Mathematica - Functions with Lists - list

I got this error in Mathematica today:
Set::shape: "Lists {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} and {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,{1}} are not the same shape" >>
And after 3 of those :
General::stop : Further output of Set::shape will be suppressed during this calculation. >>
I am confused as to why I cannot append a "1" to my list of zeros. Is this because I cannot edit the list that is passed into the function? If so, how could I edit that list and somehow return or print it?
Here is my full code:
notFunctioningFunction[list_] := (For[i = 1, i < 10, i++, list = Append[list, {1}]];
list = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
The reason why I am appending a "{1}" is because in my function, I am solving an equation, and getting the value of the variable which outputs {1}. Here is my code for that :
varName / . Solve[ function1 == function2 ]
Obviously I am a beginner with Mathematica so please be patient :)

Append needs to take one list and one element. Like so:
If you have two lists, you can use Join. Like so:
Both of these will yield the same result: {1,2,3,4,5}.

Dear Mathematica beginner.
First, when you use something like
{a,b} = {c,d,e};
in Mathematica, between two lists, the program has a difficulty because this is a construct used to assign values to variables, and it requires (among other things) the two lists to be equal.
If what you want is just to add a "1" to an existing and named list, one at a time, the best construct is:
AppendTo[list, 1];
(this construct will modify the variable 'list')
list = Join[list, {1}];
Second: about the error messages, they are printed 3 times by default in an evaluation, then muted so that a long list of identical error messages does not clutter your display.
Third, if what you need is adding 10 1s to a list, there is no need to construct that in a loop. You can do that in one pass:
list = Join[list, Table[1, {10}]]
or, more cryptic for beginners
list = Join[list, Array[1&, 10]]


How to use find with nested structure in Matlab

I have an array of nested structure. for example
...and so on
If I wanted to find the index number of the '.c' objects containing the number 3, I try the following function
It gives this error:
Expected one output from a curly brace or dot indexing expression, but there were 3 results.
Could anybody help me to solve this problem?
As you may have figured it out, handling multi-level indexing in structures is a bit confusing. However, may find this helpful:
checkLoop = 1;
while checkLoop
if isstruct(st)
fieldNm = fieldnames(st); % In case you have single field in each level
st = [st(:).(fieldNm{1})];
checkLoop = 0;
where3 = find(st == 3);

What is causing the syntax error here?

I'm trying to implement this algorithm but I keep getting a syntax error on the 12th line but I cannot pinpoint what is causing it. I'm new to ocaml and any help would be greatly appreciated.
"To find all the prime numbers less than or equal to a given integer n by Eratosthenes' method:
Create a list of consecutive integers from 2 through n: (2, 3, 4, ..., n).
Initially, let p equal 2, the first prime number.
Starting from p, enumerate its multiples by counting to n in increments of p, and mark them in the list (these will be 2p, 3p, 4p, ... ; the p itself should not be marked).
Find the first number greater than p in the list that is not marked. If there was no such number, stop. Otherwise, let p now equal this new number (which is the next prime), and repeat from step 3."
let prime(n) =
let arr = Array.create n false in
let set_marks (arr , n , prime ) = Array.set arr (n*prime) true in
for i = 2 to n do
set_marks(arr,i,2) done
let findNextPrimeNumberThatIsNotMarked (arr, prime , index ) =
let nextPrime = Array.get arr index in
let findNextPrimeNumberThatIsNotMarkedHelper (arr, prime, index) =
if nextPrime > prime then nextPrime
else prime in
Adding to Jeffrey's answer,
As I have already answered to you at " What exactly is the syntax error here? ",
What you absolutely need to do right now is to install and use a proper OCaml indentation tool, and auto-indent lines. Unexpected auto-indent results often indicate syntactic mistakes like forgetting ;. Without such tools, it is very hard even for talented OCaml programmers to write OCaml code without syntax errors.
There are bunch of auto indenters for OCaml available:
ocp-indent for Emacs and Vim
Caml mode and Tuareg mode for Emacs
Vim should have some other indenters but I do not know...
OCaml has an expression let a = b in c. Your code ends with in, but where is c? It looks like maybe you should just remove the in at the end.
Looking more closely I see there are more problems than this, sorry.
A function in OCaml is going to look like this roughly:
let f x =
let a = b in
let c = d in
Your definition for prime looks exactly like this, except that it ends at the for loop, i.e., with the keyword done.
The rest of the code forms a second, independent, function definition. It has a form like this:
let f x =
let a = b in
let g x = expr in
The syntactic problem is that you're missing an expression after in.
However, your use of indentation suggests you aren't trying to define two different functions. If this is true, you need to rework your code somewhat.
One thing that may be useful (for imperative style programming) is that you can write expr1; expr2 to evaluate two expressions one after the other.

