is - and if your initial assumptions change, you can easily change your approach.
A more sophisticated approach would be for the system to introspect its own performance traits and adapt it's use of resources, threads in particular, as it goes. Probably overkill for most custom application code, but I'm sure there are products that do that out there.
As for the windows events question - I think that's probably an application specific question that there is no right or wrong answer to in the general case. That said, I usually implement my own queue as I can tailor it to the specific characteristics of the task at hand. Sometimes that might involve routing events via the windows message queue.

Thread pool for executing arbitrary tasks with different priorities

I'm trying to come up with a design for a thread pool with a lot of design requirements for my job. This is a real problem for working software, and it's a difficult task. I have a working implementation but I'd like to throw this out to SO and see what interesting ideas people can come up with, so that I can compare to my implementation and see how it stacks up. I've tried to be as specific to the requirements as I can.
The thread pool needs to execute a series of tasks. The tasks can be short running (<1sec) or long running (hours or days). Each task has an associated priority (from 1 = very low to 5 = very high). Tasks can arrive at any time while the other tasks are running, so as they arrive the thread pool needs to pick these up and schedule them as threads become available.
The task priority is completely independant of the task length. In fact it is impossible to tell how long a task could take to run without just running it.
Some tasks are CPU bound while some are greatly IO bound. It is impossible to tell beforehand what a given task would be (although I guess it might be possible to detect while the tasks are running).
The primary goal of the thread pool is to maximise throughput. The thread pool should effectively use the resources of the computer. Ideally, for CPU bound tasks, the number of active threads would be equal to the number of CPUs. For IO bound tasks, more threads should be allocated than there are CPUs so that blocking does not overly affect throughput. Minimising the use of locks and using thread safe/fast containers is important.
In general, you should run higher priority tasks with a higher CPU priority (ref: SetThreadPriority). Lower priority tasks should not "block" higher priority tasks from running, so if a higher priority task comes along while all low priority tasks are running, the higher priority task will get to run.
The tasks have a "max running tasks" parameter associated with them. Each type of task is only allowed to run at most this many concurrent instances of the task at a time. For example, we might have the following tasks in the queue:
A - 1000 instances - low priority - max tasks 1
B - 1000 instances - low priority - max tasks 1
C - 1000 instances - low priority - max tasks 1
A working implementation could only run (at most) 1 A, 1 B and 1 C at the same time.
It needs to run on Windows XP, Server 2003, Vista and Server 2008 (latest service packs).
For reference, we might use the following interface:
namespace ThreadPool
class Task
void run();
class ThreadPool
void run(Task *inst);
void stop();
So what are we going to pick as the basic building block for this. Windows has two building blocks that look promising :- I/O Completion Ports (IOCPs) and Asynchronous Procedure Calls (APCs). Both of these give us FIFO queuing without having to perform explicit locking, and with a certain amount of built-in OS support in places like the scheduler (for example, IOCPs can avoid some context switches).
APCs are perhaps a slightly better fit, but we will have to be slightly careful with them, because they are not quite "transparent". If the work item performs an alertable wait (::SleepEx, ::WaitForXxxObjectEx, etc.) and we accidentally dispatch an APC to the thread then the newly dispatched APC will take over the thread, suspending the previously executing APC until the new APC is finished. This is bad for our concurrency requirements and can make stack overflows more likely.
It needs to run on Windows XP, Server 2003, Vista and Server 2008 (latest service packs).
What feature of the system's built-in thread pools make them unsuitable for your task? If you want to target XP and 2003 you can't use the new shiny Vista/2008 pools, but you can still use QueueUserWorkItem and friends.
#DrPizza - this is a very good question, and one that strikes right to the heart of the problem. There are a few reasons why QueueUserWorkItem and the Windows NT thread pool was ruled out (although the Vista one does look interesting, maybe in a few years).
Firstly, we wanted to have greater control over when it starts up and stops threads. We have heard that the NT thread pool is reluctant to start up a new thread if it thinks that the tasks are short running. We could use the WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION, but we really have no idea if the task is long or short
Secondly, if the thread pool was already filled up with long running, low priority tasks, there would be no chance of a high priority task getting to run in a timely manner. The NT thread pool has no real concept of task priorities, so we can't do a QueueUserWorkItem and say "oh by the way, run this one right away".
Thirdly, (according to MSDN) the NT thread pool is not compatible with the STA apartment model. I'm not sure quite what this would mean, but all of our worker threads run in an STA.
#DrPizza - this is a very good question, and one that strikes right to the heart of the problem. There are a few reasons why QueueUserWorkItem and the Windows NT thread pool was ruled out (although the Vista one does look interesting, maybe in a few years).
Yeah, it looks like it got quite beefed up in Vista, quite versatile now.
OK, I'm still a bit unclear about how you wish the priorities to work. If the pool is currently running a task of type A with maximal concurrency of 1 and low priority, and it gets given a new task also of type A (and maximal concurrency 1), but this time with a high priority, what should it do?
Suspending the currently executing A is hairy (it could hold a lock that the new task needs to take, deadlocking the system). It can't spawn a second thread and just let it run alongside (the permitted concurrency is only 1). But it can't wait until the low priority task is completed, because the runtime is unbounded and doing so would allow a low priority task to block a high priority task.
My presumption is that it is the latter behaviour that you are after?
OK, I'm still a bit unclear about how
you wish the priorities to work. If
the pool is currently running a task
of type A with maximal concurrency of
1 and low priority, and it gets given
a new task also of type A (and maximal
concurrency 1), but this time with a
high priority, what should it do?
This one is a bit of a tricky one, although in this case I think I would be happy with simply allowing the low-priority task to run to completion. Usually, we wouldn't see a lot of the same types of tasks with different thread priorities. In our model it is actually possible to safely halt and later restart tasks at certain well defined points (for different reasons than this) although the complications this would introduce probably aren't worth the risk.
Normally, only different types of tasks would have different priorities. For example:
A task - 1000 instances - low priority
B task - 1000 instances - high priority
Assuming the A tasks had come along and were running, then the B tasks had arrived, we would want the B tasks to be able to run more or less straight away.