Which one is more optimized for accessing array? - c++

Solving the following exercise:
Write three different versions of a program to print the elements of
ia. One version should use a range for to manage the iteration, the
other two should use an ordinary for loop in one case using subscripts
and in the other using pointers. In all three programs write all the
types directly. That is, do not use a type alias, auto, or decltype to
simplify the code.[C++ Primer]
a question came up: Which of these methods for accessing array is optimized in terms of speed and why?
My Solutions:
Foreach Loop:
int ia[3][4]={{1,2,3,4},{5,6,7,8},{9,10,11,12}};
for (int (&i)[4]:ia) //1st method using for each loop
for(int j:i)
cout<<j<<" ";
Nested for loops:
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) //2nd method normal for loop
for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
cout<<ia[i][j]<<" ";
Using pointers:
int (*i)[4]=ia;
for(int t=0;t<3;i++,t++){ //3rd method. using pointers.
for(int x=0;x<4;x++)
cout<<(*i)[x]<<" ";
Using auto:
for(auto &i:ia) //4th one using auto but I think it is similar to 1st.
for(auto j:i)
cout<<j<<" ";
Benchmark result using clock()
1st: 3.6 (6,4,4,3,2,3)
2nd: 3.3 (6,3,4,2,3,2)
3rd: 3.1 (4,2,4,2,3,4)
4th: 3.6 (4,2,4,5,3,4)
Simulating each method 1000 times:
1st: 2.29375 2nd: 2.17592 3rd: 2.14383 4th: 2.33333
Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 13.568 s
Compiler used:MingW 3.2 c++11 flag enabled. IDE:CodeBlocks

I have some observations and points to make and I hope you get your answer from this.
The fourth version, as you mention yourself, is basically the same as the first version. auto can be thought of as only a coding shortcut (this is of course not strictly true, as using auto can result in getting different types than you'd expected and therefore result in different runtime behavior. But most of the time this is true.)
Your solution using pointers is probably not what people mean when they say that they are using pointers! One solution might be something like this:
for (int i = 0, *p = &(ia[0][0]); i < 3 * 4; ++i, ++p)
cout << *p << " ";
or to use two nested loops (which is probably pointless):
for (int i = 0, *p = &(ia[0][0]); i < 3; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j, ++p)
cout << *p << " ";
from now on, I'm assuming this is the pointer solution you've written.
In such a trivial case as this, the part that will absolutely dominate your running time is the cout. The time spent in bookkeeping and checks for the loop(s) will be completely negligible comparing to doing I/O. Therefore, it won't matter which loop technique you use.
Modern compilers are great at optimizing such ubiquitous tasks and access patterns (iterating over an array.) Therefore, chances are that all these methods will generate exactly the same code (with the possible exception of the pointer version, which I will talk about later.)
The performance of most codes like this will depend more on the memory access pattern rather than how exactly the compiler generates the assembly branch instructions (and the rest of the operations.) This is because if a required memory block is not in the CPU cache, it's going to take a time roughly equivalent of several hundred CPU cycles (this is just a ballpark number) to fetch those bytes from RAM. Since all the examples access memory in exactly the same order, their behavior in respect to memory and cache will be the same and will have roughly the same running time.
As a side note, the way these examples access memory is the best way for it to be accessed! Linear, consecutive and from start to finish. Again, there are problems with the cout in there, which can be a very complicated operation and even call into the OS on every invocation, which might result, among other things, an almost complete deletion (eviction) of everything useful from the CPU cache.
On 32-bit systems and programs, the size of an int and a pointer are usually equal (both are 32 bits!) Which means that it doesn't matter much whether you pass around and use index values or pointers into arrays. On 64-bit systems however, a pointer is 64 bits but an int will still usually be 32 bits. This suggests that it is usually better to use indexes into arrays instead of pointers (or even iterators) on 64-bit systems and programs.
In this particular example, this is not significant at all though.
Your code is very specific and simple, but the general case, it is almost always better to give as much information to the compiler about your code as possible. This means that you must use the narrowest, most specific device available to you to do a job. This in turn means that a generic for loop (i.e. for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)) is worse than a range-based for loop (i.e. for (auto i : v)) for the compiler, because in the latter case the compiler simply knows that you are going to iterate over the whole range and not go outside of it or break out of the loop or something, while in the generic for loop case, specially if your code is more complex, the compiler cannot be sure of this and has to insert extra checks and tests to make sure the code executes as the C++ standard says it should.
In many (most?) cases, although you might think performance matters, it does not. And most of the time you rewrite something to gain performance, you don't gain much. And most of the time the performance gain you get is not worth the loss in readability and maintainability that you sustain. So, design your code and data structures right (and keep performance in mind) but avoid this kind of "micro-optimization" because it's almost always not worth it and even harms the quality of the code too.
