Remove "Name" field from Joomla registration form - joomla2.5

I would like to remove the Name field in the Joomla registration form.
I have tried editing the /com_users/models/forms/registration.xml
I've tried removing the field from the XML file and I've also tried to set it as 'optional'. Neither of these work. The is a registration failed message in the next page in either case.

Found the instructions
You need to edit the libraries/joomla/database/table/user.php file.
You need to edit the check() function.
In my case, I added a:
at the beginning of the check function, that sets the username as the name, juse before saving.


Save the dynamically populated value on dropdown

I'm using wagtail CMS for Django, I want to add a dynamically populated value for a dropdown and save it on the Page model, this is my code:
class MyPage(Page):
domain = CharField(max_length=10, choices=MY_CHOICES)
subdomain = CharField(max_length=10, choices=[('', '------')]
I've got some frontend logic to populate dynamically the options for subdomain, but after I hit save I got: The page could not be created due to validation errors And in the subdomain field: Select a valid choice. [my value] is not one of the available choices.
I can't use ForeignKey to populate subdomain because it depends from an external API service that we're using.
I tried to use a custom field that inherits from CharField with no success, it looks it executes validate method only for the domain field.
If you use the choices argument, you have to predefine the list of possible values. Read the relevant part of the docs (last two paragraphs of that section).
You could omit the choices argument from the model field definition and only render a HTML select tag in the frontend (which is then filled with options dynamically, like you explained).
You could also look into changing the default widget of the CharField to a select tag, like this answer and this part of the docs show.

Sitecore WebForms for Marketers : send email to users

I am using Send Email Message action. I have added one action for send email to admin and another thank you mail to user who filled the form so my question is how I can add user email in Send Email Editor. I tried to add email Insert Field but it is not working.
By Default, the TO Dropdown only allows content from the Email Field Type. To allow other field types, please go to to the Send Email Message action found here by default: /sitecore/system/Modules/Web Forms for Marketers/Settings/Actions/Save Actions/Send Email Message
go to the Editor section, and enter the following into the QueryString field:
AllowedToTypes={84ABDA34-F9B1-4D3A-A69B-E28F39697069}|{YOUR CUSTOM FIELD TYPE GUID}
The first guid is for the standard Email Field type, and the second one will be your custom field. This should allow you to choose from those fields in the TO field.
For best practices, you should duplicate the Send Email Message action, and apply the changes there to prevent issues with future upgrades.
To allow your custom fields to be selectable for the CC and From fields as well, your query string would look like this:
AllowedToTypes={84ABDA34-F9B1-4D3A-A69B-E28F39697069}|{YOUR CUSTOM FIELD TYPE GUID}&AllowedCCTypes={84ABDA34-F9B1-4D3A-A69B-E28F39697069}|{YOUR CUSTOM FIELD TYPE GUID}&AllowedFromTypes={84ABDA34-F9B1-4D3A-A69B-E28F39697069}|{YOUR CUSTOM FIELD TYPE GUID}
From there, to send an email to one of the fields on the form, simply choose the field by clicking the little arrow next to the 'To' field
I have noticed a bug in previous version of wffm where it places double brackets around the field name, for example: [[email address]]. If you notice the double brackets [[..]], then erase the entire field and select it again as shown above.
I found there is an issue a with the To: field in certain browsers - not sure if this is related to Bug 402562.
In Chrome I get js error messages but in Firefox I can insert the email field with no issues.
As stated my #amir818, you need to add the field name with brackets in the To field. If you are using Chrome then the arrow may not work due to a javascript error, it works in IE though.
Alternate way to add the field into the message body from the Insert Field droplist and then copy+paste into the TO field. Looking at your field names it should be [Emailaddress].
The double brackets that amir mentioned is a bug, you can get a fix from Sitecore and quote ticket number 402562. When you edit the form again, the field has 2 sets of brackets added which then breaks the send action, e.g. it would end up as [[Emailaddress]] which is incorrect and therefore fails

Using jquery autocomplete Django form

I am using jquery autocomplete with my generic views on Django. I am getting the list via AJAX, but there is one problem. When the user get the category he wants, he will select that value. Thus, if I append the value on that field $("#id_category").val(ui.item.value); it will show the pk on that field instead of value, so if I append $("#id_category").val(ui.item.label); django will complain it should be the instance. Django is completely right. How to make this work?
I have made id_category hidden field and added category_display to append the text value. It is working. But while editing the category_display would be empty. Again I am using generic view. How to solve this one on the edit?
I had similar issue and I suggest you to think about question: 'What will happen if user enters not valid category name(category with this name doesn`t exist)?'
if you need to accept entered value and add new category, you have to make clean_category method in form:
def clean_category(self):
name =['category']
return Category.objects.get_or_create(name=name)[0]
and display ui.item.label for user
if new category isn`t acceptable you can raise error in clean_category method or use something like select2( for your field. I choose second variant.

Opencart product.tpl

Where did I miss to add a line of code if I try to echo php variable inside OPENCART product.tpl file and it doesn't show up on site?
Notes: there is a field in database. I am able to save to this field from admin panel ( i added a custom field there).
Did You edit also the product controller to load the variable and pass it to the template? I guess not... Edit catalog/controller/product/product.php and add $this->data['MYVARIABLE'] = $product_info['MYVARIABLE']; somewhere before $this->render() is called.

How do I change the template of the Mailchimp Wordpress widget?

I want to change how the form looks like and the labels on the fields of the form.
Login in as Admin and then, under the Plugins area in the sidebar, click Editor. There's a dropdown menu labeled "Select plugin to edit". Click that and select "MailChimp" and then click the "Select" button. The sidebar widget form is called mailchimp/mailchimp_widget.php
The form's code begins right after the first PHP block.
You can also edit the code directly by looking in the wordpress/wp-content/plugins/mailchimp/ directory. The translations are in the po sub-directory.
The trick with this template is that the fields are loaded from elsewhere. In order to change the label, you have to set the option of the fields in the PHP code. Each field is looped through and printed out automatically.
For example to change the "Email Address" label to read "Email" add the following code at the end of the first PHP block:
$mv[0]['name'] = 'Email';
This assumes that the first field that will be printed out is the Email Address field. You can do a var_dump to see what other options are available.
If you want to make more drastic changes to the form, remember that when the widget is updated, you'll have to make the changes again and merge them with the updated version.