GLSL vertex shader crashes computer - opengl

I've been trying to pinpoint the exact cause of a GLSL shader that crashes my computer. I'm running Mac OS X 10.8.2 with a NVIDIA GeForce 9400M. The shader renders correctly but will occasionally crash my computer, drawing regions of black over the display (including outside of the rendering window) until the computer becomes unresponsive.
I receive no errors from glGetError and no errors during shader compilation. It appears that the crash no longer occurs when I remove a uniform mat4 from the vertex shader, such as the model-view matrix, or one of the shadow matrices. Yet according to GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS my graphics card supports 4096 vertex uniform components.
Here is the vertex shader:
#version 120
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec2 texcoord;
attribute vec3 normal;
varying vec2 v_texcoord;
varying vec3 v_normal;
varying vec3 v_halfVec;
varying vec4 v_shadowcoord0;
varying vec4 v_shadowcoord1;
varying vec4 v_shadowcoord2;
varying vec4 v_shadowcoord3;
uniform mat4 mv;
uniform mat3 nmv;
uniform mat4 mvp;
uniform mat4 shadowMatrix0;
uniform mat4 shadowMatrix1;
uniform mat4 shadowMatrix2;
uniform mat4 shadowMatrix3;
uniform vec3 lightDir;
void main()
vec4 p4 = vec4(position, 1.0);
v_texcoord = texcoord;
v_normal = normalize(nmv * normal);
vec3 vertexPos = vec3(mv * p4);
vec3 eyeDir = normalize(-vertexPos);
v_halfVec = normalize(eyeDir + lightDir);
v_shadowcoord0 = shadowMatrix0 * p4;
v_shadowcoord1 = shadowMatrix1 * p4;
v_shadowcoord2 = shadowMatrix2 * p4;
v_shadowcoord3 = shadowMatrix3 * p4;
gl_Position = mvp * p4;
I would greatly appreciate any help in tracking down the cause of this bug. Thanks!

It sounds like an issue in 10.8.2 that has also been seen here:
There should be a Max OS 10.8.3 that will hopefully fix this.


uniform sampler2D in Vertex Shader

I tried to realize height map with GLSL.
For it, i need to sent my picture to VertexShader and get grey component.
glUniform1i(mShader.getUniformLocation("heightmap"), 0);
mShader.getUniformLocation uses glGetUniformLocation and work good for other uniforms values, that used in Fragment, Vertex Shaders. But for heightmap return -1...
VertexShader code:
#version 330 core
layout (location = 0) in vec3 position;
layout (location = 1) in vec4 color;
layout (location = 2) in vec2 texCoords;
layout (location = 3) in vec3 normal;
out vec3 Normal;
out vec3 FragPos;
out vec2 TexCoords;
out vec4 ourColor;
uniform mat4 model;
uniform mat4 view;
uniform mat4 projection;
uniform sampler2D heightmap;
void main()
float bias = 0.25;
float h = 0.0;
float scale = 5.0;
h = scale * ((texture2D(heightmap, texCoords).r) - bias);
vec3 hnormal = vec3(normal.x*h, normal.y*h, normal.z*h);
vec3 position1 = position * hnormal;
gl_Position = projection * view * model * vec4(position1, 1.0f);
FragPos = vec3(model * vec4(position, 1.0f));
Normal = mat3(transpose(inverse(model))) * normal;
ourColor = color;
TexCoords = texCoords;
may be algorithm of getting height is bad, but error with getting uniformlocation stops my work..
What is wrong? Any ideas?
UPD: texCoords (not TexCoords) of course is using in
h = scale * ((texture2D(heightmap, texCoords).r) - bias);
my mistake, but it doesn't solve the problem. Having same error..
My bet is your variable has been optimized out by driver or the shader did not compile/link properly. After trying to compile your shader (on my nVidia) I got this in the logs:
0(9) : warning C7050: "TexCoords" might be used before being initialized
You should always check the GLSL compile/link logs ? see
How to debug GLSL Fragment shader
especially how the glGetShaderInfoLog is used.
In line
h = scale * ((texture2D(heightmap, TexCoords).r) - bias);
You are using TexCoords which is output variable and not yet set so the behavior is undefined and most likely your gfx driver throw that line away (and may be others) removing the TexCoords from shader completely but that is just my assumption.
What driver and gfx card you got?
What returns the logs on your setup?

