what is the difference between producer and regular actor? - akka

akka doc (http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.1.0/scala/camel.html) shows that camel procedure is an actor:
class Orders extends Actor with Producer with Oneway {
def endpointUri = "jms:queue:Orders"
val sys = ActorSystem("some-system")
val orders = sys.actorOf(Props[Orders])
what are the differences between a camel producer and a regular actor, for example,
does producer has mailbox and dispatcher, which i can set in my code?

A Producer is just a regular Actor with mailbox and dispatcher but with a predefined behavior of sending the messages it receives to the Endpoint that it is configured with.


Single consumer reading alternativly from multiple queues

I'm new to rabbitMQ, and I'm trying to make a application where there will be 3 roles: two producers and one consumer. The consumer is related with two queues which related to the two producers. Each producer sends the message to queue with different frequency. What I need is that the consumer read alternatively from the two producers.
For example:
Producer 1: Send "Hello" every 2 seconds
Producer 2: Send "World" every 5 seconds
Consumer: Print whatever it receives
So the consumer is expected to print:
hello world hello world hello world ...
Since producer 1 send the message more frequently than producer 2, after the consumer have read from consumer 1, it needs to wait a little bit for the arrival of the message from producer 2 (that's the problem)
I tried to declare two queues for the producers and link them to the consumer but the consumer only prints somthing like:
hello hello world hello hello world
Thanks for the help!
Update: Here's my code
Producer 1:
import pika
import sys
message = 'hello'
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('xxxx', 'xxxx)
connection =pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost', 5672, '/', credentials))
channel = connection.channel()
while True:
channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key='hello', body=message)
print('Sent message: {}'.format(message))
Producer 2:
import pika
import sys
message = 'world'
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('xxxx', 'xxxx')
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost', 5672, '/', credentials))
channel = connection.channel()
while True:
channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key='world', body=message)
print('Sent message: {}'.format(message))
Consumer 1:
import pika
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
print('Receive: {}'.format(body))
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('xxxx', 'xxxx')
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost', 5672, '/', credentials))
channel = connection.channel()
channel.basic_consume(on_message_callback=callback, queue='hello', auto_ack=True)
channel.basic_consume(on_message_callback=callback, queue='world', auto_ack=True)
print('Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C')
Since a consumer can only consume from a single queue, you will have to make sure that all messages are routed to this queue.
It is then up to the consumer to handle the messages. It would have to use the polling API to get a single messages. Depending on which consumer published each message, the consumer would have to act differentlty. It could keep a local store of messages coming from producer 1 that arrived before a message coming from producer 2 has been acted upon. The Cosumer would delay acting on messages it keeps in this store until a message coming from producer 2 has been acted upon. Only then would it take the first message from this store and act on it.
In the code you've added to your question, you have a single channel (that's good) but two consumers, one for each call to channel.basic_consume. Both consumers use the same callback method callback. It is this method which would have to implement the logic I've described above.

How to subscribe websockets to actor's messages using Akka Streams and Akka HTTP?

I want to send notifications to clients via websockets. This notifications are generated by actors, hence I'm trying to create a stream of actor's messages at server startup and subscribe websockects connections to this stream (sending only those notifications emitted since subscription)
With Source.actorRef we can create a Source of actor messages.
val ref = Source.actorRef[Weather](Int.MaxValue, fail)
.to(Sink foreach println )
ref ! Weather("02139", 32.0, true)
But how can I subscribe (akka http*) websockets connections to this source if has been materialized already?
*WebSockets connections in Akka HTTP requires a Flow[Message, Message, Any]
What I'm trying to do is something like
// at server startup
val notifications: Source[Notification,ActorRef] = Source.actorRef[Notificacion](5,OverflowStrategy.fail)
val ref = notifications.to(Sink.foreach(println(_))).run()
val notificationActor = system.actorOf(NotificationActor.props(ref))
// on ws connection
val notificationsWS = path("notificationsWS") {
parameter('name) { name ⇒
get {
case Success(f) => handleWebSocketMessages(f)
case Failure(e) => throw e
def flow(name: String) = {
val messages = notifications filter { n => n.name equals name } map { n => TextMessage.Strict(n.data) }
Flow.fromSinkAndSource(Sink.ignore, notifications)
This doensn't work because the notifications source is not the one that is materialized, hence it doens't emit any element.
Note: I was using Source.actorPublisher and it was working but ktoso discourages his usage and also I was getting this error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: onNext is not allowed when the stream has not requested elements, totalDemand was 0.
You could expose the materialised actorRef to some external router actor using mapMaterializedValue.
Flow.fromSinkAndSourceMat(Sink.ignore, notifications)(Keep.right)
.mapMaterializedValue(srcRef => router ! srcRef)
The router can keep track of your sources actorrefs (deathwatch can help tidying things up) and forward messages to them.
NB: you're probably already aware, but note that by using Source.actorRef to feed your flow, your flow will not be backpressure aware (with the strategy you chose it will just crash under load).