Generally, performance in terms of speed is very hard to reason about. Ideally you have to measure the time with real data on real hardware in real working conditions using sound scientific measuring and statistical methods. Even measuring the time it takes a piece of code to run is not at all trivial. Measuring performance is hard, and reasoning about it is harder, but these days it is the only way of recognizing bottlenecks and optimizing the code.
I hope I have answered your question.
EDIT: I wrote a very simple benchmark for what you are trying to do. The code is here. It's written for Windows and should be compilable on Visual Studio 2012 (because of the range-based for loops.) And here are the timing results:
Simple iteration (nested loops): min:0.002140, avg:0.002160, max:0.002739
Simple iteration (one loop): min:0.002140, avg:0.002160, max:0.002625
Pointer iteration (one loop): min:0.002140, avg:0.002160, max:0.003149
Range-based for (nested loops): min:0.002140, avg:0.002159, max:0.002862
Range(const ref)(nested loops): min:0.002140, avg:0.002155, max:0.002906
The relevant numbers are the "min" times (over 2000 runs of each test, for 1000x1000 arrays.) As you see, there is absolutely no difference between the tests. Note that you should turn on compiler optimizations or test 2 will be a disaster and cases 4 and 5 will be a little worse than 1 and 3.
And here are the code for the tests:
// 1. Simple iteration (nested loops)
unsigned sum = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < gc_Rows; ++i)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < gc_Cols; ++j)
sum += g_Data[i][j];
// 2. Simple iteration (one loop)
unsigned sum = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < gc_Rows * gc_Cols; ++i)
sum += g_Data[i / gc_Cols][i % gc_Cols];
// 3. Pointer iteration (one loop)
unsigned sum = 0;
unsigned * p = &(g_Data[0][0]);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < gc_Rows * gc_Cols; ++i)
sum += *p++;
// 4. Range-based for (nested loops)
unsigned sum = 0;
for (auto & i : g_Data)
for (auto j : i)
sum += j;
// 5. Range(const ref)(nested loops)
unsigned sum = 0;
for (auto const & i : g_Data)
for (auto const & j : i)
sum += j;

It has many factors affecting it:
It depends on the compiler
It depends on the compiler flags used
It depends on the computer used
There is only one way to know the exact answer: measuring the time used when dealing with huge arrays (maybe from a random number generator) which is the same method you have already done except that the array size should be at least 1000x1000.


Using TBB for an simple example

I am new to TBB and try to do a simple exprement.
My data for functions are:
int n = 9000000;
int *data = new int[n];
I created a function, the first one without using TBB:
void _array(int* &data, int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
data[i] = busyfunc(data[i])*123;
It takes 0.456635 seconds.
And also created a to function, the first one with using TBB:
void parallel_change_array(int* &data,int list_count) {
//Instructional example - parallel version
parallel_for(blocked_range<int>(0, list_count),
[=](const blocked_range<int>& r) {
for (int i = r.begin(); i < r.end(); i++) {
data[i] = busyfunc(data[i])*123;
It takes me 0.584889 seconds.
As for busyfunc(int m):
int busyfunc(int m)
m *= 32;
return m;
Can you tell me, why the function without using TBB spends less time, than if it is with TBB?
I think, the problem is that the functions are simple, and it's easy to calculate without using TBB.
First, the busyfunc() seems not so busy because 9M elements are computed in just half a second, which makes this example rather memory bound (uncached memory operations take orders of magnitude more cycles than arithmetic operations). Memory bound computations scale not as good as compute-bound, e.g. plain memory copying usually scales up to no more than, say, 4 times even running on much bigger number of cores/processors.
Also, memory bound programs are more sensitive to NUMA effects and since you allocated this array as contiguous memory using standard C++, it will be allocated by default entirely on the same memory node where the initialization occurs. This default can be altered by running with numactl -i all --.
And the last, but the most important thing is that TBB initializes threads lazily and pretty slowly. I guess you do not intend writing an application which exits after 0.5 seconds spent on parallel computation. Thus, a fair benchmark should take into account all the warm-up effects, which are expected in the real application. At the very least, it has to wait until all the threads are up and running before starting measurements. This answer suggests one way to do that.
[update] Please also refer to Alexey's answer for another possible reason lurking in compiler optimization differences.
In addition to Anton's asnwer, I recommend to check if the compiler was able to optimize the code equivalently.
For start, check performance of the TBB version executed by a single thread, without real parallelism. You can use tbb::global_control or tbb::task_scheduler_init to limit the number of threads to 1, e.g.
tbb::global_control ctl(tbb::global_control::max_allowed_parallelism, 1);
The overheads of thread creation, as well as cache locality or NUMA effects, should not play a role when all the code is executed by one thread. Therefore you should see approximately the same performance as for the no-TBB version. If you do, then you have a scalability issue, and Anton explained possible reasons.
However if you see that performance drops a lot, then it is a serial optimization issue. One of known reasons is that some compilers cannot optimize the loop over a blocked_range as good as they optimize the original loop; and it was also observed that storing r.end() into a local variable may help:
int rend = r.end();
for (int i = r.begin(); i < rend; i++) {
data[i] = busyfunc(data[i])*123;

What is the performance of std::bitset?

