Error when posting achievements with user messages - facebook-graph-api

When posting an achievement with a user message it gives the following error:
{"error":{"message":"(#100) You haven't enabled User Messages for this action type (127701393971353) yet. Please update your Open Graph settings in the App Dashboard","type":"OAuthException","code":100}}
No clue where to enable that.

Managed to get access to the setting by modifying the url manually with the id.

In case this helps someone else, I had this issue. My situation was: I had a live app with an approved Open Graph action. I needed to release a new version of the app but I needed a new Open Graph action for this so the earlier version still worked until users upgraded to the new version. When I used the new Open Graph action, I got this error. My problem was that I had made a simple typo error in the bundle id of the new app version so it didn't match with the bundle id I had specified for the iOS settings in the Basic Settings page in the Facebook Developer app. The clue was that in the error given in the Xcode debug console, the app id didn't match up.


Issue when trying to register an app for consent screen in google oauth

I am trying to register my app for Oauth consent screen, so that I can create a OAuth client ID. I keep getting this validation error at end of the form, even though I have submitted everything correctly.
An error occurred while saving your app
And this error does not state which input in the form is invalid. Also in the network tab of development tools window, everytime I submit the request, I can see a POST request being initiated and it fails with following error.
{"error":{"code":3,"message":"The request failed because one of the field of the resource is invalid.","details":[{"#type":"","violations":[{"type":"client_auth_config","subject":"?error_code=9&error_field_name=UpdateBrandWithMaskRequest.brand_id&error_field_value=0"}]}]}}.
Any suggestions on how to fix this is highly appreciated. I have contacted the google support about this issue as well, but as of now they're saying everything works on their end and clear cache and cookies but it doesn't work. I have attached here a capture of consent config wizard I'm using as well.
Put the Project ID in App Name
Try adding your support email to Firebase console. Go to firebase console->settings->General->Support Email->Add Email. Now while creating oAuth consent screen add same email id developer contact information as well as support email. It worked for me.
To expand on the top answer, there are numerous underlying reasons why this step of the app registration would fail. In the case where the application name is not valid (fails any of the checks that Google Cloud Platform enforces), then setting the application name to the project ID is guaranteed to fix the problem, as the project ID will always happen to be a valid application name.
It may be worth digging into the underlying validation error, which can be achieved by inspecting the network request that is sent upon submitting the form. In the "Network" tab of the Developer Tools, select the POST request that is captured after clicking the "SAVE AND CONTINUE" button. The "Response" tab (shown below for my case) should display an error object with a more descriptive message.
In my case, it seems that the application name was deemed abusive:
The request has been classified as abusive and was not allowed to proceed.
which I suspect is because it contains the word "Google".
What #Kalind said helped me to resolve the problem.
So login to firebase console, chose the project you are trying to create an OAuth Consent too. And then click settings-> General-> Support Email-> Add Email from dropdown.
Now when I go back to google cloud console under the Oauth consent screen, I can see that I have one registered to that project.
I had the same problem, indeed your App name must be identical to your Project ID that you chose when creating the project
I got the exact same error, probably an issue on their end :/
Thanks for reporting this everyone. I've also had the same problem for different apps and #Kalind suggestion fixes the problem. On Firebase project's settings there's a new field now called "Support email" where you can select your support email address. This will fix your issue like #Kalind and #Kasper said. I'm just adding a screenshot to make it more clear for those with the same problem.
For me there was an email in there already (owner of account email).
I had to invite another email > accept invite > change email > save > then change back > then I could proceed with the OAuth Consent Screen.
To change the support email on the Firebase Console you go to: > select Cog > Project Settings > General tab > Support Email
I reached this page is because of testing Google Login.
I faced this issue creating "OAuth consent screen".
But I didn't need this to create.
Just go to "Domain verification" page and "Add Domain".
There you may need to add 'txt record' in DNS Setting to prove you owned the domain.
After adding domain, go to "Credentials" page.
It is ready to choose the "Application type" like google guide
!!! pls enjoy !!!
I used the app Id as my App Name in the OAuth consent screen setup page.
If you are trying to use group email from gsuite in App consent/Firebase support, you must be the group owner, and do not need that group email address on any IAM role.
I believe the name of the application requesting access simply needs to be different from the name of the Google project.
This Error was come due to the project name is the same as the app name. So your app name and project name must be differnet
to expand on the helpful post of #zr0gravity7
I checked the 'response' in the developer con{"error":
At least one field must be updated."}}
I simply changed one field, and the save now succeeded.
(This is a very disappointing design of the form error checking)
The app name must be unique across Google. Modify the app name a bit.

