What do the braces () in URL regular expression represent? - regex

For example, in
r'^articles/(\d{4})/$', 'news.views.year_archive'
I understand all regexes except (\d{4}). Four digits but why the braces?
(python/django example)
another example:
r'^articles/(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d+)/$', 'news.views.article_detail'

Braces are used for grouping, which can be used to extract a subset of a match. They can also be used to indicate that a subset repeats (or is optional), although your regex does not use them that way.
See http://www.regular-expressions.info/brackets.html
Based on the usage, I'd wager that the code matching this URL is using the brackets to extract the year so that it can be used in a query. See the group function of the Match object
Django automatically extracts grouped subexpressions and uses them as parameters for your view:
The view gets passed an HttpRequest as its first argument and any values captured in the regex as remaining arguments.
A request to /articles/2005/03/ would match the third entry in the list. Django would call the function news.views.month_archive(request, '2005', '03').

Besides grouping part of a regular expression together, round brackets also create a "backreference". A backreference stores the part of the string matched by the part of the regular expression inside the parentheses.


Jmeter correlation for values with no left or right boundries

I wanna correlate a alphanumeric 81fe8bfe87576c3ecb22426f8e57847382917acf value returned from a POST API request as Response which consists of no left or right boundaries, I am using ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$ as regex expression which is a correct regex expression with Jmeter RegExp Tester, but unable to extract the alphanumeric value from the response and store in a variable as determined by the logs using Regular Expression Extractor.
But, Values returned by the logs shows unable to extract alphanumeric value using Regular Expression Extractor.
Here is my Regular Expression Extractor to extract the alphanumeric value
I already have tried out all the Fields to check options available, nothing works. I am not sure , exactly why is it not working as the regex expression ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$ is correct, maybe it's related to empty or no left and right boundaries.
Would really appreciate any resolution provided.
Your ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$ regex contains no capturing groups, but your template, $1$, retrieves Group 1 value from the match. Since the match has no Group 1, the value is not found.
There are two solutions:
Replace your ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$ with ^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ and keep on using $1$ template.
Replace $1$ with $0$ so as to access the whole match value, Group 0, rather than Group 1 (that is missing in the original regex).
You need to surround your regular expression with parentheses in order to have a capture group, see Meta Characters chapter of JMeter User Manual for more information
Given you need to extract only alphanumeric characters you can simplify your regular expression to just (\w+)
Given you need to get the full response you can just use Boundary Extractor and leave both boundaries blank - JMeter will store the whole response into a JMeter Variable (it will work for JMeter 5.2 or higher, see JMeter Bug 63775 for details
If you need to store the whole response into a JMeter Variable and want to use Regular Expression Extractor for this the relevant regular expression would be (?s)(^.*)

complex regex for JMeter

Need to capture below value from string in JMeter
<input id="__TriDocumentName" type="hidden"
Value to be capture: 20170913_061108_464
what will be the regex for this?
Notice here BIRTDOCtDY1z2sxwRM6nzf2s7UGO0S value is also dynamic.
Right click on the sampler from which you want to extract dynamic value and add>Post Processors> Regular Expression Extractor.
“Apply to” checkbox : Useful in case if sample has child samples that request for embedded resources. This parameter defines will be regular expression be applied to either only main sample results or to the embedded resources too. You can choose according to your requirement
“Response field to check” check-box.This parameter defines to which field regular expression should be applied.
In regular expression field: You have to find the left boundary and right boundary of the value to extract for e.g. this is my response "something date:"20170913_061108_464" some value", then my regex will be [date:"(.+?)"] where (date:") is the right boundary and (") is the left boundary.
Template. The template used to create a string from the matches found. This is an arbitrary string with special elements to refer to groups within the regular expression. The syntax to refer to a group is: '$1$' to refer to group 1, '$2$' to refer to group 2, etc. $0$ refers to whatever the entire expression matches. So, if you have in response word “economics” and search for regular expression “(ec)(onomics)” and apply template $2$$1$ than in output variable you will receive “onomicsec”.
Match ¹. If there is several character sequences, allows specifying, which variant exactly should be used. Important note. If you set “Apply to” to “Main sample and sub-samples” and specify “Match ¹” = 3, than JMeter will select matching sequence from the 2nd sub-sample because 1st will be main sample. If zero is specified, JMeter will choose a match at random. If you specify negative number, e.g. “-2”
To invoke extracted value use the reference name followed by $ sign.
Use Regular Expression Extractor with below pattern
Regular Expression : [A-Z]+%5C([0-9_]+)%5
Template :$1$
Match No : 1
Use Regular Expression Extractor with date pattern after %5C and until next %:
Regular Expression : %5C([0-9\_]+)%
Template: $1$
Match No: 1
The code below is working.
<input id="__TriDocumentName" type="hidden" value="C%3A%5CWindows%5CTEMP%2Fdocuments%5C.*?%5C(.*?)%5CBalance\+Sheet\+Report28082017.rptdocument"