I recently asked a question on Programmers regarding reasons to use manual bit manipulation of primitive types over std::bitset.
From that discussion I have concluded that the main reason is its comparatively poorer performance, although I'm not aware of any measured basis for this opinion. So next question is:
what is the performance hit, if any, likely to be incurred by using std::bitset over bit-manipulation of a primitive?
The question is intentionally broad, because after looking online I haven't been able to find anything, so I'll take what I can get. Basically I'm after a resource that provides some profiling of std::bitset vs 'pre-bitset' alternatives to the same problems on some common machine architecture using GCC, Clang and/or VC++. There is a very comprehensive paper which attempts to answer this question for bit vectors:
Unfortunately, it either predates or considered out of scope std::bitset, so it focuses on vectors/dynamic array implementations instead.
I really just want to know whether std::bitset is better than the alternatives for the use cases it is intended to solve. I already know that it is easier and clearer than bit-fiddling on an integer, but is it as fast?
It's been ages since I posted this one, but:
I already know that it is easier and clearer than bit-fiddling on an
integer, but is it as fast?
If you are using bitset in a way that does actually make it clearer and cleaner than bit-fiddling, like checking for one bit at a time instead of using a bit mask, then inevitably you lose all those benefits that bitwise operations provide, like being able to check to see if 64 bits are set at one time against a mask, or using FFS instructions to quickly determine which bit is set among 64-bits.
I'm not sure that bitset incurs a penalty to use in all ways possible (ex: using its bitwise operator&), but if you use it like a fixed-size boolean array which is pretty much the way I always see people using it, then you generally lose all those benefits described above. We unfortunately can't get that level of expressiveness of just accessing one bit at a time with operator[] and have the optimizer figure out all the bitwise manipulations and FFS and FFZ and so forth going on for us, at least not since the last time I checked (otherwise bitset would be one of my favorite structures).
Now if you are going to use bitset<N> bits interchangeably with like, say, uint64_t bits[N/64] as in accessing both the same way using bitwise operations, it might be on par (haven't checked since this ancient post). But then you lose many of the benefits of using bitset in the first place.
for_each method
In the past I got into some misunderstandings, I think, when I proposed a for_each method to iterate through things like vector<bool>, deque, and bitset. The point of such a method is to utilize the internal knowledge of the container to iterate through elements more efficiently while invoking a functor, just as some associative containers offer a find method of their own instead of using std::find to do a better than linear-time search.
For example, you can iterate through all set bits of a vector<bool> or bitset if you had internal knowledge of these containers by checking for 64 elements at a time using a 64-bit mask when 64 contiguous indices are occupied, and likewise use FFS instructions when that's not the case.
But an iterator design having to do this type of scalar logic in operator++ would inevitably have to do something considerably more expensive, just by the nature in which iterators are designed in these peculiar cases. bitset lacks iterators outright and that often makes people wanting to use it to avoid dealing with bitwise logic to use operator[] to check each bit individually in a sequential loop that just wants to find out which bits are set. That too is not nearly as efficient as what a for_each method implementation could do.
Double/Nested Iterators
Another alternative to the for_each container-specific method proposed above would be to use double/nested iterators: that is, an outer iterator which points to a sub-range of a different type of iterator. Client code example:
for (auto outer_it = bitset.nbegin(); outer_it != bitset.nend(); ++outer_it)
for (auto inner_it = outer_it->first; inner_it != outer_it->last; ++inner_it)
// do something with *inner_it (bit index)
While not conforming to the flat type of iterator design available now in standard containers, this can allow some very interesting optimizations. As an example, imagine a case like this:
bitset<64> bits = 0x1fbf; // 0b1111110111111;
In that case, the outer iterator can, with just a few bitwise iterations ((FFZ/or/complement), deduce that the first range of bits to process would be bits [0, 6), at which point we can iterate through that sub-range very cheaply through the inner/nested iterator (it would just increment an integer, making ++inner_it equivalent to just ++int). Then when we increment the outer iterator, it can then very quickly, and again with a few bitwise instructions, determine that the next range would be [7, 13). After we iterate through that sub-range, we're done. Take this as another example:
bitset<16> bits = 0xffff;
In such a case, the first and last sub-range would be [0, 16), and the bitset could determine that with a single bitwise instruction at which point we can iterate through all set bits and then we're done.
This type of nested iterator design would map particularly well to vector<bool>, deque, and bitset as well as other data structures people might create like unrolled lists.