Facebook: App must be on whitelist

I'm using Facebook Marketing API. Starting from last week I get an error message when I try to send a request from my local machine.
The exact error I'm getting on my screen is the following:
RequestException in RequestException.php line 154:
(#3) App must be on whitelist
When I send a request from production server, the app is working fine and creates a campaign.
I went through all the possible settings in the app, to see if I'm able to configure it from there, but seems like the app is configured well.
App is also public:
This app is public and available to all users
Appreciate any help or tips!
App suddenly started working without making any changes to code or configuration. Must be an Facebook issue...
I had this issue when provide 'is_autobid' property to new campaign

Android LikeView error

I'm using facebook android sdk v3.19.1 in my android app. I try to use LikeView, but it's only working with users who added to the facebook app settings in the roles section as developer or tester. If I try to click the like button with a normal facebook user or a test user it's appears and disappears quickly and gives back the following error message:
error_description: The like dialog is only available to developers and testers.
error: server_error
error_reason: dialog_disabled
My app is pubilc and I turned on the Single Sign On and Deep Linking options.
I'm using facebook LoginButton and ask for "publish_actions" permission before the user click's the like button, but it's still gives me the error message.
My problem is that I can't make the like button working with test users. I submitted the like button for review to the facebook, but they gives me the following response: Please confirm your app is working correctly and that you can publish likes with a test user.
Please somebody help me to solve this. Thanks.
I have the same problem. I found this on the Facebook docs.
Test users cannot become a fan of a public Facebook Page or create
content on them, such as writing on a Page's wall. A Test user can
however view and interact with any app tab on the Page associated with
the app that created them.
Are you using the FB test user account for your app? Test accounts are not allowed to Like a page. I had the same problem. I changed to using my actual FB account and the LikeButton worked perfectly fine!

Fatal error: Uncaught OAuthException: (#200) Requires extended permission: publish_actions thrown

I am working on an app currently in sandbox mode and I need to test out the posting of user's scores... When I try the following I get the above subject matter. The odd thing about this is that I have the been granting the said permission (using my personal user account).
// var PERMS = 'user_likes,friends_likes,publish_stream,user_photos,photo_upload,publish_actions,offline_access';'+PERMS+'&client_id='+APP_ID+'&redirect_uri='
I don't see the permissions in the Auth Dialog(I'm using the Enhanced Auth Dialog. They said its hidden :-S) but I am not "denying" any permissions and process the Auth Dialog successfully....
Can anyone tell me whats up here?
Have you submitted a bug? If not you should, and I will vote on it as well. It is definitely a new bug. I can show my repro on it.
I just got this today as well. Within the last hour. Googled it, and found this post. Last week I successfully moved 5 apps to use timeline open graph, and the enhanced auth dialog. Today, moving a new app, I made sure to add publish_actions, added it to the code, uninstalled the app, and reinstalled it with the new dialog, and tried to run a timeline post. Got the same error. I don't get this error on the apps I moved last week, they work just fine (just tested). I also noticed a couple of other changes to the UI when editing in the dashboard. The preview windows are gone on the auth dialog page. You can still fill in the aggregations in the open graph section. My guess is they made some changes last week, and broke something with new app permission changes.

Add To Timeline button not requesting publish_actions permission

I'm using the xfbml Add To Timeline social plugin (, but when I click it the permissions dialog I get just says "Access my basic information" and sure enough it isn't actually getting me the publish_actions permission I need to use the timeline. I tried specifying the perm explicitly on the tag like so:<fb:add-to-timeline show-face="false" mode="button" perms="publish_actions"></fb:add-to-timeline> but no luck.
This was working fine yesterday and suddenly now it isn't. I'm wondering if this has something to do with my adding and removing my app from my facebook account multiple times?
This was driving me crazy for a long while. In my case, I fixed it by enabling 'Enhanced Auth Dialog' under the Advanced tab of my app settings.
When asking for publish_actions Facebook shows a preview screen of what sort of aggregations your app will create on their timeline.
In other words, if the preview isn't working, Facebook won't ask for the permission so you're asking in vain. Facebook doesn't make this clear in the docs, but everything needs to be perfectly setup with your app on Facebook to get this to work right.
Enable Enhanced Auth Dialong in the advanced settings of the app
Make sure you have at least one action and one object set up in the open graph section
For each action you must have an aggregation set up.
If you do not do all of these steps, there can be no preview and so Facebook won't ask for permission no matter what.
I faced the same issue. I fixed it by doing the below mentioned two thiings.
a. Enabled 'Enhanced Auth dialog' from 'advanced' setting of the app.
b. blanked 'user and friend permissions' along with 'extended permissions' tab on 'auth dialog' page.
I am not sure what it did, but it started working.
BUT.. Even though the authentication works and the posts are reflecting on my timeline, the add-to-timeline button still shows, 'Add to Timeline'..
The other trick i used is to keep checking the app permissions under account setting tab of my profile page.
Hope this helps !
From Apps -> Settings -> Auth Dialog:
While in Open Graph Beta, the 'publish_actions' permission can only be
requested from developers and test users of your app. The
'publish_actions' permission will be ignored if requested from any
other user.
I had the Enhanced Auth Dialog enabled in the Advanced Settings, yet this did not work until I added a Aggregation Preview for the activity. Strange, but true.
Hope this helps.
The publish_actions permission appears only if the user has added timeline OR if your app is a game. I suppose it will also be available for apps when Timeline will be rolled out to all users...