I have a __int64 variable x = 0x8000000000000000.
I try to shift it right by byte : x >> 4
I`ve thought that the result should be 0x0800000000000000, but unfortunately I get 0xf800000000000000.
I use VS10. Why is it so? And how can I solve that?
try to use __uint64 variable x = 0x8000000000000000
I think you can declare it this way as well:
u64 x = 0x8000000000000000;
x >> 4 you will give you:
see for more info where the F came from in the MSBs.
The reason is because shifting signed numbers is only defined by the language if the left operand is at least 0. In your case I assume it's a twos-complement representation and your number is negative making the result unspecified (or implementation-defined, I don't have the reference at hand right now). Typically you would either get a logical shift or an arithmetic shift.
If you can get away with making your variable unsigned that would solve your problem.
Well, that is an easy one. :)
Your number is signed. With the first bit being set, it is negative. Thus, in order to keep it negative, it is filled with 1s.
I would assume casting it to unsigned and then shifting it should fix your problem.
This is because you have a negative number. Use (or convert to) unsigned before the shift.
Signed values are shifted right by sign bit and unsigned by zero:
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
__int64 signedval;
unsigned __int64 unsignedval;
signedval=0x8000000000000000 >> 4;
unsignedval=0x8000000000000000 >> 4;
printf(" Signed %x , unsigned %x \n", signedval, unsignedval);
return 0;
and the output is:
Signed 0 , unsigned 8000000
This code gives the meaningful output
#include <iostream>
int main() {
unsigned int ui = 100;
unsigned int negative_ui = -22u;
std::cout << ui + negative_ui << std::endl;
The variable negative_ui stores -22, but is an unsigned int.
My question is why does unsigned int negative_ui = -22u; work.
How can an unsigned int store a negative number? Is it save to be used or does this yield undefined behaviour?
I use the intel compiler 18.0.3. With the option -Wall no warnings occurred.
Ps. I have read What happens if I assign a negative value to an unsigned variable? and Why unsigned int contained negative number
How can an unsigned int store a negative number?
It doesn't. Instead, it stores a representable number that is congruent with that negative number modulo the number of all representable values. The same is also true with results that are larger than the largest representable value.
Is it save to be used or does this yield undefined behaviour?
There is no UB. Unsigned arithmetic overflow is well defined.
It is safe to rely on the result. However, it can be brittle. For example, if you add -22u and 100ull, then you get UINT_MAX + 79 (i.e. a large value assuming unsigned long long is a larger type than unsigned) which is congruent with 78 modulo UINT_MAX + 1 that is representable in unsigned long long but not representable in unsigned.
Note that signed arithmetic overflow is undefined.
Signed/Unsigned is a convention. It uses the last bit of the variable (in case of x86 int, the last 31th bit). What you store in the variable takes the full bit length.
It's the calculations that follow that take the upper bit as a sign indicator or ignore it. Therefore, any "unsigned" variable can contain a signed value which will be converted to the unsigned form when the unsigned variable participates in a calculation.
unsigned int x = -1; // x is now 0xFFFFFFFF.
x -= 1; // x is now 0xFFFFFFFE.
if (x < 0) // false. x is compared as 0xFFFFFFFE.
int x = -1; // x stored as 0xFFFFFFFF
x -= 1; // x stored as 0xFFFFFFFE
if (x < 0) // true, x is compared as -2.
Technically valid, bad programming.
I'm new to C++ and is trying to learn the concept of array. I saw this code snippet online. For the sample code below, does it make any difference to declare:
unsigned scores[11] = {};
unsigned grade;
int scores[11] = {};
int grade;
I guess there must be a reason why score[11] = {}; and grade is declared as unsigned, but what is the reason behind it?
int main() {
unsigned scores[11] = {};
unsigned grade;
while (cin >> grade) {
if (0 <= grade <= 100) {
++scores[grade / 10];
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
cout << scores[i] << endl;
unsigned means that the variable will not hold a negative values (or even more accurate - It will not care about the sign-). It seems obvious that scores and grades are signless values (no one scores -25). So, it is natural to use unsigned.
But note that: if (0 <= grade <= 100) is redundant. if (grade <= 100) is enough since no negative values are allowed.
As Blastfurnace commented, if (0 <= grade <= 100) is not right even. if you want it like this you should write it as:
if (0 <= grade && grade <= 100)
Unsigned variables
Declaring a variable as unsigned int instead of int has 2 consequences:
It can't be negative. It provides you a guarantee that it never will be and therefore you don't need to check for it and handle special cases when writing code that only works with positive integers
As you have a limited size, it allows you to represent bigger numbers. On 32 bits, the biggest unsigned int is 4294967295 (2^32-1) whereas the biggest int is 2147483647 (2^31-1)
One consequence of using unsigned int is that arithmetic will be done in the set of unsigned int. So 9 - 10 = 4294967295 instead of -1 as no negative number can be encoded on unsigned int type. You will also have issues if you compare them to negative int.
More info on how negative integer are encoded.
