using union as serializer for boost::asio - c++

i wonder if nobody is using an union to serialize structs for boost::asio sender/receiver. i have searched for something but all i found (yet) were been examples like this or this.
so i have it done like this:
struct ST {
short a;
long b;
float c;
char c[256];
void sender::send(const ST &_packet) {
union {
const ST &s;
char (&c)[sizeof(ST)];
}usc = {_packet};
socket.send_to(boost::asio::buffer(usc.c, sizeof(ST)), endpoint);
ST var = {1234, -1234, 1.4567, "some text"};
so my question now is, is this bad practise to do serialization of the fundamental data types?
i know i can't send var-sized strings directly, and therefor i can use boost::serialization.

It is indeed bad practise. What you are sending is (supposed to be) a sequence of bytes containing the exact binary representation of whatever is in the union on your system. The problems are:
You fill the usc union with a ST, but access it as a char[], which produces undefined behavior (but probably works on all common systems).
You probably want to do the same on the receiver side, in reversed order. UB again, but probably works.
Here comes trouble: You send the data in a system specific format, that need not be the same on the receiving system, for the same struct definition. This includes
byte order of integral types (little/big endian)
size of types, not only integral (e.g. sizeof(long) sometimes differs from 32bit to 64bit systems, or between different compilers on 64bit systems)
padding bytes
sizeof(ST) itself may differ significantly
Simply said: just don't do this. If you are using boost::serialization anyways, use it for the whole ST struct, not only for the strings inside it. If your data structure becomes just a little more complicated (e.g. contains pointers, has nontrivial constructors etc.) you have to do that anyways.


C/C++ Little/Big Endian handler

There are two systems that communicate via TCP. One uses little endian and the second one big endian. The ICD between systems contains a lot of structs (fields). Making bytes swap for each field looks like not the best solution.
Is there any generic solution/practice for handling communication between systems with different endianness?
Each system may have a different architecture, but endianness should be defined by the communication protocol. If the protocol says "data must be sent as big endian", then that's how the system sends it and how the other system receives it.
I am guessing the reason why you're asking is because you would like to cast a struct pointer to a char* and just send it over the wire, and this won't work.
That is generally a bad idea. It's far better to create an actual serializer, so that your internal data is decoupled from the actual protocol, which also means you can easily add support for different protocols in the future, or different versions of the protocols. You also don't have to worry about struct padding, aliasing, or any implementation-defined issues that casting brings along.
So generally, you would have something like:
void Serialize(const struct SomeStruct *s, struct BufferBuilder *bb)
BufferBuilder_append_u16_le(bb, s->SomeField);
BufferBuilder_append_s32_le(bb, s->SomeOther);
BufferBuilder_append_u08(bb, s->SomeOther);
Where you would already have all these methods written in advance, like
// append unsigned 16-bit value, little endian
void BufferBuilder_append_u16_le(struct BufferBuilder *bb, uint16_t value)
if (bb->remaining < sizeof(value))
return; // or some error handling, whatever
memcpy(bb->buffer, &value, sizeof(value));
bb->remaining -= sizeof(value);
We use this approach because it's simpler to unit test these "appending" methods in isolation, and writing (de)serializers is then a matter of just calling them in succession.
But of course, if you can pick any protocol and implement both systems, then you could simply use protobuf and avoid doing a bunch of plumbing.
Generally speaking, values transmitted over a network should be in network byte order, i.e. big endian. So values should be converted from host byte order to network byte order for transmission and converted back when received.
The functions htons and ntohs do this for 16 bit integer values and htonl and ntohl do this for 32 bit integer values. On little endian systems these functions essentially reverse the bytes, while on big endian systems they're a no-op.
So for example if you have the following struct:
struct mystruct {
char f1[10];
uint32_t f2;
uint16_t f3;
Then you would serialize the data like this:
// s points to the struct to serialize
// p should be large enough to hold the serialized struct
void serialize(struct mystruct *s, unsigned char *p)
memcpy(p, s->f1, sizeof(s->f1));
p += sizeof(s->f1);
uint32_t f2_tmp = htonl(s->f2);
memcpy(p, &f2_tmp, sizeof(f2_tmp));
p += sizeof(s->f2);
uint16_t f3_tmp = htons(s->f3);
memcpy(p, &f3_tmp, sizeof(f3_tmp));
And deserialize it like this:
// s points to a struct which will store the deserialized data
// p points to the buffer received from the network
void deserialize(struct mystruct *s, unsigned char *p)
memcpy(s->f1, p, sizeof(s->f1));
p += sizeof(s->f1);
uint32_t f2_tmp;
memcpy(&f2_tmp, p, sizeof(f2_tmp));
s->f2 = ntohl(f2_tmp);
p += sizeof(s->f2);
uint16_t f3_tmp;
memcpy(&f3_tmp, p, sizeof(f3_tmp));
s->f3 = ntohs(f3_tmp);
While you could use compiler specific flags to pack the struct so that it has a known size, allowing you to memcpy the whole struct and just convert the integer fields, doing so means that certain fields may not be aligned properly which can be a problem on some architectures. The above will work regardless of the overall size of the struct.
You mention one problem with struct fields. Transmitting structs also requires taking care of alignment of fields (causing gaps between fields): compiler flags.
For binary data one can use Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) where you define the data format. There are some alternatives. Like Protocol Buffers.
In C one can with macros determine endianess and field offsets inside a struct, and hence use such a struct description as the basis for a generic bytes-to-struct conversion. So this would work independent of endianess and alignment.
You would need to create such a descriptor for every struct.
Alternatively a parser might generate code for bytes-to-struct conversion.
But then again you could use a language neutral solution like ASN.1.
C and C++ of course have no introspection/reflection capabilities like Java has, so that are the only solutions.
The fastest and most portable way is to use bit shifts.
These have the big advantage that you only need to know the network endianess, never the CPU endianess.
uint8_t buf[4] = { MS_BYTE, ... LS_BYTE}; // some buffer from TCP/IP = Big Endian
uint32_t my_u32 = ((uint32_t)buf[0] << 24) |
((uint32_t)buf[1] << 16) |
((uint32_t)buf[2] << 8) |
((uint32_t)buf[3] << 0) ;
Do not use (bit-field) structs/type punning directly on the input. They are poorly standardized, may contain padding/alignment requirements, depend on endianess. It is fine to use structs if you have proper serialization/deserialization routines in between. A deserialization routine may contain the above bit shifts, for example.
Do not use pointer arithmetic to iterate across the input, or plain memcpy(). Neither one of these solves the endianess issue.
Do not use htons etc bloat libs. Because they are non-portable. But more importantly because anyone who can't write a simple bit shift like above without having some lib function holding their hand, should probably stick to writing high level code in a more family-friendly programming language.
There is no point in writing code in C if you don't have a clue about how to do efficient, close to the hardware programming, also known as the very reason you picked C for the task to begin with.
Helping hand for people who are confused over how C code gets translated to asm: As we can see, the machine code is identical on x86 Linux. The htonl won't compile on a number of embedded targets, nor on MSVC, while leading to worse performance on Mips64.

