Add custom HTML class property to selected block in a QTextEdit - c++

I am not new to Qt, but I can't find how to add a custom css class to the selected block in a QTextEdit.
As far as I know,format is changed whit code like this:
QTextCursor cursor = textEdit->textCursor();
QTextBlockFormat bfmt;
// Apply format changes
When I do this, the generated HTML code creates a span with inlined style in it, but what I want is to insert the css class:
<SPAN class='myclass'>text</span>
I am missing a function inside QTextBlockFormat to set the css class of the text.

You should be able to emulate this behavior by manually adding <span style=""> tags to your selected text:
QString oldText = cursor.selectedText();
// not the best way to concat three strings, but for example only...
cursor.insertHtml(QString("<span class=\"%1\">%2</span>").arg("myclass").arg(oldText));
selectedText() will return currently selected text, and insertHtml() will insert new text at the beggining of the cursor, deleting current selection, if any.


OrchardCMS Replacement Tokens for Query Results displaying HTML tags instead rendering them

I am having problems understanding the token system for the output of query / projections.
If I leave the property as is it displays the text content with HTML formatting intact.
But I need to wrap it with a tag, the html tags get displayed as text.
Rewrite Results -> Rewrite output
<div class="collapse" id="toggle_{Content.Id}">
{Content.Fields.CaseStudy.ClientChallenge} </div>
I am trying to create a collapsible text area, I already have a button that hides/unhides the content.
Why is it displaying as text instead of rendering the tags properly.
I think this is because I don't know how replacement tokens work.
Another example problem is up one level on the edit Layout, I want to set the item class to work-item {Category}, Category being the name/title of a property, which I am using for grouping.
Right above the projection: I want to include some html that lists all the Categorys in a ul i.e. data-filter=".experiential" I have tried things like: work-item {Category} and work-item {Content.Fields.CaseStudy.Category}. Category is a "term" (?) from a taxonomy.
I feel like I am failing to understand how it all works.
Submitted as a bug
Will edit and post if it is fixed. In case anoyong else comes across this issue.

Render items in separated placeholder

I'm trying to create a carousel and I want it to be configurable from the Experience Editor. By configurable I meant that it's possible to edit the image, text AND add/or remove slides.
The first time I create the carousel I can add/remove slides but no after saving it and opening it again, after rendering the carousel I can't remove just one slide because they all are part of the same placeholder (I can continue adding new slides and removing the new ones but not the old ones).
I have Carousel.cshtml and CarouselSlide.cshtml and the code look like:
<div class="carousel">
#foreach (Item slide in Model.Item.Children)
#Html.Action("CarouselSlide", "MediaFeature", new { model = slide });
<div class="carousel-slide">
<div class="carousel-slide-content">
<div class="background-image">
<div class="text-container">
So far, the issue looks like is related with the placeholders. Any ideas about how to render DynamicPlaceholders?
"slides" placeholder is configured to allow only CarouselSlide components
Remove the foreach loop. It is unnecessary. When Sitecore renders the placeholder it renders the previously added slides for you. When in edit mode, it also renders the container that allows you to add additional components.
Using a dynamic placeholder as you have will allow you to have multiple Carousel components on a page. Or more precisely, multiple components containing a placeholder with the key "slides". It is most likely not causing the problems you are seeing with your slides.
Update - additional info requested by OP
It looks like what you have done is mix two different styles of development. In one, you are explicitly rendering the children of the carousel item as slides. In the second you are relying on Sitecore's presentation engine to dynamically render components into a placeholder that could be using data sources from somewhere else in the tree. You need to pick one or the other, but the second approach is generally preferred.
To use the second approach, you would simply remove the foreach loop so that your Carousel view looks like this:
<div class="carousel">
If you decide to go with the first approach, you would remove the placeholder and then add Custom Experience Buttons to allow you to insert and sort child items under your carousel item.
With either approach, you may find that page editor does not play all that well with your Carousel javascript. The most common workaround to this problem is to render the carousel as a flat list in page editor mode.

