Determining what memory/values a remote application accesses/changes? - c++

Lets take an example here which is known everywhere in the IT world:
We have a game, for example solitaire, and someone makes and releases a trainer for it that your moves are always '0'.
How do I programatically determine which adresses and what values that "hack" changes?
What way would be the best, if this is possible?
From within the game [injecting/loading my own dll?]
By intercepting traffic between the hack and target process with my own process?
I ask this question because of 2 things:
Protect an application from being "hacked" (at least by the script kiddies)
Reverse engineer a trainer (so you don't have to reinvent the wheel / avoid NIH syndrome)

You can't. Some broken attempts may be setting two addresses and then comparing them (they will find the other address though). Or they can simply remove your compare call.
They can alter any protection function that you use to "programatically determine" to always return false results. They can do anything to your executable, so there is no way.
Unless you hook the kernel functions that open your process to modify the memory. But that is also breakable and if I am not wrong you need to get your "protection kernel driver" digitally signed now.
There is another way in which you load a DLL in every running and newly spawned processes (which will probably alert antiviruses about your program being a virus), with that DLL you hook OpenProcess (and if there is another alternative to it, that too) functions in each process and check if its targeted at your program, and prevent it if so. Search about function hooking. I believe there was something called "MS Detour" or something for it.
And still, the game will not even be close to safe.
To sum up, no way is good to protect your game locally. If you are storing scores or something you should create a server program and client should report every move to server.
Even then, they can create a bot to automatically respond to server. Then the best you can do is somehow verify it is a human that is playing. (maybe captcha or comparing the solving speed with human avarage?)


Trying to hook to MessageBeep system API

I've been asked by a client to solve the following pesky issue. They have a custom software that has a tendency of displaying message boxes "left and right" without any apparent reason. For instance, the software itself is an accounting program, and when they take a customer's payment, the message box may be displayed about 3 or 4 times in a row. Each message box plays Windows default sound. Unfortunately the way this software was programmed, the type of sounds it plays is completely wrong. For instance, it may display a warning message box and play the warning system sound when the message itself is just an information. All this is quite annoying for the staff who uses the software.
I tried to contact the vendor who distributes the software, but I hit a deadend with them. So now I am looking for ways to mitigate this issue.
My easiest solution was to suggest to mute the speakers, but unfortunately, they require sound to be present to be able to hear incoming emails, and most importantly, be able to play voice mail from them later. So my solution was to somehow mute message box sounds just for a single process.
From my experience, I know that there're two APIs that may be producing these sounds: MessageBeep and an older Beep.
I also found this article that explains how to use AppInit_DLLs to hook to system APIs. It works great, except that both of the APIs that I need to hook to come from User32.dll and not from kernel32.dll like the author suggests.
There's also this post in the questions section that kinda gives approximate steps to hooking to an API from User32.dll, but when I tried to implement them, there's not enough information (for my knowledge to do it.)
So my questions is, does anyone know how to hook to an API in the User32.dll module?
EDIT: PS. Forgot to mention. This software is installed on Windows 7 Professional, with UAC disabled -- because it is not compatible with UAC :)
As an alternative you can patch you application. Find calls to MessageBeep and overwrite them with nop.
This is the hard way of doing it: if your app is supposed to be running as Administrator on a pre-Vista Windows, you could get the address of the API via ::GetProcAddress(), give yourself privileges to write to its memory page, and overwrite the beginning of the API's code with a "jmp" assembly instruction jumping into the address of your override function. Make sure your overwrite function takes the same arguments and is declared as __cdecl.
Expanded answer follows.
The "standard" technique for API hooking involves the following steps:
1: Inject your DLL into the target process
This is usually accomplished by first allocating memory in the target process for a string containing the name/path of your DLL (e.g. "MyHook.dll"), and then creating a remote thread in the target process whose entry point is kernel32::LoadLibraryA() passing the name of your DLL as argument. This page has an implementation of this technique. You'll have to wrestle a bit with privileges, but it's guaranteed to work 100% on Windows XP and earlier OSes. I'm not sure about Vista and post-Vista, Address Space Layout Randomization might make this tricky.
2. Hook the API
Once your DLL is loaded into the target process, its DllMain() will be executed automatically, giving you a chance to run anything you want in the target process. From within your DllMain, use ::LoadLibraryA() to get the HMODULE of the library containing the API you want to hook (e.g. "user32.dll") and pass it to ::GetProcAddress() together with the name of the API you want to hook (e.g. "MessageBeep") to get the address of the API itself. Eventaully give yourself privileges to write to that address' page, and overwrite the beginning of the API with a jmp instruction jumping into your detour (i.e. into your "version" of the API to hook). Note that your detour needs to have the same signature and calling convention (usually _cdecl) as the API you want to hook, or else monsters will be awakened.
As described here, this technique is somewhat destructive: you can't call back into the original API from the detour, as the original API has been modified to jump into yours and you'll end up with a very tight and nice infinite loop. There are many different techniques that would allow you to preserve and/or call back into the original API, one of which is hooking the ...A() versions of the API and then calling into the ...W() versions (most if not all of the ...A() Windows API's convert ASCII strings into UNICODE strings and end up calling into their ...W() counterparts).
No need to spend time on a custom program to do this.
You can mute a particular application when it's running, and that setting will be remembered the next time you open the application. See
There's also the Windows Sound Sentry that will turn off most system sounds, although I'm not aware of any per-application settings for Sound Sentry.
You can use Deviare API hook and solve the hook in a couple of C# lines. Or you can use EasyHook that is a bit more difficult and less stable.