Typical case in padding of structures in c++ [duplicate]

If I have a struct in C++, is there no way to safely read/write it to a file that is cross-platform/compiler compatible?
Because if I understand correctly, every compiler 'pads' differently based on the target platform.
No. That is not possible. It's because of lack of standardization of C++ at the binary level.
Don Box writes (quoting from his book Essential COM, chapter COM As A Better C++)
C++ and Portability
Once the decision is made to
distribute a C++ class as a DLL, one
is faced with one of the fundamental
weaknesses of C++, that is, lack of
standardization at the binary level.
Although the ISO/ANSI C++ Draft
Working Paper attempts to codify which
programs will compile and what the
semantic effects of running them will
be, it makes no attempt to standardize
the binary runtime model of C++. The
first time this problem will become
evident is when a client tries to link
against the FastString DLL's import library from
a C++ developement environment other
than the one used to build the
FastString DLL.
Struct padding is done differently by different compilers. Even if you use the same compiler, the packing alignment for structs can be different based on what pragma pack you're using.
Not only that if you write two structs whose members are exactly same, the only difference is that the order in which they're declared is different, then the size of each struct can be (and often is) different.
For example, see this,
struct A
char c;
char d;
int i;
struct B
char c;
int i;
char d;
int main() {
cout << sizeof(A) << endl;
cout << sizeof(B) << endl;
Compile it with gcc-4.3.4, and you get this output:
That is, sizes are different even though both structs have the same members!
The bottom line is that the standard doesn't talk about how padding should be done, and so the compilers are free to make any decision and you cannot assume all compilers make the same decision.
If you have the opportunity to design the struct yourself, it should be possible. The basic idea is that you should design it so that there would be no need to insert pad bytes into it. the second trick is that you must handle differences in endianess.
I'll describe how to construct the struct using scalars, but the you should be able to use nested structs, as long as you would apply the same design for each included struct.
First, a basic fact in C and C++ is that the alignment of a type can not exceed the size of the type. If it would, then it would not be possible to allocate memory using malloc(N*sizeof(the_type)).
Layout the struct, starting with the largest types.
uint64_t alpha;
uint32_t beta;
uint32_t gamma;
uint8_t delta;
Next, pad out the struct manually, so that in the end you will match up the largest type:
uint8_t pad8[3]; // Match uint32_t
uint32_t pad32; // Even number of uint32_t
Next step is to decide if the struct should be stored in little or big endian format. The best way is to "swap" all the element in situ before writing or after reading the struct, if the storage format does not match the endianess of the host system.
No, there's no safe way. In addition to padding, you have to deal with different byte ordering, and different sizes of builtin types.
You need to define a file format, and convert your struct to and from that format. Serialization libraries (e.g. boost::serialization, or google's protocolbuffers) can help with this.
Long story short, no. There is no platform-independent, Standard-conformant way to deal with padding.
Padding is called "alignment" in the Standard, and it begins discussing it in 3.9/5:
Object types have alignment
requirements (3.9.1, 3.9.2). The
alignment of a complete object type is
an implementation-defined integer
value representing a number of bytes;
an object is allocated at an address
that meets the alignment requirements
of its object type.
But it goes on from there and winds off to many dark corners of the Standard. Alignment is "implementation-defined" meaning it can be different across different compilers, or even across address models (ie 32-bit/64-bit) under the same compiler.
Unless you have truly harsh performance requirements, you might consider storing your data to disc in a different format, like char strings. Many high-performance protocols send everything using strings when the natural format might be something else. For example, a low-latency exchange feed I recently worked on sends dates as strings formatted like this: "20110321" and times are sent similarly: "141055.200". Even though this exchange feed sends 5 million messages per second all day long, they still use strings for everything because that way they can avoid endian-ness and other issues.