HTML inserted into QTextEdit does not conform to style sheet

I have a docked QTextEdit which I am using to emulate a debug terminal in a QT c++ gui, and have it set to a black background with white text.
I am trying to use it to print out error messages from QXmlSchemaValidator, but the messages from the schema validator are in html format, and whenever I insert them into the QTextEdit, it reverts to it's default font, and I end up with black text on a black background.
The actual message is something like:
<html xmlns=''>
<p>Content of element
<span class='XQuery-keyword'>minValue</span> does not match its type definition: <span class='XQuery-data'>fu</span> is not valid according to <span class='XQuery-type'>xs:decimal</span>..
using setAcceptRichText(false) doesn't solve the problem, and if I use insertPlainText() to add text to the lineEdit, it removes all the line breaks and leaves the html tags in the error message, which is unacceptable.
Is there some way I can display the HTML rich text, but without blowing away my style sheet font?
I tested it on my computer. It works perfectly. Use this:
//Ok, but clear selection
QTextCursor cur = edit->textCursor();
It's sort of a kludge, but the workaround that I went with was to remove the HTML tags from the schema validator message before adding it to the text edit.
QString errorMsg = msg.statusMessage().remove(QRegExp("<[^>]*>"));

CustomItemGenerator and the Page Editor

Sitecore 6.6 Update 4
We're using CustomItemGenerator 1.0 and I was using this to help build a primary navigation menu for a site. This worked as expected and everything was rendered properly.
My problem is when I attempt to edit the menu via Page Editor; I don't even see the menu.
I use a repeater and repeat over a list of links to include in the nav. Due to the way the HTML was created, each LI element needs to have its own, specific ID ("Nav Id" Field in Sitecore) that ties into the CSS. Code inside of my repeater's ItemDataBound event:
// Cast the item using CustomItemGenerator-generated class
GenericContentPageItem navItem = (GenericContentPageItem)e.Item.DataItem;
liMenuItem.ID = navItem.NavId.Rendered; // I tried "navItem.NavId" by itself as well
So while this renders properly in the browser, it doesn't when I'm in Page Editor:
<li id="<input id='fld_B72EB6696DCF41A49671972D5EA5DEB8_2163B90C08AB4A18970A7F3ECE79DCFC_en_1_f71bd37d18d146c19e222e89fcffe278_3' class='scFieldValue' name='fld_B72EB6696DCF41A49671972D5EA5DEB8_2163B90C08AB4A18970A7F3ECE79DCFC_en_1_f71bd37d18d146c19e222e89fcffe278_3' type='hidden' value=" Home?="">
... instead of it rendering like this:
<li id="Home">...</li>
Now, that having been said, I can change my code to not use the CustomItemGenerator and it works fine in the browser and Page Editor as follows:
GenericContentPageItem navItem = (GenericContentPageItem)e.Item.DataItem;
Item nav = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(navItem.ID);
liMenuItem.ID = nav.Fields["Nav Id"].ToString();
I would like to avoid having to hardcode field names in my code, which is why I am using CustomItemGenerator. Is there something that I'm doing wrong with my code that it doesn't want to work in Page Editor?
If you need the actual value out of the field regardless of if you are in the page editor or not, you want to use the Raw property:
liMenuItem.ID = navItem.NavId.Raw;

Orchard CMS: Creating bookmark for List item

We're creating a page in Orchard CMS using the 'List' Content Type. We want to add some hyperlinks at the top of the list, that will jump down the page to specific items in the list.
We specifically don't want to just link to the individual page for the list item, but jump down to where it is in the list, and because the list items are rendered using the same View part, we can't of course just hard code the bookmarks.
We've been customising the View Part in VS and know that the list item title is generated using the code:
And this generates < h1 > and < a > tags to wrap around the title like this:
< h1 shape-id="5" >< a href="/Orchard/Contents/Item/Display/36" shape-id="5" >Marketing< /a >< /h1 >
However, we can't find a way to get the Display() method to include a 'name=' clause which we can then use as the bookmark.
We've also tried adding a new tag just above the exiting code, e.g.:
< a name="#Model.Header" >< /a >
But of course the Model.Header is an object reference, and not some text, so this failed. After this we've got lost with various ways trying to find a property of the Model object to fetch the Title as text but couldn't.
There must be a way to overload the Display() method to get it to include the 'name=' clause, anyone got any ideas?
Model.Header is just a zone. What really renders the title is a shape that was added to that zone. You should really use Shape Tracing (part of the Designer Tools module) to understand what the hierarchy of shapes looks like. You don't need to "overload the display method". What you need is to override the template for the shape that is rendering the title (which is not Model.Header but something inside it).
You might want to read this: and this
<a name="#Model.Header.Items[0].Title" />
It's not pretty, but it worked for me when I dropped this in an alternate template for a biography content type I created (Views/Content-Bio.Summary.cshtml).
Based on Bertrand's suggestion, instead you can try:
<a name="#Model.Title" />
in your template alternate.