Find and Replace "Favourites" in Eclipse? - regex

I use the Eclipse CDT for C development and I automate many mundance tasks using regexes. I have built up a set of quite complicated regexes that I use a lot which I have ended up keeping in a text file. Every time I want to use one of my commonly used regexes I have to copy the find and replace expressions into the find/replace dialog fields (separately) before using it. This can be very time consuming. Does anyone know of a plugin which would allow me to store and select from named fjnd/replace favourites that I can then apply to code in the editor?

The "Find" and "Replace" dialogs have a memory. If you use a regex, it is saved in this memory and you can select it later using the drop-down menu in each of "Find" and "Replace".
Besides from this, I don't think there's a plugin to do what you want to do...


use cpp.vim to chage the highlight (vim of ubuntu)

I fell that the highlight in vim is not as powerful as I want. such as "&&","||" these can not be highlighted. I know it can be changed by cpp.vim but I don not know how to do it. Can someone tell me how to do it? Thank you
If default highlight options does not suits you, try some custom plug-in before trying to write your own, most of plug-ins are located on github e.g.
Maybe you should start with one on vim plug-in managers first e.g.

Sublime Text: interactive confirm for replace?

I need to do a lot of search/replace across 50+ files, and am using Sublime Text 3.
Is there a way to step through and interactively confirm each change? I dont't want a blanket Replace All action that just performs all replacements.
I am thinking way back to vi/vim with its %s/old/new/gc functionality.
Both the Find/Replace and Find in Files/Replace commands don't natively support prompting you if the replacement should happen. Regular in-buffer find/replace just replaces directly and the only confirmation that you can get is when you do a Find in Files and Sublime prompts you to confirm the replacement after telling you how many replacements will be made.
As such, the only way to get something like this is to look to an external plugin/package that would do it's own find and replace option so that you could be asked to confirm the changes.
I'm not personally aware of any packages that would do this, but a search in Package Control turns up the RegReplace package, which lists among its features:
Create commands that highlight results and requiring confirmation before replacing.
That said I've never used the package myself, and from briefly looking at the documentation site it seems like it's only capable of searching in the current document and not across files.
A potential workaround would be to use the native Find in Files to find all files with matches, then manually open them and use RegReplace to perform the same operation again.

Is there an editor to autoindent / add spaces in existing code?

I have some JavaScript code which I want to make more readable. However, due to the amount of code I want to use a tool which does this automatically for me.
Are there such tools already available or do I have to manually perform some "find/replace-alls"?
The code which I want to convert is written on a single line without spaces.
Quick search found which seems to do what you are looking for online.
Search terms: javascript beautifier

Howto organize Vim buffers, windows and tabs when working with many files

I used VIM whole my life but recently I am a bit tired of it because I am lost in buffers, windows, and tabs when working simultaneously with 20 files or so in a big project (with 500k LOC, and hundreds files).
Whenever i do :make, :grep, etc, new buffers are jumping out in the current window.
The same happens for the tags. At some point this starts to be very confusing because I really have to focus where things are in a VIM.
What are a proven and easy ways to control this behavior?
Use :hide to get rid of all windows unless you really need them open.
I'm not sure why tags are creating a new window for you, CTRL+] should re-use the current window.
nnoremap + 4<C-W>+ and nnoremap - 4<C-W>- make it much easier to resize windows, along with the standard <C-W>_ and <C-W>|.
Get a 22" monitor (minimum) and use :vsplit to show files side by side. I find this is even more important than having two smaller monitors.
Use <C-W>L, <C-W>H etc to move windows around. Don't forget :tab sp to open the current file (or a new one) in a new tab.
:map <LEFT> <C-W>h and :map <RIGHT> <C-W>l, etc make it much easier to move between windows. :map <C-LEFT> :tabprev<CR> and :map <C-RIGHT> :tabnext<CR> make it much easier to move between tabs.
And finally, if you need to have 20 files open regularly, this could be a sign that your code is poorly organized. If possible, features should be contained within a single file, then you just need to focus work on one feature at a time.
I tested out Eclim a while ago for a friend. Basically, it lets you run Eclipse in a headless mode while using vim for editing and so on. With the extension, it allows Vim to draw on all the strengths of both worlds, adding for instance Eclipse's project tree to your favourite editor!
Installation was a bit daunting back then, but once I had it up and running, it was really smooth and quite a brilliant solution. Try it out, I'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed. And the installation is probably easier now. :)
Oh, I should also mention that there are several Eclim-setups. You can have headless Eclipse with vim as your primary interface (as I first mentioned), you can have a headed Eclipse and Vim, so that you can easily switch back and forth (in the same project no less), or you can have Vim integrated into Eclipse itself.
Run multiple vims. I use "konsole" on my Linux machine. It allows me to open many tabbed linux terminal sessions in one window. I can double click the tabs to name them, e.g. "models", "views", "controllers", etc. In each of these tabbed linux terminals, I'll have a vim process running that has usually 2 or 3 files open at a time.
Another option is to find and IDE that has Vim mode, so you can still use most of your key commands.
As a longtime vim user, it pains me to say it, but--it might be time for you to graduate to a full-fledged IDE. You can still use vim as your editor in most cases, but the IDE will handle file management and navigation for you, and probably will simplify your make and grep workflows (e.g., structural search beats the pants off of grep). What language are you working on?
Vim-CtrlSpace lets you organize Tabs, Buffers, Sessions (workspaces) + fuzzy search.
It is quite suitable to work on large projects. That's how I actually come up with it.
Before, I used 'jlanzarotta/bufexplorer.git' and 'xolox/vim-session'
You can check the demo on YouTube.

Filter Eclipse's "Open Call Hierarchy" to just my company/project

One of my favorite features of Eclipse is the ability to open a caller/callee hierarchy of a method.
By default, the view shows calls to/from classes that are outside of my codebase... which I don't usually care about.
There is an option to filter out specific package names I don't want, but I need to do the opposite... to filter out all packages except the one I want. What is the appropriate regex to use here to "match all strings except those that start with com.mycompany.?"
I had the same problem lately and exploring the options of the Call Hierarchy led me to the Search In option. It is activated by clicking on the triangle
The filtering options are pretty simple and effective:
It appears that "Filter Calls" uses glob syntax for filter patterns, not regular expressions. You can't specify something that should not match with glob patterns. Sorry.
It is not exactly what you are looking for, but it is an alternate solution. Take a look at nWire for Java. It is a code exploration plugin. Among many other things, it will present the call hierarchy. However, it will only show calls which originate from your own code, so it should fit your needs.
Another approach is to open the 'Type Hierarchy' view's View menu, select 'Select Working Set' and select an existing or new working set that only includes the project you're currently interested in (create one just for this purpose if necessary, e.g. called 'TypeHierarchyFilterWorkingSet').
I just did this using Eclipse Indigo, by the way, not sure whether the other versions have something similar.
After "Open Call Hierarchy" right click on the root of the results and select under "References" or "Declarations" the project you interest in:
One solution (though somewhat brute force) is to remove the other code from Eclipse's reach. Either put them into separate workspaces, or, if you sometimes do need them in one workspace, close the other projects when you don't want to see them.
You could try to add a parameter to the method, than all calls will be shown as error on rebuild.
you could filter out org., net., java.* and so on. This (in my case) reduces the list enormously