Why is getting extra bytes in a convertion from Struct to array bytes? [duplicate]

If I have a struct in C++, is there no way to safely read/write it to a file that is cross-platform/compiler compatible?
Because if I understand correctly, every compiler 'pads' differently based on the target platform.
No. That is not possible. It's because of lack of standardization of C++ at the binary level.
Don Box writes (quoting from his book Essential COM, chapter COM As A Better C++)
C++ and Portability
Once the decision is made to
distribute a C++ class as a DLL, one
is faced with one of the fundamental
weaknesses of C++, that is, lack of
standardization at the binary level.
Although the ISO/ANSI C++ Draft
Working Paper attempts to codify which
programs will compile and what the
semantic effects of running them will
be, it makes no attempt to standardize
the binary runtime model of C++. The
first time this problem will become
evident is when a client tries to link
against the FastString DLL's import library from
a C++ developement environment other
than the one used to build the
FastString DLL.
Struct padding is done differently by different compilers. Even if you use the same compiler, the packing alignment for structs can be different based on what pragma pack you're using.
Not only that if you write two structs whose members are exactly same, the only difference is that the order in which they're declared is different, then the size of each struct can be (and often is) different.
For example, see this,
struct A
char c;
char d;
int i;
struct B
char c;
int i;
char d;
int main() {
cout << sizeof(A) << endl;
cout << sizeof(B) << endl;
Compile it with gcc-4.3.4, and you get this output:
That is, sizes are different even though both structs have the same members!
The bottom line is that the standard doesn't talk about how padding should be done, and so the compilers are free to make any decision and you cannot assume all compilers make the same decision.
If you have the opportunity to design the struct yourself, it should be possible. The basic idea is that you should design it so that there would be no need to insert pad bytes into it. the second trick is that you must handle differences in endianess.
I'll describe how to construct the struct using scalars, but the you should be able to use nested structs, as long as you would apply the same design for each included struct.
First, a basic fact in C and C++ is that the alignment of a type can not exceed the size of the type. If it would, then it would not be possible to allocate memory using malloc(N*sizeof(the_type)).
Layout the struct, starting with the largest types.
uint64_t alpha;
uint32_t beta;
uint32_t gamma;
uint8_t delta;
Next, pad out the struct manually, so that in the end you will match up the largest type:
uint8_t pad8[3]; // Match uint32_t
uint32_t pad32; // Even number of uint32_t
Next step is to decide if the struct should be stored in little or big endian format. The best way is to "swap" all the element in situ before writing or after reading the struct, if the storage format does not match the endianess of the host system.
No, there's no safe way. In addition to padding, you have to deal with different byte ordering, and different sizes of builtin types.
You need to define a file format, and convert your struct to and from that format. Serialization libraries (e.g. boost::serialization, or google's protocolbuffers) can help with this.
Long story short, no. There is no platform-independent, Standard-conformant way to deal with padding.
Padding is called "alignment" in the Standard, and it begins discussing it in 3.9/5:
Object types have alignment
requirements (3.9.1, 3.9.2). The
alignment of a complete object type is
an implementation-defined integer
value representing a number of bytes;
an object is allocated at an address
that meets the alignment requirements
of its object type.
But it goes on from there and winds off to many dark corners of the Standard. Alignment is "implementation-defined" meaning it can be different across different compilers, or even across address models (ie 32-bit/64-bit) under the same compiler.
Unless you have truly harsh performance requirements, you might consider storing your data to disc in a different format, like char strings. Many high-performance protocols send everything using strings when the natural format might be something else. For example, a low-latency exchange feed I recently worked on sends dates as strings formatted like this: "20110321" and times are sent similarly: "141055.200". Even though this exchange feed sends 5 million messages per second all day long, they still use strings for everything because that way they can avoid endian-ness and other issues.