Listen For Process Start and End

I'm new to Windows API programming. I am aware that there are ways to check if a process is already running (via enumeration). However, I was wondering if there was a way to listen for when a process starts and ends (for example, notepad.exe) and then perform some action when the starting or ending of that process has been detected. I assume that one could run a continuous enumeration and check loop for every marginal unit of time, but I was wondering if there was a cleaner solution.
Use WMI, Win32_ProcessStartTrace and Win32_ProcessStopTrace classes. Sample C# code is here.
You'll need to write the equivalent C++ code. Which, erm, isn't quite that compact. It's mostly boilerplate, the survival guide is available here.
If you can run code in kernel, check Detecting Windows NT/2K process execution.
Hans Passant has probably given you the best answer, but... It is slow and fairly heavy-weight to write in C or C++.
On versions of Windows less than or equal to Vista, you can get 95ish% coverage with a Windows WH_CBT hook, which can be set with SetWindowsHookEx.
There are a few problems:
This misses some service starts/stops which you can mitigate by keeping a list of running procs and occasionally scanning the list for changes. You do not have to keep procs in this list that have explorer.exe as a parent/grandparent process. Christian Steiber's proc handle idea is good for managing the removal of procs from the table.
It misses things executed directly by the kernel. This can be mitigated the same way as #1.
There are misbehaved apps that do not follow the hook system rules which can cause your app to miss notifications. Again, this can be mitigated by keeping a process table.
The positives are it is pretty lightweight and easy to write.
For Windows 7 and up, look at SetWinEventHook. I have not written the code to cover Win7 so I have no comments.
Process handles are actually objects that you can "Wait" for, with something like "WaitForMultipleObjects".
While it doesn't send a notification of some sort, you can do this as part of your event loop by using the MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() version of the call to combine it with your message processing.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
\Image File Execution Options
You can place a registry key here with your process name then add a REG_SZ named 'Debugger' and your listner application name to relay the process start notification.
Unfortunately there is no such zero-overhead aproach to recieving process exit that i know of.

C++, linux: how to limit function access to file system?