I say that in a way that goes beyond just armchair speculation, since I have a set of data structures which resemble the likes of deque which are actually on par with sequential iteration of vector (still noticeably slower for random-access, especially if we're just storing a bunch of primitives and doing trivial processing). However, to achieve the comparable times to vector for sequential iteration, I had to use these types of techniques (for_each method and double/nested iterators) to reduce the amount of processing and branching going on in each iteration. I could not rival the times otherwise using just the flat iterator design and/or operator[]. And I'm certainly not smarter than the standard library implementers but came up with a deque-like container which can be sequentially iterated much faster, and that strongly suggests to me that it's an issue with the standard interface design of iterators in this case which come with some overhead in these peculiar cases that the optimizer cannot optimize away.
Old Answer
I'm one of those who would give you a similar performance answer, but I'll try to give you something a bit more in-depth than "just because". It is something I came across through actual profiling and timing, not merely distrust and paranoia.
One of the biggest problems with bitset and vector<bool> is that their interface design is "too convenient" if you want to use them like an array of booleans. Optimizers are great at obliterating all that structure you establish to provide safety, reduce maintenance cost, make changes less intrusive, etc. They do an especially fine job with selecting instructions and allocating the minimal number of registers to make such code run as fast as the not-so-safe, not-so-easy-to-maintain/change alternatives.
The part that makes the bitset interface "too convenient" at the cost of efficiency is the random-access operator[] as well as the iterator design for vector<bool>. When you access one of these at index n, the code has to first figure out which byte the nth bit belongs to, and then the sub-index to the bit within that. That first phase typically involves a division/rshifts against an lvalue along with modulo/bitwise and which is more costly than the actual bit operation you're trying to perform.
The iterator design for vector<bool> faces a similar awkward dilemma where it either has to branch into different code every 8+ times you iterate through it or pay that kind of indexing cost described above. If the former is done, it makes the logic asymmetrical across iterations, and iterator designs tend to take a performance hit in those rare cases. To exemplify, if vector had a for_each method of its own, you could iterate through, say, a range of 64 elements at once by just masking the bits against a 64-bit mask for vector<bool> if all the bits are set without checking each bit individually. It could even use FFS to figure out the range all at once. An iterator design would tend to inevitably have to do it in a scalar fashion or store more state which has to be redundantly checked every iteration.
For random access, optimizers can't seem to optimize away this indexing overhead to figure out which byte and relative bit to access (perhaps a bit too runtime-dependent) when it's not needed, and you tend to see significant performance gains with that more manual code processing bits sequentially with advanced knowledge of which byte/word/dword/qword it's working on. It's somewhat of an unfair comparison, but the difficulty with std::bitset is that there's no way to make a fair comparison in such cases where the code knows what byte it wants to access in advance, and more often than not, you tend to have this info in advance. It's an apples to orange comparison in the random-access case, but you often only need oranges.
Perhaps that wouldn't be the case if the interface design involved a bitset where operator[] returned a proxy, requiring a two-index access pattern to use. For example, in such a case, you would access bit 8 by writing bitset[0][6] = true; bitset[0][7] = true; with a template parameter to indicate the size of the proxy (64-bits, e.g.). A good optimizer may be able to take such a design and make it rival the manual, old school kind of way of doing the bit manipulation by hand by translating that into: bitset |= 0x60;
Another design that might help is if bitsets provided a for_each_bit kind of method, passing a bit proxy to the functor you provide. That might actually be able to rival the manual method.
std::deque has a similar interface problem. Its performance shouldn't be that much slower than std::vector for sequential access. Yet unfortunately we access it sequentially using operator[] which is designed for random access or through an iterator, and the internal rep of deques simply don't map very efficiently to an iterator-based design. If deque provided a for_each kind of method of its own, then there it could potentially start to get a lot closer to std::vector's sequential access performance. These are some of the rare cases where that Sequence interface design comes with some efficiency overhead that optimizers often can't obliterate. Often good optimizers can make convenience come free of runtime cost in a production build, but unfortunately not in all cases.
Also sorry, in retrospect I wandered a bit with this post talking about vector<bool> and deque in addition to bitset. It's because we had a codebase where the use of these three, and particularly iterating through them or using them with random-access, were often hotspots.
Apples to Oranges
As emphasized in the old answer, comparing straightforward usage of bitset to primitive types with low-level bitwise logic is comparing apples to oranges. It's not like bitset is implemented very inefficiently for what it does. If you genuinely need to access a bunch of bits with a random access pattern which, for some reason or other, needs to check and set just one bit a time, then it might be ideally implemented for such a purpose. But my point is that almost all use cases I've encountered didn't require that, and when it's not required, the old school way involving bitwise operations tends to be significantly more efficient.
