Qwt plot auto scale not working - c++

I'm trying to plot some data using qt 4.8 and qwt 6, but my curves doesn't scales over plot (1).
This is how I attach curves to plot:
curves[moduleIndex][channelIndex]->setSamples(samples, data);
samples and data is QVectors and samples.size() is equal to data.size()
plots[moduleIndex][channelIndex]->axisAutoScale(QwtPlot::xBottom) returns true, so autoScale is enabled.
So am I missing something?
UPDATE: I thought that the problem occures because disabled axis
plots[i][j]->enableAxis(QwtPlot::yLeft, false);
plots[i][j]->enableAxis(QwtPlot::xBottom, false);
But I've commented it out and it didn't help.

I believe 'autoscale' is alreadyworking. But to make axis look nice, it takes a rounded number for maximum which is causing a gap at the end. Scales of QwtPlot are managed by QwtScaleEngine. You can get a pointer to default scaleEngine your plot using with QwtPlot::axisScaleEngine(...). Setting Floating attribute to true will remove this gap and will fit your data to boundaries. See docs: http://qwt.sourceforge.net/class_qwt_scale_engine.html

When setting QwtScaleEngine::Floating + QwtPlotLayout::setAlignCanvasToScales( true ) the canvas should be perfectly aligned to the boundaries of your curve.


QChart and using QGradients with accelerated OpenGL rendering

What is going wrong:
Currently my chart works completely fine, it has gradients, and single colored series for example:
This works fine, but when I enable openGL acceleration (for more performance) on the 3 series using fooSeries->setUseOpenGL(true) the graph turns into this:
As you can see the color for the gradient series turn black, while the single colored series turns white. Also the Rounded Caps and Rounded Joins also seem to have gone. I did some experimentation to see what may be causing it.
Attemped fixes/experimentation:
I color the series as follows:
// fooGradient is a QLinearGradient described elsewhere as an example.
QBrush fooGradientPenBrush = QBrush(fooGradient);
fooPen = new QPen(fooGradientPenBrush, 5, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin);
//There are actually 2 QPens for two separate gradients in the program, but this is just for the example.
QBrush barPenBrush = QBrush(QRgb(0xFFFFFF));
barPen = new QPen(barPenBrush, 3, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin);
Then later attach these pens top their respective series:
Then they are attached to the chart. That's it. I will keep experimenting and looking at the documentation to see if I missed something, it may just be that the openGL acceleration only accepts solid colors, but it is said no where in the documentation that I can find. I'll leave a link to the setUseOpenGl documentation if anyone would like to take a look here.
After more research, I seemed to have missed an important detail in the documentation:
Pen styles and marker shapes are ignored for accelerated series. Only solid lines and plain scatter dots are supported. The scatter dots may be circular or rectangular, depending on the underlying graphics hardware and drivers.
I still wonder if there is a way to implement rounded corners and what not to accelerated lines.

Not able to get actual values in decimal places in x axis of matplotlib plot in python [duplicate]

Could someone please guide me on how should I make sure that all ticks (or maybe a better way to specify will be to say all elements in the list passed to plot function) are displayed on the x axis when using matplotlib to plot graphs?
plt.plot(xValues, meanWeekdayArrivalCounts, 'k-')
I want all the values in the list xValues to show up on the graph. By default, only, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 show up.
Simply add plt.xticks(xValues) to your code. Given the number of points in your graph, the labels might clutter.
You could display them as minor ticks if you set them on the axes object with ax.set_xticks(xValues, minor=True).
use this.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
plt.xticks(np.arange(min(x), max(x)+1, 1.0))
I wanted to show all the years in my graph so I did

Pyplot rotated labels offset by one

Just getting into matplot lib and running into odd problem - I'm trying to plot 10 items, and use their names on the x-axis. I followed this suggestion and it worked great, except that my label names are long and they were all scrunched up. So I found that you can rotate labels, and got the following:
plt.plot([x for x in range(len(df.columns))], df[df.columns[0]], 'ro',)
plt.xticks(range(10), df.columns, rotation=45)
The labels all seem to be off by a tick ("Arthrobacter" should be aligned with 0). So I thought my indexing was wrong, and tried a bunch of other crap to fix it, but it turns out it's just odd (at least to me) behavior of the rotation. If I do rotation='vertical', I get what I want:
I see now that the center of the labels are clearly aligned with the ticks, but I expected that they'd terminate on the ticks. Like this (done in photoshop):
Is there a way to get this done automatically?
The labels are not "off", labels are actually placed via their "center". In your second image, the corresponding tick is above the center of the label, not above its endpoint. You can change that by adding ha='right' which modifies the horizontal alignement of the label.
plt.plot([x for x in range(len(df.columns))], df[df.columns[0]], 'ro',)
plt.xticks(range(10), df.columns, rotation=45, ha='right')
See the comparison below :
plt.plot(np.arange(4), np.arange(4))
plt.xticks(np.arange(4), ['veryverylongname']*4, rotation=45)
plt.plot(np.arange(4), np.arange(4))
plt.xticks(np.arange(4), ['veryverylongname']*4, rotation=45, ha='right')

pcl::MarchingCubesRBF doesn't output mesh

I need to use Marching Cubes based on Radial Basis Function so I looked up this algorithm implemented in PCL.
Actually I'm using PCL v1.6 so the function is:
The problem is that it doesn't work, that is it doesn't create any triangles: sometimes the output is '0 triangles created', at times running blocks my machine.
Anyway my implementation is:
pcl::MarchingCubesRBF<pcl::PointNormal> mc;
pcl::PolygonMesh::Ptr triangles(new pcl::PolygonMesh);
mc.setInputCloud (cloud_with_normals);
mc.setSearchMethod (tree);
mc.reconstruct (*triangles);
I tried with different files like input but neither of them works. One of it is https://github.com/FabiApfelkern/cloudfinish/blob/master/cat.pcd
I found there was a bug about the implementation in pcl: http://dev.pointclouds.org/issues/768
However I don't understand if it is solved in pcl v1.6. Let me know how could I solve if it is possible.
I'm using C++ with VS2010
I had the same problem and I fixed it setting the grid resolution:
mc.setGridResolution (100, 100, 100);
mc.reconstruct (*triangles);
The grid resolution is the amount of voxels used in x, y and z directions. So if you set it to 1, 1, 1, there will be only one voxel - and thus not a very good representation of your point cloud. The higher the resolution, the more expensive it will be, but it also improves the quality of the resulting mesh.

Image renderer with X Toolkit

I'm using scanner (not IRM) images to load 2D volumes, the contrast seems different more saturated comparing to ITK-Snap. Here is the screenshot of what I get :
And with IT -snap :
Any idea why this differences ?
Thank you
Right now, XTK doesn't read this dicom tag and crops all the negative values.
Do you have one image you can share for testing?
I would add this tag to the parserDCM.js, and if this flag is ON, increment all the pixels values to make sure they are all positive.