c# app connectivity issue - web-services

I am new to C# and would be really grateful if someone could provide some insight on the following problem: I have written a c# app that gets the html content of a website, quite simply using a webclient. The problem is that if I run it for multiple websites I see that sometimes I get no results for some of them, like it was never connected to that website at that instance. I initially thought it was my internet connection but the same happened when I tried on a different wifi. It is worth mentioning that I have the same prob on another of my appcs when trying to connect to a webservice. My question is: does anybody know how can this be fixed? Does it have to do with the timeout time of something like that?
Thank you very much in advance
This is the code but it's not really an issue of coding:
var client = new WebClient();
var htmlcode = client.DownloadString(site);
int NumberOfTrues = Regex.Matches(htmlcode.ToLower(), key).Count;
catch (Exception)
messagebox.show("could not be loaded");

This was solved by defining the default proxy server in app config.


TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "DeferredAttribute") to str

I am wondering anyone can help me in one of the thing I cannot get my around it and really bothering as I spent last two on it but couldnt make it.
Basically, I am building an App (Django Python) to restore the information regarding all the network device e.g hostname, IP Address, S/N, Rack info etc. but I also to enable few options like Add, Edit, Delete and Connect next to device entery. I was able to create all the options except Connect option where I am completely stuck, I am trying to query database to get the IP address information and then using Popen module to open a putty window with the ssh to that IP Address device related, I tried everything I could but nothing worked, thereofrore, asking your help if you have any idea about this ? or any other alternative method for a user when he click on connect the putty or similar app will open and he just put the login credentials and get into the device.
I am sharing my code here, let me know if I am doing something wrong.
on the show all device page, i have this code, show.html
I tried both ways, with id and ip address entry in the database
on view.py
def connect(request, ip_address):
hostlist_ip = HostList.ip_address
Popen("putty.exe" + hostlist_ip)
return redirect('/show')
and in the url.py
path('connect/<str:ip_address>', views.connect),
path('connect/<str:ip_address>', views.connect),
Since I am also printing the the output on the terminal I notice that it is not returning the actually IP address but return this;
<django.db.models.query_utils.DeferredAttribute object at 0x04B77C50>
and on the web I receiving this error
TypeError at /connect/
can only concatenate str (not "DeferredAttribute") to str
Request Method: GET
Request URL: http://localhost:8000/connect/
Django Version: 2.2.3
Exception Type: TypeError
Exception Value:
can only concatenate str (not "DeferredAttribute") to str
let me know if you can help.
Just a F.Y.I I already tested the Popen via python but since we not getting the actual IP address from the database I am seeing this and I am a complete newbie with html/css and Djano, however I have some basic knowledge of python, so please ignore my any stupid comments in the post.
Many thanks
ahh I cannot believe I spend two day to troubleshoot this and just changed the name from ip_address to ip_add and it is working now :) i think as I mentioned above in the comment, it probably confusing with the built in module
here is simple solution:
def connect(request, ip_add):
import os
from subprocess import Popen
Popen("powershell putty.exe " + ip_add)
return redirect('/show')
path('connect/<str:ip_add>', views.connect),
I may have to find out a way if user is using the mac or linux, how I am going to change this powershell to something else. but anyhow it is working for windows
thanks all for the responses.

How to properly use Google API Client on Glass XE22

I'm currently trying to use the following code to create an ApiClient connection
mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)
but in
public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult connectionResult) {
Log.d(TAG, "Connection failed");
I'm getting this:
ConnectionResult{statusCode=SERVICE_INVALID, resolution=null}
If I'm reading correctly in the manual, this corresponds to the version of Play being wrong to begin with.
As such, am I missing something from properly connecting running the code on Glass or this is not supported yet?
To give you a rough idea of what I want to do, I want to implement this example.
Google Play Services is not supported on Glass at this time. This is currently being tracked as issue 176 in our issue tracker, so you can follow that for more info in the future.

Pass custom HTTP header from Windows Phone to ASMX service

Problem: Want to send a custom HTTP header from Windows Phone 7.1 app to ASMX service. The ASMX service is developed by different team.
Solutions tried: There are number of questions & answers on net for this, but nothing seem to work in our case.
Refered HttpRequestMessageProperty,
and this.
Client Side Code:
HttpRequestMessageProperty httpProps = new HttpRequestMessageProperty();
httpProps.SuppressEntityBody = false;
httpProps.Headers["HeaderKey"] = "HeaderValue";
OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = httpProps;
Service Side Code:
public string GetHeaderValue()
var properties = OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageProperties;
var property = properties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] as HttpRequestMessageProperty;
string headerValue = property.Headers["HeaderKey"];
return headerValue;
The "HeaderKey" value is not available on service side. Can any one point us in right direction ? Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.
Ok, So after some hits and misses, the below code worked:
The issue with using OperationContext was for ASMX the OperationContext.Current was null. In WCF service, the OperationContext.Current is available.
Thanks #user623396 for your time and efforts. Hope this helps someone out.