Did a short test profiling std::bitset vs bool arrays for sequential and random access - you can too:
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
#include <cstdlib> // rand
#include <ctime> // timer
inline unsigned long get_time_in_ms()
return (unsigned long)((double(clock()) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) * 1000);
void one_sec_delay()
unsigned long end_time = get_time_in_ms() + 1000;
while(get_time_in_ms() < end_time)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
using namespace std;
bitset<5000000> bits;
bool *bools = new bool[5000000];
unsigned long current_time, difference1, difference2;
double total;
total = 0;
current_time = get_time_in_ms();
for (unsigned int num = 0; num != 200000000; ++num)
bools[rand() % 5000000] = rand() % 2;
difference1 = get_time_in_ms() - current_time;
current_time = get_time_in_ms();
for (unsigned int num2 = 0; num2 != 100; ++num2)
for (unsigned int num = 0; num != 5000000; ++num)
total += bools[num];
difference2 = get_time_in_ms() - current_time;
cout << "Bool:" << endl << "sum total = " << total << ", random access time = " << difference1 << ", sequential access time = " << difference2 << endl << endl;
total = 0;
current_time = get_time_in_ms();
for (unsigned int num = 0; num != 200000000; ++num)
bits[rand() % 5000000] = rand() % 2;
difference1 = get_time_in_ms() - current_time;
current_time = get_time_in_ms();
for (unsigned int num2 = 0; num2 != 100; ++num2)
for (unsigned int num = 0; num != 5000000; ++num)
total += bits[num];
difference2 = get_time_in_ms() - current_time;
cout << "Bitset:" << endl << "sum total = " << total << ", random access time = " << difference1 << ", sequential access time = " << difference2 << endl << endl;
delete [] bools;
return 0;
Please note: the outputting of the sum total is necessary so the compiler doesn't optimise out the for loop - which some do if the result of the loop isn't used.
Under GCC x64 with the following flags: -O2;-Wall;-march=native;-fomit-frame-pointer;-std=c++11;
I get the following results:
Bool array:
random access time = 4695, sequential access time = 390
random access time = 5382, sequential access time = 749
Not a great answer here, but rather a related anecdote:
A few years ago I was working on real-time software and we ran into scheduling problems. There was a module which was way over time-budget, and this was very surprising because the module was only responsible for some mapping and packing/unpacking of bits into/from 32-bit words.
It turned out that the module was using std::bitset. We replaced this with manual operations and the execution time decreased from 3 milliseconds to 25 microseconds. That was a significant performance issue and a significant improvement.
The point is, the performance issues caused by this class can be very real.
In addition to what the other answers said about the performance of access, there may also be a significant space overhead: Typical bitset<> implementations simply use the longest integer type to back their bits. Thus, the following code
#include <bitset>
#include <stdio.h>
struct Bitfield {
unsigned char a:1, b:1, c:1, d:1, e:1, f:1, g:1, h:1;
struct Bitset {
std::bitset<8> bits;
int main() {
printf("sizeof(Bitfield) = %zd\n", sizeof(Bitfield));
printf("sizeof(Bitset) = %zd\n", sizeof(Bitset));
printf("sizeof(std::bitset<1>) = %zd\n", sizeof(std::bitset<1>));
produces the following output on my machine:
sizeof(Bitfield) = 1
sizeof(Bitset) = 8
sizeof(std::bitset<1>) = 8
As you see, my compiler allocates a whopping 64 bits to store a single one, with the bitfield approach, I only need to round up to eight bits.
This factor eight in space usage can become important if you have a lot of small bitsets.
Rhetorical question: Why std::bitset is written in that inefficacy way?
Answer: It is not.
Another rhetorical question: What is difference between:
std::bitset<128> a = src;
a[i] = true;
a = a << 64;
std::bitset<129> a = src;
a[i] = true;
a = a << 63;
Answer: 50 times difference in performance http://quick-bench.com/iRokweQ6JqF2Il-T-9JSmR0bdyw
You need be very careful what you ask for, bitset support lot of things but each have it own cost. With correct handling you will have exactly same behavior as raw code:
void f(std::bitset<64>& b, int i)
b |= 1L << i;
b = b << 15;
void f(unsigned long& b, int i)
b |= 1L << i;
b = b << 15;
Both generate same assembly: https://godbolt.org/g/PUUUyd (64 bit GCC)
Another thing is that bitset is more portable but this have cost too:
void h(std::bitset<64>& b, unsigned i)
b = b << i;
void h(unsigned long& b, unsigned i)
b = b << i;
If i > 64 then bit set will be zero and in case of unsigned we have UB.
void h(std::bitset<64>& b, unsigned i)
if (i < 64) b = b << i;
void h(unsigned long& b, unsigned i)
if (i < 64) b = b << i;
With check preventing UB both generate same code.
Another place is set and [], first one is safe and mean you will never get UB but this will cost you a branch. [] have UB if you use wrong value but is fast as using var |= 1L<< i;. Of corse if std::bitset do not need have more bits than biggest int available on system because other wise you need split value to get correct element in internal table. This mean for std::bitset<N> size N is very important for performance. If is bigger or smaller than optimal one you will pay cost of it.
Overall I find that best way is use something like that:
constexpr size_t minBitSet = sizeof(std::bitset<1>)*8;
template<size_t N>
using fasterBitSet = std::bitset<minBitSet * ((N + minBitSet - 1) / minBitSet)>;
This will remove cost of trimming exceeding bits: http://quick-bench.com/Di1tE0vyhFNQERvucAHLaOgucAY

The simple task of iterating through an array. Which of these solutions is the most efficient?