Simple GLSL Shader (Light) causes flickering

I'm trying to implement some basic lighting and shading following the tutorial over here and here.
Everything is more or less working but I get some kind of strange flickering on object surfaces due to the shading.
I have two images attached to show you guys how this problem looks.
I think the problem is related to the fact that I'm passing vertex coordinates from vertex shader to fragment shader to compute some lighting variables as stated in the above linked tutorials.
Here is some source code (stripped out unrelated code).
Vertex Shader:
#version 150 core
in vec4 pos;
in vec4 in_col;
in vec2 in_uv;
in vec4 in_norm;
uniform mat4 model_view_projection;
out vec4 out_col;
out vec2 passed_uv;
out vec4 out_vert;
out vec4 out_norm;
void main(void) {
gl_Position = model_view_projection * pos;
out_col = in_col;
out_vert = pos;
out_norm = in_norm;
passed_uv = in_uv;
and Fragment Shader:
#version 150 core
uniform sampler2D tex;
uniform mat4 model_mat;
in vec4 in_col;
in vec2 passed_uv;
in vec4 vert_pos;
in vec4 in_norm;
out vec4 col;
void main(void) {
mat3 norm_mat = mat3(transpose(inverse(model_mat)));
vec3 norm = normalize(norm_mat * vec3(in_norm));
vec3 light_pos = vec3(0.0, 6.0, 0.0);
vec4 light_col = vec4(1.0, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0);
vec3 col_pos = vec3(model_mat * vert_pos);
vec3 s_to_f = light_pos - col_pos;
float brightness = dot(norm, normalize(s_to_f));
brightness = clamp(brightness, 0, 1);
gl_FragColor = out_col;
gl_FragColor = vec4(brightness * light_col.rgb * gl_FragColor.rgb, 1.0);
As I said earlier I guess the problem has to do with the way the vertex position is passed to the fragment shader. If I change the position values to something static no more flickering occurs.
I changed all other values to statics, too. It's the same result - no flickering if I am not using the vertex position data passed from vertex shader.
So, if there is someone out there with some GL-wisdom .. ;)
Any help would be appreciated.
Side note: running all this stuff on an Intel HD 4000 if that may provide further information.
Thanks in advance!
The names of the out variables in the vertex shader and the in variables in the fragment shader need to match. You have this in the vertex shader:
out vec4 out_col;
out vec2 passed_uv;
out vec4 out_vert;
out vec4 out_norm;
and this in the fragment shader:
in vec4 in_col;
in vec2 passed_uv;
in vec4 vert_pos;
in vec4 in_norm;
These variables are associated by name, not by order. Except for passed_uv, the names do not match here. For example, you could use these declarations in the vertex shader:
out vec4 passed_col;
out vec2 passed_uv;
out vec4 passed_vert;
out vec4 passed_norm;
and these in the fragment shader:
in vec4 passed_col;
in vec2 passed_uv;
in vec4 passed_vert;
in vec4 passed_norm;
Based on the way I read the spec, your shader program should actually fail to link. At least in the GLSL 4.50 spec, in the table on page 43, it lists "Link-Time Error" for this situation. The rules seem somewhat ambiguous in earlier specs, though.

GLSL normals change with a camera rotation

I know that same questions were asked many times, but unfortunately I am unable to find the source of my problem.
With help of tutorials I've written a small GLSL shader. Right now it can work with ambient light and load normals from normal map. The issue is that directional light seems to be dependent on my viewing angle.
Here are my shaders:
//Vertex Shader
#version 120
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec2 texCoord;
attribute vec3 normal;
attribute vec3 tangent;
varying vec2 texCoord0;
varying mat3 tbnMatrix;
uniform mat4 transform;
void main(){
gl_Position=transform * vec4(position, 1.0);
texCoord0 = texCoord;
vec3 n = normalize((transform*vec4(normal,0.0)).xyz);
vec3 t = normalize((transform*vec4(tangent,0.0)).xyz);
vec3 btTangent=cross(t,n);
//Fragment Shader
#version 120
varying vec2 texCoord0;
varying mat3 tbnMatrix;
struct BaseLight{
vec3 color;
float intensity;
struct DirectionalLight{
BaseLight base;
vec3 direction;
uniform sampler2D diffuse;
uniform sampler2D normalMap;
uniform vec3 ambientLight;
uniform DirectionalLight directionalLight;
vec4 calcLight(BaseLight base, vec3 direction,vec3 normal){
float diffuseFactor=dot(normal,normalize(direction));
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4(0,0,0,0);
diffuseColor=vec4(base.color,1.0)* base.intensity *diffuseFactor;
return diffuseColor;
vec4 calcDirectionalLight(DirectionalLight directionalLight ,vec3 normal){
return calcLight(directionalLight.base,directionalLight.direction,normal);
void main(){
vec3 normal =tbnMatrix*(255.0/128.0* texture2D(normalMap,texCoord0).xyz-255.0/256.0);
vec4 totalLight = vec4(ambientLight,0) +calcDirectionalLight(directionalLight, normal);
"transform" matrix that I send to the shader is summarily computed this way:
viewProjection=m_perspective* glm::lookAt(CameraPosition,CameraPosition+m_forward,m_up);
glm::mat4 transform = vievProjection * object_matrix;
"object_matrix" is a matrix that I get directly from physics engine.(I think it's the matrix that defines position and rotation of the object in the world space, correct me if I'm wrong.)
And I guess that "transform" matrix is computed correctly, since all the objects are drawn in the right positions. It looks like the problem is related to normals because if I set gl_FragColor = vec4(normal, 0) the color is also changing with camera rotation.
I would greatly appreciate if anyone could point me to my mistake