SAS/IML: how to use individual variance components in RANDNORMAL

This is a programming question, but I'll give you a little of the stats background first. This question refers to part of a data sim for a mixed-effects location scale model (i.e., heterogeneous variances). I'm trying to simulate two MVN variance components using the RANDNORMAL function in IML. Because both variance components are heterogeneous, the variances used by RANDNORMAL will differ across people. Thus, I need IML to select the specific row (e.g., row 1 = person 1) and use the RANDNORMAL function before moving onto the next row, and so on.
My example code below is for 2 people. I use DO to loop through each person's specific variance components (VC1 and VC2). I get the error: "Module RANDNORMAL called again before exit from prior call." I am assuming I need some kind of BREAK or EXIT function in the DO loop, but none I have tried work.
ColNames = {"ID" "VC1" "VC2"};
A = {1 2 3,
2 8 9};
/*Set men of each variance component to 0*/
MeanVector = {0, 0};
/*Loop through each person's data using THEIR OWN variances*/
DO i = 1 TO 2;
VC1 = A[i,2];
VC2 = A[i,3];
CovMatrix = {VC1 0,
0 VC2};
U = RANDNORMAL(2, MeanVector, CovMatrix);
Any help is appreciated. Oh, and I'm using SAS 9.4.
You want to move some things around, but mostly you don't want to rewrite U twice: you need to write U's 1st row, then U's 2nd row, if I understand what you're trying to do. The below is a bit more efficient also, since I j() the U and _cv matrices rather than constructing then de novo every time through the loop (which is slow).
proc iml;
a = {1 2 3,2 8 9};
_mv = {0,0};
U = J(2,2);
_cv = J(2,2,0);
do i = 1 to 2;
_cv[1,1] = a[i,2];
_cv[2,2] = a[i,3];
U[i,] = randnormal(1,_mv, _cv);
Your mistake is the line
CovMatrix = {VC1 0, 0 VC2}; /* wrong */
which is not valid SAS/IML syntax. Instead, use #Joe's approach or use
CovMatrix = (VC1 || 0) // (0 || VC2);
For details, see the article "How to build matrices from expressions."
You might also be interested in this article that describes how to carry out this simulation with a block-diagonal matrix: "Constructing block matrices with applications to mixed models."

Getting all combinations of splitting an array into two equally sized groups in Julia