Recently, I've been thinking about all the ways that one could iterate through an array and wondered which of these is the most (and least) efficient. I've written a hypothetical problem and five possible solutions.
Given an int array arr with len number of elements, what would be the most efficient way of assigning an arbitrary number 42 to every element?
Solution 0: The Obvious
for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; ++i)
arr[i] = 42;
Solution 1: The Obvious in Reverse
for (unsigned i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i)
arr[i] = 42;
Solution 2: Address and Iterator
for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; ++i)
{ *arr = 42;
Solution 3: Address and Iterator in Reverse
for (unsigned i = len; i; --i)
{ *arr = 42;
Solution 4: Address Madness
int* end = arr + len;
for (; arr < end; ++arr)
*arr = 42;
The obvious solutions are almost always used, but I wonder whether the subscript operator could result in a multiplication instruction, as if it had been written like *(arr + i * sizeof(int)) = 42.
The reverse solutions try to take advantage of how comparing i to 0 instead of len might mitigate a subtraction operation. Because of this, I prefer Solution 3 over Solution 2. Also, I've read that arrays are optimized to be accessed forwards because of how they're stored in the cache, which could present an issue with Solution 1.
I don't see why Solution 4 would be any less efficient than Solution 2. Solution 2 increments the address and the iterator, while Solution 4 only increments the address.
In the end, I'm not sure which of these solutions I prefer. I'm think the answer also varies with the target architecture and optimization settings of your compiler.
Which of these do you prefer, if any?
Just use std::fill.
std::fill(arr, arr + len, 42);
Out of your proposed solutions, on a good compiler, neither should be faster than the others.
The ISO standard doesn't mandate the efficiency of the different ways of doing things in code (other than certain big-O type stuff for some collection algorithms), it simply mandates how it functions.
Unless your arrays are billions of elements in size, or you're wanting to set them millions of times per minute, it generally won't make the slightest difference which method you use.
If you really want to know (and I still maintain it's almost certainly unnecessary), you should benchmark the various methods in the target environment. Measure, don't guess!
As to which I prefer, my first inclination is to optimise for readability. Only if there's a specific performance problem do I then consider other possibilities. That would be simply something like:
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < len; idx++)
arr[idx] = 42;
I don't think that performance is an issue here - those are, if at all (I could imagine the compiler producing the identical assembly for most of them), micro optimizations hardly ever necessary.
Go with the solution that is most readable; the standard library provides you with std::fill, or for more complex assignments
for(unsigned k = 0; k < len; ++k)
// whatever
so it is obvious to other people looking at your code what you are doing. With C++11 you could also
for(auto & elem : arr)
// whatever
just don't try to obfuscate your code without any necessity.
For nearly all meaningful cases, the compiler will optimize all of the suggested ones to the same thing, and it's very unlikely to make any difference.
There used to be a trick where you could avoid the automatic prefetching of data if you ran the loop backwards, which under some bizarre set of circumstances actually made it more efficient. I can't recall the exact circumstances, but I expect modern processors will identify backwards loops as well as forwards loops for automatic prefetching anyway.
If it's REALLY important for your application to do this over a large number of elements, then looking at blocked access and using non-temporal storage will be the most efficient. But before you do that, make sure you have identified the filling of the array as an important performance point, and then make measurements for the current code and the improved code.
I may come back with some actual benchmarks to prove that "it makes little difference" in a bit, but I've got an errand to run before it gets too late in the day...

C++ heap memory performance improvement

I'm writing a function where I need a significant amount of heap memory. Is it possible to tell the compiler that those data will be accessed frequently within a specific for loop, so as to improve performance (through compile options or similar)?
The reason I cannot use the stack is that the number of elements I need to store is big, and I get segmentation fault if I try to do it.
Right now the code is working but I think it could be faster.
I'm doing something like this
vector< set<uint> > vec(node_vec.size());
for(uint i = 0; i < node_vec.size(); i++)
for(uint j = i+1; j < node_vec.size(); j++)
// some computation, basic math, store the result in variable x
if( x > threshold ) {
some details:
- I used hash_set, little improvement, beside the fact that hash_set is not available in all machines I have for simulation purposes
- I tried to allocate vec on the stack using arrays but, as I said, I might get segmentation fault if the number of elements is too big
If node_vec.size() is, say, equal to k, where k is of the order of a few thousands, I expect vec to be 4 or 5 times bigger than node_vec. With this order of magnitude the code appears to be slow, considering the fact that I have to run it many times. Of course, I am using multithreading to parallelize these calls, but I can't get the function per se to run much faster than what I'm seeing right now.
Would it be possible, for example, to have vec allocated in the cache memory for fast data retrieval, or something similar?