How to consume SOAP Webservices in Blackberry

I am working on a blackberry application. I need to call soap webservices, but I am unable to do so, and am getting null as a response. Following is my code:
private static final String CONNECTION_PARAMS = ";deviceside=true";
SoapObject request = new SoapObject("http://service.action.com/",
SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
envelope.bodyOut = request;
HttpTransportBasicAuth ht =
new HttpTransportBasicAuth("http://myurl.com/ebclient/services/MobileClientService?wsdl"+CONNECTION_PARAMS,
PropertyInfo propInfo=new PropertyInfo();
//adding parameters
try {
ht.call(SOAP_ACTION, envelope);
result = (SoapObject)envelope.getResponse();
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
I am getting null as a result.Please have a look at the code and help me to correct it.
Thanks in advance
Actually the problem was instead of passing 0 and 100 as String ...
I use
request.addProperty("arg1",new Integer(0));
request.addProperty("arg2",new Integer(1000));
also this link helped me.
also before asking this question I was facing some problem that the Simulator was not recognizing a Library. It shows error message something like "there is no library Ksoap2_j2me.jar" - resolved from this link.
Sorry for poor English but I think this can save time of some other developer.
It's hard to tell from what you're posted, but my guess is that you're having some kind of network problem. I'm guessing that you initialize result = null;, and then your call to ht.call() throws an IOException, leaving result null.
You're using ksoap2, which is a library written for generic J2ME clients. However, BlackBerry networking doesn't work exactly like all other J2ME platforms.
You are controlling the BlackBerry network transport with your connection params string, which is hardcoded:
private static final String CONNECTION_PARAMS = ";deviceside=true";
Unfortunately, this string suffix may not be right for all network conditions (or any, if you don't have device APN settings correct).
I think you have a couple choices:
1. Connection Suffix Strings
You can try dynamically choosing the right suffix string, depending on conditions when your app runs. This can allow the device, for example, to connect via Wi-Fi if it's available, or via BES if that's available. Developers new to BlackBerry may be surprised that app code needs to worry about this (read here for more, or watch this).
If you want to simply replace CONNECTION_PARAMS with a dynamic string, you might check out the implementation here.
2. ConnectionFactory
In OS 5.0, BlackBerry added the ConnectionFactory class, which was a big improvement over the old way of having to assemble connection strings. If you only need to support OS 5.0 and greater, you might choose to rewrite the code to use ConnectionFactory.
Since you have access to the ksoap source code, you could change it. It looks like the connection code is in ServiceConnectionMidp.java:
public ServiceConnectionMidp(String url) throws IOException {
connection = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(url, Connector.READ_WRITE, true);
Instead of attaching connection parameters to the url passed to this class, you could change the class to get the connection from a ConnectionFactory, customized to support the network transports you want.
Doing this means that if you ever want to update your code to use a new version of ksoap2, you'll need to make these modifications again. However, given the future of BlackBerry Java, that seems like a reasonable compromise to make.

How to call Soap\WSDL Service through a login required webpage using matlab?

I am new to the wsdl\soapmessage query\reply world( if i can put it in this way), and I am facing some difficulties using the following wsdl( which I really really hope, one will be so kind to look at at least one of the services described there)
which was provided to me to develop a matlab webinterface. Right now my matlab code looks like this:
targetNamespace = 'http://ws.polarion.com/TrackerWebService';
method = 'queryWorkItems';
values= {'Query','Sort'}
names = {'query', 'sort'}
types ={'xsd:string','xsd:string'}
message = createSoapMessage( targetNamespace, method, values, names, types)
response = callSoapService('http://almdemo.polarion.com/polarion/ws/services',...
% Service's endpoint
% Server method to run
% SOAP message created using createSoapMessage
author = parseSoapResponse(response)
Herewith to save you time I will just enonce my two problems:
Is the code correct?
Could someone tell me if such a wsdl link is just a definition of webservices or it is also a service's endpoint?
Normally to execute manually\per clicks this services on the weppage
http://almdemo.polarion.com/polarion, you have to login!
So how do I send a message in matlab which first log me in? Or must such a service be introduced into that wsdl for me to do it?? Could you be kind enough to write how it must be defined, because I don't really
write wsdl files, but I shall learn!**
I will be really thankful for your help and I wish you a happy week(-end) guys(& girls)!!!
ps: I tried to use Soapui and gave that webpage as endpoint, but the toool crashes each time I enter my credentials! Maybe because of the dataload!??