Given an array of 20 numbers, I would like to extract all possible combinations of two groups, with ten numbers in each, order is not important.
combinations([1, 2, 3], 2)
in Julia will give me all possible combinations of two numbers drawn from the array, but I also need the ones that were not drawn...
You can use setdiff to determine the items missing from any vector, e.g.,
y = setdiff(1:5, [2,4])
yields [1,3,5].
After playing around for a bit, I came up with this code, which seems to work. I'm sure it could be written much more elegantly, etc.
function removeall!(remove::Array, a::Array)
for i in remove
if in(i, a)
splice!(a, indexin([i], a)[1])
function combinationgroups(a::Array, count::Integer)
result = {}
for i in combinations(a, count)
all = copy(a)
removeall!(i, all)
push!(result, { i; all } )
6-element Array{Any,1}:
Based on #tholy's comment about instead of using the actual numbers, I could use positions (to avoid problems with numbers not being unique) and setdiff to get the "other group" (the non-selected numbers), I came up with the following. The first function grabs values out of an array based on indices (ie. arraybyindex([11,12,13,14,15], [2,4]) => [12,14]). This seems like it could be part of the standard library (I did look for it, but might have missed it).
The second function does what combinationgroups was doing above, creating all groups of a certain size, and their complements. It can be called by itself, or through the third function, which extracts groups of all possible sizes. It's possible that this could all be written much faster, and more idiomatical.
function arraybyindex(a::Array, indx::Array)
res = {}
for e in indx
push!(res, a[e])
function combinationsbypos(a::Array, n::Integer)
res = {}
positions = 1:length(a)
for e in combinations(positions, n)
push!(res, { arraybyindex(a, e) ; arraybyindex(a, setdiff(positions, e)) })
function allcombinationgroups(a::Array)
maxsplit = floor(length(a) / 2)
res = {}
for e in 1:5
println("Calculating for $e, so far $(length(res)) groups calculated")
push!(res, combinationsbypos(a, e))
Running this in IJulia on a 3 year old MacBook pro gives
#time c=allcombinationgroups([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20])
Calculating for 1, so far 0 groups calculated
Calculating for 2, so far 20 groups calculated
Calculating for 3, so far 210 groups calculated
Calculating for 4, so far 1350 groups calculated
Calculating for 5, so far 6195 groups calculated
Calculating for 6, so far 21699 groups calculated
Calculating for 7, so far 60459 groups calculated
Calculating for 8, so far 137979 groups calculated
Calculating for 9, so far 263949 groups calculated
Calculating for 10, so far 431909 groups calculated
elapsed time: 11.565218719 seconds (1894698956 bytes allocated)
616665-element Array{Any,1}:
ie. 53,334 groups calculated per second.
As a contrast, using the same outer allcombinationgroups function, but replacing the call to combinationsbypos with a call to combinationgroups (see previous answer), is 10x slower.
I then rewrote the array by index group using true or false flags as suggested by #tholy (I couldn't figure out how to get it work using [], so I used setindex! explicitly, and moved it into one function. Another 10x speedup! 616,665 groups in 1 second!
Final code (so far):
function combinationsbypos(a::Array, n::Integer)
res = {}
positions = 1:length(a)
emptyflags = falses(length(a))
for e in combinations(positions, n)
flag = copy(emptyflags)
setindex!(flag, true, e)
push!(res, {a[flag] ; a[!flag]} )
function allcombinationgroups(a::Array)
maxsplit = floor(length(a) / 2)
res = {}
for e in 1:maxsplit
res = vcat(res, combinationsbypos(a, e))

Assigning list elements to variables

The output from Mathematica with the following operation FactorInteger[28851680048402838857] is as follows:
{{3897424303, 1}, {7402755719, 1}}
My question is: how could I go about extracting the two prime numbers (without the exponents) and assign them to an arbitrary variable?
I basically want to retrieve two primes, whatever they may be, and assign them some variables.
Ex: x0 = 3897424303 and x1 = 7402755719
The output is a list and you can use list manipulating functions like Part ([[ ]]) to pick the pieces you want, e.g.,
{x0, x1} = FactorInteger[28851680048402838857][[All, 1]]
or, without Part:
{{x0,dummy}, {x1,dummy}} = FactorInteger[28851680048402838857];
Implicit in your question is the issue of handing parts of the expression that is returned as output from functions such as FactorInteger. Allow me to suggest alternatives.
1. Keep all of the values in a {list} and access each element with Part:
x = First /# FactorInteger[7813426]
{2, 31, 126023}
2. Store factors as values of the function x, mimicking indexation of an array:
(This code uses MapIndexed, Function.)
(x[First##2] = First##1) &,
You can see all the values using ? or ?? (see Information):