Our app is ran from SU or normal user. We have a library we have connected to our project. In that library there is a function we want to call. We have a folder called notRestricted in the directory where we run application from. We have created a new thread. We want to limit access of the thread to file system. What we want to do is simple - call that function but limit its access to write only to that folder (we prefer to let it read from anywhere app can read from).
So I see that there is no way to disable only one thread from all FS but one folder...
I read your propositions dear SO users and posted some kind of analog to this question here so in there thay gave us a link to sandbox with not a bad api, but I do not really know if it would work on anething but GentOS (but any way such script looks quite intresting in case of using Boost.Process command line to run it and than run desired ex-thread (which migrated to seprate application=)).
There isn't really any way you can prevent a single thread, because its in the same process space as you are, except for hacking methods like function hooking to detect any kind of file system access.
Perhaps you might like to rethink how you're implementing your application - having native untrusted code run as su isn't exactly a good idea. Perhaps use another process and communicate via. RPC, or use a interpreted language that you can check against at run time.
In my opinion, the best strategy would be:
Don't run this code in a different thread, but run it in a different process.
When you create this process (after the fork but before any call to execve), use chroot to change the root of the filesystem.
This will give you some good isolation... However doing so will make your code require root... Don't run the child process as root since root can trivially work around this.
Inject a replacement for open(2) that checks the arguments and returns -EACCES as appropriate.
This doesn't sound like the right thing to do. If you think about it, what you are trying to prevent is a problem well known to the computer games industry. The most common approach to deal with this problem is simply encoding or encrypting the data you don't want others to have access to, in such a way that only you know how to read/understand it.

How to detect incoming call on N900 and display info window based on caller?

Does the N900 allow me to display additional information in parallel to the native application or does the latter always have priority over my process?
I'm interested in displaying additional information based on caller id.
If it's possible, can you name any pitfalls or give small python code examples / or tipps to get started?
detecting incoming call might be the smallest problem you will see in this journey - you can start with this thread
now consider few other factors before you decided whether you want to continue or not:
calls come not only as phone call but also as SIP call, Skype call, GTalk call, etc
call signaling is relatively resource-heavy due to time constraints vs blocked by I/O, etc
call dialog should work ok in portrait and landscape, so you might need to go down extending call architecture not writing my own little thing in 1-2 weekends
internal eMMC storage is not quick and gets slow on 2+ threads trying to write
if you are Ok with risk to spent time and bump into limitations of Maemo5 platform put on end-of-lifecycle hook -- consider learning down googleing keywords maemo5 telepathy mission-control . this is starting point not definitive guide -- you have to learn quit many different things before you start to approach plugging call progress dialogs.

How to read 3rd party application's variables from memory?

I'm trying to read variables from memory. Variables, that doesn't belong to my own program. For instance, let's say I have this Adobe Shockwave (.dcr) application running in browser and I want to read different variables from it. How it's being done? Do I need to hook the process? But it's running under virtual machine, so I don't know how to do it.
This task is pretty much trivial in normal w32 applications (as it is mainly just
CBT-hooking / subclassing), but as I mentioned before, I've got no idea how it's being
done with flash / shockwave.
I'm using C++ (VS9) as my development-environment, in case you wish to know.
Any hints would be highly appreciated, so thank you in advance.
Best regards,
If you're trying to do it manually just for one or two experiments, it's easy.
Try a tool like Cheat engine which is like a free and quick and simple process peeker. Basically it scans the process's memory space for given key values. You can then filter those initial search hits later as well. You can also change those values you do find, live. The link above shows a quick example of using it to find a score or money value in a game, and editing it live as the game runs.
without having debug Binaries/DLLs of the Apps, your only chance is asking some hackers.
Normally you can connect to a process with a debugger, but without the debugging symbols of the binaries you don't see any variable names - just memory addresses.
Further the Flash/Shockwave code runs inside a sandbox inside the browser to prevent security holes by manipulated Flash code. So you don't have a real chance to get access to the running Flash code / to the plugin executing the Flash code - except you have a manipulated version of such a plugin.
So your task is quite hard to solve without using less legal methods. The next hard thing is the virtual machine - this could be solved by implementing your app as a client/server solution, where the "inspector" / watchdog runs as server inside the virtual machine and the client requesting the variable status/content running on your normal host. The communication could be done as simple socket connection.
If you have the chance to write your own Flash/Shockwave plugin, you maybe could be able to see contents of variables.
Sorry, that I cannot help you any further.