Array initialization
For the array definition, if you just write:
unsigned int scores[11];
Then you have 11 uninitialized unsigned int that have potentially values different than 0.
If you write:
unsigned int scores[11] = {};
Then all int are initialized with their default value that is 0.
Note that if you write:
unsigned int scores[11] = { 1, 2 };
You will have the first int intialized to 1, the second to 2 and all the others to 0.
You can easily play a little bit with all these syntax to gain a better understanding of it.
About the code:
if(0 <= grade <= 100)
as stated in the comments, this does not do what you expect. In fact, this will always evaluate to true and therefore execute the code in the if. Which means if you enter a grade of, say, 20000, you should have a core dump. The reason is that this:
0 <= grade <= 100
is equivalent to:
(0 <= grade) <= 100
And the first part is either true (implicitly converted to 1) or false (implicitly converted to 0). As both values are lower than 100, the second comparison is always true.
unsigned integers have some strange properties and you should avoid them unless you have a good reason. Gaining 1 extra bit of positive size, or expressing a constraint that a value may not be negative, are not good reasons.
unsigned integers implement arithmetic modulo UINT_MAX+1. By contrast, operations on signed integers represent the natural arithmetic that we are familiar with from school.
Overflow semantics
unsigned has well defined overflow; signed does not:
unsigned u = UINT_MAX;
u++; // u becomes 0
int i = INT_MAX;
i++; // undefined behaviour
This has the consequence that signed integer overflow can be caught during testing, while an unsigned overflow may silently do the wrong thing. So use unsigned only if you are sure you want to legalize overflow.
If you have a constraint that a value may not be negative, then you need a way to detect and reject negative values; int is perfect for this. An unsigned will accept a negative value and silently overflow it into a positive value.
Bit shift semantics
Bit shift of unsigned by an amount not greater than the number of bits in the data type is always well defined. Until C++20, bit shift of signed was undefined if it would cause a 1 in the sign bit to be shifted left, or implementation-defined if it would cause a 1 in the sign bit to be shifted right. Since C++20, signed right shift always preserves the sign, but signed left shift does not. So use unsigned for some kinds of bit twiddling operations.
Mixed sign operations
The built-in arithmetic operations always operate on operands of the same type. If they are supplied operands of different types, the "usual arithmetic conversions" coerce them into the same type, sometimes with surprising results:
unsigned u = 42;
std::cout << (u * -1); // 4294967254
std::cout << std::boolalpha << (u >= -1); // false
What's the difference?
Subtracting an unsigned from another unsigned yields an unsigned result, which means that the difference between 2 and 1 is 4294967295.
Double the max value
int uses one bit to represent the sign of the value. unsigned uses this bit as just another numerical bit. So typically, int has 31 numerical bits and unsigned has 32. This extra bit is often cited as a reason to use unsigned. But if 31 bits are insufficient for a particular purpose, then most likely 32 bits will also be insufficient, and you should be considering 64 bits or more.
Function overloading
The implicit conversion from int to unsigned has the same rank as the conversion from int to double, so the following example is ill formed:
void f(unsigned);
void f(double);
f(42); // error: ambiguous call to overloaded function
Many APIs (including the standard library) use unsigned types, often for misguided reasons. It is sensible to use unsigned to avoid mixed-sign operations when interacting with these APIs.
The quoted snippet includes the expression 0 <= grade <= 100. This will first evaluate 0 <= grade, which is always true, because grade can't be negative. Then it will evaluate true <= 100, which is always true, because true is converted to the integer 1, and 1 <= 100 is true.
Yes it does make a difference. In the first case you declare an array of 11 elements a variable of type "unsigned int". In the second case you declare them as ints.
When the int is on 32 bits you can have values from the following ranges
–2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 for plain int
0 to 4,294,967,295 for unsigned int
You normally declare something unsigned when you don't need negative numbers and you need that extra range given by unsigned. In your case I assume that that by declaring the variables unsigned, the developer doesn't accept negative scores and grades. You basically do a statistic of how many grades between 0 and 10 were introduced at the command line. So it looks like something to simulate a school grading system, therefore you don't have negative grades. But this is my opinion after reading the code.
Take a look at this post which explains what unsigned is:
what is the unsigned datatype?
As the name suggests, signed integers can be negative and unsigned cannot be. If we represent an integer with N bits then for unsigned the minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is 2^(N-1). If it is a signed integer of N bits then it can take the values from -2^(N-2) to 2^(N-2)-1. This is because we need 1-bit to represent the sign +/-
Ex: signed 3-bit integer (yes there are such things)
000 = 0
001 = 1
010 = 2
011 = 3
100 = -4
101 = -3
110 = -2
111 = -1
But, for unsigned it just represents the values [0,7]. The most significant bit (MSB) in the example signifies a negative value. That is, all values where the MSB is set are negative. Hence the apparent loss of a bit in its absolute values.
It also behaves as one might expect. If you increment -1 (111) we get (1 000) but since we don't have a fourth bit it simply "falls off the end" and we are left with 000.