Akka Ask & Futures

I'm an akka noob so apologies!
I'm playing around with a system that uses Spray and Akka.
I'm using the following code snippet to send a message to another actor.
It uses ask which, from what I understand will return a future which is resolved in "mapTo" and "map". I then return the result to the users using Sprays "complete" directive.
val response = (worker ? Create(json))
.map(result => s"I got a response: ${result}")
.recover { case _ => "error" }
My question is, since this is a future, do I need to be worried about sending the correct response to the client? In some code samples I see examples where the actorRef to reply to is sent as part of the request...
// set reply to actor
val replyTo = sender() // important to not close over sender()
// create actor that collects replies from workers
val aggregator = context.actorOf(Props(
classOf[StatsAggregator], words.size, replyTo))
Then in the receiving actor...
replyTo ! SendResult
Should I be passing the "replyTo" actor as part of the request or is this all taken care of in the mapTo?
Thanks in advance!
The complete directive will send back a response to http/https client of your service. You don't need to do more than that. Please note that your code swallows errors by making recover on a future. Spray will treat it as a success and will return status code 200.
The last and most importantly, your worker has to reply with Ok message back like this.
class Worker extends Actor {
def receive: Receive = {
case Create(json) =>
//do some staff with json
sender() ! Ok // This Ok message will be passed in the future in spray route
The replyTo idiom is needed only when worker uses Future internally to process the work load. As it in the following example
class Worker extends Actor {
def recieve: Recieve = {
case Create(json) =>
val future = Future{
//do some staff with json
val replyTo = sender()
future.onComplete {
case scala.util.Success(result) =>
replyTo ! Ok
case scala.util.Failure(ex) =>
replyTo ! akka.actor.Status.Failure(ex)
The replyTo is needed to fix actual sender of the message since onComplete may be executed within a different actor context that can point to a different sender resulting in message being sent to a wrong actor.

Akka Message Delivery Guarantees

I am trying to find out what message delivery guarantees Akka supports. I came to the following conclusion:
At-most-once : Supported by default
At-least-once : Supported with Akka Persistence
Exactly-once : ?
Does Akka support exactly-once? How would I be able to achieve this if it doesn't?
Akka out of the box provides At-Most-Once delivery, as you've discovered. At-Least-Once is available in some libraries such as Akka Persistence, and you can create it yourself fairly easily by creating an ACK-RETRY protocol in your actors. The Sender keeps periodically sending the message until the receiver acknowledges receipt of it.
Put simply, for At-Least-Once the responsibility is with the Sender. E.g in Scala:
class Sender(receiver: ActorRef) extends Actor {
var acknowledged = false
override def preStart() {
receiver ! "Do Work"
system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(50 milliseconds, self, "Retry")
def receive = {
case "Retry" =>
if(!acknowledged) {
receiver ! "Do Work"
system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(50 milliseconds, self, "Retry")
case "Ack" => acknowledged = true
class Receiver extends Actor {
def receive = {
case "Do Work" =>
sender ! "Ack"
def doWork() = {...}
But with At-Most-Once processing, the receiver has to ensure that repeated instances of the same message only result in work being done once. This could be achieved through making the work done by the receiver idempotent so it can be repeatedly applied, or by having the receiver keep a record of what it has processed already. For At-Most-Once the responsibility is with the receiver:
class AtMostOnceReceiver extends Actor {
var workDone = false
def receive = {
case "Do Work" =>
if(!workDone) {
workDone = true
sender ! Ack

Akka TcpPipeLine: how can I send message to a client/server without receiving a init.Event first?

I'm using akka 2.2.3 and developing simple tcp server application.
The work flow is:
1. client connects to server
2. server accepts connection,
3. server sends to client message "Hello!"
On page http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.2.3/scala/io-tcp.html I can see how I can send response message to request. But, how can I send message before some data was received?
How can I send message to a client without receiving a init.Event first?
Code from documentation page:
class AkkaSslHandler(init: Init[WithinActorContext, String, String])
extends Actor with ActorLogging {
def receive = {
case init.Event(data) ⇒
val input = data.dropRight(1)
log.debug("akka-io Server received {} from {}", input, sender)
val response = serverResponse(input)
sender ! init.Command(response)
log.debug("akka-io Server sent: {}", response.dropRight(1))
case _: Tcp.ConnectionClosed ⇒ context.stop(self)
You use the init for creating the TcpPipelineHandler as well, and you can of course always send commands to that actor. For this you will need to pass its ActorRef to your handler actor besides the Init.