Is it possible to open up and execute a Visual Studio C++ Win32 Console Application project with Visual Studio 6.0 C++? - c++

My school still uses MS VS 6.0 C++, don't ask why...
Thanks in advance!

VS 6 can't open a VS 2010 project file directly.
You can create a new workspace in VS 6, and add your existing files to it.
Chances are, however, that the code won't compile -- VC++ 6 is quite old (predates the 1998 standard) so a lot of modern code won't work with it. Depending on how you've written your code, porting it to work with VC++ 6 may be anywhere from fairly trivial to essentially a complete rewrite from the ground up.


Using Visual Studio 2017/2019 to run VS 2008 C++ project

I wonder if anybody has experience converting VS 2008 C++ solution to VS 2017/19 without switching to newer SDK and toolset. The solution is quite old, very large, uses 3-rd party libraries, so full conversion is out of the question. The goal is only to switch to better user interface.
Theoretically it is probably possible, although I successfully converted only very basic C++ MFC project.
Project settings in VS 2017 show only latest toolset. To make other toolsets to appear, I had to install VS 2010, and also add SDK 8.1 from VS installer (without VS 2010, this option is not available). Then select toolset v.90 and SDK 8.1 for each project in solution.
At this point, simple converted project works fine. A large legacy solution has a lots of issues. I resolved generic ones, but it looks like uphill battle. For example, C++ directories are physically different and some of the files are missing. It may be possible to eventually assign original VS 2008 directories to each project and/or copy missing files, but I have the impression of doing something illegal.
The question is, is it a valid procedure and still possible after latest updates.

Visual Studio 2015 No C++ CLR Templates

I've been programming in android and have recently moved on to Visual C++ so I can make Computer Programs (Rather than apps), But when I create a C++/CLR emtpy Project in visual studio 2015, everything is fine at first but when I go to add a windows form, there are simply no templates, whatsoever. The 'installed' tab doesn't have ANYTHING under it, so thus I can't make a form to make my program. I have looked at other solutions but it seems, there is nothing for visual studio 2015, nothing else seems to work.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Setup Changes in Visual Studio 2015 Affecting C++ Developers - This ensures that non-C++ developers don’t have to pay the setup time and disk-space price for installing C++ bits that they don’t need. At the same time, C++ developers can still get the pieces they need.
source: entry about clr templates missing in Visual Studio 2015

Visual Studio C++ Project

Ok, this question is incredibly basic and I'm probably missing something blatantly obvious. But I just downloaded Visual Studio 2012 on Windows 8 because I'm relearning C++. And I cannot, for the life of me, find how to create a basic C++ project. Nothing special. Just a blank C++ project containing files with the .cpp extension. In VS, I go to File>New Project>Installed>Templates>Visual C++. All that's in there is xaml related or other far more complicated stuff than what I want to deal with (e.g. Direct3D App).
Thanks in advance.
You should find something similar to:
If you downloaded Visual Studio Express 2012, make sure you obtained the correct version (Windows, Web, Phone, etc.).

Build Visual Studio 6 project without Visual Studio

I have inherited a Visual Studio 6 C++ project. The project builds fine in Visual Studio 6 but I failed to compile certain files in the project with a gcc compiler. These issues relate to forward declarations and probably other issues. For the mean-time, I'm not interested in fixing these problems since the code is horrible. The code is also windows dependant since it uses win32 to communicate with com ports.
So, I wish to compile with an ms compiler (and build and link...) but I don't have access anymore to Visual Studio due to company policy...
What options are open to me?
THanks for your help,
You can try downloading the free (as in beer) windows SDK. It's been a while, but I believe that these low level tools, such cl, link and make are available though these.
But you probably will need to massage the code a little, so you might need to deal with the win api a little bit too.
Just to clarify, this is free and not associated with VS, so unless your company has some rather restrictive policies, you should be able to download and use the Windows SDK fine. Furthermore, the compiler tools should be somewhat friendly to VS6.

Visual Studio 2008 C++ language support?

I've been developing a couple of C# tools recently, but primarily working with a lot of legacy Visual Basic 6.0 code (I know, I know...). For the C# development, I've been using Visual Studio 2008 Professional edition that I downloaded using our MSDN subscription here at work.
But, as a change of pace over the weekend, I was going to check out a complex C++ project that we have. However, when I went to open it through Visual Studio, it wouldn't open it saying that the .vcproj file type wasn't supported. I figured it was a compatibility issue and that the project file type had changed between versions of Visual Studio, but when I tried creating a new C++ application inside Visual Studio 2008 Pro, the option just wasn't there.
I've been searching online by way of Bing, Google, MSDN, and MSDN subscriber downloads to no avail. Nothing I've found so far explains why this is happening.
I have found the express edition of MS Visual C++ 2008, but I could not locate the "full version" of this part of Visual Studio.
Any help would be much appreciated.
It sounds like you haven't got it installed.
Go to Add/Remove Programs (or Programs and Features, or whatever Windows 7 calls it) and modify your installation. You'll get a list of checkboxes so you can install C#, VB.NET, Crystal Reports etc... and Visual C++. Check that checkbox and wait the hour or so for the installer to do its stuff.