regex expression for selecting a value

I want to write a regexp formula for the below sip message that takes number:
< sip:callpark#as1sip1.com:5060;user=callpark;service=callpark;preason=park;paction=park;ptoken=150009;pautortrv=180;nt_server_host= >
(Actually there are "<" and ">" signs in the message, but the site does not let me write)
For this case, I want to select ptoken value.. I wrote an expression such as: ptoken=(.*);p but it returns me ptoken=150009;p, I just need the number:150009
How do I write a regexp for this case?
PS: I write this for XML script..
ereg assign_to="token" check_it="true" header="Refer-To:" regexp="(ptoken=([\d]*))" search_in="hdr"/
ereg assign_to="callParkToken" search_in="var" variable="token" check_it="true" regexp="([\d].*)" /
You could use the following regex:
# searches for ptoken= literally
# captures every digit found in the first group
Your wanted numbers are in the first group then. Take a look at this demo on regex101.com. Depending on your actual needs, there could be better approaches (Xpath? as tagged as XML) though.
You should use lookahead and lookbehind:
It captures any character (.+?) before which is ptoken= and behind which is ;
The <ereg ... > action has the assign_to parameter. In your case assign_to="token". In fact, the parameter can receive several variable names. The first is assigned the whole string matching the regular expression, and the following are assigned the "capture groups" of the regular expression.
If your regexp is ptoken=([\d]*), the whole match includes ptoken which is bad. The first capture group is ([\d]*) which is the required value. Thus, use <ereg regexp="ptoken=([\d]*)" assign_to="dummyvar,token" ..other parameters here.. >.
Is it working?

Regex for the URL

Can someone help me with writing the regex for the below URL?
I want a Regex to match the whole URL. The url format will be like this.
https://www.mywebsite.com/us/cgi-bin/binary?cmd=_payment-option&transaction_id=8768JKHKJG19322&account_number=6UN85941RH525783L&transaction_date=Apr 12, 2012&transaction_amount=-$11.00&ccode=USD&act_id=6K6218756F7819322&counterparty=Pretty Flower Florist&initiated_page=_login&go_Ah9w8keNJ8YRLMkAMTS_Izeq0br1CF6OVtGv69WzOo8AjgDgGIiBetMG-lK&Go_Actions
This is what I have got so far, but it is matching only till the first '&'
http[s]*:\/\/www.[a-zA-Z0-9.]*mywebsite.[a-zA-Z]*[/]*[a-zA-Z0-9]*[/]*cgi-bin[/]*binary[?]*cmd=[_a-z\-]*[[\&][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*[=][a-z ,A-Z0-9_-]*]*
How can I repeat the pattern &transaction_id=8768JKHKJG19322?
[[\&][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*[=][a-z ,A-Z0-9_-]*]* does not seem to work
This is not very robust regex, but it should give you the idea - repeat common patterns.
A partial answer, because (as other posters have noted), it's not clear what you're trying to accomplish, and what your context is. If you just want to pull out the value of the query string parameter transaction_id, then this will do the job for you:
In your OP, you have nested brackets. Brackets are for character classes only; you can't nest them.
Instead, use parentheses. Parentheses are used for two things: to indicate nesting or grouping, and to "capture" the value into the match[] array in your program.
As for recognizing the rest of the query string, you shouldn't have to match embedded spaces, as in your example &counterparty=Pretty Flower Florist; you should expect that spaces are encoded as + or %20.
This regex fragment will match the query string part of your input URLs:
It's not a precise restatement of the rules for query strings, but you can use it to capture parameter names and values. This part
captures the parameter name, and this part
captures the parameter value, if any.

Multiple results from one subgroup

I have this string:
<own:egna attribute1="1" attribute2="2">test</own:egna>
I want to catch all attributes with a regexp.
This regexp matches one attribute: (\s+attribute\d=['"][^'"]+['"])
But why is it that appending a + like ``(\s+attribute\d=['"][^'"]+['"])+` actually only returns the last matched attribute and not all of them?
How would you change this to return all attributes in separate groups?
I'm actually having more regexp around this, so using functions such as python's findall and equivalents won't do.
The short answer is you can't - only the last group is accessible. The Python docs state this explicitly:
If a group matches multiple times, only the last match is accessible [...]
You'll have to use some language features:
In PHP, there's preg_match_all that returns all matches.
In other languages, you'll have to do this manually: add the g modifier to the regex and loop over it. Perl, for example, will manage a string position and return the next match in $1 each time a /([...])/g pattern is matched.
Also take a look at Capturing a repeated group.