C++ writes garbage values between data, when writing a struct to a file [duplicate]

If I have a struct in C++, is there no way to safely read/write it to a file that is cross-platform/compiler compatible?
Because if I understand correctly, every compiler 'pads' differently based on the target platform.
No. That is not possible. It's because of lack of standardization of C++ at the binary level.
Don Box writes (quoting from his book Essential COM, chapter COM As A Better C++)
C++ and Portability
Once the decision is made to
distribute a C++ class as a DLL, one
is faced with one of the fundamental
weaknesses of C++, that is, lack of
standardization at the binary level.
Although the ISO/ANSI C++ Draft
Working Paper attempts to codify which
programs will compile and what the
semantic effects of running them will
be, it makes no attempt to standardize
the binary runtime model of C++. The
first time this problem will become
evident is when a client tries to link
against the FastString DLL's import library from
a C++ developement environment other
than the one used to build the
FastString DLL.
Struct padding is done differently by different compilers. Even if you use the same compiler, the packing alignment for structs can be different based on what pragma pack you're using.
Not only that if you write two structs whose members are exactly same, the only difference is that the order in which they're declared is different, then the size of each struct can be (and often is) different.
For example, see this,
struct A
char c;
char d;
int i;
struct B
char c;
int i;
char d;
int main() {
cout << sizeof(A) << endl;
cout << sizeof(B) << endl;
Compile it with gcc-4.3.4, and you get this output:
That is, sizes are different even though both structs have the same members!
The bottom line is that the standard doesn't talk about how padding should be done, and so the compilers are free to make any decision and you cannot assume all compilers make the same decision.
If you have the opportunity to design the struct yourself, it should be possible. The basic idea is that you should design it so that there would be no need to insert pad bytes into it. the second trick is that you must handle differences in endianess.
I'll describe how to construct the struct using scalars, but the you should be able to use nested structs, as long as you would apply the same design for each included struct.
First, a basic fact in C and C++ is that the alignment of a type can not exceed the size of the type. If it would, then it would not be possible to allocate memory using malloc(N*sizeof(the_type)).
Layout the struct, starting with the largest types.
uint64_t alpha;
uint32_t beta;
uint32_t gamma;
uint8_t delta;
Next, pad out the struct manually, so that in the end you will match up the largest type:
uint8_t pad8[3]; // Match uint32_t
uint32_t pad32; // Even number of uint32_t
Next step is to decide if the struct should be stored in little or big endian format. The best way is to "swap" all the element in situ before writing or after reading the struct, if the storage format does not match the endianess of the host system.
No, there's no safe way. In addition to padding, you have to deal with different byte ordering, and different sizes of builtin types.
You need to define a file format, and convert your struct to and from that format. Serialization libraries (e.g. boost::serialization, or google's protocolbuffers) can help with this.
Long story short, no. There is no platform-independent, Standard-conformant way to deal with padding.
Padding is called "alignment" in the Standard, and it begins discussing it in 3.9/5:
Object types have alignment
requirements (3.9.1, 3.9.2). The
alignment of a complete object type is
an implementation-defined integer
value representing a number of bytes;
an object is allocated at an address
that meets the alignment requirements
of its object type.
But it goes on from there and winds off to many dark corners of the Standard. Alignment is "implementation-defined" meaning it can be different across different compilers, or even across address models (ie 32-bit/64-bit) under the same compiler.
Unless you have truly harsh performance requirements, you might consider storing your data to disc in a different format, like char strings. Many high-performance protocols send everything using strings when the natural format might be something else. For example, a low-latency exchange feed I recently worked on sends dates as strings formatted like this: "20110321" and times are sent similarly: "141055.200". Even though this exchange feed sends 5 million messages per second all day long, they still use strings for everything because that way they can avoid endian-ness and other issues.