The same applies to subtracting 1 from 0. First take the two's complement
111 = twos_complement(001)
and add it to 000 which yields 111 = -1 (from the table) which is what one might expect. What happens when you increment 011(=3) yielding 100(=-4) is perhaps not what one might expect and is at odds with our normal expectations. These overflows are troublesome with fixed point arithmetic and have to be dealt with.
One other thing worth pointing out is the a signed integer can take one negative value more than it can positive which has a consequence for rounding (when using integer to represent fixed point numbers for example) but am sure that's better covered in the DSP or signal processing forums.
int a = 1; (00000000000000000000000000000001),
what I did is just
I assume a should still be 1 after this statement (nothing changed I think). However, it turns out to be -1 (11111111111111111111111111111111). Anyone knows why?
What you are missing is that in C++ right shift >> is implementation defined. It could either be logical or arithmetic shift for a signed value. In this case it's shifting in 1s from the left to retain the sign of the shifted value. Typically you want to avoid doing shifts on signed values unless you know precisely that they will be positive or that the shift implementation doesn't matter.
Look at it in steps:
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a = 1;
printf("%d = %x\n", a, a);
a <<= 31;
printf("%d = %x\n", a, a);
a >>= 31;
printf("%d = %x\n", a, a);
return 0;
1 = 1
-2147483648 = 80000000
-1 = ffffffff
1 got shifted all the way up to the high bit which makes it a negative number. Shifting back down triggers sign extension to maintain the negative.
Change the declaration of a to unsigned int a and you will get the behaviour you expect.
" however it turns out to be -1"
You use an unsigned int to do so for seeing only 32 bit values that are greater than 0:
unsigned int a = 1;
It is a signed shift so the left most bit will be extended. That way the overall number is on the same side of 0.
By left shifting that much you put the lowest bit into the sign bit and end up with a negative number.
When you then do a right shift it sign extends, copying the sign bit down to the lower 31 bits.
If you want to know the lowest bit just do & 1.
I'm reading binary data in character format from an accelerometer and it consists of higher byte and lower byte. It's a long time since I worked with C++ and usually only used higher level stuff.
I have the following function:
short char2short(char* hchar, char* lchar)
char temp[2];
temp[0] = *hchar;
temp[1] = *lchar;
How can I get that values converted to an integer?
atoi works different as far as I know (e.g. "21" = 21).
Can I just typecast char to int? But how does it work with higher bit and lower bit?
Thanks in advance for any help!
You should store the bytes as unsigned to avoid issues with shifting sign bits.
short char2short(unsigned char hchar, unsigned char lchar)
return static_cast<short>(lchar | (hchar << 8));
You may also want to use unsigned short. It depends what you expect.
How do I get the number of bits in type char?
I know about CHAR_BIT from climits. This is described as »The macro yields the maximum value for the number of bits used to represent an object of type char.« at Dikumware's C Reference. I understand that means the number of bits in a char, doesn't it?
Can I get the same result with std::numeric_limits somehow? std::numeric_limits<char>::digits returns 7 correctly but unfortunately, because this value respects the signedness of the 8-bit char here…
CHAR_BIT is, by definition, number of bits in the object representation of type [signed/unsigned] char.
numeric_limits<>::digits is the number of non-sign bits in the value representation of the given type.
Which one do you need?
If you are looking for number of bits in the object representation, then the correct approach is to take the sizeof of the type and multiply it by CHAR_BIT (of course, there's no point in multiplying by sizeof in specific case of char types, since their size is always 1, and since CHAR_BIT by definition alredy contains what you need).
If you are talking about value representation then numeric_limits<> is the way to go.
For unsigned char type the bit-size of object representation (CHAR_BIT) is guaranteed to be the same as bit-size of value representation, so you can use numeric_limits<unsigned char>::digits and CHAR_BIT interchangeably, but this might be questionable from the conceptual point of view.
If you want to be overly specific, you can do this:
sizeof(char) * CHAR_BIT
If you know you are definitely going to do the sizeof char, it's a bit overkill as sizeof(char) is guaranteed to be 1.
But if you move to a different type such as wchar_t, that will be important.
Looking at the snippets archive for this code here, here's an adapted version, I do not claim this code:
int countbits(char ch){
int n = 0;
if (ch){
do n++;
while (0 != (ch = ch&(ch-1)));
return n;
Hope this helps,
Best regards,
A non-efficient way:
char c;
int bits;
for ( c = 1, bits = 0; c; c <<= 1, bits++ )
printf( "bits = %d\n", bits );
no reputation here yet so I'm not allowed to reply to #t0mm13b 's answer, but wanted to point out that there's a problem with the code:
int countbits(char ch){
int n = 0;
if (ch){
do n++;
while (0 != (ch = ch&(ch-1)));
return n;
The above won't count the number of bits in a character, it will count the number of set bits (1 bits).
For example, the following call will return 4:
char c = 'U';
The code:
ch = ch & (ch - 1)
Is a trick to strip off the right most (least significant) bit that's set to 1. So, it glosses over any bits set to 0 and doesn't count them.