GLSL compilation error when using QGLShaderProgram

I'm currently trying out some of the opengl components in Qt 5, I'm compiling on Mac OSX 10.8 with QtCreator 2.6.2, clang 4.2
I've written a very basic GLSL shader that compiles and links well in OpenGl Shader Builder, but when I try to load it using a QGLShader, it fails to compile and the log function returns no error message.
Vertex Shader:
attribute vec4 in_position;
attribute vec3 in_normal;
attribute vec3 in_color;
attribute vec2 in_tex;
uniform vec4 lightPosition;
varying vec2 texCoords;
varying vec3 normal;
varying vec3 vertToLightDir;
void main(void)
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * in_position;
vec4 worldVert = gl_ModelViewMatrix * in_position;
vertToLightDir = normalize(vec3(lightPosition - worldVert));
normal = gl_NormalMatrix * in_normal;
texCoords = in_tex;
Fragment Shader:
uniform sampler2D texture0;
uniform vec4 lightColor;
varying vec2 texCoords;
varying vec3 normal;
varying vec3 vertToLightDir;
void main(void)
float lightIntensity = clamp(dot(normal, vertToLightDir), 0.0, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = (texture2D(texture0, texCoords) + (lightColor * lightIntensity)) * 0.5;
The code that loads the shaders:
QGLShader fragShader(QGLShader::Fragment);
bool success = fragShader.compileSourceFile("Fragment.glsl");
qDebug() << fragShader.log();
I used the debugger to see that the compileSourceFile function returns false, I also used access("Fragment.glsl", F_OK) to see if the program manages to find the file and it does, the same goes for the vertex shader file, I can't seem to find the reason they won't compile. Is there something I'm doing wrong ?
After some debugging I realized I was trying to compile the shaders before a valid context was created. My bad.

Strange error in GLSL while assigning attribute to a varying in vertex shader

I am writing a GLSL program for texture mapping. I am having a weird problem. From my vertex shader I am trying to pass the texture coordinate vec2 as a varying to frag shader. In a diff shader in the same prog I did the same and it worked. But for this texture its not working. If I comment that line, then everything works. I have no clue why this is happening.
This is the vertex shader:
attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec4 color1;
attribute vec4 normal;
attribute vec2 texCoord;
uniform mat4 model; //passed to shader
uniform mat4 projection; //passed to shader
uniform mat4 view; // passed to shader
uniform mat4 normalMatrix; //passed to shader
uniform mat4 worldNormalMatrix;
uniform vec3 eyePos;
varying vec4 pcolor;
varying vec3 fNormal;
varying vec3 v;
varying mat4 modelMat;
varying mat4 viewMat;
varying mat4 projectionMat;
varying vec2 texCoordinate;
varying vec3 reflector;
void main()
//texCoordinate = texCoord; // If I uncomment this, then I get wrong output. but the same thing works in a diff shader!!
mat4 projectionModelView;
vec4 N;
vec3 WorldCameraPosition = vec3(model*vec4(eyePos,1.0));
vec3 worldPos = vec3(model*position);
vec3 worldNorm = normalize(vec3(worldNormalMatrix*normal));
vec3 worldView = normalize(vec3(WorldCameraPosition-worldPos));
reflector = reflect(-worldView, worldNorm);
projectionMat = projection;
fNormal = vec3(N); //need to multiply this with normal matrix
v=vec3(view*model*position); // v is the position at eye space for each vertex passed to frag shader
gl_Position = projectionModelView * position; // calculate clip space position
varying vec4 pcolor;
varying vec3 fNormal;
varying vec3 v;
varying mat4 modelMat;
varying mat4 viewMat;
varying mat4 projectionMat;
varying vec2 texCoordinate;
varying vec3 reflector;
This is 17 total varying vectors. That's too many for most 2.1-class hardware (they generally only support 16). That's probably why it is "not working" when you uncomment that line, because your vertex shader will ignore any varying that you don't actually write to.
You should not be passing those matrices at all. They're uniforms; by definition, they don't change from vertex to vertex. And fragment shaders are perfectly capable of accessing those same uniforms too. So just declare them in your fragment shader if you need to use them.