Struct padding in C++

If I have a struct in C++, is there no way to safely read/write it to a file that is cross-platform/compiler compatible?
Because if I understand correctly, every compiler 'pads' differently based on the target platform.
No. That is not possible. It's because of lack of standardization of C++ at the binary level.
Don Box writes (quoting from his book Essential COM, chapter COM As A Better C++)
C++ and Portability
Once the decision is made to
distribute a C++ class as a DLL, one
is faced with one of the fundamental
weaknesses of C++, that is, lack of
standardization at the binary level.
Although the ISO/ANSI C++ Draft
Working Paper attempts to codify which
programs will compile and what the
semantic effects of running them will
be, it makes no attempt to standardize
the binary runtime model of C++. The
first time this problem will become
evident is when a client tries to link
against the FastString DLL's import library from
a C++ developement environment other
than the one used to build the
FastString DLL.
Struct padding is done differently by different compilers. Even if you use the same compiler, the packing alignment for structs can be different based on what pragma pack you're using.
Not only that if you write two structs whose members are exactly same, the only difference is that the order in which they're declared is different, then the size of each struct can be (and often is) different.
For example, see this,
struct A
char c;
char d;
int i;
struct B
char c;
int i;
char d;
int main() {
cout << sizeof(A) << endl;
cout << sizeof(B) << endl;
Compile it with gcc-4.3.4, and you get this output:
That is, sizes are different even though both structs have the same members!
The bottom line is that the standard doesn't talk about how padding should be done, and so the compilers are free to make any decision and you cannot assume all compilers make the same decision.
If you have the opportunity to design the struct yourself, it should be possible. The basic idea is that you should design it so that there would be no need to insert pad bytes into it. the second trick is that you must handle differences in endianess.
I'll describe how to construct the struct using scalars, but the you should be able to use nested structs, as long as you would apply the same design for each included struct.
First, a basic fact in C and C++ is that the alignment of a type can not exceed the size of the type. If it would, then it would not be possible to allocate memory using malloc(N*sizeof(the_type)).
Layout the struct, starting with the largest types.
uint64_t alpha;
uint32_t beta;
uint32_t gamma;
uint8_t delta;
Next, pad out the struct manually, so that in the end you will match up the largest type:
uint8_t pad8[3]; // Match uint32_t
uint32_t pad32; // Even number of uint32_t
Next step is to decide if the struct should be stored in little or big endian format. The best way is to "swap" all the element in situ before writing or after reading the struct, if the storage format does not match the endianess of the host system.
No, there's no safe way. In addition to padding, you have to deal with different byte ordering, and different sizes of builtin types.
You need to define a file format, and convert your struct to and from that format. Serialization libraries (e.g. boost::serialization, or google's protocolbuffers) can help with this.
Long story short, no. There is no platform-independent, Standard-conformant way to deal with padding.
Padding is called "alignment" in the Standard, and it begins discussing it in 3.9/5:
Object types have alignment
requirements (3.9.1, 3.9.2). The
alignment of a complete object type is
an implementation-defined integer
value representing a number of bytes;
an object is allocated at an address
that meets the alignment requirements
of its object type.
But it goes on from there and winds off to many dark corners of the Standard. Alignment is "implementation-defined" meaning it can be different across different compilers, or even across address models (ie 32-bit/64-bit) under the same compiler.
Unless you have truly harsh performance requirements, you might consider storing your data to disc in a different format, like char strings. Many high-performance protocols send everything using strings when the natural format might be something else. For example, a low-latency exchange feed I recently worked on sends dates as strings formatted like this: "20110321" and times are sent similarly: "141055.200". Even though this exchange feed sends 5 million messages per second all day long, they still use strings for everything because that way they can avoid endian-ness and other issues.