I'm writing a function where I need a significant amount of heap memory ... will be accessed frequently within a specific for loop
This isn't something you can really optimize at a compiler level. I think your concern is that you have a lot of memory that may be "stale" (paged out) but at a particular point in time you will need to iterate over all of it, maybe several times and you don't want the memory pages to be paged out to disk.
You will need to investigate strategies that are platform specific to improve performance. Keeping the pages in memory can be achieved with mlockall or VirtualLock but you really shouldn't need to do this. Make sure you know what the implications of locking your application's memory pages into RAM is, however. You're hogging memory from other processes.
You might also want to investigate a low fragmentation heap (however it may not be relevant at all to this problem) and this page which describes cache lines with respect to for loops.
The latter page is about the nitty-gritty of how CPUs work (a detail you normally shouldn't have to be concerned with) with respect to memory access.
Example 1: Memory accesses and performance
How much faster do you expect Loop 2 to run, compared Loop 1?
int[] arr = new int[64 * 1024 * 1024];
// Loop 1
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) arr[i] *= 3;
// Loop 2
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i += 16) arr[i] *= 3;
The first loop multiplies every value in the array by 3, and the second loop multiplies only every 16-th. The second loop only does about 6% of the work of the first loop, but on modern machines, the two for-loops take about the same time: 80 and 78 ms respectively on my machine.
vector< set<uint> > vec(node_vec.size());
for(uint i = 0; i < node_vec.size(); i++)
for(uint j = i+1; j < node_vec.size(); j++)
// some computation, basic math, store the result in variable x
if( x > threshold ) {
That still doesn't show much, because we cannot know how often the condition x > threshold will be true. If x > threshold is very frequently true, then the std::set might be the bottleneck, because it has to do a dynamic memory allocation for every uint you insert.
Also we don't know what "some computation" actually means/does/is. If it does much, or does it in the wrong way that could be the bottleneck.
And we don't know how you need to access the result.
Anyway, on a hunch:
vector<pair<int, int> > vec1;
vector<pair<int, int> > vec2;
for (uint i = 0; i < node_vec.size(); i++)
for (uint j = i+1; j < node_vec.size(); j++)
// some computation, basic math, store the result in variable x
if (x > threshold)
vec1.push_back(make_pair(i, j));
vec2.push_back(make_pair(j, i));
If you can use the result in that form, you're done. Otherwise you could do some post-processing. Just don't copy it into a std::set again (obviously). Try to stick to std::vector<POD>. E.g. you could build an index into the vectors like this:
// ...
vector<int> index1 = build_index(node_vec.size(), vec1);
vector<int> index2 = build_index(node_vec.size(), vec2);
// ...
vector<int> build_index(size_t count, vector<pair<int, int> > const& vec)
vector<int> index(count, -1);
size_t i = vec.size();
assert(vec[i].first >= 0);
assert(vec[i].first < count);
index[vec[i].first] = i;
while (i != 0);
return index;
ps.: I'm almost sure your loop is not memory-bound. Can't be sure though... if the "nodes" you're not showing us are really big it might still be.
Original answer:
There is no easy I_will_access_this_frequently_so_make_it_fast(void* ptr, size_t len)-kind-of solution.
You can do some things though.
Make sure the compiler can "see" the implementation of every function that's called inside critical loops. What is necessary for the compiler to be able to "see" the implementation depends on the compiler. There is one way to be sure though: define all relevant functions in the same translation unit before the loop, and declare them as inline.
This also means you should not by any means call "external" functions in those critical loops. And by "external" functions I mean things like system-calls, runtime-library stuff or stuff implemented in a DLL/SO. Also don't call virtual functions and don't use function pointers. And or course don't allocate or free memory (inside the critical loops).
Make sure you use an optimal algorithm. Linear optimization is moot if the complexity of the algorithm is higher than necessary.
Use the smallest possible types. E.g. don't use int if signed char will do the job. That's something I wouldn't normally recommend, but when processing a large chunk of memory it can increase performance quite a lot. Especially in very tight loops.
If you're just copying or filling memory, use memcpy or memset. Disable the intrinsic version of those two functions if the chunks are larger then about 50 to 100 bytes.
Make sure you access the data in a cache-friendly manner. The optimum is "streaming" - i.e. accessing the memory with ascending or descending addresses. You can "jump" ahead some bytes at a time, but don't jump too far. The worst is random access to a big block of memory. E.g. if you have to work on a 2 dimensional matrix (like a bitmap image) where p[0] to p[1] is a step "to the right" (x + 1), make sure the inner loop increments x and the outer increments y. If you do it the other way around performance will be much much worse.
If your pointers are alias-free, you can tell the compiler (how that's done depends on the compiler). If you don't know what alias-free means I recommend searching the net and your compiler's documentation, since an explanation would be beyond the scope.
Use intrinsic SIMD instructions if appropriate.
Use explicit prefetch instructions if you know which memory locations will be needed in the near future.
You can't do that with compiler options. Depending on your usage (insertion, random-access, deleting, sorting, etc.), you could maybe get a better suited container.
The compiler can already see that the data is accessed frequently within the loop.
Assuming you're only allocating the data from the heap once before doing the looping, note, as #lvella, that memory is memory and if it's accessed frequently it should be effectively cached during execution.

Performance: vector of classes or a class containing vectors

I have a class containing a number of double values. This is stored in a vector where the indices for the classes are important (they are referenced from elsewhere). The class looks something like this:
Vector of classes
class A
double count;
double val;
double sumA;
double sumB;
vector<double> sumVectorC;
vector<double> sumVectorD;
vector<A> classes(10000);
The code that needs to run as fast as possible is something like this:
vector<double> result(classes.size());
for(int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++)
result[i] += classes[i].sumA;
vector<double>::iterator it = find(classes[i].sumVectorC.begin(), classes[i].sumVectorC.end(), testval);
if(it != classes[i].sumVectorC.end())
result[i] += *it;
The alternative is instead of one giant loop, split the computation into two separate loops such as:
for(int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++)
result[i] += classes[i].sumA;
for(int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++)
vector<double>::iterator it = find(classes[i].sumVectorC.begin(), classes[i].sumVectorC.end(), testval);
if(it != classes[i].sumVectorC.end())
result[i] += *it;
or to store each member of the class in a vector like so:
Class of vectors
vector<double> classCounts;
vector<double> classVal;
vector<vector<double> > classSumVectorC;
and then operate as:
for(int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++)
result[i] += classCounts[i];
Which way would usually be faster (across x86/x64 platforms and compilers)? Are look-ahead and cache lines are the most important things to think about here?
The reason I'm doing a linear search (i.e. find) here and not a hash map or binary search is because the sumVectors are very short, around 4 or 5 elements. Profiling showed a hash map was slower and a binary search was slightly slower.
As the implementation of both variants seems easy enough I would build both versions and profile them to find the fastest one.
Empirical data usually beats speculation.
As a side issue: Currently, the find() in your innermost loop does a linear scan through all elements of classes[i].sumVectorC until it finds a matching value. If that vector contains many values, and you have no reason to believe that testVal appears near the start of the vector, then this will be slow -- consider using a container type with faster lookup instead (e.g. std::map or one of the nonstandard but commonly implemented hash_map types).
As a general guideline: consider algorithmic improvements before low-level implementation optimisation.
As lothar says, you really should test it out. But to answer your last question, yes, cache misses will be a major concern here.
Also, it seems that your first implementation would run into load-hit-store stalls as coded, but I'm not sure how much of a problem that is on x86 (it's a big problem on XBox 360 and PS3).
It looks like optimizing the find() would be a big win (profile to know for sure). Depending on the various sizes, in addition to replacing the vector with another container, you could try sorting sumVectorC and using a binary search in the form of lower_bound. This will turn your linear search O(n) into O(log n).
if you can guarrantee that std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity is not a possible value, ensuring that the arrays are sorted with a dummy infinite entry at the end and then manually coding the find so that the loop condition is a single test:
and then an equality test.
then you know that the average number of looked at values is (size()+1)/2 in the not found case. Of course if the search array changes very frequently then the issue of keeping it sorted is an issue.
of course you don't tell us much about sumVectorC or the rest of A for that matter, so it is hard to ascertain and give really good advice. For example if sumVectorC is never updates then it is probably possible to find an EXTREMELY cheap hash (eg cast ULL and bit extraction) that is perfect on the sumVectorC values that fits into double[8]. Then the overhead is bit extract and 1 comparison versus 3 or 6
Also if you have a bound on sumVectorC.size() that is reasonable(you mentioned 4 or 5 so this assumption seems not bad) you could consider using an aggregated array or even just a boost::array<double> and add your own dynamic size eg :
class AggregatedArray : public boost::array<double>{
size_t _size;
size_t size() const {
return size;
this gets rid of the extra cache line access to the allocated array data for sumVectorC.
In the case of sumVectorC very infrequently updating if finding a perfect hash (out of your class of hash algoithhms)is relatively cheap then you can incur that with profit when sumVectorC changes. These small lookups can be problematic and algorithmic complexity is frequently irrelevant - it is the constants that dominate. It is an engineering problem and not a theoretical one.
Unless you can guarantee that the small maps are in cache you can be almost be guaranteed that using a std::map will yield approximately 130% worse performance as pretty much each node in the tree will be in a separate cache line
Thus instead of accessing (4 times 1+1 times 2)/5 = 1.2 cache lines per search (the first 4 are in first cacheline, the 5th in the second cacheline, you will access (1 + 2 times 2 + 2 times 3) = 9/5) + 1 for the tree itself = 2.8 cachelines per search (the 1 being 1 node at the root, 2 nodes being children of the root, and the last 2 being grandchildren of the root, plus the tree itself)
So I would predict using a std::map to take 2.8/1.2 = 233% as long for a sumVectorC having 5 entries
This what I meant when I said: "It is an engineering problem and not a theoretical one."